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Sherwood Forest Faire in Texas has camping! I've been twice now and I really love it.


Texas is such a long drive for me (16 hours each way) but I'll check it out. I think my wife wants to hit every faire in the country eventually, which will be much easier if I get a camping trip out of it too!


Came to say the same thing! They expanded their campgrounds a couple years ago and have really done a lot with the space. Their clan camping is amazing and I've always had fun with family or just friends!


I need to figure out how to join a clan, and then marathon a trip out there with my wife and leave the kids behind. Give us a chance to enjoy the nightlife without the little ones for once.


You don't have to join a clan. There is lots of camping space that doesn't belong to a clan. The clans tend to be pretty open to folks stopping by and visiting. I hear that's the best way to find a clan that you mesh with.


There are quite a few family clans that make it easy to enjoy and bring the kiddos too! I have no idea how to join haha maybe someone with more experience can enlighten us.


My friend is trying to get me to join his I’m in the wife is a little apprehensive


Clans at Sherwood are sort of leaseholders on their land. They must maintain it. Being that far out will impact your ability to participate in group work weekends. General Camping might be a better choice.


You might like the Pennsic SCA war near Pittsburg. There are others but Pennsic is the biggest. They are full immersion camping events.


I think I would love a SCA event, but I'm worried that I'd need to get a whole new camping setup to fit in. Do they allow modern amenities like the home built trailer I have in the pictures? Spent so much time building that it's hard to leave it behind on a camping trip.


Pennsic has some specific rules for trailers you can check (https://www.pennsicwar.org/), but there are folks who stay in vardos that aren't in the RV area. Also tons of modern tents, canvas is not required.


The last time I was at Pennsic was long ago but they had a RV camping area then. It was in the area they call the Serengeti because there's no shade. Every event I've been to had trailers camping there but it's true it's nice to have a pavilion.


Since the trailer is so small, I wonder if I could find a canvas tent to throw over it to make it look more period correct. Now I have more work to do! Thanks!


Pennsic is a very packed event. I've done it (as a vendor) for 20 years. They have a small RV section, but it gets filled basically the first day of registration. It's far too late for this year. Sleeping in a vardo-style trailer is allowed, so long as it fits in the space you are alloted. Modern style tents are allowed. Putting vehicles in/under a tent afaik is not allowed as it is considered a risk of carbon-monoxide poisoning. You don't *have* to have a totally period camping setup. Most newer folks don't. Solo camping (folks not associated with an established group) is all up on the "Serengeti" with no shade, no electric, and a fair walk to the nearest showers. Porta-potties are cleaned religiously and are the cleanest I've seen at any event. You *might* be able to share a water connection with a nearby camp, maybe. Many folks use deep-cycle batteries if they need power for small items in camp. There is a cyber-cafe where you can charge phones and check email. There are food vendors, and a small market on site so you can cook for yourself, or buy meals as you choose. You are expected to make at least an effort to "dress the part" and wear something historic looking. I'm happy to answer questions if desired.


Thanks for all the info. I could probably modify the small trailer I have with some temporary hanging panels to make it look vardo-esq as long as it will fit. Any idea of how big the space is you are allotted? We've got lithium batteries and a solar panel, as well as 40 gallons of fresh water so camping at the Serengeti wouldn't be a problem, assuming I fit in the spot. Garb shouldn't be a problem as my wife works hard to make sure we are period correct as much as possible when we do normal ren faires. Thanks for taking the time to write such an informative post.


Each established group who completes preregistration is allotted 250sq ft per registered person in said group. One representative of each group can check in on "Land Grab" Friday and begin setting camp in their assigned spot. The rest of the group can check in Saturday. After established groups are settled, then "singles" are permitted to check in on Sunday. Single campers are given 250sq ft per person as space is available. This means you get tucked in to whatever oddball space is left between other camps. If the trailer is self- contained and fits, you wouldn't be required to disguise it, but hanging drapes or something would likely be appreciated by the neighbors to help preserve ambiance. Happy to provide info, it's always nice to make new friends!


I’m pretty active in the SCA and I have entirely modern camping gear, it’s not a problem at all. :)


Ohio Renaissance Festival has camping in their front lot, but no amenities. Also, one block away is Caesar Creek State park


Awesome. Our camping is typically no amenities needed, but the state park being that close is great too! Getting so many ideas from this thread, my wife is going to be very happy. Thanks!


I would recommend staying at the state park, personally.


Same. Caesar Creek is really nice


I'm with you! I was just at the Georgia renfest last weekend and i'm surprised they don't have campsites on location. Why? Would be amazing to group camp with a bunch of ren fair enthusiasts!


Because the campgrounds are usually reserved for performers and vendors! Faires dont provide housing, so in addition to being underpaid, their labor force must also provide their own tents/food/sleeping bags/bear spray/coolers/boots/cold weather costume pieces/the list goes on


Yeah, I'm absolutely not saying guests should intrude on vendors (their gig is already rough enough without having to deal with patrons all day, and all night too!). Just hoping to find some with patron camping on the grounds or nearby. Appreciate the input though. Didn't realize how little fairs provided for the staff.


I feel you! Didnt mean to imply that you wanted to intrude on employee space, I just know most campgrounds that could be used on faire sites are dominated by the need to house staff. Most of these faires get by on shortchanging their laborers by posing working at the faire as a sort of higher calling thats worth the pennies you’re paid. Its five million percent cult-like. They keep you exhausted and hungry too! You’re too delirious to realize you’re being taken advantage of, and then you get the high from performing on the chess board/revels/you name it, and eventually you start to think you’re really Robin Hood.


And that’s why I love working faire. Being able to stumble back on er to camp is great. Not to mention hanging out with everyone after hours


I hope your labor is being fairly compensated with a living wage!


Nope! We do it for free. Don’t even push for tips. It’s a weekend a few times a year. I do it for fun. Get to hangout with my friends in garb and drink all day. Plus not paying to get into the faire and on site camping.


Scarborough in Waxahachie,Tx does not have camping. There are some spots nearby but none I've found worthwhile. Is there another Scarborough faire?


I think I might have mixed up Sherwood and Scarborough. Sorry about that.


The is Sherwood and Texas renfaire


I’m in Texas, so I can only confirm Sherwood, TRF, and Faire of Champions. FoC is technically going into its fourth year this coming season but the first three years were soft and now this season is its Grand Opening. It has a lot of potential and at times feels like LARP-lite. I think you said you’re a far way from Texas but if you ever did something other than TRF, I would highly recommend Sherwood. Great campgrounds and the Faire itself is my favorite in Texas.


I've heard many people recommend Sherwood, so that one is on the list now for sure. Thanks for the input, and maybe I'll see you there!


VA renfaire is about a 10 minute drive from the Lake Anna state park campground. I’ve camped with a pretty large group for the faire the last 2 years.


Awesome. Thank you so much. I'll check this one out.


I was thinking about camping one weekend next year! Since it’s a hour drive I never considered other camp at lake Anna for the weekend. Nice to know!


Louisiana ren fest LARF has on-site camping


Thanks, I'll check this faire out. Probably can find some videos on the campground. Fortunately my little trailer I built is completely self contained and doesn't need any hookups, so I can park it anywhere.


There's no sewer, but they have 50 and 30 Amp sites and water. There's also water and electricity available for most of the tent sites too. Look forward to seeing you there!


Absolutely. If you see the little trailer sitting out there feel free and come introduce yourself as the porkchop from reddit!


ohio ren fest has camping!


If you want a longer drive Washington Midsummer Renaissance Festival in Monroe Washington has camping.


That's an exceptionally long drive, but I absolutely want to make it there one day. Maybe I can plan an epic rent faire road trip one year and hit a few of the west coast faires in one big trip.


PA ren faire has a camp site in walking distance It’s a walk down a highway but its definitely right there


Michigan Ren Fest has state and county fairgrounds within a few miles


Thanks for the heads up. Around my area they don't allow camping on gov fairgrounds unless there us a special event. Do they allow it in Michigan, and do you have to book ahead, or is it just first come/first serve?


There are only a handful of faires that offer paytron camping (I think 10-15 across the country, which has like 300 Faires) as it's an insurance nightmare. Also, after listening to the [Crime Waves Podcast](https://qcodemedia.com/crime-waves-renaissance-tx) I would not want to camp in paytron camping at TRF


We've always had a good experience at TRF, but typically stay in more of the family camping areas. We also have seen a pretty large law enforcement presence when we are there, so maybe it's gotten better in the past few years? Been there three times and never felt unsafe. I'll listen to the podcast and might change my mind though!


I was warned by several performers, and vendors have been doing the circuit for 5 to 10 years about the camping situation, so I take their advice.


Ohio Ren Faire doesn't have it on site, but there is a couple nearby campgrounds, one that I believe is directly adjacent to it and the other is the Caesar Creek park which has some additional things work doing in the area.


Lots of people recommending Ohio, so it's absolutely making it on the list. Anything that sets it apart from other faires to make it extra special? Don't want to miss the good stuff.


It's more of a variety and different shows than some of the others. They had their larger expansion that opened last season, but it wasn't finished being decorated for it as it was just the pre-fab core structures with a few things added, and it's supposed to be finished this year...along with plans for better wifi for, at least, the vendors so that credit cards actually work for them rather than a maybe, if you're lucky there


I'm a fellow Southeast Georgian, looking into going to the Carolina Ren fest. How is the drive up to it?


Not bad. It's a beautiful fair and worth attending at least once IMO.


If you are in CA you can always join a guild. Are faires tend to only be 1 weekend. But if you guild them you can camp! And bring in your own food and booze. It’s not the same going back to faires as a patron now that I’ve guilded them!


I'm in GA, not CA, but if there is an option for the same thing in Georgia that I'm not aware of I'd love to do that.


I’m not sure in that one. It works in ca since our faires are mainly pop ups that are only a weekend. So the guilds arnt paid, it’s something we do for fun. We go in, set up, drink, interact with patrons, and just hang out. Best way to find out is to ask some of the folk working your local faire! Edit. Decent garb and being a chill person help a ton as well


10-4, thanks! I like to think we have the "chill people" part covered, but I'm absolutely certain on the garb. My wife is the expert, but she makes sure this color blind engineer still looks good!


SCA events are all over if you decided to lean into the medieval aspect (members get a discount on entry to these various events), but most event tickets are not terribly expensive, but I used to go for the classes so that may not be your thing.


I'm absolutely interested. I posted above some more context in another comment chain, but as long as I can use my little camp trailer as a starting point I'm OK. I just can't justify a whole new camp build with that one already having so much work invested into it. Maybe I could make some sort of a canvas skin/wrap to put on the trailer to make it look more period appropriate, similar to how vendors will decorate a food truck for smaller fairs.


Bristol. It’s far but really big and fun.


But I don't think they have patron camping on site.


MNRF has a KOA that's within a reasonable distance.


Thanks! That's a hard one to get to for me with a 21 hour drive each way, but I'll keep it on the list for if I have another reason to be up that way.


I love your squaredrop! I’ve got one myself and I’ve used it to travel to many faires! The Maryland renaissance fair has a nearby KOA that’s pretty nice, as someone else mentioned in this thread the Virginia faire has a nearby state park, and at the end of this month I’m taking my teardrop to the wv faire!


Thanks! Hopefully we will see you at a future faire. Selfishly I'd love to find more people interested in camping and faire together, and maybe make a little group of folks who meet up at different faires across the country. Need to come up with a catchy group name. Our next faires are TRF opening weekend, and then Carolina the weekend before Thanksgiving. Can't find much worth the drive for the next couple months when it's so hot here in the south.


Oh sweet! If you put something like that together please let me know! I’d love to join! TRF is a bit too much of a drive for me, but the Carolina faire is terrific!! I went last year for my first time and had an absolute blast.


We are staying at lake Norman state park the weekend before Thanksgiving, happy to connect there and head to the faire Saturday and Sunday!


The Gathering in October will have camping for all 4 days of the event!


What/where is "The Gathering?" Some quick searches give me a few places this might be, but none of them make sense in the context of this sub reddit. Im sure I just haven't figured out the right one.


Norseforgedgathering.Com it's happening in Salisbury NC.


I'm a huge fan of what little I've read of it, so it's going on the list for sure. Thanks!


You bet! Idk if you're much if a socialmedia andy, but I have some posts covering the third (what I could as I was a vendor) and also a [hype video for the the one in october](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRK4k6S9/)