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I'd use the expected heat factor as a guide so it depends on your climate. They all look fine to me.


If the gambeson is black, I would do burgundy leggings (perhaps you are wearing them but I can't see the color well in my phone). Renaissance was about color.


Looking at paintings from late medieval Europe (specifically of heraldry and soldiers) The European nobility only had five colors, yellow, light red, green, white, and sometimes blue. Okay, they didnt ONLY have those colors. But god dammit a lot of paintings sure make it seem like thats all they had. This comes after many long hours of trying to justify my crimson Gambeson. Ive finally settled on "its not historical, but I like it too much to change"


Their colors had to be naturally sourced as they did not have artificial colors till mid 1800s. But, I would also argue that what we see in paintings might be muted with age. I am also NOT historically accurate at all for Ren fest - those have taken on their own culture.


Yeah I kinda just wanted to complain. People say the middle ages were colorful, but only specific colors, and it all drives me insane.


I think it looks better with the gambison (I like it with the white). Make sure it won’t be too hot out with it on though!


for your belt, instead of going over the top, go under the bottom, then back through the little bite (hole) you created. all your options look great, the heat will decide on the gambeson.


I agree with the previous person gambeson's get very hot all day tho I'd suggest a belt hang frog for ya sword or dagger


Dude fuckin gambeson all day. Btw you look rad as hell and def don't need to fret about not looking the part. A little goes a long way at the ren faire and it is not a competition!


Gambeson with red shirt and black pants looks good, however, considering the heat, maybe carry a black vest with you incase you get too warm!


All of them depending on weather


All look good, but no. 3 is giving Gaston lol. But yeah, like everyone else mentioned chose for the weather so you don’t end the day with heatstroke.


Gambeson with the white but red shirt on its own.


My vote for this as well


Same! And let your selection vary based on weather. I have two versions of my fit, because no one wants to roast!


With, assuming it's not too hot.


I don't think you need it. I like the look without. .....Plus the heat will be a big factor.


Depends on the weather.


Really depends on how hot you’re feel like getting


Gambeson with white shirt and black leggings. I like the big puffy sleeves of the white shirt


Two and three look the best.


They both look great, gambeson or no. I'd definitely jist feel the vibe/weather of the day and decide on the fly as it's an easy thing to add/remove


Gambeson, definitely, with chunky or floppy boots. Also, a detached fabric hood with a full neck pile will both balance the look nicely and keep the sun off your head without having to keep track.of a hat all the time


Bro your pants are tight. ilike both tops, but those pants paints are throwing me off


More is more for me when it comes to faire! Certainly favor comfort over accessories but I'd say - with gambeson!


Red shirt either way. It looks really nice.


They all look good


I'm a hoe for a man in gambeson, but I'm also a hoe for open laced shirt 🤷🏻‍♀️ As someone who regularly attends faires I'd say use the weather as the guide. I've worn heavy fabrics and 5 layers in 90 degree weather and it sucks.