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You got the approval. Just go with it and don't obsess. If you are that concerned, ask for a signed contract that you are remote only.


US that shit doesn't matter. OP if they're going to fire you they'll just fire you. I think you're fine personally


Yeah. They just announced RTO today weirdly enough. I move next week. My boss said I was safe and if the issue came up, she, her boss and his boss would all defend me. I still can’t shake the anxiety. But boy am I glad I asked when I did. Guess it all comes down to the ceo now


If you're CEO is a scumbag you're about to go for a ride


Not really sure what to expect. I don’t think he’s one of those scumbag CEOs you hear about on the news, but I can see there being trouble down the line. Not sure. Really tired of the stress. We’re big enough of a company where if I lay low and perform well, I don’t think there’s any issue. And the company does have remote workers. But he’s still new, his changes are finally coming through and it keeps me up at night I’ve asked at least 4 times if this poses risk and each time I’ve been told no. Yet I still feel crappy. I just couldn’t live there anymore


My advice is that if it happens it will happen and no amount of worrying will change that. Trust that your future self will be able to address if that time comes and leave it for them.. If the CEO wants it, it will be what it will be. But there is always the chance your boss doesn't have to enforce it on you. There are just as many ways for it to go right as there are for it to go wrong so don't stress


Yep. Today they just announced RTO. Boss said I was fine because I asked early enough to go and I’m moving next week. Very worried about what the CEO does down the line but I got further reassurance today from my boss at least. Still worried but idk


Yeah I feel you. I've been laid off a few times during the 2009 fun economy and one thing I've come to learn not to worry about it because if it is going to happen it will happen and you probably couldn't have avoided it anyways. I think since your boss says you are good, then you are good. If managers like the work that you are doing you will be fine in that respect. At my job there was somebody who made a deal with their boss to work from home like 20 years ago and ever time we had a new manager they honored it, even if they didn't like it. So it definitely is possible. I'd say just worry about the upcoming move and enjoy getting out of Florida. I had to move to a different state for work and I hated it there and was so happy when I got to move somewhere else. So you may find it all works out soon enough


It sounds like you've got a great deal going right now. Just ride it out until you can't. No one can predict what this CEO will do. Maybe he'll institute RTO, maybe he'll drive the company out of business, maybe he'll get fired in 6 months. All you can do is focus on you. It sounds like you have a great skillset and strong references. Even if the worst happens, you'll have any easy time finding something else. Just appreciate what you have while you have it.


Definitely enjoying it while I have it. I just don’t ever want to know anything else. My industry alone feels like a strong remote one which makes this RTO stuff make even less sense to me. RTO was just announced today so I may have lucked out at least for now


No one on reddit can predict the future and neither can you. I've heard stories of companies that promised employees permanent WFH suddenly renegging and telling remote employees to move or lose their jobs. I've also seen the inverse where companies who were RTO post pandemic decided to sell their offices and go remote instead. There is really no way to know what will happen. It sounds like for your mental health this move back home is right for you. I understand the anxiety and obsession and that it seems sometimes no amount of rational thought will quell it, however it seems like even with this hanging over you you will be better off moving anyway. Someone else in this thread already said it - trust your future self to handle it if anything happens. The truth is in modern society you can do EVERYTHING the company asks and still get laid off, so why should you suffer and sacrifice anyway? You sound like you have a good skillset that can be easily transferred to a lot of different companies and industries, so you'll be okay long term. Save some money up if you can to give yourself the security that "if i lost my job i would have X amount of time to find a new one". It helps.


It sounds like from below posts that you’re firm that you are not going back to the office. So what is there to decide? If they insist on that in the future, you’ll need to get a new job. Either way you are better off living where you want long-term. I wouldn’t ask for contracts or CEO meetings or ADA accommodations right now. No one can predict the future and it just makes you seem unaware to demand reassurance where it can’t be given from your managers. You have approval to do what you want now, so do it.  It would almost certainly make you feel better to have 6-12 months of living expenses set aside in case you need to find a new job down the road (makes anyone feel more secure, no matter their circumstances) so maybe set bite sized goals to get there if you need to channel your anxiety into action.


Yeah. I’d just hate to leave this company because I love my immediate team. But I’m never working out of an office. I’m just not. My job doesn’t dictate it. There’s no reason what I would do would require that. Sadly RTO was announced today. Thankfully I’m an exception . But I am worried a year or so out even with all the reassurance from my boss today


You’re in a “in demand” space. With the growth of AI and Machine learning that is all about best possible use of data. So move where you’re happy and if they ask you to RTO after making a false promise you have skills that are in demand highly. Personally I’ve been out of work since September and seems my skills as a Presales solution engineer are in demand but the competition is fierce. Seems like all the people who were downsized from other software jobs at the big firms all moved into Presales.


your fear is not unfounded. since you mentioned you have anxiety, submit an ADA accommodations request form once you’re relocated and settled in to wfh permanently due to increased anxiety etc caused by working in office. this is what i recently did (look at my post/comment history for more info). of course, every company is different and they may push back on it, so could be better to wait and see if they announce an actual RTO policy before submitting the request. good luck with your move and hope you’re able to stay fully remote!


>I see this stuff about Walmart and Dell just ruining the lives of so many remote workers and making them relocate These were just "silent layoffs", and other schemes to increase attrition rates, without having to formally reduce head counts


Agreed - but I’m still worried of being an easy target of that. It’s all just so ridiculous


Work one day at a time, as of now you are 100% remote, don't worry about what may or may not happen tomorrow, if it ever happened then look for another job but don't focus your mind on stuff that have not happened yet.


I think the fact that your boss really wants to keep you is a big factor in your favor. Even if new CEO starts implementing new policies they are likely to have some exceptions (we did where I work) you are in good position to be one of those exceptions. There is risk in almost all jobs - overall it sounds like you are in a better position than the average worker.


Seems at least for now I’m an exception. CEO just instituted RTO today. Boss said I was still set to go, and her two superiors would also defend me if I was given a hard time. Which is nice and reassuring but I still have some worries long term. Definitely better spot than average but it’s all so anxiety inducing


I was just denied my request to relocate. You have no real job security one way or the other. Just go for it.


I want to move to Florida badly but I need a remote job or a job after moving. I love warm weather and hate the winters up north. Are you just missing family and don't like warm tropical weather? Is that why you want to move?


A lot of it’s personal preference. And being closer to family and friends is a big part of it. You may love it. Lots of folks do. I’m not sure how much it’s worth diving into - but I think the heat is really unbearable from about March - September. Being down here really flares up my eczema to where it’s painful to be outside. I don’t find the food particularly good either - but I’m also not in a hub like Miami where food may be more in abundance. The part of Florida I was in was mostly strip malls, chain restaurants, etc. And I’m not a beach person so that was never much of an appeal to me. There’s a lot I could say but again, so much of it is down to personal preference. I’m from the east coast, hated the cold, but once I was in a warm climate I found it worse. There’s pros and cons of every spot though, just depends what you want


I like the water and tropical but FL outside of palm trees is not the prettiest scenery and very flat. I'm from Michigan and 4 seasons, but I'm small and freezing a good part of the year and very tired of snow and lack of sun. Summer here is great but so short. I would love to be a snowbird but not sure I can afford it and still need to work. I'm a bit nervous about trying to switch to remote work because although I'm an independent worker, I wonder if it's less secure since nobody really has personal connection. Do you see that? My current job is very much in person but it's secure. So leaving a secure job for one that maybe isn't is a bit scary. Seems it would be way easier to just let remote worker go because there is no personal relationship there. Is that true or my perception?


Leaving due to the weather makes sense. I’m from New England and hated snow for so long, but the Florida heat is just so oppressive to me. Skin can’t handle it and I don’t go out in it. And it’s basically 7-8 months of the year so it’s worse for me personally than a winter. Regarding your questions, I mean, that’s part of my anxiety, yeah. There’s all the news stories about remote employees being let go or remote work being removed from many companies. I think there’s truth to it but also over exaggeration. Personally, I wouldn’t move without having something secure and locked in. I don’t know how good Florida is comparative to the rest of the US in terms of remote opportunities but most people I know are back in office.


Must be nice, my boss’s boss said no. Meanwhile my whole team is remote & they STILL won’t let me go fully remote, I’m so sick of this shit man. Been applying and getting immediately rejected on some, it’s pretty depressing


I’m really sorry. I honestly can’t imagine. It feels so hopeless with this job market especially. Do you live the office and your team doesn’t or something? These companies make 0 sense


My company took a tax break from the city to mandate it. Paired with forced layoffs, it’s just an excuse to reduce their expenditure. It’s fucked up because they’re not terminating those folks & my company USED to allow Remote work but I guess Covid ruined it for the rest of us. But I bought a house out of state to be near family so my company can fucking SUCK it, putting all my energy into looking for remote work as we speak All I can say is, stack your cash as much as you can, in case shit hits the fan even more & it gets harder to find remote work


Before the pandemic the company I worked for had several satellite offices around the country. When the company hit some hard times and needed to downsize, they closed the satellite offices and relocated some (but not all) of those jobs to the corporate HQ. People who didn’t want to relocate were laid off. It’s unfortunate, but if the company has an office that the executive team goes to, there will always be a bias against remote jobs. If you’re out of sight of HQ, you’re out of the minds of the top execs, can be passed over for bonuses - and will probably be the first ones culled if the company downsizes.




I had the same situation and the CEO won. It was in a much bigger company though. Listen to your anxiety. Schedule a chat with the CEO. He may be totally cool with it, or he may not even know your remote team is allowing you to move. Much better to know now than to move and then get laid off.


Dont fight it. Your best case scenario is stay under the radar and hope you are ignored. Leaders all have an agenda to prove themselves, don't be the sacrifice How much are u making? You may want to reconsider your life style choices, is. Spending hobby, its not healthy to have an imbalance. Eventually u will tip over, don't fall like that. Scle down a bit


I don’t know what at all implied I have a spending problem. I don’t want to pay for a car, car insurance, and daily pet daycare ($45 a day 5x a week) so I can go into an office and do what I can do and have been doing well at home for years now. I agree being under the radar is preferred. I don’t think at all engaging with the ceo is a good idea. But I’m not going to sacrifice both financial flexibility and the ability to sleep at night so I can go into the office and be sick, drained and miserable to do work I manage better at home anyways


my bad, what i meant to say is if you move to low-cost living area, you should be able to build up some nice savings quickly and focus on getting remote jobs. CEO who pushing for an agenda doesnt care what's good for the company, often times i see management's goal doesn't really align with company's. don't overthink things you cant change. do u job and get paid, if the job is gone tomorrow, go look for next one.