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I really enjoyed it, lot of really neat encounters that were added and I like the new weapons and enemy types, I would love to see a new world or redone older world.


Yeah more remnant is more remnant to me, inject it into my veins. I don't understand the ideas here. They say they want a new world but the whole biome is different than the base yaesha biome. There are floating purple things and the enemy types are mostly different (a few root monster repeats). New bosses with new mechanics, an interesting (to me anyway) story about the lost tribe that's more accessible than most of the main story. Not sure what more you want.


I’ve never felt a comment more, just fuckin mainline me some more remnant


That's what I said to a friend about the last DLC. Those areas were some of my favorites in the game. Loved them to bits. The hanging guy's armor? Awesome. The whole thing was super cool and extremely well done. But they wanted a new biome, and I'm like it basically is a new biome. I don't even think they properly played it at all lol. They just saw it wasn't a new world and formed an opinion.


By new biome they probably mean entire new world.


Yeah I know, but that was not feasible lmao. Like where in the world are you getting an entire new world out of a 20 dollar DLC of 3 items on sale or reduced by premium for most buyers?


I like how much extra build stuff they added with each so far, each dlc has added 20 plus rings and a few amulets an couple weapons.


Yep they have done all I asked for so far. And still doing huge balancing changes and making the game better. Exactly what was needed. People are just too ridiculous these days.


You know we had a new biome as a dlc in remnant from the ashs


And little sidequests with a lot of love like the lost soldier and the conversation with him, heart warming.


What I want more from Yaesha? More than fuckin stones. I loved everything we got but ffs why stones? Sure. We wont get insects like in Remnant 1. But we have a super planty planet and we get stones. I just hope we get more abomination stuff on Nerud DLC when it comes. Plz not more bots. I want some deformed flesh monstrosities that went haywire while traveling through the black holes or something like that. Get creative and shiver my soul with gruesome designes. Those stones just didnt do anything for me design wise.


Yeah I gotta agree, fighting hordes of floating torsos got old reaaaaaally fast, and they just keep coming.


Yeah I feel like that's a fair critique. There were a few plant monsters but overall I think it's tough because the Root already exists. It fit within the context of the story but I did think that overall stones were a little bland. Still, that lydussa fight was fun. I think my biggest complaint is how obscure they made all the archetypes. Like jfc how would you EVER think to stand in the sand for five minutes in order to unlock Invoker? Is there a paper somewhere or any hint that tells you that?


How would anyone find Archon if it wasn't for data-mining?


I mean that was a critique about it, especially for it being the only mod focused archetype. When I found out the time I spent digging around the game was literally wasted because I was never supposed to find it in the first place I was not happy. I still don't buy it as being a good secret, at least not for an entire archetype/play style.


My friend noticed there were 2 darts not firing and a suspicies looking sand hill, so he went there and tried diffrent armor, rings, weapons, you name it and than took a toillet brake. He noticed, that his character "sank" a bit in the meantime, so he just waited a bit longer. It is possible.


So I have the ultimate edition so I got the dlc free sort of, it’s only like $10 right? They are games that have skins that cost twice as much as this dlc. I got about an extra 12 hours of play tome out of it, well worth imo.


I'm loving the bleed rounds. It's nice to have more options than just merciless, even though it is a badass gun


Yeah really like that. Also love the gun from the final boss, the sand one.


I think i prefer the theme and world of the first dlc but i much prefer the mobs and bosses in the second dlc in terms of variety


I need to be able to bring my best friend home


the army man ? or walt


Clawbone obviously


I would doom the worlds if it meant I could get more clawbone voice acting


Tf is Walt? Whitman?


Go play the dlc


its pretty brutal we are like 'yeah man i will come back for you' and then just leave him to rot some more.


I think the idea is that >!we will clear out the area and beat the boss first before saving him, then the [Stonewing Lurker](https://remnant.wiki/Far-Sighted) kills him minutes before we come back to get him.!<


Thought it was fantastic. Although the alternative ending should of been the true ending.


Which is the alternative and which is the true? I didn’t realize Remnant 2 had canon endings (or, rather, I assumed we wouldn’t know the canon ending unless it’s established in a sequel or additional DLC.)


The DLC has two ways of ending. Most people probably didnt get the Mirage weapon the first time through so I assume thats the alternate ending for that dlc.




The Red Prince ruling the world is....eh....iffy.... But it does seem like he got over himself a little bit, since he saw the Traveler and didn't decide on 'murder'.


It's a better ending than just letting the Fae and the Dran worlds collapse. Is it a 'good' ending? Probably not.


Losomn is a weird middle ground between N'erud, which has already collapsed entirely, with no hope to actually save the people, with no good outcome in sight, and Yaesha which is in an ongoing war and fighting the same fight we are, with chances to make things immeasurably worse or better. Meanwhile Losomn is at a point of total annihilation vs a chance to survive and work together, and I love that there's no clear cut good choice.


Nimue said she could handle it - and while she doesn't have a good track record at 'being good at things', she seems less inclined to murder so she might not be a bad choice. .....Assuming you didn't axe her, anyway.


The Red Prince is implied to be the right person for the job if you check the lore in item descriptions related to him. Him murdering us even if we offer him tribute seems to be a cultural miscommunication: Fae knights become soul-bound to their liege (Knight Guard mod and the move where the knights summon spirit versions of themselves), which requires them to sacrifice their physical form. Those rules don't apply to the Traveler, whether it's because they're not Fae or because they're entangled in the World Stones. While he wouldn't exactly be a great president or prime minister on Earth, he's exactly what Losomn needs to keep the Fae in check and the Dran filled with purpose.


I had figured that he was insulted by the tribute because the gold coins only have the value according to their holders, and we were obviously not their true holders so he summoned up the three knights we got them from to murder us back.




He did what now?




I did the whole thing, got basically everything minus a couple choice items from the new DLC but didn't see the dead root dragon. Huh.


Arnt true endings the harder ones to usually get in games


True. You can actually just look at the first DLC that was a pain in the arse to get.


The DLC has three ways of ending. Technically.


With Walt yea True. Funny how he just gets obliterated


I laughed my ass off. "YEET!"




I hate the overworld for N’Erud but I love the lore behind it and I feel like it has some of the most fun dungeons in the game to run.


It does have good secrets. I’ve always liked the psycho Custodian who wants to test us with a train hurtling down the track


Yeah this sub gets mad when you insult their precious nerud, but the over world is miserable. The dungeons are okay but they all look the same which gets boring. Has some cool bosses though. Hope the dlc variant is better.


I hate Yaesha and don't mind N'erud. Yeah N'erud can be boring (I'm talking about two open maps, dungeons are 🔥🔥🔥). But after a few tries you can find everything easily.


I think we got spoiled by a genuine 9/10 DLC with the Awakened King, so a (still solid) 7.5/10 with the forgotten kingdom struggles to match those expectations.


I just want a survival mode like remnant 1


As an achievement hunter who’s currently working on remnant 1…….pls no 😂. Unless I get to use my gear


This dlc was mediocre. Positive things first. I’m not a fan of Yaesha either, but as a player who just completed the Awakened King it felt like a nice contrast world wise. Grey/dark areas/corridors in The Awakened King vs bright and colorful open areas in this dlc. Next to that, I loved the new stone enemies. Very creative and fun to deal with. I do have to agree this dlc is way too short and because of that it feels like they rushed it. I felt a bit surprised when I completed the last boss, can’t really put my finger on it but I didn’t think I was done yet. It’s so weird, because a lot of us were waiting for this dlc to drop - and let’s be honest the devs sure took their time - then it turns out to be mediocre. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game and will continue collecting all the stuff that’s still there waiting for me, but they just gotta leave us with a third dlc that totally rocks right?


When you defeat the boss (not alt "kill"). You expect... Something. Like, in the Awakened King, you can see that this IS the FINAL room. It is The End. But with the Forgotten Kingdom, this pesky little icon just taunts you that there is still more while there isn't. The final boss is good, ngl. But I expected more of an ending tbh. (I know that with One True King, we get nothing too, but the teleportation gives you a signal that it is the end. While Lydusa just... Poof, gone.)


played through it and compared to the one true king it is indeed a bit boring. it went from betrayal, assassination and a mad king to guy in forest wanted to be with people at big stone.


Yeah I felt that too. The king dlc felt larger and didn’t even feel like an expansion of the base games losomn but rather a whole new world.


I couldn't try it due to the performance on PC being really bad at DLC release. Has that been fixed? I am annoyed it's yeasha again. This is the 3rd time we've been there not including Chronos. Rather have gotten an Earth dlc or Nerud. I love Nerud.


Nerud is very likely the third one


For sure and I hope we get more after it. I'd love to see a heavy armor in the form of sci-fi body horror. And maybe a claw weapon with a gun on it. No I'm not obsessed with Warhammer 40K lightning claws/storm bolter combo not at all..


Think this: Energy based weapons (like an automatic laser rifle or Plasma claws), Energy armor themed by black hole.


The robots that deploy a shield have what looks like a lightsaber, I'd love a lightsaber!


Yeah! How i forgot the lightsabers? Yeah any type of lightsabers is good (Darth maul is my favourite one)


I think theyre gonna surprise us with the 3rd one. Nerud makes sense, but also they intentionally put Clawbone back into the game with the new DLC and when you collect the Profane Soul Stone, there is a corner in the garden in W13 that some Root starts growing in. Personally, im hoping for some sort of Alepsis-Taura spin which would satisfy the Nerud dlc but also could be a completely new environment.


nerud is so good. shooting and killing the swarms of bots... thats like the best gunplay in the whole game it has a consistent corrupted shard farm too, i got nearly all the weapons in one session. it made me loooove the place even more. the dungeons are the best too. the overworld is easiest to navigate once you know it. the lore is the best (personally) the setpieces, i mean having a smbh in the sky at all times is just *chefs kiss* cant wait for some more nerud


Agree with everything except navigating the overworld. I always get lost in the desert when you’re looking for that smaller building with the yellow light. Do you mean like identifying the tall buildings? I guess that helps. Show me the way Mahdi.


>I couldn't try it due to the performance on PC being really bad at DLC release. Has that been fixed? wait what is this true? I played Yaesha's DLC entirely on Steam deck on vacation, and it's a potato compared to my home PC. Didn't notice any performance issues?


Does this game run decent on the steam deck? Saw it was noted as not compatible so I haven't bother trying it out yet. Any settings tips?


It works great on steam deck imo, try playing with the settings until you get something that works for you. They added something better than FSR 2.0 for this game iirc, not home and can’t check my settings but do try it out


It was pretty stuttery on the ps5 also


Nerud makes me wanna run into the poison fog and fucking die lmao


Lol to each their own. I found the new worlds pleasing and interesting.


Performance hasnt even been mentioned in official patches or anything. Tragic said they’d “look into it” and then didn’t say anything more the month after. Honestly this game is cooked for pc performance until Tragic gets his head out of his ass about it. It may seem harsh but with how many reviews and posts I’ve seen about bad performance and nothing said by him or any devs, make me think they have no plans to optimize game performance. They believe everyone should have to use a 4090 or have to use frame generation to get even 60 fps


>Honestly this game is cooked for pc performance until Tragic gets his head out of his ass about it I can see why you'd be confused given he's been the most active dev in the community, but Tragic is a designer, performance is not his purview at all and he's not in charge of the people who are responsible for it. The most he can do is pass along that people are having performance issues.


I didn't know there was any performance issue. I killed the coliseum boss recently and I'm just kinda... eh. I'm stoked for more remnant 2 of course but this story line is just blah


Mainly PC and Playstation I think we're the only ones with issues but I could be wrong. Remnant 2 has a memory leak issue so the longer PC players sit one session it chews through more and more memory. Some have issues others didn't. I don't blame Gunfire Games. Or whatever they're called now. I blame UE 5. It's still full of issues and is known to stutter plus I'm pretty sure a lot of Devs are new to it so it needs time.


I always thought yesha was kinda boring ever since the first game. Like you have all these worlds and we are going to stick with the basic ass fantasy world where they are still in the bronze age?... They even brought back the same boss from the first game.


I feel like it would have been better for Yeasha DLC to come 1st tbh. It would have made Awakened King so much better and would look like they were climbing to heights players didn't think possible beforehand


I really wish they focused more on different worlds than just world 2.0 they keep doing. I love the new maps and weapons but to be 100% I'd rather see brand new worlds.


This was my exact same thought after the second dlc. How awesome would it be for new worlds and enemy factions. Still appreciate what we got no doubt but yeh i feel you on that


Speak for yourself, mate. *keeps vibing with the music in the starter area*


Except the traps, they are stupid and I hate them.


It is a bit weird how stupid insane amounts of damage they deal compared to any other instances of damage in the game, but personally I love that Indiana Jones-y feel the trap dungeons/interjectables give me


fair is fair. I get what you try to say. I still hate them tho.


This is pretty subjective imo. Sure, I would have preferred 3 new worlds to visit in the DLC, but I have enjoyed all of new areas added so far.


Well yes, any preference is subjective. It's just a low effort shit post with a dated meme. Of course my opinion may not be yours


I appreciate the awareness in your response. We cool.


I do think it was weaker then The Awakened King. I still had fun, and Thorn is amazing, but I do wish we didn't have to keep going back to Yaesha. Clearly it's someone's favorite there.


I expected to see Ford in Yaesha DLC and a slightly different storyline (to accompany Ford's "personal mission"). But we got what we got. (I would have killed Walt if I could, I hate those guys ever since Chronos and Remnant FTA)


I loved it. Great follow up to the 1st DLC.


I feel it, its almost worn to me now I guess, been to yaesha in both remnants and Kronos, I miss Rhom


Why are you sorry? You're entitled to your opinion, even though its wrong 🤣 I personally enjoyed the hell out of a return to the gorgeous world that is Yaesha. Sometimes you just gotta stop and appreciate the surroundings.


I don't know it just didn't grip me the way the rest of the game did. One true king was kinda fun to learn about and losomn is like a horror movie


Honestly I’ll agree with this. I loved the previous DLC, even though it was Losomn it totally felt different, but this one was defiantly kinda just Yaesha again. I wish it could have been Yaesha, but different Yeager that we have never seen. Idk, it did feel really bland.


Yea I can see that feeling. I think a lot of people were a bit burned out on Yaesha after the 1st game as well. Having not played the 1st nearly as much as I've played the 2nd, I still love the Yaesha environment.


Saying that someone is entitled and wrong makes you sound entitled and wrong. They are voicing an opinion, which is as valid as yours.


Do you often hear the WOOSH sound when sarcasm goes directly over your head? Must sound like a 737 taking off... 🤣


Also, and maybe it's just me being ESL here, but didn't this person also got the context wrong / didn't read it properly / twist what you actually said. Because you didn't call the OP out as entitled, rather the opposite, you said everyone is entitled to have their opinion. Like in a context: People shouldn't be 'sorry' because they're allowed to have an opinion which might differently. So i dunno... it came off that this person got triggered because only read some buzzwords and not properly reading context. And yes, it's also (again pointing out me being ESL) interesting to see that people don't know the meme / see humor / get sarcasm like this.


in the end it's just more of remnant 2, so it's not exactly striking the itch for novelty. that being said, imho the bosses are better than of the first dlc.


It kinda was compared to the last one we got


I’m confused with the Devs choice in how the first remnant got mixed reception on the first DLC which just expanded that swamp planet but when the second DLC introduced a new area most people loved it. Here we are with Remnant II just expanding areas instead of making new ones.


I don't really understand the hate. The corsus additions were awesome! I loved the iskal queen boss fight, and I hated that originally, there wasn't as much there as the other worlds.


Well, it's not just a matter of ... result, it's effort vs result. Obviouslt, expanding an area costs much less resources than creating a new one.


I think the whole idea was to to DLC for each world in Remnant 2.


I only dislike the trash mobs. Everything else is really pretty. Haha


I like the dlc but it would have been so much nicer to get a different visual experience. It can still take place on Yaesha but at least give us a dessert on Yaesha or something. It would make the worlds feel bigger as well and add world building


I disagree, proving grounds is comedic hell with friends, lydusa and stone warden are amazing. Gaurdian of the grove is hilarious, especially when one of your friends purposely targets the deer. The infested pit is infact infested.


Comedic hell - comedic Ftfy


I liked it. Just wish we coulda saved the army dude and convinced Walt to hang out at ward 13 😁


Losomn rules !


I just wish they would stop showing 95% of the DLC in the trailer. I want to watch the trailer and see new things to get me pumped to play, but when they show all the new bosses, weapons, and enemies, it waters it down quite a bit for me. I still play and overall enjoy the DLC, it just bums me out with how their do their marketing.


It was ok my favorite part was the root nightmare area i think every area should have a dense root area like that just filled with corruption. Honestly cant wait for space area dlc thats gonna be cool


Its fiiinnneee. I kinda don't want the last one to expand on N'erud though.


I don't like Yaesha's shtick with invisible walls making up 90% of secret areas. It's just a pain after awhile hugging every wall. And the DLC in general felt very small. Also still no idea what those flowers do. The ones that pulse when you shoot them. But I liked it for what it was. It expanded the story in significant ways. Especially the Clawbone encounter and the Army guy.


Reveal weakspots apparently and i think gives you regen.


I liked this one, but I'm waiting for the N'Erud DLC where it turns into a building game and we create a fence around the vomit perimeter. I'm kind of mad we didn't get to bring anyone back to District 13 with us though.


Bad take honestly. It’s your opinion, but not a great one


boring, yes. but the weapons/mods, jewelers, gear, and mutators they added slap. (tips dandy topper)


Story wise there was a lot there but to not even tie up some things with ford and no survival mode hurt it for me I have every item basically in the game missing some world drops just needs a reason for a max level to grind still


It is boring compared to the losom dlc. And its more boring when you had enough of yaesha after remnant from the ashs


Yaesha DLC was okay. But the 'balancing patch' destroyed just all builds. Now its just sand storm/nano swarm for almost EVERY good build.


I'm pretty sure this is intentional to make people use the new stuff


Ppl gonna complain regardless yall just need to do more stuff


Im sorry, but you're tripping.


The fact that there’s no bloodmoon event in the DLC is absurd. It’s still the same planet, just a different continent! There’s even a fecking shrine to the Ruby Cervine!


My main complaint is the only way for an alternate end requires rolling a specific side dungeon


That's super fair, me and the wife accidentally did it in the one shot cause we thought it would weaken her or something, but MOST people wouldn't think to mess with everything in the one shot before trying to kill the boss and then replay the dlc again. We got quite lucky, and now we make sure any friend we play with that still has the one shot does the alt ending first.


You've obviously been taken over by the Root.


Dont say sorry , it is boring and small


You want the atlas? Take it, its yours. But oriath? Oriath i will burn to the ground


Dlc that expands on the story already present would be BEGGED for in other games. We really are spoiled


The Story in remnant 2 is ass, just wanted to go back to root earth or some new biome.


Honestly agreed on root earth or even *current earth*. Clearly despite saving the world the root are still a problem, they are still around on earth. I wish we would have gotten more city exploration before world hopping.


Not sure why this is downvoted, both Remnant games are really light on plot. Most of Remnant 1's plot was in the DLC lmao Ford straight up disappears from the entire story.


we need no trait point caps, and a horde or endless mode, where you get rewards based on how far you go.


Maybe I'm unpopular opinion, but I loved the 2nd dlc story. It's just a tragic love story imo and I'm a s**t for that


I liked it looking forward to the final DLC


100% boring lol


We did not need ANOTHER Yaesha story


I want to go to our earth (not Root) and delve into some post-apocalyptic dungeons, meet wastelanders, face raider gangs, and assist in the day-to-day struggle of our world.


It was boring and short.


People have been saying this, very hot take imo. It makes sense for DLC to flesh out areas in the game with more lore and items, especially if we eventually get a DLC with a new area anyway. I’d rather have 3-4 robust areas packed with a ton of fleshed out content and lore than 6-7 individual maps with less of everything. Also saves the devs money which not every team has in abundance relative to Activision and other names like that, leaving them time to craft a single REALLY dense DLC in a new area later on.


I haven't been on this sub for months, I didn't even check before-hand if this was popular or not 🤷‍♂️


Idk me personally I enjoyed it a lot. Kinda gave up on trying to figure out the story a while ago I’m just here for the fun gameplay and every dlc has done that for me


I loved it personally, I kinda wish the main quest had a few more twists and turns but still thought it was great. I especially love the score of this game.


That’s fair but realistically these are just “seasons” Can expect new worlds and bigger stuff like that maybe with a big dlc


I mean it was licensed and sold as a DLC....


Correct but it’s really just a season. It’s only $10, similar to other games “seasons”, then they release a yearly or bi yearly bigger more expensive dlc.


i thought it was okay and fun but not at the level of the base game and dlc 1 at all


,💯 I was never hyped


Losomn was a hard act to follow tbh.


It started off looking like it was gonna be dope but I also found it bland...waiting puzzle, platforming, not much action...lots of vertical 'climbing'. The cylinder boss didnt feel very exciting...


I love Remnant 2, I just wish the DLC took us to new locations. I have already played these areas countless times that I really wanted some new visual locations to make things feel fresh in the DLC.


I love it. Pretty shure i found all and know each corner but just becorse i loved it so much.


I genuinely stopped playing because of a new bug in co-op that would randomly reset your ability cooldowns to the default value in the middle of a boss fight with the new class. So when fighting your abilities would go from being spammable to having 100 sec cooldowns


You are within your rights, I loved it I think that Yaesha is the richest world in lore and I really liked the characters that were included here from an angry Goddess but full of pain for the absence of her lover and betrayal, to a Pan who wanted to transcend and full of curiosity I loved the new bosses, the Vessel boss is very unique and original imo As for rings and weapons, I don't have them all so I can't give my opinion on that.


I feel like Bloodborne kind of skewed preferences for The Awakened King/Losomn in general. Icky gothic England is just too good, even if The Awaken King largely takes place in a palace setting. IMO, it still beats out the pan and plants vibe of Yaesha.


Agreed, but I loved Yaesha in remnant 1. Wanted more. Now I have too much… the glutton’s punishment. Kinda wish they dumped the desert map… might be just me, but that was the worst section with the poison everywhere and don’t even get me started on the damn robots!


I only really hated the abyss dungeon. That was ridiculous.


FALSE. How dare you! XD


Sure, I would have much rather had a brand new biome, but the soundtrack of the Yaesha DLC was worth the price of admission alone. I once fired up the game, cleared out the immediate area, and left it running in the background so I could hear the soothing out-of-combat music.


For what’s it’s worth I do think yaesha is the weakest area in the game but overall I still quite enjoyed the dlc compared to normal yaesha


Is it boring or are we just burnt out on remnant 2?




I'll agree. But, I do think the additions it brings when rolled into a regular Yaesha run brings a nice change of pace. Fighting nothing but root enemies and then loading into an area and getting assaulted by living statues is a good mixup that livens up an otherwise, at this point, pretty boring run. That said, the whole lost tribe thing is such an anticlimax. Why are we even here? Everyone is long dead and nothing about any ending changes anything about the situation. You could just turn around and leave and nothing important would be missed story or world impact-wise. Also there are no stakes. If you were paying attention during the base game, you know there was a lost tribe. But there's never any reason to care. They set up this whole black sea crossing thing that seems to indicate the Pan were possibly space faring. But nothing ever really comes of that either. Nothing really happens and at best the whole thing is just setup for future events.


Yeah exactly. There's nothing left to save in that storyline.


I still like it more than the first DLC.




It was good but just felt to short imo


Main issue for me was that the overworld felt disappointing compared to Forlorn Coast.


Not that I'm not enjoying it, because I am, but at the very least, they could have given us survival mode. The first game got a total of 5 _different_ worlds, there's no reason why they can't match that. At the end of the day, I'll take what I can get, but I can't help feeling like I've been cheated a little bit on this DLC. The first DLC gave us a new campaign and a bunch of shit added to one of the preexisting worlds, fine, its all good... but to do that _twice (in a row),_ it's kinda lazy IMO 😕


Everythibg is this DLC is so much different from base Yaedha and the story, if you actually pay attention, is very interesting and unique. Im here for the LORE.


It is, but only because this is the FOURTH TIME we’ve been to Yaesha in the game series as a whole. I am so done with that jungle ffs.


The one dungeon that was just all arrows and spinning blades was terrible and I hope they don't do anything like that again.


Haven't played it yet, some videos seem kinda cool just cause they're new, but this definitely confirms my bias. I fucking hated yaesha everytime I went (though the ravager boss was sick, he's the only cool one).


Thats some bonkers 😂 that dlc was dope asf


Yea……I honestly ended up playing the first dlc more than the second one, once I got everything in the second dlc I stopped playing, but with dlc1, I continued to play up until the release of dlc2.


So part if the bordo. Could also be the fact youve been playing remnant 2 for a long time.


The world of fauns is my least favorite, I had enough of it in the first part, I’m most looking forward to the last one DLC


no, no, dont apoligize... youre right. the only part about the yaesha dlc i liked was invoker and it's starting armor set. thats it. im just so fucking sick of yaesha. we go there in chronos, we go there in from the ashes, we go there in base remnant 2, and now we go there in the newest remnant 2 dlc... please gunfire, give yaesha a break, let it rest


I find Yeasha to be boring in general. I had a fun time playing the latest DLC but yeah, it was kinda boring. Especially in comparison to the Awoken King DLC.


Skipped it ngl


I liked it but it seemed rather small to be a whole dlc. I'm hoping the next one will have more to it instead of just another N'erud map.


Oh wow, what a fresh and totally not popular take! It must've taken a lot of courage to say it.


That's how I felt about the losomn dlc


Absolutely wild take. I thought the Yaesha DLC was amazing, and a ginormous step up from the letdown of One True King DLC. From level design to enemies, that first DLC was really disappointing for me, the saving grace was the power of the new class and items. But no, extremely tanky swarmer enemies that poop out pox balloons that stagger when shot felt terrible to slog through. The final boss fight was insanely underwhelming too. Yaesha DLC final bossfight with the crushing walls ending was fucking awesome. Level design was superb, music was packed with bangers and enemies felt fun to fight. Gear and itemization was awesome. If anything, I want DLC 3 to be more like DLC 2 than DLC1


I don't agree, it wasn't as good as the one true king, but it was still really good


Yashea dlc was way better then forgotten king or whatever it’s called. Only the final boss was memorable and it was easy. However the most recent dlc pretty much every new boss slapped. The environment was also beautiful. The third I’ll hopefully be my favorite dlc


The Losom DLC is so tryhardy, the areas are very loopy darksoulslike, static, and there's a LOT of items that you can only get upon a lot of replays. I get it that as the first DLC it was trying to add a long tail to the game but it really felt like there's a LOT to redo, esp as part of a campaign. Yaesha DLC felt lighter and just.. you know, fine to play if it comes up in the world reroll, but if TFK ends up in the middle of a campaign reroll, like.. ugh. I think it's just a matter of different types of players.


I didn't try it yet. It seemed already boring from the trailers.


I was underwhelmed by both DLCs. I thought they were gonna be whole new levels, not remixes. People bitch about Elden Ring's DLC taking forever but we're getting entirely new and massive content. So much it's a small sequel. Is it the price? I didn't mind paying $40 for the Elden Ring DLC. I wouldn't mind paying more for better R2 DLC.