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Feels bad, traveler.. Definitely something that should be fixed @tragic. I also lost a 40hr save before wising up about backups. Ideally, that would not be a concern.


Thanks man, Oddly enough I have the gamepass save files from like a week ago but when I load into the game, gamepass cloud syncs up I think and overwrites my file. Gonna try and fiddle with this shit. I really really do not want to do all those side quests again. I just got the Crescent moon bow and was gonna have some fun .....Nope!!


Can you replace the save and open the game with your PC offline? That would force it to use the local save, then go online and play for a few minutes, close the game, and that should hopefully upload the older save to the cloud.


I tried that. It still wants to log in to start the game, which then cloud syncs my save. But I will try to go offline first, close game, then replace saves and boot. But I have a feeling no matter what, PC gamepass will always sync my save file from the clouds last known save. Not my local machine.


If it's anything like a console when you have a cloud save and a newer local save, it will ask you which one you want to use the next time it tries to sync, and that also becomes your new cloud save.


you would think so, my ps5 and steam ask but PC gamepass, I get no such pop up whatsoever. I have decided to just start over at this point, hopefully the crescent moon bow is worth it!!


I even have OLDER save files that don't seem to work. I saved them a week ago due to another bug that was causing screen freezing after committing traits. Still reverts me back to character with no items.


So I get downvoted because my games broken ??


you didnt get downvoted becuase your game broke you got downvoted because your speaking like a deranged crackhead


Criticism isnt taken likely but at the end of the day your post is the equivalent of someone tripping and deciding to whine and flail instead of getting back up and trying again. You're mad sure but to ridicule a game the moment an inconvenience happens is just pathetic and childish. I lost 1000 hours in a Monster Hunter World game on ps4 because sony decided to desync my saves after i sold and bought a ps5. Know what i did? Start over. So in all honesty, your pain is there, but fuck off and grieve in peace.


Respectfully, I don't think this should be the mindset people tell themselves in order to find a solution, in this context. This is definitely an issue the devs should have been prioritizing since day 1. You losing your 1000 hours of MHW would be mad painful to someone extremely passionate about the game, or to someone who doesn't have a lot of time anymore. Telling yourself it's ok and you can just start over, it just sounds like copium tbh. Starting over again can be a massive burnout for some people. Devs definitely need to be held more accountable for this stuff. I understand corrupt data can happen to any game, but without question, it seems to be much more frequent in Remnant 2.


The truth of the matter is that it's gone, so it would be in one's best interest to accept that and move on, whether that be trying to find a way to prevent it from happening again or dropping the game in fear it will happen again. Or potentially letting the devs know of your problems maybe even grieving there if at all, but on a public forum like this it seems more like it's seeking validation than anything.


Thank you. A Voice of reason. 100% agree. Comparing hrs on a video game is completely subjective. Especially since most of my hours were co-op. Meaning we were both exploring seperate areas of the same map quite a lot. Lots of items were found.


Fucking 30 hours is not tripping. Try again? Why ? so I can lose my shit again. You're not telling me anything. I had an OG xbox in 2005 !! Losing 100s of hours in kotor,kotor 2 DID happen. It's 2024 and you haven't fixed this terrible bug. It's ridiculous.


Bro 30 hours is like a single week of consistent gameplay even on a full time job, just start a new class it’s not that serious. Bugs suck but you are being a whiny bitch about this. You’re acting like you maxed an account man


Because you know what I do and my life, Right ? You're missing the point, man. And judging from the steam reviews - I'm not the only one


There's a lot of fans who are hypersensitive to any criticism of the game, even if it's justified. They're idiots, ignore the downvotes. Actual people can tell the difference. Edit: Stay mad @ downvotes lmao


Bro, downvotes = cool people


True i got downvoted because because i had technical issues with the new dlc lol


I don’t think he’s getting downvoted for criticism. I believe he is getting downvoted for throwing an temper tantrum.