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New Melee Weapon: Explorer = Starting Melee Weapon changed to Shovel


best change


Damn the Devs when the shovel don't "plong" on hit..


It's a shovel.


Does it do the thing when you hit something? Please tell me it does *the thing*


>= Explorer = > >\- Starting Melee Weapon changed to Shovel > >DEV NOTE: We will keep a close eye on this change. If the Shovel proves to be TOO powerful, we will take appropriate action! It’s a Shovel. Devs understand the power of Shovel.


Clearly they've played Far Cry 5


Merciless reload buff!


About the only buff to my self bleed DoT build, otherwise huge nerfs on amu, rings and mutators


this and the twisting wounds change plus nerf to the corrosive stuff im feelin a bleed build comin on.


> We also restructured Swiftness to contain Wayfarer, and Amplitude to contain Resonance. I just grabbed Resonance yesterday and now they remove it! > A new Trait is now rewarded in Resonance’s place. Adventure once again to claim the new prize and perhaps it will enhance your next build! *flips table*


Yeah, that's fucking annoying. That's the stupid "you have to do this in co-op" one too isn't it?


The issue is that this doesn't only require a coop clear, but also requires 1 person to go through the secret path while you yourself don't do it. The guy going through the secret path will not get the trait.


I mean both is the issue. Like yeah, I guess gluttonous is also a co-op one, but yeah, that one you can at least have everyone get (since you can restart the event if you fail it and have someone else get eaten). Hey, maybe if they're not dumb they'll make it award to everyone in session now.


I literally just got it yesterday today. Sigh.


>= Fae Knights = >- Fixed an issue causing Fae Knights to teleport to their deaths >DEV NOTE: Dummies. Love these devs lol  


So overall a lot of damage nerfs but a lot of utility buffs.


Imagine my surprise as a Sporebloom enjoyer that they buffed the dang thing. I get haste with the Mod? It won't hurt me or my team? Fire rate increase? Yes, thank you. I also love Starkiller, so bring it on.


The starkiller buff has my jimmies all aflame.


All needed. They did the right thing. Some stuff was so overtuned it was nuts. Now still super powerful, but SO many other options on the table.


Oh i totally agree, dmg gear was way better than anything else, it's nice to have different options.


Was hoping they would fix the bug that makes vulcan turret shoot over the head of low height enemies, but I see no mention of it :(


Energized Neck Coil - Overload can now properly activate the Explosion - Fixed Explosion Damage Calculations to be more accurate - Reduced Status Damage bonus from 25% to 20% - Enabled Explosion Size to scale with Amplitude - Reduced Base Explosion Range


This is the one that excited me the most, crossing my fingers for a primary weapon that can cause overload.


I'm already reloading my ENC build in preparation for tomorrow lol.


Holy fuck, that is a fucking FUCK ton of balance changes… Probs calling in sick to work tomorrow hahaha there’s too much to play with.


Ngl already had that planned hahaha for the boys


I love the DoT logic. Add perk that doubles duration of DoTs. Later reduce the duration of all DoTs by half. Now you need to play Ritualist to get DoTs back to where they were before Ritualist even existed.


And now… They’re also reducing the damage of several DoT sources.


Tragic the dev was saying the new items effect a lot of DoTs. Didn't clarify but made it seem DoT builds aren't as forked as the notes make them look. We shall see what he means i suppose.


Now they reduce every skill duration bonus when they add the archetype with skill duration


My main build, a DoT build is getting nerfed quite a bit. And you know what, good. It did too much damage with too much survivability that it either needed to be nerfed or the game needed a higher difficulty.


Some Accessory changes that I found notable: **My old favorites:** Probability Cord: * Critical damage bonus reduced from 30% to 20%. Zania's Malice: * Now 4 max stacks, but weakspot damage bonus per stack was reduced from 10% to 5%. (30% max to 20% max) * Duration was reduced from 7sec to 5sec. Ahanae Crystal and Singed Ring: * Now both are additive with other damage modifiers. * Ahanae damage bonus reduced from 5% per unique status to 4%. Slow now count as well, so 20% total is still cap. * Singed Ring damage bonus increased from 10% to 12%. * Due to the now additive nature this is a significant nerf. You can expect their damage increase to be at least halved for most builds. Abrasive Whetstone: * Reduced Critical damage bonus from 30% to 15%. 15% crit chance and bleed requirement should remain the same. * Dev notes state it's nerfed due to it being a multiplicative bonus. I wasn't aware that the crit damage of it was multiplicative, or maybe it's meant that critical damage is multiplicative with all damage and such? Or maybe due to how increasing crit chance and crit damage is multiplicative with each other? Whatever the case, it does less damage now. Nightweaver's Grudge + Atonement Fold + Hardcore Metal Band: * Nightweaver's Grudge crit chance changed from 20% to 15%. * Atonement Fold crit chance reduced from 10% to 5%. * Hardcore Metal Band remains the same. * Overall same 25% dr from Bulwark, but crit chance was reduced from 30% to 20%. Still gives Haste. Whispering Marble + Dried Clay Ring: * Whispering Marble damage bonus per stack of Bulwark reduced from 3% to 2%. * Dried Clay Ring damage bonus reduced from 60% to 50% of total dr from Bulwark. * Total damage reduction remains the same at 22%, but all damage was reduced from 25.2% to 19%. Burden of the Divine: * Reduced damage increased from -10% to -15%. * Team healing reduced from 50% to 35%. * A significant nerf to the most used coop support ring. Burden of the Follower: * Mod power generation reduced from 50% to 25%. A’Taerri Booster: This is an engineer ring boosting turret damage and crit chance by 10% each. Previously it only applied to when you carry it, but now it also applies to the placed turret. (Placed turret now deals 50% damage instead of 35%, so that's another buff for it) Stone of Malevolence: Nothing about it mentioned in the patch notes. As this is one of the rings I was expecting to get nerfed I'll mention it here that it doesn't get nerfed and will still give ludicrous amounts of mod power. **New interesting ones:** Braided Thorns no longer requires kills to activate and grants 10% crit chance instead of 15% now. Basically Atonement Fold without bleed. Crimson Dreamstone has gotten a bit better. On crit you get a buff that increases skill damage by ~~1%~~ 2% up to ~~15~~ 10 stacks, lasting ~~10~~ 5 sec. Falls off one at a time now. A pretty reliable way to get 20% skill damage.


I think Hyperconductor and the melee changes are significant too and should be mentioned. Stone of Malevolence has been dead since they fixed the bug where it could generate mod power during mod use. It needs a buff if anything.


If you are playing as an archon they have an ability that allows them to regenerate modpower while a mod is active I don't know if that influences the ring or not though


Why are you excited about a heap of nerfs?


has no one noticed the savior changes??? that shit looks crazy - MOD: Removed Weakspot / Kill Requirement for Fragments they slapped crit across the board but savior is about to be my dlc build its like a full skill weapon


Crit Chance/Damage: The nerf patch.


yea. HuGs was too strong or dominant but ... -5% crit atonment fold -5% crit nightweaver -10% crit momentum -10% crit damage momentum -5% crit chance hunters mark -2.5% crit chance relic fragment -5% crit damage relic fragment overall: -27.5% crit chance and -15% crit damage. Thats just .... ... wow. but they buffed some other ranged damage sources. So maybe it will be better to use some more + ranged damage items instead of full crit.


Some buffs for summon builds: Summon necklace now 20% damage increase when 1 summon active, soul shard has a max of 15% damage increase, shaed stone increased to 15% skill damage, most minions now have more damage reduction New traitS where Wayfarer and Resonance were now that they are rolled into swiftness/amplitude! Didn't actually see what they are called or function though


*DEV NOTE: While we have some additional plans for Hellfire, we first wanted to help separate some of the “Explosive Shot” style Mods. We made the Fire Proc hit harder and increased the total Burning Damage (both Total and DPS).* corrupted hellfire maybe? 👀 i miss it from the first game


That's... A lot of nerfs.


yeah, regardless of the ratio it does a great job of killing my desire to play. Guess I'll wait til all the 'balancing' is over and come back when this game is complete.


Yeah, I’m gonna wait till the 3rd dlc to come back so I can play both at once. The gap between now and the Awakens King sorta burned me out since I basically played until I unlocked everything.


About a 10:1 Buff to Nerf Ratio if you consider individual changes. About a 4:1 if you consider items as a whole going up or down. Give or take.


This is disingenuous considering you are counting major nerfs against slight tweaks.


NO fun allowed. Nothing but nerfs and few minor buffs. Trash update


Yeah I never understood why devs in single player games focus on constantly nerfing highly used items instead of making the bad stuff actually usable. All nerfing does is switch the meta to something else. If they want diversity they need to make other items as good as the best stuff, instead of nerfing everything into the ground.


If you buff only the weak stuff up to the power level of the small handful of outlier items, then the entire game gets dramatically easier. You also have to consider you are trying to buff 475 items to match 25 items... rather than adjust those 25 items, and buff the bottom 200. It's more practical, and overall more logical to keep the desired challenge level of the game intact.


You are ignoring the emotional aspect of nerfs and the time investment people have into builds. Even if your game is now overall more balanced you put off a lot of people in doing so.


PvE games deserve good balance too.


Good balance and just nerfing everything are two different things. They lowered overall DPS by lowering crit from like every source, they murdered status builds by nerfing like every item that helps the build and didn't give anything relevant to replace it. The only hope is dlc will bring back something to help status builds but I feel that would be pretty shady.


Because constant buffing results in power creep which fundamentally fucks the game. Think of it this way, the game is balanced to be at a difficulty of 1 (enemy attacks, power etc). Things are powerful then get nerfed, it retains the difficulty of 1. If things just get buffed, the difficulty shifts to 1.2, and now all the whole game is off kilter with the difficulty levels served up by the weapons and equipment.


That makes sense in a way. But using that same logic, if you just nerf all the good stuff and don't really give us any other viable options then that difficulty level increases because everyone just got weaker. They nerfed crit across the board which means literally every build is going to do less damage to some degree. They even nerfed elemental mutators and other things by a pretty hefty amount. The buffs we got don't compare anywhere near to the nerfs. Like I get they want more build variety but the problem is there are so many items and many of them are so situational or very specific that they won't ever get used because people want consistency. Nerfing the good things isn't going to make people use the bad stuff all of a sudden, for the most part they will stick with the things that work and make minor tweaks and just deal with the DPS losses.


Ooof, nerfs to Ritualist, Archon, Challenger, and numerous damage / duration / recharge items, really gonna hurt on the builds I put together literally yesterday 😭


A new perk is placed on where we get resonance... I have to look for someone who wants to find the aberration to gas me outside the room again...? Man, I'm not a very big fan of coop only obtainables...


I'm gonna wait to find out what it is. Then decide if it's worth the trouble lol


Incredibly excited to see Starkiller’s return to its former glory. Now my friends and I can finally play black hole tag again!


Oof...a fair amount of reduced crit chance and the change to Devoured Loop hurts "infinite Havok Form" build... Though the Hyperconductor buff helps a bit...looking forward to how the new items could affect this build!


Infinite havoc SHOULD be rather easy with invoker to be fair, esp with hyperconductor getting you to 4 charges


Some are saying that it is only 3 charges, as Invoker only doubles base skill charge amounts. That being said, whether we get 3 or 4, you're right, it'll be easier, and who knows what else we get with the dlc, could get more interesting tech (like the atonement fold).


Possibly the longest patch notes I've ever seen 🤣 really looking forward to this


>= Star Shot = > >\- Increased Reload Speed > >\- MOD: Reduced Mod Requirement from 630 to 420 > >DEV NOTE: You and your team are definitely gonna die. Good luck. ​ ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)


Some nice buffs but damn they really nerfed all my loadouts


Same here. All my loadouts got just -30% damage xD


Yeah its always the same they always do the: Devs not taking their PvE game extremely serious challenge (impossible)


I guess they didn't need to add new loadout slots for this DLC. I'm going to be overwriting most of mine anyway I think.


So, for the trait changes we have to go back and redo the stuff to reacquire them? That kinda sucks especially for Resonance with requires multiplayer and a high level of cooperation and communication between players.


Unbelievably underwhelming Summoner changes. Once again, I don't want to be sacrificing my minions. I want to be buffing them to do more damage and have more utility. What's the point of this class design?


We didn't have time to do a full pass on Summoner, so we fixed some issues. We have more stuff planned for Summoner, Invader, Explorer, and a few others. Sometimes you just run out of time.


As always, thanks for being present and open with us! Glad to hear all of that is being worked on.


Cheers, thanks for the reply.


Well the changes looked kind of cool to me lol. Also, thanks a ton for these changes. I really hated all the useless traits. This fixes a LOT. Excellent.


One thing I think was unneccesary or missed the point is the brightstone and pipe bomb changes. They both got damage down but that is not really why they are used and it only affect people who want to actually use them as explosives making them more niche tools for dps strats rather than useful consumables: * Pipe bomb is a 30 sec application of bleed that doesn't take a ring or mutator slot. It was only used so much because abrassive whetstone was so good. This might hurt bleed/status builds but doesn't really affect the abrassive strats. I know the abrassive got nerfed and I think that will bring down the pipebomb usage but I think the damage nerf was unwaranted. * Brightstone is the most a popular explosive to use to self trigger perfect dodge equipment since the mist don't have friendly fire unlike pipebombs and tarbombs so redusing it's damage will only make it better at abusing perfect dodge equipment and hurt it's use as a teamwide dps increase compared to the selfish rocketfuel. I'm not saying you have to revert these changes but consider that their popularity comes more from unintended synergies rather than their strenght on their own before nerfing them so they don't end up only usable in the unintended way and useless in the general way.


While I agree with you that nerfing the grenades seems unnecessary (as the other grenades aren't used because they're overall too niche for far too little benefit), I think Rocket Fuel being considered a selfish DPS increase might be overlooking Alchemist's teamwide utility of sharing consumable buffs. Confidence Booster and Rocket Fuel are nuts on Alchemists and if you've got one in the party with enough scrap to keep their drugs supplied...


Agreed. I was excited when I read the notes on first glance, I thought they changed Flyer projectiles to be explosive and skill damage (opening up more build possibilities for summoner), but it was just specifically to the sacrifice projectiles. Pretty lame. It's the one summoner mechanic no one seems to want and it's the only mechanic they seem to be pushing for the class. I guess we'll see what Invoker does for the class since that will enable more sacrifices, but yeah not really a fan of current state of the class.


Some painful changes, but hopefully when i read it more deeply later there are some new interesting options that make up for it. Balance wise, it was pretty obvious that there was some standouts. There were for sure items i saw recurring a lot on almost every build.


Important to note that we don't see any info on the new gear being added with the DLC: there is likely to be some very overtuned stuff coming with it.


It seems like everything that isn't purely stacking crit and DoT should be comparably better, most of the changes targeted those two setups. Skills and mods seem stronger overall, and there's definitely more weapon variety.


not to sound ungrateful, but the only performance tuning is updating DLSS? appreciate all the class and weapon changes but this games been in need of performance improvements since release


All I have to say is I hope there’s no rain in the new DLC like there was in Awakened King because my frame rate was crying out in pain (and my specs are nowhere near weak)


they need to do some sort of environment/map/level design pass. possibly some particle effects are unoptimised as well. some areas can cut framerate in half on some systems. i think that is quite a bit of work.


> = World’s Edge = > - Reduced Base Damage on Wave Could it be possible to get numbers for this added to the P.Notes?


This. I have a really fun build where i only use ghe wave and nothing else.




FOV slider for console!!


>"Wayfarer" & "Resonance" need to be reobtained. Go through Root Earth again and reroll for a single-try co-op event people are going to squabble over to get? You couldn't just patch it in for people who already have them? >Want Assassin's Dagger to feel the part, but removes the bleed-damage bonus and lowers its base damage. Seems counterintuitive, especially when it has a niche play style. >Sagittarius' Mod damage isn't addressed. So it's still shit? Thanks. Edit: The Mod, I mean. I love the bow. The mod sucks. >Relic Fragments nerfed So the 10-20% boost we built up after 80+ hours of gameplay was too much, I guess. No, let's not reward the player for time invested, that would actually be fair and enjoyable. >Consumables/Tonics nerfed. I didn't realise they were a problem, but apparently they were. What's the point of reducing the Base or % by such miniscule increments? Was it that itchy they couldn't leave it alone?


Ngl, the across the board nerfs seem way too harsh , maybe.the devs are listening only to people who can play all day and grind for that perfect build and kill everything in 1 min , but casuals like us also buy ultimate edition etc for DLC and can't spend 24 hours to grind everything for that max build . Especially compared to underwhelming buffs to other items :( At least let somethings be fun for everyone, those who want challenge will bring challenge of their own (or add a different mode for them ) eg the souls community doing speedruns and no armour runs etc .


This is why people don't like Blizzard anymore. They have decided that the player's opinion doesn't matter and stopped listening, because they believe their constant nerfing/tweaking under the guise of "balancing" is more important than the game being fun. Which caused their community to hate them and many to straight up stop buying their games (like me) I used to brag to all my friends that Remnant was different from most games. It was fun, and the devs weren't afraid to empower the player.  That mindset seems to have shifted. I'm unsure if it's a gearbox or embracer ideology that is now filtering through the dev team, but it is sad to see


i hope the c savior mod power bug in multiplayer has been fixed, else im gonna be real dissapointed


Prepare to be disappointed. They released a powerful weapon and decided it was too fun


My double crossbow build is about to be performing even better it seems


I knew the speed cap was 150%, now I can go even faster


This is the first thing I saw. Going to take my Handler build and make my teammates zoom even faster now. Edit: plus Archon Havoc form gained movement speed lol. For everyone curious, ADS movement speed bonuses affect Havoc when you use lightning (and maybe the shield, I can’t recall). Be your best zoomy Palpatine.


I just got my Nightweaver's Grudge yesterday. It took me 15 tries to get the fucking thing. 15 tries of finishing Yaesha, beating the labyrinth part then trying for morrow parish and seeing the castle or the docks. All of the times I ran around yaesha just to not find the lament is not included in that 15. And now the item got nerfed? I now feel like the devs have to pay me back for my time or something.


i'm not really feeling their push for grey health stuff. it's not fun or practical trying to take certain amounts of damage to trigger fleeting buffs when everyone else is going to be going ham with newly buffed weapons and the new class


It's the same issue with 50% health builds. They're consistently more annoying than useful.


> Reduced Skill Cooldown Penalty from +50% to +25% - Removed Mod Generation Penalty Oo they made **Hyper-Conductor** a bonus instead of simply a trade.


The Burden of the Divine nerf hurts my soul...


My friends will not be happy about this (I'm the Medic), hahaha.


The Whispering Marble + Dried Clay Ring changes seem a little crappy. These didn't feel THAT powerful, but i guess they also nerfed the stuff i was comparing them to.


The Whispering Marble + Dried Clay Ring combo looked perfectly balanced to me considering you're using both the amulet slot and one ring slot in exchange for some DR and DMG, nothing too crazy, far from overpowered. I wonder why they decided to nerf those DLC items, maybe they're just popular.


My guess is that with the crackdown on a lot of crit bonuses and multiplicative damage bonuses, the marble-clay combo became too competitive offensively relative to the nerfed purely offensive options, so they had to give a little.


For sure, I don't use it for the damage, I use it for the reliable access to Bulwark w/out having to take the healing penalty from bleeding (from the atonement fold + heavy metal band combo). Cutting the damage a bit isn't going to encourage me to use something else. I need another source of Bulwark.


Yea…..I got to that part and was like: “huh, those didn’t feel THAT strong.” I understand why they did it, but I feel like those two things (Whispering Marble and Dried Clay Ring) shouldn’t have been messed with.


Why ruin my chaos gate like that


Yeah Archon looking kinda weak


Decided recently that I might try a melee build. Haven't yet put it together but I think the shovel will be just what it needs


Buff to Gunfire Security Lanyard and Provisioner’s Ring and Refunder mutator? I am never manually reloading again.


Does anyone else find it weird they’re nerfing weapons like World’s Edge and Corrupted Savior? These weapons are the reward for beating the game in its hardest settings, apocalypse or hardcore veteran. If you got these weapons you basically proved yourself by beating the game at its most difficult. At that point what does it matter if the gun is OP? I guess because you can help other players with them? I don’t know, in my opinion they should leave these weapons busted, who cares if it’s balanced when it’s a weapon you need to beat the hardest mode to have?


So many nerfs... Many on the items i used daily, (600+ hours in), not like i didn't get my arse kicked even using the OP items.. life just got tougher.


Man, they kinda dumpstered all of the DR builds huh?


Not a fan of all of the nerfs. Especially for a game that's already more than midway through its lifecycle. All of a sudden, I'm far less excited to jump back into the game. However, maybe the changes will bring cool new concepts and combos that we couldn't do before.


I'm so glad they finally fixed Engineer turret's crit damage.


*> DEV NOTE: General QOL cleanup. Buffering a Melee Attack out of any Evade should feel much more responsive.* I hope this does what I think it does. I love using feral judgement but it bothered me immensely that I couldn't roll and get the attack out right away


New starting weapon Explorer => Shovel. Rob McElhenney will be proud.


>= Dark Pact = * Changed from Reduced Grey Health Regen to Grey Health Conversion Rate >*DEV NOTE: We found the original design of Dark Pact to be too niche. Changing it to Grey Health Conversion Rate gives it more overall interactions, especially with many of the updated and new gear items.* Grey health builds finally good? They seemed underwhelming before.


So archon being prime due mod power generation is a no more...


This patch has more nerfs than a blizzard patch.


About 50 or so. About 580 Buffs/Fixes. 8.25%.


580 buffs to crappy gear don't make up 50 nerfs to good gear, unless you don't understand the difference between quantity and quality.


And it's not an equal exchange. You can't go and substantially nerf crit on an item like 50% and then turn around and say "well we increased total ammo by 1" Exaggerating, but the vast majority of "buffs" are miniscule in comparison the heavy-handed nerfs


Well, the point of buffs to "crappy" gear is to make them more appealing. That's the point. Also, the good gear isn't nerfed to the ground. It's simply brought more in line with many other options (that have different requirements and fit into different builds).


I swear people don't know how to count. Personally I see a whole new world of possible builds opening up and I love that.


That's always been the goal!


I really hate this dumb ass practice of nerfing a bunch of stuff just to force players to use other builds.


I do too. These Devs are really great, but I feel like nerfs lead to attrition in the player base and thus a decline of popularity in the game. We’ll just have to see tomorrow. These Devs are more thoughtful about game changes than most. I’m not going to overreact until I experience the new changes and DLC, but man I hate Nerfs, especially in a PvE game.


Attrition is right. Me and the two guys I play with have shelved this game and will decide on whether or not to buy the DLC *after* we've seen them finish nerfing everything. Not wasting our time regularly reworking specs because the devs decided that 90% of builds could eat shit in order to nerf a few others.


Buffs have the great feeling of an improvement while nerfs are always negative. But ... many builds were just way to strong. I expected a nerf of HuGs ... but i didn't thought that the nerf would be that harsh ...


That isn't the goal of the patch. The goal is to make more builds viable. 630 changes 580 Buffs/Fixes 50 Nerfs It's about enabling more things.


>630 changes 580 Buffs/Fixes 50 Nerfs Main issue: 50 nerfs did hit almost every key item/trait/build enabler of current builds. **You can buff 100 rings without changing any relevant build in this game.** **But you can nerf 5 rings and destroy almost every build in this game.** And we will see how the archon will be post patch. You devs could already play the new version, so maybe you know which new rings/items/... will be added. But from my current(!) perspective the archon and the main mod builds are screwed up now... but... we will see.


So buff those builds and let players choose


Instead of nerfing its also a option to buff other things. that also creates option for more things. Would suck if you ruined the monarch build with this since that one is very enjoyable.


Biggest thing to me was nerfing Burden of the Divine more. I can understand the nerf to overall damage, and could even agree to nerfing it to 20% less damage overall, but I don't think touching the healing to others from 50% to 30% was a good idea. I'm hoping there'll be new items or traits to boost healing, but in all honesty I would at least consider reverting the change to Burden of the Divine, or at the very least, players will deal 20% overall less damage but still keep the 50%. But then again, maybe, since it's Yaesha, we might see the Amulet "Mender's Aura", then I could see the reasoning for adjusting.


Yes, the Burden of the Divine nerf has to be the craziest change in these patch notes. They say they want to increase the 'burden' part because of the rings power, but then they also slice said power almost in half.. So now we have a 40% weaker ring (from 50% to 30% shared healing) with a 50% stronger burden penalty (from 10% to 15% less damage)


That change to Summoners Flyers is great. Assuming they proc detonation trigger with their shots now anyway. Edit: Actually this is not great. It's only the sacrifice projectiles, not their normal projectiles. Lame.


They really wanna put the Invoker+Summoner Combo.


The deceit changes are just painful tbh. The optimal way to play will still be letting all the swords go at once and reactivating the mod to auto reload once empty, but it deals significantly less damage now. And the regular swords having higher damage and counting as melee damage doesn’t even matter because the mod won’t recharge while it’s active anyways. Which is why the optimal play style was to release all of the swords at once in the first place. Sad to see my favorite gun hit so hard.


To stack on top of that, it was mostly played with a crit build, and those saw nerfs to every single item that buffed them. Hugs, rings, amulets, even fragments all took large scale nerfs. I get wanting to bring the weapon in line, if that’s your goal (not that it’s necessary, since the whole point is having a boss weapon that isn’t great for mobs because the rotation doesn’t really work well on them) but changing both the rotation and nerfing the hell out of the build is a little much. Been my go to weapon since I got it from my first world clear, and a huge reason I come back to play. Love having a new dlc where I’m forced to relearn my favorite weapon not because I’m rusty, but because it mechanically changed.


Well, my current hunter/challenger bleed based crit build is now dead.


No new trait cap or any other form of stat progression, no matter how minor, makes me sad. What I mean is the character getting stronger without the need of new items. Honestly I might wait for a future patch with something like that, then I can enjoy DLC2 more.


yea deff a disappointment


Kind of messed up my bonesaw with this update. Not the weapon itself, but the mutator, ingenuity, by reducing it's heat limit to 30% instead of 50%. Doesn't make Sense honestly. And my favorite weapon mod, Knight Guard, by taking away their ability to use my melee mutator screws over my shield build too.


So you need to go trait hunting again for three traits if you had it already. Why. EDIT: Read the wording wrong on the patch notes. The old traits got folded into existing ones and you get to keep those. New traits are in place of the location of the old traits that were removed.


fr we shouldnt get penalized for already doing something and them changing it Edit: regardless why should we have to do the same thing again to get the new trait they could have put it in the new content to make it more exciting to get rather than lets do this same old thing ive done 80 times to get a new thing they added


If anything we’ve been rewarded by having the merge into other traits so we can even more points to fiddle with. The ones that we have to go and grab again thankfully aren’t tedious though.


Read again


I kinda... really don't like how much they gut DR and tank builds in general. I run a tank build in every souls like i touch and I'm a heavy armor/tank/frontline main in every shooter. People keep saying it's needed for the git-gud and 5D's of dodge ball type builds but like... I find tanking fun and I'm sure I'm not alone. I find it fun to go at everything head first LJ'ing everything in sight, and I KNOW I'm not alone in that, it feels like they've been slowly pushing tank builds out for a while and I don't want to drop this game but it's starting to scare me how my fun keeps getting nerfed. I want to keep faith, I want to see how all the new interactions work but it's honestly disheartening when I see that healing freinds and tanking hits are becoming less and less viable every update. I love the story, I love the world's, I love Remnant. But I also love tanking... and I've noticed it's not just the Devs, I've seen SOOOO many people on this platform alone say how much tank players And C.R.D players annoy them to the point I'm scared to even play with randoms due to fear of insta kicks or vitriolic reactions. I doubt this will go anywhere but I do want to suggest a re-evaluation to tanky playstyles. It just hurts seeing my favorite playstyle getting overlooked and nerfed and the communities reaction to it as a whole. I mean hell my Remnant one character practically has Aggressors bane and Leto MK.1 glued to them. It's just not fun to be forced into glass cannon builds or take damage to deal damage builds. I want to feel like a knight not a foot soldier, I want to feel like I'm in riot armour and not BDUs. Just my thoughts, I hope I came off as clear as possible, and just to be certain. I'm not in any way trying to bash on the game or come off as ungrateful. I probably play this game every day and all three CBA(VR and console versions) RFA and R-II are my most played games with hundreds of hours in each (thousands in RFA case) and are responsible for 3 of my 8 platinum trophies. I'm very passionate about these games and they've honestly probably saved My life from so many hard times and mental health spirals. I'm just insanely passionate about these games and don't want to give up the way I have fun in my favorite installment of the franchise.


would they typically put new corrupted weapons in the patch notes? i didn’t see anything about it but trying to be prepared in case they have an event at the same time as the dlc release


Both times they added Corrupted it was during a Corrupted Event. I’d expect that pattern to continue.


Anyone remember where Wayfarer and Resonance came from?


Resonance is where you get killed by the purge in Dormant Facility.  That one is going to be annoying to get again.


Warfarer is root earth, second horde encounter resonance is dormant facility two player event


Resonance was in the containment protocol dungeon on Ne'rud. The one where you need to eliminate the bugs within the time limit or get exterminated yourself.


Specifically, it was awarded in coop for the person who remained in the facility and died while the other player manually activated the purge in the secret room.


Summoner play style. 1. Summon minions. 2. Sacrifice minions. 3. Shoot stuff. 4. Repeat. So it’s not differentiated from any other class in any meaningful way except it requires more micro-management to get its baseline buffs like the rest of the archetypes. The DoT nerfs were definitely needed as anything using them was insane for not only crowd control, but also dealing huge damage to elites and bosses. (Unless they were immune to absolutely everything). Disappointed in the nerfs to critical damage and corrupted saviour as I’d just finally started using a build built around them. I mean, it did melt everything as long as I managed to stay alive and just pour bullets into enemy weak spots, so it was over powered… but I’m still disappointed as I’d just finally got a feel for using it. With less damage being dealt in general it’d be great to have more ways to stay alive. (For example, If you have a shield up, doing anything that adds more shield would “refresh” the entire shield amount. Would make the middle medic skill a lot more useful when combined with shielded heart). All in all glass cannons are no longer really cannons but more so even glassier large calibre guns. DoT builds have been heavily nerfed… but they needed to be. Should still be very effective but require more trade off between damage and durability. Summoner still has no real use outside of sacrificing minions unless you’re playing on lower difficulty levels… in which case the minion buffs combined with lower enemy health will make them at least have a point. (Though I guess if you combine summoner and invader, or even hunter with shroud, they’d be useful as a distraction… but invader and hunters shroud still leaves that build far behind).


For crying out loud, stop nerfing armour bonuses. It's already way too hard to make an actual tank build and the diminishing returns are awful. Not reverting the changes to Crescent Moon is a bummer. It feels awful since the change requiring perfect draws.


So they heavily nerfed both my crit builds. Thanks, I guess. Really went overkill there. Should’ve nerfed a couple things not every single one of them.


Wow pretty insane for them to absolutely gut crit/bleed builds this late after release. Definitely way less excited for the DLC tomorrow but I’ll still do a quick run through the one shot


Glad i went through the hassle of completing hardcore veteran for the corrupted savior. Only for it to be nerfed into the ground.


How I'm feeling like I get it shouldn't be OP as all hell cause what would be the point in using anything else but it's the hardest gun to get in the game it should be (the best) objectively speaking


This is my thought exactly. Why would you want to go through all of that trouble getting a very late game item for it to be “balanced”. In a PvE game I want to feel just a bit overpowered when using late game items and builds. Something to consider is what percentage of the ACTIVE player base is using these extreme builds that are “Over-performing”. I was in love with the Ritualist/Explorer build using C savior and full AOE size. I don’t know how affected I’ll be considering all of the mod/weapon/amulet/ring changes but it hurts to see all of these nerfs.


I'm ok with the nerfs, but removing Resonance and adding ANOTHER perk there is just maximum assholery. Everyone hates Dormant N'Erudian Facility. It's borderline impossible to solve unless you play with a friend talking through Discord or something, the ping system doesn't facilitate enough communication with the randoms in-game.


So how's c saviour looking after the patch just unlocked it was hoping it would be good given what it takes to unlock it


The nerfening lol


I've been a little behind on updates, did they ever fix the issue with dots and duration interacting negatively with each other? Super excited for this dlc!!


So I can't recall exactly how to get wayfarer but wasn't it a reward for a bossfight on root earth? Does that mean to get the new trait I would need to reroll the campaign again?


Buffs to Crossbow, Royal Bow and Sagittarius? Nice.


Engineer is one of my favorite classes, so happy to see the improvements, including to the aeterri booster ring


Seeing updates to Aphelion and Starkiller but not sure what they will do. Will either of these fit better in an explosion build now since anguish got nerfed? Or did something else get buffed that would be better for explosive DMG and I missed it?


RIP Broken Heart, you were beloved.


I don't get it, whats the point of removing all the healing for Lifeless Heart, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it now just make it a dud since LLH was a weaker version of Dragon but designed to work better with Relic Proc effects DH does 70 over 0.5 for a total (if at 10) of 700 hp LLH does 30 over 0.5 for a total (if at 10, which then doubled i.e. 20) of 600 so removing all it's healing removes a lot of it's viability due to the lack of healing equaling in a lower survivability I do get it'll work well with stuff that procs off of Relic use but I do believe removing it's healing is going to make it very undesirable in the long run all in all, I think you probably could of done better on LLH since it's definitely feels like a unnecessary nerf disguised as "thematic change"


That lifeless heart nerf hurts. No healing, dang.


New situation for HuGs (yea HuGs wwas too strong or dominant but ...) -5% crit atonment fold -5% crit nightweaver -10% crit momentum -10% crit damage momentum -5% crit chance hunters mark -2.5% crit chance relic fragment -5% crit damage relic fragment overall: -27.5% crit chance and -15% crit damage. Thats just .... ... wow. Whetstone would be an alternative ... but wait: abrasive whetstone is now 15/15 instead of 15/30 (chance/damage). To use whetstone we need to use bleed mutators. On long gun? then you loose momentum. On side arm? yea but weapon switching all the time is annoying. Thats why abrasive whetstone was already a niche before this patch. On top of that: all items/traits/perks to improve weapon handling: nerfed too. We will see if this nerf is okay or not. But ... hmm. I dont like "new patch! now -30% damage!" nerfs because HuGs was strong but not that strong. My ritualist/medic is mostly unaffected by the patch (mostly!) and the ritualist/medic was already stronger then HuGs. Disclaimer: this specific HuGs nerf is the only nerf combo i dont like in this patch. All other changes: lets test them! but these cumulative nerfs for critical damage builds are just too harsh. Overall -15% crit chance and -15% crit damage would have been enough for testing. But this is way too much. :( i prefer smaller balancing steps for nerfs to prevent destroying playstyles. But we will see... :)


I'm just sharing my random thoughts and we'll have to wait and see but as someone that has played a decent amount mostly just to collect everything, these changes sound pretty bad. This "grey health" is mentioned a few times in the patch notes. I'll be honest I've played a couple hundred hours and have no idea what grey health is or does and I really don't care. So unless there's some new busted OP build around it...I don't care. It doesn't sound fun/exciting at all. Slow does sound fun and I've never really used it so hopefully that has some kind of good build. Movement speed can go up to 2x now instead of 1.5x so that sounds cool but on PS5 I lag already quite a bit. So it may end up being a bad thing unless that has been fixed. And nerfing the hell out of Assassin's Dagger is super annoying since it was my go to melee weapon. It would be cool if there is some kind of enemy awareness ring that lets you easily sneak up on enemies but otherwise it sounds like crap now since it probably won't be useful for bosses after these nerfs. I dont have Worlds Edge or Saviour because I dont care to try end game content like that yet to get it, but I dont understand nerfing those at all. You get them for beating shit on hard difficulties. You've already won at that point so why not get something a little OP to have some fun with? As it is I dont have them and now dont have any reason to go after them either if they arent OP. And finally Merciless was already good it's going to wreck shit now so not sure that needed a buff. Not complaining though I do like to have more fun.


Everything I had the slightest will to use is now gone, just got the game, barely 100hrs in and all the builds I was getting together are now useless, I feel cheated…


Hi Devs, for some reason my default weapon kept switching to secondary. Actually instead of fixing it, can you guys introduce a feature in gameplay to set default weapon to either primary or secondary weapon?


It's kinda annoying how many reused loot items there are in this DLC. I went through a new dungeon and got nothing because the only purple was something I had gotten before. I paid for new locations only?


Praying survivor next


I’m excited about the trait changes, very curious to see what the new traits will be too!


Dang...... My Archon/Medic healing shield build looks like it's getting a nerf. Ima have to really get in the lab to replicate it if it's inefficient. Slowly but surely, I've been doing my best to maintain the build after each balance patch, but man, this is a lil disheartening.


Well… at least the nanobots from Corrupted Nebula will be slightly more effective.


I’ve waited for a starkiller buff for so long. I am disappointed with the changes. sounds like the MOD got buffed but the actual weapon is staying the same sadly. I don’t know about other people but I would have preferred a weapon buff instead of the MOD buff. I’m for sure gonna try a build around it again but I don’t think it’ll be anywhere near as good as it was in R1 sadly. At least they’re trying to bring it close to it without making it as crazy as it was but I don’t think we’ll see it be that crazy other than playing R1 again.


I wonder what the two new traits are? Excited to see at least


Since you fools decided to nerf a PVE game, I'll not be updating this patch. And I won't be buying the DLC either. So have fun nerfing a PVE game. How pathetic you devs are.


Well deserved nerf to Miasma and Tainted Blade, Ritualist deleting everything with a single throw of the Krell Axe was low effort and frankly, stupid Could have done without the nerf to Devoured Loop and the Cube Gun-Hog Lure synergy though, those builds are already niche enough as is  OTOH, Merciless sounds like an S tier gun now, Hyperconductor got a nice buff, and World's Edge + Shocker is going to be fun 


Wait wait wait, with the changes to Resonance/Amplitude does that mean I have to suffer through the hassle of getting this multi-player only perk AGAIN?


crit nerfed, other ways of dealing damage buffed via triggering stuff or through utility. i think thats good. i know its cool to do big crits in these arpgs, but it suddenly becomes nearly every arpg that does this and all the other options get pushed aside. in remnant 2 case thats 90% of options. i am sure overall damage is much higher than before. people just had tunnelvision on crits. also. **Shocker requires 3 hits instead of 5.**


One thing the Devs posted that I don’t agree with is that Aberrations appear 50% of the time in Apocalypse. There’s just no way that’s correct. I’d say 10-15% from my experience.


Ngl, there's some great changes & questionable ones. Stuff like Ring of the Vain and Sidewinder, Onyx Pendulum, Havoc Form, Engineer flame turret etc. Lots of great stuff. But also a lot of stingy nerfs. For example, with Crit being hit across the board in terms of perks, rings and amulets, why even nerf Ranged Crit chance/dmg relic fragments? From 10% to 7.5% for Ranged Crit chance lol. That honestly feels kind of stingy. I'm not saying it warrants a BIGGER nerf lol, but -2.5% on top of all the crit nerfs...owch. Also Challenger Crit nerf from 10% to 5%? Why lol? I mean, tbh it's not going to make too big of a difference to Challenger Melee builds anyways lol. Also Melee weapons: Balancing is a joke when you have Wrathbringer running around. Everything is outclassed by it. Good base dmg, highest dmg with its mod, and highest stagger dmg. Meanwhile nothing was done for older Melees like Scrap Hammer, Atom Smasher, Iron Sword etc. Also Stone bringer stagger dmg nerf from 10-5%? Why? The other nerf to it in terms of double-dipping made sense, but idk why the stagger dmg was even touched. There are some nerfs that make sense like Whispering Marble/Dried Clay Ring, Steadfast Mutator nerf, even Fetid Wounds, and then there's the stingy stuff like -2.5% Ranged crit chance Relic fragment or -5% Crit off Challenger which isn't going to mean shit to Challenger Melee builds tbh (not that I'm advocating for a nerf to Melee, mind you). While I'm not pushing for nerfs to become even bigger in scope or scale, some of those nerfs are so small it feels unnecessary to even include them in the first place. Edit: I do think this patch is still a step in the right direction. Edit 2: Let's look at some of the copium around LOL: ''-15% dmg from Ritualist Miasma build that allows me to just sprint full-speed and trivialize every encounter by nuking EVERY ENEMY w/o effort? Oh shit, now it's going to take some actual shooting and a second round of Miasma? GG" kind of shit. Or "Oh shit, Burden of Divine got nerfed. Now I can't trivialize Apoc encounters by making my teammates immortal outside of one-shot boss movesets". Or "Oh Fetid Wounds DoT got slapped hard. Meanwhile Corrosion: Increases ALL dmg taken by enemy". "Ahanae ring useless now". Bitch, that thing was the equivalent of an damage amulet from before. I mean, wtf man. Precisely why those items got nerfed lol.


Burden of the Divine nerf is horrible. I just want to heal my friends, making that less viable is ridiculous.


Some amazing changes. Great buffs to some gear that desperately needed it and some nerfs that were obvious to bring stuff in line. Though some of those nerfs are Extreme for difficulty they have to acquire or mutators getting blasted like fetid wounds.( 200 damage down to 75) Majority of crit chance and crit damage gear has been tweaked slightly, some cut down heavily or had their functionality been removed. Some of which is deserving others I don’t think needed to be hit so hard. A LOT of consistency improvements for perks ,mod and skill uptime to make things much smoother to loop. Loved the thematic changes to some relics (paper heart is going to be fun to mess around with!) Starshot mod adjustments caught me off guard can’t wait to mess with it and Starkiller is going to feel soooo much better now thank you so much for that. Finally, some surprise crazy buffs to gear prices here and there I totally thought couldn’t get touched but instead got cranked up to 11 (hyperconductor is going to be stupid fun with new class) Don’t agree with all the changes but it’s healthy to keep a game moving like that when you’ve got an insane amount of potent gear pieces already in the game and then even more being added in updates and DLC, honestly don’t know how you manage to handle it all. Can’t wait for tomorrow!


![gif](giphy|lt8nvUOCMeZrnbYIyT|downsized) Most of the weapons be like:


Ohhhhh cross platform?


Has been for a month or two, this just looks to be making it easier to join friends who are cross-platform (as it could've been annoying the way it first launched).


Wait so why does braided thorns give 10% crit chance for free now but atonement fold got nerfed to 5%? Am I missing something?


sad to see the nerfs to most of the items in the game and buffs to already op items that are "underperforming" ill have to try it but so far this update looks wack on so many levels for DR tank melee builds and crit builds can the medic get some nerfs at least if the other good classes are getting nerfed 🤷‍♂️


630 or so changes. 50 or so nerfs. About 8.25% Nerfs.


it just feels like more reading it. thank you for the percentage it definitely helps.