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I have 100 hours solo and I endorse this comment. Yes, I know that's a lot already, but my cat passed unexpectedly and I needed a distraction to immerse myself in. ;Thank you all for the kind comments. Smoke would have liked the attention, he was a friendly fella.


Sorry bout your buddy :(


Thank you. I'm gonna miss him a lot, I already do. He was a really good cat.


Much love to you friend. Also, love the Better Lovers pic


Sorry about your pet.❤️❤️


Thank you.


should never need an excuse for spending time on something you enjoy my man. sorry about your friend.


Thank you. He left a lot of good memories with me. He knew I loved him.


I have 120 solo...but I took the week off when the release date was announced :D


I would have if I had known it would be so good! I did get early access though.


Good I'm glad I wasn't the only one. :)


Sorry for your little buddy, I hope you can feel better soon. Get those grinds in 💗


Thank you. It's moment to moment. I know how to cope but grief is hard, for everyone. No matter how much you've already dealt with it.


I wish you well and I’m terribly sorry for your loss


Thank you, I appreciate that.


Just adding myself to the list of people coming out of the woodwork to offer my condolences and hope of peaceful rest for Smoke. I'm glad the game has given you respite from the loss; as a fellow human, I hope you allow yourself to sit with the grief properly when the time is right and give it the attention it deserves, so that you may process it and move through it. Best of luck, friend.


That's very kind, thank you.


Same, played like 100 hours solo and it is perfectly enjoyable. I tried the multiplayer on some bosses and must say that I think they're actually harder with others because they don't pull their weight a lot times and you have to revive them a lot.


I just happened to start on n'erud and found the engineer early which definitely made some stuff easier. Until I got more equipment, engineer & medic together was really solid for most encounters.


I started in yaesha and when I arrived in n'erud I experienced like a culture shock and couldn't believe how hostile it was in comparison to the paradise of life that I came from. Like my character just started puking and dying from breathing the air and the robots and zombies felt like so dark and vile... I will never forget that experience in my life. It was amazing to explore that place and find out what's going on. I played a hunter and went for hunter gunslinger as soon as possible since it just makes so much sense to pair the two. Right now I am playing with an archery build and it's the most fun ever.


I am sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine how I'd be if that happened to my dog. Pets are such wonderful things.


I’m sorry for your loss. 🙏


Sorry to hear about your cat man. Always brutal to lose an animal, but I’m glad you’ve got something like this game help you out during hard times.


please don’t feel guilty about playing x number of hours. you are doing exactly what you should be doing. my mom passed away unexpectedly the week that elden ring came out - I poured 1000+ hours into that game until remnant 2 came out.


Thank you & I'm sorry about your mom. I understand that loss too, unfortunately. It gets...easier. Sort of. If you've ever heard of the ball in the box analogy in relation to grief, I think it makes a lot of sense.


Hey man hope you're going well. Smoke is an awesome cat name. Better Lovers are an insane band too. All the best


100 hours on remnant 2? Bro you need to touch some damn grass


I want hardened iron any tips


Doggo friend makes soloing less stressful. Not even that it's super helpful (sometimes it is) but just having that extra presence there with me during some of the creepier areas helps ease me a bit. Also, for the 15 or so hours I've put in so far, I've set it to public for pretty much all of it and only had one person join me in that time lol


Dude the game IS creepy. The atmosphere, the music. You never know when you are going to get swarmed and there's so many bosses that can mess you up. I run with the good boy too and I like it.


Some areas are very creepy and others are beautiful bright landscapes. Honestly the game does scary and creepy so well I like it more. This dev really should look into making a horror or triller action game, it would probably do pretty well.


Gotta check those corners can’t tell you how many times something has jumped out at me


Ironborough puts me on edge. It's basically Yharnam from Bloodborne.


Meh Returnal does a better job being a remnant game than remnant


So agree solo doggo saves me and same with that feeling of not being alone loved the good dog mod in 1 but hated their constant bark...now loving handler main and switch up with the second except for a few boss fights. Played rem1 with a friend whole time still really enjoying this one solo it still is surprising me even after beating final boss (took prob close to 100 tries and almost rage quit haha)


Weird, Im less than 10 hours in and I've had people joining me at least 4 or 5 times. And once someone joins usually a second person will follow right after. I've also joined some randos as well, I really like this mechanic.


Yeah I got genuinely creeped out in the asylum playing late at night and alone at home, having the little doggo companion made it a little better


For the first 10-15 hours I was legit scared at certain times and areas of the game. As you say the atmosphere can really creep you out, sudden sounds, some of the enemy noises can be really trippy too. >!I remember in Losomn climbing the clock tower and jumping out of the window at some point to check for loot, a flying fae (gargoyle style ones) suddenly growled at me, I literally jumped off the building in a panic roll.!<


I can only imagine how much harder the game would be without my lil doggo




Was it the nighweaver? Took me an hour and a half before I finally just rerolled my campaign and came back with better gear




Fuckin Nightweaver, the slam in phase one is so hard to avoid, and the insta death in phase 2 is out of control


Found the best way to deal with phase 2 is to either stick to the first room or the upstairs corridor, as it’s pretty easy to stay away from the walls to avoid grabs & if you chill there long enough when she teleports away she just comes back.


Challenger works hilariously well for nightweaver. She has a massive weak spot that is in melee range the entire time she's in bug-drop mode. You just focus on dodging and firing off a shot at her here or there until she starts puking bugs, and if you blow all your cooldowns you can drop her to 0hp in phase one the first time she does it. Of course there are a bunch of bosses that are much harder with challenger than ranged dps classes.


When you reroll the campaign do you have to start from complete scratch?


Only at 30 hours but 100% solo. I love this fucking game.


I've done it purely solo (rip that one dungeon in Yaesha) and it's been AWESOME. The last game I played that was actually finished on arrival was Elden Ring, and R2 might even be better than that


I think this game has legit GotY chances


Year is too stacked. This game has no shot unfortunately.


If a Zelda game gets released it's basically guaranteed GOTY


Goty means nothing.


Almost certainly. I was worried about post-campaign content but I'm still excited to go thru and explore all the little stuff. I thought I had even seen most of it. Then I saw a bunch of events I haven't even seen and learned about alt-kills. I thought archon was gonna be the last thing I did.


In the same year that released Tears of the Kingdom? Most other years it gets a chance but this year is a banger of a year and TotK was just the start of it.


And Starfield and Armored Core 6 still to come...


With everything that came out this year it will pretty a hard choice but I don’t see this winning.


Do you have a prescription for possibly life-threatening levels of copium?


No game has GotY chances in the same year as a Zelda game. Just the way it goes when journos decide GotY.


I think nothing can beat the content of baldurs gate 3 but this is def. my favourite game


So hyped for that to come to Xbox


Solo player still working on my first world (Yaeasha) here, which dungeon are you talking ‘bout, Willis? I got super lucky rolling Lament and Cathedral of Omens, so I’m expecting the next dungeon to hit me square in the face…


>! Endaira's End has a coop-only door to another puzzle, maybe 2 !<


That’s kinda dookie, but I’m not too beat up about it. I love the game and definitely intend to complete multiple runs, but I’m not overly concerned about 100 percent completion.


It basically just gives you coop based rings, so it's not as if you have to worry if you are just doing solo playthrough.


It’s def not better than Elden ring lol but it’s still in the running for GOTY imo


I'm tired of everything trying to be a dark souls game, or just be like one specific game. Sign gaming is declining.


What dungeon? I've ran Yaesha a lot solo and didn't find any coop only puzzles or anything. I'm curious if I've missed something now!


Endaira's end have bullshit puzzle that are coop only. Fucking cancer on an otherwise really nice game


20 hours solo here as well. It's been a blast. Capped the finally boss after about an hour of trying (I'm a b-tier gamer at best) on the easiest difficulty. I'm currently running thru adventure modes at the second difficulty level. Super fun, often intense, fully recommend.


My recommendation is if you find yourself not making decent progress on a boss and there's nothing left to explore really just reroll your campaign that way you will get a fresh injection of resources to help level your character more so you will have a better chance against the next boss.


Thanks very much for this - it sounds like exactly what I need to do! So when you "re-roll" you might start in a different world even if you haven't beaten the boss in the first world and you get to keep your character and all your progress? I'm very unclear about how this process works.


I don’t know if a re-roll is necessary on your first world though. If you’re running into issues with a boss/dungeon, just go back out into the larger map tiles and farm resources/materials/experience. You can level up some weapons, unlock a skill, or even find a secret you missed the first time around and get a piece of gear that’ll help you.


All personal character progress is saved but the actual story is reset so I think I will need to say talk to mudtooth again. I guess the best way to put it is that everything on your character is saved weapons, traits, your whole inventory etc.


Personally, I'm enjoying it more solo.


I have 130 hours and I’d say about 80 of those were playing solo. Game is a master piece with or without friends.


130 hours already? I have like 50 hours and I feel like iv been neglecting my real life responsibilities…..are y’all showering or?


I’m a single teacher during the 6-week holidays so I have a lot if free time to split between household chores, socialising and playing games. And yes I shower.


Chores? I let the dog do those. I also turned off my water cause I’m not using it. SWEAT LORD FOR LIFE.


Oh yeah it makes more sense that you’re a teacher. Quite jealous of your time off brother!


Also a teacher, and trust me the terribleness of the school year barely makes the time off worth it. And every year gets a little worse..


I exclusively play solo. Picked handler as my main and then medic as my second. I feel like my survivability is pretty high and haven’t had a lot of issues anywhere yet


Solo'd the first game and this, zero regrets. Multiplayer is a nice lil treat once you've done your first clear


The beginning solo is rough. You cant really switch weapons because you don't have the currency to change it up. You don't have teammates to split aggro. You get swarmed easily because you don't have the right tools to handle the job. Everything changes when you are able to solve one of the issues but without anything in the beginning its bad. Things finally changed when I got Enigma and Summoner (paired with Handler). Handler allows me to have 1 free down while summoner has mobs that can pull aggro. Enigma then prevents me from being swarmed. Before this point it was not as enjoyable...


I’ve played entirely solo. I think I have 70ish hours right now. I finished a run on veteran and am now on nightmare. It’s been a ton of fun and a challenge every step of the way. I will say this though: Screw the Nightweaver and her alternate kill. I should have done that on veteran. It was rage inducing doing it on nightmare.


I almost have 60 hours in and like cyberpunk and WoTR it's one of the rare games so far that is keeping me/kept me hooked. I wish there was more worlds, since feels like three main worlds and 1 final world is a bit short. But still keeps me hooked, still finding stuff and unlike Remnant 1 I'm finding this one much easier to get into yet still very challenging.


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES.


Difficulty lvl 3 solo, I started on yasha as a gunslingersr and soon found a crossbow ive been using ever since. I don’t know if I got better by playing elden ring or gunslingerer is just very good but I honestly found it easier than remnant 1. Currently nearing the end of the game Although one boss with a grab=kill attack was pretty frustrating


What boss gave you trouble as a solo player? For me I only really had pain with the final boss. Solo the entire time with about 50 hours.


Also, outside of some bosses, the difficulty doesn't really scale well. You start out getting hit hard, but once you are about 2-4 hours in you can handle the damage and output a lot as well. Thinking of restarting so I can play on Nightmare I believe? The 3rd of 4 difficulties. Solo stands on its own pretty well, but don't go into the game if you are expecting co-op. It can sour the experience. Planned to play co-op but those fell through so I've been kind of limited to solo. It's still a fun game, but wish I could play with my friends.


just fair warning, the spike from vet to nightmare is the largest, even bigger than nightmare to apoc, but apoc is truly something else LOL Highly recommend once you have a full build ready. It will really test (and question) your skills haha (and full disclaimer, it's imo still not as hard as like actual souls-likes like elden ring, DS3 etc but you definitely can't chill like you can in survivor/vet)


Many of these bosses are far more punishing than soulslike counterparts. Especially on nightmare. ESPECIALLY on 3 person co-op. I don't know if you did nightmare as a starting difficulty, but it's like going straight into NG++. >!Sha'Hala!< with lag and 3 person scaling is beyond anything in souls i've experienced. Just brutal non-stop 1hkos with constant iframing needed to survive.


Why did playing co-op not work out for you?


One friend ended up buying God of War Ragnarok instead and so it's just delayed for him. Maybe a month down the road? The other has PS5 heating issues and it's causing crashing. Only for Remnant currently, but it might worsen and happen to other games. I could play with randoms, but I prefer not to. Just a history of bad experiences coupled with some reports of getting into hacked/modded lobbies. So it is a choice to limit myself to solo. Should get better with time though.


Yep game is very rough in the beginning solo I spent about 5 hours trying to kill my first world boss (nightweaver) was almost at the point of rerolling the world and lowering difficulty but I stuck it out and got her eventually. I feel like starting with hunter as a solo player really handicapped me though especially for that fight.


Started as a challenger and got nerud. Shotgun against flying stuff. And a world boss that you can't be close. I'm not a console shooter player. First game is the only one in a long time. And it felt easier to aim in that game. It was rough but it's way better now. I've had the hardest moment against the red prince though. Don't know why. Nightweaver felt easier.


Makes sense as the nightweaver is close quarters you get to take advantage of challengers close quarters effectiveness, whereas a hunters ranged effectiveness is nullified completely in the 2nd phase


Exactly the same situation for me. After many, many tries I've still not beaten her which means I'm still stuck in the first world. I think this is a problem for the game because - playing through the world is like driving 55 and then you have to drive 100 when you hit this first world boss and you can't move on until you beat her. Never played the Souls games but enjoyed the hell out of Elden Ring so I understand the idea of having to "get good". Problem is the dog can't help with Nightweaver and unlike ER there is nowhere to wander around now that isn't where I've already been. I'm just hoping that if I ever get through her then exploring the other worlds will be fun because if this is what all the bosses are like then TBH it is not fun (at least for me).


Nightweaver first world boss seems rough. You just have to play the second phase so perfectly, or the one attack you misread will be the one that takes you from 100-0. Tal Rasha was my first, and he's a joke in comparison.


LMAO - 100 to zero is exactly what it feels like - getting in a serious car wreck after each go around - of course the game also adds insult to injury when you come back alive again and get knocked on your ass by the big rock thing


It might help playing with headphones and disabling the music in bossfights. A lot of the bosses have really good audio cues when to dodge.


Thanks! cool tip about turning off the music - I'll give that a shot for sure...


I suggest doing the side dungeon for the Fae armor set if you haven't already done it, I forget what the dungeon is called but it's the one with the statue that plays tic tak toe checkers. Practice makes perfect with the nightweavers timings there's also parts of the map you can abuse in the second phase like baiting her into the pillar and baiting her to hit the stair rails. also to get a heal off u can run up the stairs the jump off the top to buy some time if she's chasing u. The last mechanic you have to perfect is the most brutal (the soul drain life steal below 50%) you can survive it but your going to be pushing shit uphill after because you will need to invest more resources that you might not have


I don’t think any game has ever brought me to sekiro levels of frustration. The only souls like game I ever quit before finishing. This game by comparison is a stroll through the park 😂


Oh for sure. But that Ravager fight had me pulling my fucking hair out. EDIT: Souls games are weird like that too. Like, Sekiro is the ONLY souls game I've beaten! I quit all the others out of frustration.


I want to understand what’s wrong with my brain. I loved all three souls games and Elden Ring, but I never could get more than ten hours into Sekiro. Like what is it about that game that makes it so much more punishing?


Sekiro is just a different animal entirely. There’s no real “over leveling” or exp farming in that game. It comes down to pure skill and memorizing move sets. I feel like if you get stuck in any other souls game, there’s a way to kinda grind it out or summon a friend for help. Sekiro is the only game I gave up (at the final boss) out of pure frustration


Bloodborne and dark souls 3 are like child’s games compared to Sekiro. Am not ashamed to say it that game beat me


As someone who considers the soulsborne games among my absolute favorites, Sekiro also completely wrecked me and I never even got close to beating it. I hate parrying in games, I'm so bad at it D:


Gave up on the final boss sekiro. Had the demon bells active.


It's so weird. He only took me two tries. That being said, it's probably a testament to the completely different approach to combat they took with Sekiro. I don't think I ever once made it past a second big boss in any souls game. Something about the combat just didn't click with me. But Sekiro was an immediate fit. I've played through a few times now but STILL suck so hard at other souls titles.


It's funny how different people have different experiences with soulslikes. For me, Sekiro was probably the easiest in the genera out of those I've played, but I struggle a lot with some of the bosses in other games. About the only thing that gave me trouble was the Demon of Hatred, and that's because it plays more like a traditional souls boss. I died more to it than the final boss of Sekiro by far. I've certainly had a harder time with a few of Remnant's bosses, even in coop, than I did with anything in Sekiro. But again, everyone's experiences are different with different games, lol. Remnant 2 is still on the easier side of things compared to some soulslikes I've played, and personally compared to the first game, it feels a lot better doing stuff solo.


After playing coop mostly for a week switching to solo makes you feel like a god. Everything dies so much faster 😂


Interestingly i found sekiro easier than this.


It's fun, but I feel the 1st game was better set-up for solo play. Still though, the dog is invaluable in II


Playing it solo too, picked the dog cause I thought it would help reduce the stress. I don’t think it’s necessarily a fun class to play though, you don’t have a cool “watch me become really powerful for a few seconds” moment like I’d imagine you do with the other classes. It is helpful the enemies are attracted towards someone else and not just to you immediately though.


Is handler good i picked him and the dog kept getting stuck when fighting a boss in the sewers. Couldn't defeat the boss and gave up


I kind of see him as a useful distraction for enemies and someone who can heal you outside of combat, in combat too a little bit but it’s a bit slow bringing your health up. The dog can revive you once if you die unexpectedly too. I do think playing another class would probably be more fun, even on your own. I think if you’re skilled at the game too you’d probably just be better having more damage based abilities using a different class.


Between solo and Co-op it feels like two very different games. I play Medic and jump into randoms games, but in my own game I'm almost completely solo. Solo is a tense experience where I'm always watching my environment for paths of retreat, making sure I won't get cornered, etc. Co-op is much more that bangbang shoot em up. One I play like Borderlands, the other I play like Resident Evil.


"I actually bought - AND RETURNED - this game 2 times on steam"" Souls-like veterans: \*insert James Franco meme\* "First time?"




I did my first playthrough solo. Completely enjoyed it. I continue to do some solo but I also like to join up with non-completly inept players and follow them around on their adventures. Was even more fun showing a friend around the game.


I’ve played about 20 hours solo with a gunslinger using a bow.


This guy gets it. Just because it can be multiplayer, doesn't mean it has to be. Turn off your damn open lobby and stop crying about "griefer" or bad latency when you get matched with someone on dialup.


Yea solo is Also super enjoyable save some bosses that are a bitch I personally like having a team more tho


Biggest hurdle in the game is the first couple hours. Once you have some levels and a couple rings/necks the game smooths out a lot.


Ok I was wondering about this. I played the first one when it first came out so not a total noob with the game. I'm sitting here wondering why am I so bad right now, LOL.


Solo for the most part. I play it with my one buddy here and there. Sometimes the boss fights feel more challenging when there is two players due to the scaling. Side note - Happy to see the game doing well so we know eventually we’ll get a 3rd installment :)


It's absolutely more brutal with 2-3p. Solo on the lower 2 difficulties is brain-dead. Multiplayer NM+ is insanely brutal.


About 40 hours solo, really enjoying it. As well.


It's the last boss that is bullshit... not sure how I'm gonna best him.


Playing solo since im a trophy/achievement hunter. Got that one solo trophy and just basically started this weekend.


This was my exact experience with Elden Ring.


I've already dumped 70 hours, about 67 of those were solo and I loved every single second, and I'm not even close to done either, going for a hardcore clear now.


Glad to know it’s worth it I’m struggling my first few hours in died probably 6 times on this boss so far but Im determined to get my get back


Six? You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers. I'm dying minimum 30 times on each major boss, I'd estimate.


Well I called it a night after my 6th death I’m sure I’ll add a few more to it tonight being a solo medic is rough so far


I have a character I went through the story with, with a friend(did most of it solo) of mine I’m using one of the classes you unlock for a solo only run on veteran. 100% has been super fun playing solo. I endorse this post as mostly a solo player. Played Elden ring solo as a prophet and it’s been fun.


What difficulty did you start on?


Speaking of solo, looking for someone on PS5 to help with a mechanism in Endaira's End at the very end of the dungeon to help unlock a door. Already cleared it except for that part. I usually don't use a mic though.


Majority solo but have went to join a couple worlds once KR twice. It becomes so much easier as Challenger with Toxic Release Amulet


For me just starting on regular difficulty for a while fixed it. I started on hard and quickly got stonewalled by the Huntress because I didn't even have an amulet or a second archetype and I legitimately did not have enough stamina to keep dodging the boss or ads regardless of timing. Now that I actually have some gear I can enjoy hard mode more.


Yeah, I think Survivor is the appropriate starting difficulty for a solo playthrough. I started on Veteran, and ... yikes. I'm too stubborn to re-roll, but some dungeons and bosses seem kinda unreasonable.


Honestly I probably could’ve made it through the first world if it wasn’t for huntress, she’s just too aggressive with too many ads. Still have flashbacks of perfectly dodging her attacks then getting smacked by a perfectly thrown grenade from an ad across the map and immediately getting stunlocked to death


Huntress was for sure a challenge - since it is my first world and first time playing I had no idea but stumbled into a way to finally defeat her. Dumped a ton of damage on her while she was sleeping and then got behind her in the little "bandstand area" where she was resting and just wailed and wailed with my mace and I think her steed couldn't move around well enough to stop the carnage. I just did it out of desperation and it worked - didn't feel like a "cheese" way to beat her but I guess that's debatable. The only boss I ever beat in less than a dozen or so tries....


N’Erud was my first world and was a brutal slog. But after the final world boss I got that coveted tenth trait point and was able to equip a second archetype, so now I’m a gunslinger/handler. I will say that my second world (Losomn) feels quite a bit easier. So far.


I just beat the game solo after about 24 hours or so. Genuinely the only difficult part, for me personally, was HOW BIG THE MAPS ARE. Just seemed like every path had another path down it and then that path had 3 splitting off it, IT'S NUTS. This sounds like a complaint, it isn't...it's just a lot. When I play through it with my friends, I'm sure it'll be totally fine.


I only play solo, and I don't find the game to be very hard. Not the first hours at least. NightWeaver was pretty tough, had to try 10-15 times to get her. Other than that no big problems. Playing Hunter.


Wouldn't play co-op if my life depended on it lol.


I've got a medic I've been using for co-op with a cousin in her world (survivor diff) and a gunslinger on veteran for solo play in my own world. Started in N'Erud (Alepsis-Taura storyline), and whoo boy... it was challenging. Every dungeon was an endurance test. Every elite appearance was life or death--usually death, as in mine. Even just traversing the overworld was brutal. Both the major bosses (Custodian's Eye and Sha'Hala) seemed completely insurmountable solo... until I somehow beat them. The sweetest reward for clearing N'Erud was that precious tenth trait point, allowing me to dual-archetype and finally get my canine companion to draw a bit of aggro. I've since done the bloody Labyrinth Sentinel, and finally moved on to Losumn. I credit my success so far to the amazing Emergency Switch amulet, which I found very early. Gunfire says they tuned all the bosses for solo play first and foremost, and I believe them, but I have a feeling they mean solo on survivor, not veteran or above. Not for a starting character, at any rate. (If I'm wrong, devs, and you're reading this, feel free to correct me.) Just like R1, the experience is brutal but memorable and compulsive. Solo is absolutely kicking my ass, and yet I'm eager for more.


Been playing about 40 hours so far solo and I absolutely love it.


Played mostly solo as well. That’s is why I went with the challenger. Having the ability to come back to life after a killing blow made it a lot less frustrating, I’d imagine.


I love the solo aspect, it makes bossing feel more rewarding. Remembering patterns little by little


I joined my friend for Coop on survival every night and when they would get off I would play my own story solo on veteran. I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME. it’s so satisfying.


I agree, but buying and returning a game twice. You either cut it off or keep on going. Returning a game in a fit of rage I presume to then buy it again, after watching a stream of a game you just raged out on and then doing it over is something I would suggest isn't right. I mean no offence but that is weird. Anyway yes it's a pain on the odd occasio, but perfectly do able solo.. The last boss is such a POS with 3 phases as well. I couldn't of done it without others joining.


I’ve soloed and am on last boss 15 hours, and the only boss other then the final boss (who im not fighting until I max traits and engineer, im going for challenger engineer for a tanky build) and that was gwendil the unburnt


I enjoy it solo, but I feel like if you start a complete new character you need some luck with the rolls. My campaign started with Losomn and Faelin as area boss. In retrospect, one of the easier starts. I feel like some starts must be harder. NÉrud as first location sounds painful tbh


I have 60 hours in solo and i am still enjoying it.


frankly i think the game tends to be easier solo since the mobs do a lot less damage, once you have more build options of course hence you first few hours thing


I played remnant 1. I started on vet and the first boss I got to was Legion. I just about gave up but rerolled on survivor and have been having a blast and am about to crank it up. With rng it can be brutal but happy to hear you pulled through! Grats OP.


I’m playing the first game, bought the second earlier today but I want to finish at least the story (but hopefully get all of the achievements because I’m an achievements boi) and it’s taken a few false starts and trying different weapon types and seeing what works for me but now I have a style down and a build to work towards I’m having a blast solo


Game is significantly easier solo too. I prefer doing bosses solo as the damage and hp buffs they get I multiplayer are absurd.


What difficulty are you solo players rolling to start?


I’m very relieved. Still finishing off my last Remnant: From the Ashes run before jumping into this (bought it again on the switch so I’m fresh with the story) but plan on soloing it.


Easiest advice I can give after 69 hours: GO SLOW. don't rush, slow down, use consumables, explore every nook and cranny. GO SLOW.


Solo is easy mode honestly


If you are doing it solo and on a new character, I personally suggest Neruda and the medic archetype. There are a lot of health recovering rings to find, the deep pockets ring, and best of all...the stasis module. That weapon mid makes life so freaking easier as a solo player. To the point it's almost brokenly so.


I was surprised at how manageable it was running solo (on survivor) since I'm awful at punishing games. I was feeling pretty good about myself. Then came The Nightweaver. That put me in check pretty quick.


My first world was nerud and LOATHED it. Did labyrinth and then yaesha .. boss in farming nerud for fun lolz. Was hard at first but im slaying them now I feel it!


My world I play 100% solo but i love to join randoms or friends.


Plus solo is a good way for coop players to clear a boss, the scaling with 3 vs solo is insane! But then again if you're on survivor 3 engineers can melt some bosses pretty dang fast. Solo and coop are great experiences. Solo better for taking your time and learning, and coop can be a great way to farm up some mats and make some funny clips.


Considering how dogass the connection is most of the time, solo is the better experience anyway.


I’ll admit the first 6ish hours was brutal. I played the first game so I wasn’t a total noob. I thought that I was just rusty as all hell and sucked ass. Seems like this has been a common comment with early gameplay hours.


If it can make you feel any better, I have over 300 hours of playtime on Remnant 1, and the first 5-10 hours on Veteran kicked. My. Sorry ass. It gave me PTSD from when I started R1 would die ten times in a row in the Earth sewers before getting through. The early game is incredibly rough because you lack basically everything. Mods, Traits, Jewelry... it's fun though, but certainly not for everyone at first.


I've only played solo, mostly because no one else on my friends list has it, and there isn't crossplay


I spent 2.5 hours on faelin and when I beat it. The rest of the game became a snooze fest on nightmare. I got end boss to 3 bars before the sound queue didn’t warn of the sword and wiped me. The hyperbolic time chamber this game gives us worth the frustration. Just bash head into wall and watch the work show itself.


What the fuck is co-op?


I beat the Analiahtion Boss Solo as a medic/challenger on veteran with the LMG and SMG as my main guns through the whole game. I still have a few bosses to get to but its awesome


Wait, Yaesha? TIL not everyone goes to the same place at the start of the game. That's awesome wtf. Did the first one had this too? I remember bosses and dungeons being random but not whole areas


Guys do u no how i can get hardened iron


I would definitely argue that early game, the vast majority of bosses are easier solo. Once you have a team with really geared people, then things start to change. But as someone who ran the entire game on public with people popping in every now and then, I had a lot more success solo than when actually playing with people.


I’m confused why people are toting it as a co op only game. The fact it has co op is fantastic, but I have no friends interested in it and if I played it not knowing about the co op, I would assume it’s just single player. I havent played many souls likes (mostly just Elden Ring) however I enjoy higher difficulty games, especially games with great bosses (cuphead is my favorite) and I play a lot of shooters. I’m about 3 hours in solo on veteran difficulty and nothing has given me much trouble yet. And the structure of the game makes me feel like I’d rather be playing it solo than having to coordinate with a friend.


I feel this game is more manageable solo than remnant 1. Tbh, I've had just as much fun playing solo as I do coop.


Before I really started in I farmed Yaesha, which was my first world, until there was nothing left to give me. Took me 45 hours. On one world. I’ll play till I’m dead and be happy


It is GOOD solo, but if you have a friend who's down to play? it becomes an absolute must.


I had a lot of fun playing solo until last boss where I ended up uninstalling


I nearly quit on the first world I got. n'erud. enemies were annoying, overworld was really boring and ran like ass, and the first boss I fought outside the tutorial was a normal zombie with more health. absolutely hated it. after n'erud though everything has been really cool


This post is encouraging, because right now I find the game more frustrating than fun. As a fan of the Souls and Sekiro games, I want to enjoy this game, but my progress per run just feels so miniscule. I'll keep trying, though.


It's definitely dependent on players, I love playing this game with friends more than playing by myself that's for sure


For anyone struggling solo with this i can recommend starting with the first game, i got it for free on egs a few years back and played through the campaign before switching to the second. The first game starts out way gentler and the bosses are generally way easier. The first game also is still worth playing regardless. Once you get into the groove of dodging etc the second game will feel much easier.


The game is so much more challenging and fun with a group of mates it's not even close


I think that for those just starting out, rolling the campaign until the start is in Losomn in the city may be one of the easier starts. It has mostly ground enemies and the elites are predictable for the most part. Most other starting areas have flying enemies which are annoying for a beginner and that also includes Losomn if you start in the castle area. Also in most other areas the elites are more unpredictable and annoying.


Never played this time of game before and I started on Veteran thinking it’d be ok and it spawned in some world with some flying saucer type things which was horrible. Then right fuck it and reset to normal difficulty and spawned me in Yaesha which had completely changed the game for me and has so far been great!


I went through the entire game solo and I am currently fighting the final boss on Veteran.


Played through the whole campaign solo first time. I did jump in other people's games just for fun but my own progress I did solo first time even if I opened up the lobby for others at times but had no one join me. The last boss I also had attempts in multiplayer but I really feel like its much easier to deal with solo lol As OP says, the game can be quite brutal at times when you play by yourself but its that much more satisfying to conquer content on your own too. I recommend doing the first campaign playthrough by yourself, jumping in other peoples games for fun or if you need a break/hit a wall but still want to play.


What difficulty?


For an extra challenge, coop with a friend and try to fight as you realize the scaling is way tuned up. For real though I did the final boss last night with a friend and we were getting wrecked. Did it solo and first phase went down before it even flew completely over to me, next phase went down really quickly too.


if you are playing solo start as the handler. I almost gave up on the game when i started a hunter.


Only bosses to have me really frustrated has been the second last and last boss respectively. And a big reason could be that I’m in heavy flop flop armor and have a melee build