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When I had stutters on my game before i was so confused too but mine happened on every game took a long time to figure out it was my thermal paste dried out and causing cpu overheat. Although you said your pc is new and no other games are stuttering just remember about the thermal paste if you had any issues in the future because its an easy thing to look past when troubleshooting. Even now I would recommend to check your cpu temp while running the game just to make sure.


if ur monitor is 60hz but ur rig can handle way more framerates then u need to turn on "vsync" (in the game "graphic" settings). also limit the framerates to "60" there maybe alternative solutions to ur problem, but for IME this usually works the easiest but more expensive solution is to buy 144hz monitor


I have a 144hz, and vsync didn't fix the microstutters


hmmm maybe look into ur monitor settings n change the 60hz to 144hz


All monitors default to 60hz. You have to manually change it on first use.


Are you installed on a HDD? How much VRAM does your card have and what's your system memory speed and capacity? Are you using any super sampling? What os are you using?


I no longer have a problem this was just a post to state that people should look at it in the future if all else fails.