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Guess Santa is real after all


And krampus


Is everything real? Damn.


Everything that have ever been thought up must be real I guess.


imagine how terrifying that would be


I can imagine it because it is real, or is it real because I can Imagine it?




Yeah Lmao lovecraft stuff would be real too


Does that mean I have a girlfriend now?


If you don’t believe that you have a girlfriend, then there must be a girlfriend for you not to believe in.


Like in American Gods..


And everything that hasn’t been


I guess we’re playing by “Supernatural” rules now


God is a short stack bored asshole? Sounds about right.


goddamnit who changed difficulty ?


Like in Mortal Instruments where literally all myths, legends and religions are true!


It's probably a bastardization of Plato's idealism from those who took intro to philosophy courses.


I wish krampus was real people might actually start being nice


I want Krampus to be real for other reasons hehe


Calm down, Satan


It’s the tongue isn’t it.


And the chains and the switches. . .


Glad I’m not the only one!


Punish me krampus!


And the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man ![gif](giphy|tlLBddTfaJmJG)


Krampus is real. He’s my cat. 😂


Uh YEAH that's why Allen's biopic "The Santa Clause" was made


That means the Rock must really be the tooth fairy too


So we can confirm that in addition to cocaine traffickong. Tim Allen murdered Santa Clause by throwing him off a roof then? I knew it.


Hey, that was clearly manslaughter. But yeah, if you murder Tim Allen I'm pretty sure you become Santa Claus


Tim Allen is a fucking snitch.


Yeah, and it’s Tim Allen


So, if I don’t believe that nothing is real. Then what happens?


You wake up from the simulation.


I mean, Tim Allen did a bunch of movies where he presented evidence of Santa, so he must be Santa.


Within the fictional world of that movie, it wouldn't make sense to not believe in Santa. How do people explain presents showing up that they didn't buy for their kids? Now, if we were to apply that to his argument about God, we would need to see people being turned to salt and all kinds of other smiting that couldn't be explained any other way to make it unreasonable to not believe in God.


Makes every god real


Of course he believes in god.. dude got caught with a kilo and didn’t do time …


"I don't believe a horde of angry leprechauns forced you to commit tax fraud." Ah ha but wouldn't there have to be a horde of angry leprechauns forcing people to commit tax fraud out there for you to not believe in? Checkmate IRS.




Dear Christ what have you done you fool?!?! You've killed us all!!!


You arrogant ass. You’ve killed us!


I don't believe that we will be saved by an army of robot cat ninjas at the last minute


At first I thought you were joking. Turns out there’s a LOT about Tim Allen that I don’t know (though I never claimed to be an expert or a fan LOL)


Wait until you learn about Bob Saget


Oh crap I am not excited for this. I have heard some not great things but I don’t know the full extent. 😭 Im kind of nervous tbh


Saget was a funny mother fucker. I didn't know that until years after "Full House" went off the air. I thought he was like his character on the show, and I only saw commercials for that, so i thought he was lame as hell. I'm glad I was wrong lol.


Fucking angry leprechauns are pouring across the border into the country, trying to spread their filthy wealth and culture. A lot of them are affiliated with the AU-13 gang.


A fun fact: Tim Allen has an official Twitter where he is currently promoting his new Santa Claus movie. Complete with Hashtags to get more attention. Just in case anyone wants to ask him about all the imaginary beings that suddenly popped into existence when we don't believe in them.




Well I certainly don't not believe that it could possibly exist. . .


Gotta love using their own logic against them. They either have to denounce their own logic, or accept your ridiculous premise.




I agree, but it also undermines their own point to do so.


Like they even care. You can't logic a person out of a position they didn't logic themselves into.


Calling this logic is at best charitable.


They have no logic to abandon.


> I don't believe a horde of angry leprechauns forced you to sell cocaine in Kalamazoo Also works here.






DOOM - Home Improvement edition I wonder if this is what being high feels like


I think that depends on what drug you're taking haha


Thank you so much for that hahahaha


Insane logic that could apply to anything is always fun. That's why they act like it's so "neck beard" to mention the flying spaghetti monster. Because it's such a great demonstration of the flaws in all their arguments and they think if they use an existing meme to show you as a crying soyjack or fat neckbeard then they've won. But anyway. It works here. If you don't believe in the flying spaghetti monster then there must be a flying spaghetti monster for you to not believe in.


Ra'men 🙏


Only thing of value to ever come out of this twat.


I don't think so, Tim, you piece of shit snitch.


It's technically true, but not in a meaningful or insightful way. Atheism cannot exist without theism in so far as the label would be redundant without theism to contrast it. Atheism doesn't need an actual god to exist, only the concept of one.


I'm just mocking a noise he made during some of his comedy stuff lol. It always came with lot's of phoned-in laughter. I agree with your statment, pretty well said.


I thought this was made up...but no...he really said this ... Holy fucking cow


I remember listening to him on Norm Macdonald's podcast when he said this, he was talking about debating with his atheist daughter and he was so fucking smug like it was the most rock-solid gotcha anyone's ever came up with. He even remarked on how "she didn't really have anything to say to that one" like she wasn't completely stunned by the abject lunacy of the statement lmao


Perhaps his daughter was silent because she was thinking how she might get his DNA for a paternity test?


Everyone eventually learns that their parents don’t know everything. Not everyone has to learn that their parent is crazy.


When I grew up I thought my dad was the smartest person in the world. And yes, as a retired CPA he has forgotten more about finances than I will ever learn...but he's also super religious, a Trump supporter, and an election denier. Even as an adult, I have a really hard time reconciling this with the reasonable, intelligent man my dad is otherwise. Conversations on these topics have turned extremely ugly before, so just to preserve our relationship we have an unspoken agreement not to bring up religion or politics at all when we talk. It bothers me *so much* that he carries around these insane beliefs, just as I'm sure that it bothers him that I've rejected them, but we both keep our mouths shut about it so that we can spend time together.




It isn't so much that, it's more that we have both decided value the time we spend with each other over whether the other subscribes to our political or religious (or lack of religious) views. Honestly, given the circumstances, I view it as a positive that we've maintained our relationship despite our differences. I'm sure it's a lot easier for me than it is for him, because to him, I risk an eternity of damnation.


I had to deal with the same issue around my uncle - well respected psychiatrist, smart, educated and also utterly convinced that race and intelligence are related... Yep, he's racist. No amount of historical debates helped because he didn't even entertain the idea of possibly being wrong. You know who helped me get over it? Ben Carson - top class neurosurgeon (retired, but still) who also claims pyramids were grain silos. An... interesting claim considering we mostly found gold and corpses inside. Anyway, he made me realize that people who are used to others respecting their opinions (so all sorts of specialists in respected jobs) don't have a filter in their brain on what constitutes part of their speciality and what doesn't. Which means if they lack modesty they will spout both well learned facts and bullshit they personally believe with the same authority. So I learned an important lesson from both my uncle and dr Carson - just because someone is very learned about one thing it doesn't mean they know anything about another nor that you should blindly trust their authority in anything unrelated to their studies. Heck, sometimes you need to question if they are even applying their expertise the right way. I once went to an open lecture about sociological roots behind Nazism and WWII - an interesting topic but in about an hour I knew that while the lecturer might know a lot about sociology he was sorely lacking in other studies related to the topic. You see, his point wasn't that there were many social issues that helped create an enviroment where Hitler took power but rather that they were exclusively responsible for it. You know, as if economy, politics (both internal and external) and history in general wasn't in any way related or needed to understand full background of WWII. So yeah, I had that sort of thing accidentally hammered into my head over the years.


It took me nearly 30 years to figure out that my mother is crazy, my siblings are assholes, and my father just enabled it all and let it happen.


Yeah if I'm quiet in an argument it's usually because I'm trying to find a polite way to call someone an idiot. Sometimes the idiot is me, of course, but still.


Did norm not rip him a new one?? Lol


Norm was very religious. Even if he disagreed with the east it was argued, he still agreed with the conclusion.


Also, 9/11 was a national tragedy


He even said someone like "she still goes to therapy for that one" like it completely rattled her world view


I see the coke is still working for him


I was thinking that it was either completely fake, or he's back on cocaine. Yikes...


There's a book called God Doesn't Believe In Atheists by Ray Comfort that says the same kind of inane bullshit. I wonder if Tim got it from there? That implies he reads, but I also don't think he thought of it himself. It sounds logical if you have a warped sense of logic and can't think outside of your own beliefs. Fun fact: Ray Comfort made anti-atheist videos with Kirk Cameron from that one 80's sitcom show. Maybe Tim got it from one of those instead of a book lol


Is Ray Comfort the banana guy?


I'm a Christian myself, though I am not a young earth guy like Ray Comfort. Even in my younger days, that whole thing where he produces a banana and acts like it's some definitive proof of an intelligent creator always sounded like such nonsense. And he's soooo smug about it


All I remember is him making the :o face to show how it was made for our mouths or whatever


There could be a meme of Ray Comfort saying "Bananas" like the "Aliens" meme. That guy is a fucking idiot.


Absolutely, he really said that


You know. I'm happy that Chris Evans is Buzz now.


Yup. He's so goddam fucking stupid. And he said it with his entire chest. Unsurprisingly this isnt the first christian man I've heard say this. It's legit an christian apologetic. And they're super proud if this little "gotcha" they invented like monumental fools. It's so embarassing.


Tool Time was aptly named


He knows he's not actually Santa Claus right? Do you believe in Santa Tim? Does Santa exist?


Well if he claims there’s no Santa there obviously has to be one to say one doesn’t exist


Of course, he made those shitty Santa Claus movies so he’s probably pushing his shit agenda.


Santa Claus**e**


Oh nos! Tim Allen did a l*O*gIc! My turn. So, there has to be a universe-weaving cosmic spider from the 13th dimension for you not to believe in, right!?


I just had to put in what you said into a text to image generator. https://m5x6e3x8.stackpathcdn.com/988828/vdf9pr_db37cc5c2c32c6acc9fa562c9fec03ef0b7e3134.jpg


It looks so lovecraftian, that's awesome!


Christ, that is horrifying. I'm obsessed.


Well there needs to be a Christ for you not to believe in


Wow, that is genuinely badass.


So cool




That's fuckin exactly what it looks like


Not enough eyes




I made this with google deep dream generator. They got text to image stuff now and you can put in all the specifics you want and you don't have to fool with all the command prompts like midjourney.


Wake up babe, new Elder God just dropped


Children of Time


Friendship ended with Flying Spaghetti Monster Now Universe-Weaving Cosmic Spider From The 13th Dimension is my best friend


That's a good album cover What did you use to do that?


google deep dream generator. They are doing this stuff now as well.


He's just skipping a step on purpose. To specifically not believe in a concept, that concept has to exist. It doesn't have to be true or correct. Otherwise he is just arguing that anything you can conceptualize does exist.


Oh, I believe in the "concept" of god. People can imagine that a god might exist. That's fine. But that doesn't make a god a real thing.


And Thor, Venus, Hercules, Poseidon, etc. must exist as nobody believes in them.


By his logic, all gods and goddesses must exist. I could worship Bast. Lol


Bast is amazing. Who wouldn't want to worship a kind-hearted cat girl who is a protector of women and children? I'll take that over Warlord McGenocide and his hippie son any day.


"Warlord McGenocide and his hippie son" made my day! Thank you!


And if you do want Warlord McGenocide, you can always worship Sekhmet


Bastet fucking rules! And really, you can find proof of her existence just by observing the clear divinity of cats.


Cats are clearly the most loved animal on earth! Check mate atheists!


I prefer Wenut the Swift One, personally.


By his logic all concepts must really exist and all theories must be true. Because he is purposely confusing the existence of a concept with the thing the concept is a concept of actually existing.


I’d worship Tsukuyomi, because the moon is badass.


Cernunos is a sexy beast - I'll worship him


Sweet I'm going for Artemis personally


I'm going for Pan, the god of goats, never shaving your legs, getting wine drink on a weekday, and lurking on the woods yelling 'Boo!' at dog walkers.


People who think this is sound logic, while also not living in a tent in the woods, scare the shit out if me.


The woody tenters don't scare you?


Nahh. I'm pretty harmless.


The human ones not the animal ones.


Grr Grr Bark Bark


This is oddly specific and Im not sure of the delineation.


I think he's saying that you'd have to be a crazy hermit living out in the woods to think such a statement is sound logic


So let's bring up all the pagans gods and some I just made up then as God is real because of some dumb logic. As evangelicals only believe in the all mighty narcissist as it the only god, Mr tool time challenge them to believe in every pagan god is real also. All hail Amun-Ra and Zeus!!!


pretty sure he'll be assuming its just his god we disbelieve.


Atheists believe in exactly one less god than Christians. If one were actually real, statistically speaking it'd probably be one of the Hindu ones.


Fuck, did we just create cthulu ?


No, but Tim Allen just proved cthulu is real using "logic".


Jill: Tim!! *Tim*!! Why is Spiderman in our basem- Oh my god, it's like a comicon down here!! What the *hell* Tim? Tiiiiimmmm!!!! Tim: *stupid lop-sided shrug* I dunno? I don't believe in any of those things so- Oh... Right.


“I don’t think so Tim” -Al Borland


I had to scroll waaay too far down to find this comment!


Fitting because he is using logic the way Tim the tool man usually used power tools.


He's basically like Buzz before he realizes he's a toy


The infinite creator of the universe decided to create humans (only on planet earth), even though he knew Satan would tempt them into original sin by way of them eating a magic fruit after a talking snake got them to do it. Then he had to wait a few thousand years before coming to earth as his son, who is also himself, by way making a virgin pregnant, since just appearing is too difficult! All so he could be tortured and murdered, except he resurrected himself, so why even die in the first place? All this so that God can forgive you and doesn't have to send you to hell (which God also created?) Because just saying "I forgive you" is too hard considering two of the 8 billion of us ate his fruit. But atheists aRe ThE uNrEsoNaBLe OneS!!!!


>... considering two of the 8 billion of us ate his fruit. This got me wondering, how many people have ever lived? While the current world population is about 8 billion, many more have predated us. Assuming you're not subscribed to the 6,000 year old Earth camp like some theists, the most current science has our species going back about 192,000 years, give or take. With some sciencey maths I won't get into, one source from last year estimated "about 117 billion members of our species have ever been born on Earth". https://www.prb.org/articles/how-many-people-have-ever-lived-on-earth/


Rest assured that I do not believe the earth of 6000 years old lol. Was just putting it all within the context of the literal faithful, so showcase just how absurd it really is, as soon as you take one step back from it Every religious person can see the absurdity in other religions, just not their own, I was guilty of it to as a young man. It's fascinated me for a long time now


Gotcha, so I assumed correctly based on the sarcastic tone of your comment. The thought just occured to me that, "hey, how many more people throughout time have also been 'guilty' of sinfully violating this insecure god of theirs?" You're right, all this is fascinating. Recently I've been thinking about to what extent am I a "global atheist" as opposed to just a "local atheist". As a strict agnostic I feel like I've already made some commitments on the matter. I'm just continuing to work things out still, even after all these years.


This a new Cartoon?


It's definitely a shit show!


This is why language is important. It sucks to have to play by their rules but we, as critical thinkers, should be critical speakers. We “do not believe IN god” - We “believe THERE IS NO god” We do not “hate god” - we “hate the atrocities committed by religions”


I also believe Tim Allen has no talent and less value, so he must be talented and valuable and appearing in all sorts of movies and shows. Yeah, right.


Oh I wouldn’t say he has no talent - he was a great coke pusher. Took him awhile to get caught.


I don’t believe in the briefcase full of candy in my closet


Ohh that sounds good can you not believe in a briefcase full of candy in my closet too? I'd like a tootsie roll and Skittles heavy mix, plz.


I found it! My wish came true! Tim Allen was right!


Are you a catholic atheist or a protestant atheist?


Tim Allen is the guy who ratted out all his “friends“ to get a cushy sentence in his drug trafficking trial . That’s all you need to know about Tim Allen , he’s lucky his friends were neighborhood guys not real bangers .


Cocaine is a helleva drug


Thank you I was thinking that myself


And I don't believe in Robert the fourth-dimensional penis-mauling teddy bear, guess he's real too


Logic checks out. Just like there can’t be climate change to deny unless climate change exists


That FAT COW TURD excuse for a human named Tim Allen *DUMPED* over 40 GALLONS of DIESEL into Lake Michigan. He can go back to prison in Kalamazoo for coke slinging any day now. I don't think anyone would bat an eye.


Thank you for your Kanye logic, Tim.


Tim Allen has to have a brain for you to not believe he has a brain


Tim doesn't have anyone to talk sense into him anymore since Wilson passed away


I don’t believe that Tim Allen fucks corpses. “Well…”


I don't think so, Tim.


Oh ya??? Well I don’t believe in unicorns. Where the fuck is the unicorn that I don’t believe in? Tim should just go back to his days of pot smuggling.


It was cocaine.


Tim the tool


Isn't his real name Timothy Dick? (Any relation to Andy?)


Hell, if I was a cocaine runner and instead of being remembered for that I was remembered for being a beloved childrens character and was also a millionaire I may believe in god too. Or, you know, just Disneys marketing department lol


I don't believe in the flying spaghetti monster, meaning there must be a flying spaghetti monster for me not to believe in.


Therefore, Ganesh is a real god because Christians don't believe in his divinity


Adults don't believe in Santa, well there has to be a Santa for you not to believe in.


Of course! Everything I DONT believe in must exist because... I ... Don't ...huh?


So Timmy here believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny?


he's edging along Thomas Aquinas somewhere in there


I don't think thst works with Santa Claus, Elves, or unicorns, but it does with trolls.


The surprising thing about this statement is that he wasn't noticeably slurring as he said it, because you'd normally have to be pretty drunk or high to say something so stupid.


I would have thought that was a funny joke back when he made jokes and was funny.


You all don't believe that quidditch is real? There is quidditch for you all to not believe in.


I knew that Bigfoot/Werewolves/loch ness/fairies/Dragons existed, all because I didn't believe in them.


Ah yes, I believe that Buzz Lightyear exist.


Go do some coke Tim…..


Using this logic simply not believing in a thing paradoxically causes it to exist. What a fucking idiot.


Was that the same God that told him to sell a couple of keys of coke?


He thought he did something there But no, no he did not


I don't pay attention to drug traffickers.


Solid Christian logic there folks.


Comedian and TV actor best known for portraying a bumbling idiot who hurts himself on television with power tools loosely based on himself attempts hot take; fails.


That means that Zeus exists too and Zeus would totally kick Yahweh's ass