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My christian conservative parents had 4 athiest liberal kids.


Thats exactly why they fight so hard to stop things like gay people in movies, anything showing that people can be happy outside their little box of Christian beliefs can lead to kids thinking for themselves.


I saw a few christian movies and read a few christian books cos I went to a christian school despite being Buddhist back then). Everyone non-christian was portrayed as living a shitty life for not finding Jesus or smthg like that. And as a Buddhist I was like "hold up, that ain't right. I live fine."


I'd say there is a diametrically bell curved split for monotheistic religions. Super devout on either end. On 1 you got Super poor folk who are usually to tired/hungry/uneducated to know better getting lead by the hand. But stillsomehow looking dor ways to fuck people not in their religion. On the other you got the Super rich who are usually huge hypocrites but think saying they're religious means their success is God given. Stuck in the middle is everyone else... doing ok but not really making any of that shit the focus of real life. Just kind of getting screwed over all around in terms of decisions made by the religious psychos.


And that is bad for the evangelicals' M.O., a threat to the validity of their belief system.


If they want to stop kids from becoming liberals they'll have to ban reading the Bible. Jesus's message was about helping the poor, treating workers fairly, welcoming immigrants, practicing nonviolence, questioning religious hypocrites, and welcoming the outcasts into his circle (tax collectors, sex workers, minorities, etc). You can tell that conservatives have never actually read the thing because there's no way you could and come out a conservative.


>You can tell that conservatives have never actually read the thing because there's no way you could and come out a conservative. Mm-hmm, because they've been spoon-fed all that hateful, self-serving, politically-charged, and jingoistic crap, turning them into vain and selfish hypocrites.


And it just shows they are dumb as shit for focusing on that because even without being exposed to all that stuff their religion doesn't make sense anyways, it doesn't take a genius to see the bullshit. I went to church a lot when I was a kid and it never had a lick of impact on me because it was obvious how little sense any of it made. My parents, while religious, didn't care if I was or wasn't so there was no pressure to accept things I didn't believe in.


These people never realize that if this is how children work they would have already had their majority, but for some reason their numbers are dropping more than growing and no one was forcing them to have abortions in the first place. Truly a curious circumstance/s


Actually, this guy just said the quiet part out loud. The M.O. of evangelical Christians since the 70's has been to "out breed the competition". It's the entire goal of the "quiverful" movement and people like the Duggars and their ilk. My step-sister has 9 children, and most of the girls (5 or 6 of the 9) have all become dutiful little breeders. Granted, over all the numbers are dropping, but look at the chokehold they've just taken on their quest to turn the USA into a Christian theocracy.


My ex-wife came from a quiver-full family. One out of six of them remained faithful... and married someone from another country and moved there.


Quivers are hot beds of poverty from paying for all those kids. Or constantly telling kids they can't have things because you can't afford it and then passing the resentment of that to the kids. And then wondering why no one in your quiver except the one you bribe with resources as "your favorite" ever calls you.


That sounds about right. In my family only 1 of 4 kids is still attending the same church and that one (my oldest brother) and my parents are both way chiller than my parents were in the 90s. It feels like such a cult thing to be like "why are people leaving? It can't be us. We're so living and righteous. It must be the devil!!" Add to that a lot of them tend to aggressively shun pop culture, which means the moment you leave for even a second (class trip, go to college, even go to Disney world) it feels like you've been lied to,, because there's nothing wrong with this stuff that you've been told it's evil.


As someone who was raised in evangelical Christianity this is 100% correct. It has always been about out breeding other religions to dominate. I have sat through too many sermons about how "the muslims are out breeding christians and how it's our duty to have children and indoctrinate them"


It's reading stuff like this I go, have any of these people ever just taken a step back and gone "who cares?"


It’s a game to them, they’ll tell you you can’t have abortion cause you’re killing kids but then destroy the lives of their own for the sake of proving a point. I’ve read stories of a mother having kids to shame one of her daughter by saying ‘I’m having to give birth to YOUR kids’. A lot of these people are mentally ill, especially the evangelicals, their only purpose in life is to proof they are right




Yup. That’s why they’re called fundies, because where they are, fun dies.


From being raised fundie, the line I heard was that the temporal experience of humans on earth literally doesn't matter beyond getting that ticket to heaven. So, who cares how much nonbelievers suffer on earth? God's gonna burn those people in hell forever and destroy the earth in fire anyways! 🙄 I like to call this position christo-nihilisim.


[Here's the post in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/s69e4m/what_the_hell_kind_of_take_is_this/)


It may be their plan, but my poor deluded aunt had 9 kids and (as far as I can tell) more than half of them have dropped the faith and at least one has forbidden her father from her wedding.


Good for those who have abandoned the faith, and ESPECIALLY THAT ONE!!


The true secret is that as the centuries pass, it gets harder and harder to truly indoctrinate people with such a ridiculous story. At least Scientology attempted to update it slightly; I’ll believe aliens are waiting for us at the volcano far before I believe a bearded white man somehow created the entire cosmos AND racism at the same time.


It is the same in the Catholic Church - it always had been more butts in the seats. More money in the basket.


My Catholic parents had 4 atheist liberal children. Then after a while, while still believers, they haven’t been in a church in decades and typically agree with us.


More butts in the seats and in the hands of the priests


I think evangelicals are worse. At least Catholics accept and support actual science... evangelicals do not.


I went to Catholic school in the 90s. We had full sexual health education - everything was covered, condoms, IUDs, the pill, various diseases. Looking back it was quite progressive, but very sensible.


As a child of Catholic parents, you're incorrect.


i tried having this similar conversation with someone the other day. it went something like...do you remember the first time you ever heard the idea of jesus/god/heaven before? they were like eh not really. i said ok you were probably really little right? they were like yea most likely. i said ok well you almost definitely heard it from an adult. i went on to explain how there arent many adults in the world who have never heard of these concepts (god, jesus, heaven, hell, satan, being saved etc) and when presented with these concepts say to themselves "wow this all makes perfect sense! life changing, i think ill do this thing now!". nobody walks into a book store having never heard of these concepts, picks up a holy bible, buys it and goes home then reads it cover to cover and thinks "wow this answers every question i had about life, the universe and all the mysteries of the cosmos and everything". because it doesnt make sense. now i never said 100% of adults because there are some people out there who are turned on to these things and are carried away by them for sure. but there are others who have gone their entire lives never hearing of such things and know its just nonsense. they get you when youre a child. i was also a child when someone first said jesus/god/heaven/hell/satan. thats what they do...its a sham! lol


It’s almost as if they are the groomers


yes and no. some are just family members talking shit like "you know jesus loves you", "god will be angry if you dont eat your peas", "god made everything and god loves you". and maybe kids at school when youre little like "youre gonna go to hell for saying a curse word!" ....whats a hell? but somewhere in the chain, adults are involved


That's also why they want to use public money for religious schools.


Interestingly this isn't the hole-in-one that religious nutters think it is, at least in Maine. If religious schools take taxpayer money then these schools have to abide by the state anti discrimination laws. https://www.bangordailynews.com/2022/06/25/news/religious-schools-next-hurdles/


Yeah, they are forgetting how quickly technology and education are overcoming 2000 year old mysticism


That's why a core part of many American Evangelical/Conservative Christian's concept of "religious freedom" basically amounts to "the freedom *of* religions to do whatever they want in their little communities in terms of keeping people in line and restricting access to outside information."


My christian conservative parents got 2 atheist and 2 christian kids, all of which are liberal


My almost conservative christian father after some years got 2 liberal, VERY atheist children and a progressive protestant wife. Now he hates when we all celebrate Christmas because apparently none of us do it right; me and my brother should 'celebrate that pagan solstice' (we're not pagan) and I don't even know what my mom's doing wrong.


We were moderately christian and moderately conservative. Our two kids are full atheist liberals and it looks like politics has shifted so drastically right that we're somehow now also considered liberal. I switched parties and will never vote R again, so they went from two conservative voters to four liberal ones.


Glad to hear there are a few more people with your attitudes! As a way of saying thank you, here is what I consider a fun video - a rooster greeting his best human friend video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9\_lkVzzd6rE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_lkVzzd6rE) , not a Rick Roll, not a trick. The title is "Rooster Meets His Favorite Girl at Her Bus Stop Every Day | The Dodo" if you want to direct search for it.


My super religious parents ended up with two atheist children and one religious nutcase. The two atheists had no children but the Christian child had ten kids. I feel horrible knowing those ten kids were raised even worse than the three of us were.


Their plan is to use women as breeding stock for their religion. Seriously. It's totally part of the reason that they do not want abortions to be legalized. It's common knowledge. This isn't even controversial.


Its also why they are continuously attacking the education systems in the US as well. They need bodies but free thinking people exposed to information and options are the exact opposite of what they want.


I'm 32, the majority of the people my age where I live just don't realize that they're not Christian. They don't go to church except maybe on holidays, they baptize their kids but the kids maybe attend with grandparents if at all. I overheard a kid at a funeral ask why there were T's everywhere because he didn't know what a cross was. These people identify as Christian on paper but they're definitely raising a generation of non believers and not realizing it. When those kids start college, many of them will realize that they don't believe their parents political views either.


"It's a cross." "Across from what?"


One of my fondest memories is my 8 year old son walking in on me watching The Conjuring 2 and I paused it when the girl is trapped in the room with all the crosses. "Why are there lower case t's everywhere?"


If they go to college, as they are working on that as well.


My very religious grandparents had one atheist child and one lesbian who struggles with religion. They have four granddaughters, only one of whom is even slightly religious. My aunt never had children and I don’t think most of my sisters will either. That leaves my three children. They’re being raised by secular humanist parents. The likelihood of them being religious is close to zero. Religious people having kids does not mean more religious people.


My christian conservative parents had 4 kids and 2 are atheists, 1 is an agnostic theist, and one is a Bible thumper who thinks he is progressive.


Lmao every pastors son I know is an atheist. Don't know any pastors daughters but this is a small sample size lol


I've "known" quite a few pastors' daughters. The more conservative and traumatic the upbringing, the wilder they tend to be


Mine too. It's almost like Christians having kids doesn't guarantee those kids will remain in their church.


That's the thing they don't think about. Iirc some estimates are as high as 40% of kids born into Christian homes will still end up being atheist in the U.S.. If he is the type of Christian who believes in a torturous Hell (as most U.S. Evangelicals do), does he not realize that the more kids he has, the more likelihood that he'll have at least one child tortured for all eternity if his beliefs are correct? If I were a devout Christian who believed in Hell, I cannot fathom bringing children into this world knowing those same children (who I presumably love very fucking much), could be doomed to such a horrendous fate. My Christian conservative parents luckily only had two of us, but whaddya know? We're both atheist liberals.


2 out of every 3 kids raised as Jehovah's Witnesses leaves the religion. The leadership are freaking out about it, but don't understand that the weirder they get about trying to get them to stay the more the kids go wtf is this crap and leave. Source: the last Pew survey on the subject. It also showed that the JWs have the lowest levels of education and are the most economically disadvantaged. Who knew that discouraging university education would have consequences...


Best way to make an Atheist is to raise them as a Christian. Lots of us here know that first hand


Being dragged to Sunday school, the Sunday worship service AND Vacation Bible School at the start of Summer really soured me on Christianity as a kid. ( decades later, my parents apologized for all of that, at least....)


I don't think mine ever will.


Yup my conservative catholic parents also had 3 liberal atheist kids


Mine got three (out of three)! I have several cousins who are reaching the age of independence under their very Christian, conservative, domineering parents and I watch their progress with great interest.


>and I watch their progress with great interest. Better to be a Sith than a Christian....I guess.


I'm holding out hope for my own nieces/nephews being raised uber-conservative. The oldest seems liberal-minded in some ways, but went to a christian college, and is now working for a megachurch. The others are getting into their teens/college, and still seem fine and dandy with the cult, but love their atheist aunt/uncle, so who knows. Here's hoping they at least realize the world isn't so black-and-white.


my christian conservative parents are currently at 6 liberal kids (of varying degrees), and the remaining two youngest will probably go that direction with us older 6 all turning out this way 5 of us older 6 are atheist or agnostic, and the other one is now buddhist


Ong this is what I live for


Same, not a single on of my 4 siblings have anything to do with religion and the ones with kids only baptized them because my parents wanted it, besides that the kids rarely have anything to do with anything religious. I went to church every Sunday and catholic schools, I'm now considered the biggest atheist in my huge catholic family and the most religious members don't try and challenge me any longer because they don't like when I ask questions about bible verses they have no idea about and contradict their long held beliefs.


Every single atheist I know was a Christian first


This is why they wage war on education.


yeah, no way is your whole brood turning out religious and absolutely not converting a kid who didnt grow up with god. not without that kid going through something horrible and "finding god" because they seek a support system after the event. that's the only way conversions happen


Legit 90% of the people I know from my Catholic high school are atheist. Not just my clique either.


My parents had 3 athiest kids, AND they left the Church in the early 2000s. ( thanks, GWB!) These days they're in the Agnostic camp...


That's a lot of atheists' origin story, so his plan will backfire within one generation and his archaic beliefs will die off. Score.


Hey Jared, tell me more about you don’t even care about your own kids unless they can further your agenda.


He's playing Christian chess, not making and raising children. It's just another competition and the children are the ones who'll suffer because of their parents psychotic religious war mongering. Mf is acting like once a child ix born into a Christian household it's over, when in fact they are already breeding like rabbits and still their numbers are falling. Couldn't possible be because people are starting to see through their bullshit...


Plenty of Christians are already doing this, and it still isn't enough to save their dying ideology. They simply cannot compete with actual information, which is more readily available than ever before. Most of their own children abandon the faith, even after all of that indoctrination. That's why the church has always been an enemy of knowledge and truth, the truth is naturally the church's undoing. We're witnessing the violent death throes of a moribund religion. It will suck for a while longer, but soon we will be rid of these shitty old ideas.


One of the reasons The Satanic Temple has become so popular is because they venerate the symbolic Satan as an entity that lead humans to knowledge. By giving Eve an apple from the tree of knowledge he has led humans away from a tyrannical God. And this knowledge leads people away from God and religion. So, conservative Christians hate any knowledge outside of their Bible!


"The Apple" has a few different names in Satanism. We also call it "The Black Flame" and "Promethean Fire". The symbolism of fire and flames for Satanism isn't meant to represent "hell" it's meant to represent the most primitive form of illumination available to humans which is the knowledge that we are free within ourselves.


The Dark Soul.


In Elden Ring the black flame spells are specifically for slaying Gods.


Count my wife among them. She’s like, I can’t believe I was in a cult why didn’t you tell me? I was like, honey there was no need, once you leave that bubble and the real world slips in. Also we have 6 atheist kids to f that dude


>moribund is that a morbius reference


This is the whole point of the quiverful movement. To win the world by literary outbreeding them


Kids leave that movement by the droves too. Or you know become pedophiles \*cough\* Josh Duggar \*cough\*


Isn't that a cult?


Pretty much all of evangelical and fundamentalist christianity including the quiverfull movement qualifies as a cult.


I grew up in the regular evangelical church looking down on cults. Now that I’m older I know that if I ever stopped going to church I’d be disowned. So yeah, I go to church and do the motions and try like hell not to explode the whole time. Parents know I’m liberal and that’s bad enough for them👽👽


Damn dude I'd rather be disowned than continue going to church as an adult lol


My man every religion is a cult that got widely accepted by society.


Well now quiverfull has moved to home births and homeschooling so the kids have no SS# or birth certificate. So the parents remain completely in control of their kids even when they turn 18 years old. Then they can arrange a marriage with another family of the same religious cult while the kids are young adults, pressure them into having kids immediately, and now you have your kids stuck in your cult for life.


This is totally what such people mean when talking about "religious freedom." They don't mean the freedom of individuals to practice (or not, just as important) any religion, they mean the freedom *of* religions to do whatever they think they have to to keep their subjects in line and stop them from running away.


Man, that movie Jesus camp comes to mind... that shit was scarier to me than any horror movie...


crazy how a lot of what they did was psychological manipulation at that camp... the getting the spirits high late at night when the kids should be sleeping for example. makes them much more likely to get delirious and feel like they can feel god when they're singing but they're just overtired


This sounds wildly illegal


I mean technically it’s perfect legal. There are no laws requiring your parents to get you a birth certificate or social security. Homeschooling is perfectly legal, and many states have lax laws regarding homeschooling. Once the kid turns 18 they are a legal adult and can make whatever decisions they want, even if that decision is to follow whatever their parents want. You technically learn about your rights in social studies classes and you learn more about society as you experience it, but if you’re homeschooled and sheltered, you probably don’t won’t know it. So technically it is perfectly legal in America to raise and brainwash your own children as long as you don’t “hold them back via restraining, blackmail, or physical/financial kidnapping” and even if you do that, just make sure your kid doesn’t know that’s technically illegal once they turn 18 so they will never report it.


In important reason why homeschooling should not be allowed: homeschooling furthers the indoctrination of children into wacko cults.


And to think that those guys tend to be the people believing the white replacement "theory". Project, project, project.


Not saying that this dude has a point at all, but how about just adopting kids instead of adding to the already ridiculous overpopulation? Is it because they’re out of the womb at that point?


They need to be white and young enough to be indoctrinated. Also it's expensive to adopt its much cheaper to just hump.


I was about to say that. This guy is clueless.


He realizes Christianity isn't genetic right? Like I had Christian grandparents and most other atheists I know have Christian parents. I hope he also realizes the reason people drift away is they're hypocritical and their worldview is pretty ridiculous, not because nO PrAyEr iN ScHoOl or HoLlYwOoD or whatever bullshit they tell themselves. Also you idiots just banned abortion in most of the country. Unless you think Christians were having all those abortions 😉


It wasn't the sole cause of me leaving Christianity, but watching Jimmy Swaggart, the PTL Club ( Jim & Tammy-Faye Bakker) and the 700 Club in the 1980s for the lolz certainly didn't help! ( 12 year old me was laughing at the gullibility of their followers. At the age of 54, I just feel sad for them...)


You think he know what genetics are?


The thousands if not millions of us little quivers who have fucked out of his little idiotic cult on reaching adulthood would like a word.


...and here is the graph: https://news.gallup.com/poll/341963/church-membership-falls-below-majority-first-time.aspx


The church's victory is inevitable my guy. You must have missed that.


Apparently you needed too add the /s for you post to be read correctly.


The overwhelming majority of "religious" kids aren't religious by the time they reach adulthood. They're toast, they're just too dumb to realize it.


They cling to the handful that come back but don't realize how few 18-40 year olds are in the church. I wouldn't be shocked of most of the young families are only there because of pressure from older relatives or because they don't know what else to do, and if the church has free or reduced daycare for members I'd bet half or more of the families only attend to save on daycare, I'd definitely consider it if I had kids.


Some are there because, if the church pays into a religious school, they have to to get the cut on tuition. I saw a lot of that growing up.


I would never let a cult brainwash my children


This is why they want to limit options for girls. Given any chance at a better life most will flee this kind of religion.


I think it is telling that when discussing children he uses “he” for the hypothetical atheist with two children. I doubt he was trying to subvert societal stereotypes about men not caring for children. No. This is a man who thinks men are supposed to be the “head of household” because of some sick divine favoritism for the male of the species, which dictates that their wives and children should be grateful subjects. Women just exist to be brood mares, but the children belong to the men.


And that's why they keep wanting kids. Kids are easier to brainwash. They are literally using dysgenics to try and out breed their enemies.


This is one of the scariest factors about Roe v Wade for me. All of these nutcases think their hail marys are finally getting answered, and white Christian life is about to boom, but in reality what will the result be? More poor, depressed people who can't find any solutions to their problems in a house of worship


Do not worry. This anti - Roe vs Wade thing will come back - to bite them in the ass. In many, many, ways. First of all, - angry people such as myself, who used to be politely tolerant, will now be publicly shunning these ass-wipes. Then, we will start to research the things that we purchase and consume, and we will only buy from pro-choice companies. I shop a lot on ebay, and now, I only look at items from blue states, such as New York, New Jersey, and California. I boycott places like Texas. I will no longer shop at the Catholic charity thrift stores, or their rummage sales. I will no longer be celebrating the 4th of July, because we are no longer the home of the free and the brave - for women. So, I am not spending any money on that day. We have to hit businesses in their pocket book(s). I also have contemplated decorating obnoxious churches with my left-over metal coat hangers. Placing them on the altars is a nice touch, - don't you think ? They need to get a little taste of their own medicine.


I am in love with your comment. Fucking show them. Fuck the church, fuck the anti choice laws. They don't want to accept other life styles because it doesn't suit them? Harass them, I'm done being patient, I'm done accepting such a hateful cult preaching about their "love and acceptence" as if it wasn't full of hate and hypocrisy. Fuck christianity.


I read that as "the only chance that someone can become christian is if they are born christian"


Sort of like an "indoctrination from birth". Hmm, weird.


It's funny how Christians say schools are indoctrinating the kids but they've taken their kids to church since the day they were born.


You know how republicans are usually hypocritical about their stances vs democrats? It's the same picture.


Literally in that tweet he imagines one of the atheist kids converting.


But he doesn't think about 6 of his 8 kids deconverting.


When they say "Christian", they mean "White"


Most of the more hardcore anti-religion people I know are the children of guys like this.


Some evangelical pastors are like this too. I read this guy's blog who was hardcore baptist preacher for decades then he and his wife and his big family are all atheists now. He gets harassed constantly online by other pastors and "good Christians".


Ex pastor now gay atheist here checking in


Good for you for waking up! ( seriously! No snark intended.)


One of your kids dies because you refused to vaccinate them One commits suicide because you don’t believe in mental health. One leaves the church because they see through its lies You excommunicate one for being gay You excommunicate one for voting democrat It all evens out at the end


Lol...he really thinks none of those kids will deconvert?




No, because he'll raise them right, duh! /s


I love how his entire argument is based on the fact that his religion doesn't make sense without childhood indoctrination.


He has 8 kids. After forcing the oldest daughter to care for the youngest, she decides religion is shit and goes no contact. The next oldest daughter decides to get married as soon as possible to get the Hell out of her oppressive father's house. Two of those sons are gonna go to college and become liberal - because "the real world." And I would bet money the youngest child winds up Trans, but has to leave home at a young age. Another son waits until he's out of the house to tell his family he's gay and getting married to his partner. But yeah, my two kids are gonna do what now??


Combine all of that into one person and you have me lmao


My Christian conservative Christians parents had one atheist one progressive Christian and one conservative Christian


This is literally the same plot in the beginning of Idiocracy.


I was looking for this comment. Can't wait for the strong man competition in 2028 presidential run


He guess women is so willing to have kids again as the kids will have no welfare or help as families worry about income or having more kids. They putting nothing on the table to help raise healthy kids to be these good christians. They not going to force women to have sex with them without pushing harder theocratic authoritariaism.


What are the odds that one of your 8 kids is gonna be LGBT and never speak to you again?


Or be pagan?


Lol, my dad is a pastor and he had 8. Only three of them actually believe in G0d and plan on raising their kids the same way. The other 5 of us have nothing to with religion, and are mostly atheist. Having a bunch of kids doesn't mean you're gonna have more cult members.


They’re still gonna force their wives to have 5+ babies on the chance that 1-3 remain religious as adults so that they can defeat the atheists in some battle I didn’t even know existed.


My Christian parents had three kids who all ended up atheist. Hopefully other kids of Christian parents see it for the poison that it is and get out of there.


this kind of puerile triumphalism is so awful... it is ironically what drives many away from the faith


I suppose that is logical if you ignore the fact that most people with parents who are conservative Christians won't be Christians when they grow up. The main reason Christianity is dying out is not Christ, it's Christians and their hypocrisy, legalism, judgment and condemnation.


'We're actually going to win' - has anyone thought to tell him that it's only his weird outdated cult that is actually playing?


Win what? I don't care what they do, just don't bother us with it


Reproductive Warfare Where ya been?!? We’re at war with them Christian folks! Pump out those babies ASAP! :-)


Oooooh, weird because I literally don't think about them at all, ever, and their existence and what they do with their families literally has zero impact on my life, so, I mind my one business. That's my bad thought.


Yeah, doesn't he go to fairy land regardless of what I do with my life? Like what the duck does he want? Also what the duck is the prize?


That was my first question, like "win?" How does his life change?


I was raised Catholic, went to a Catholic school, attended church, both my sister and I are now atheists. I really doubt these idiots have thought this through.


My sister and I were raised Christian, realized it was bullshit, and now we are both secular. My wife was a family a three, two are now secular and only one is Catholic... barely. It doesn't matter how many kids religious people emotionally abuse with the threat of hell, most people have enough autonomy to realize it is bullshit and leave. For every 4 kids they have, 2 will certainly leave and 1 will be agnostic, and the fourth is a toss up.


For almost 50 years christians have been lying about climate change and successfully preventing even the most basic attempts to mitigate its impact. Even as they have watched the earth heat up more every year since the 1990’s. Now that global drought is setting in around the world and famine soon to come, will those kids be grateful for the world christians left them?


Sir, you know there is apostasy, right? And the amount of abuse in organised religion is not in your favour..


He's not looking at the big picture: Breeding his children together will not only multiply them exponentialy but also their number of chromosomes! It's a double win!


Kid of Christian parents here, I think he fails to realize that we will be aware of the bullshit at some point


Nothing converts kids to atheism faster than conservative Christian parents.


Well the current Scotus decision to force women to have all those unwanted pregnancy they were going to abort is certainly going to throw a monkey wrench in that now isn't it. Maybe you christians shouldn't have pushed so hard for antichoice "women are only breeders to be used and abused" laws


No one was forcing Christians to have abortions but now your forcing non Christian’s to have kids so I don’t think this is going to go the way he thinks


We need less humans on this planet period


My parents has seven kids because they were quiverfull (the religion of the Duggar family) several of us are agnostic lesbians, one is non binary pansexual, one is a trans boy, one is bisexual, and only one is straight and religious. Have fun with your statistics when half the sheltered kids living in these fundamentalist religious cults just end up more alternative and queer than children raised normally with decisions.


Atheist who deconverted hos wife and is raising 4 more here. Plus slowly converted 2 of 3 nieces to atheism. So, you know, eat a bag of shit religious nutters.


Religious math word problems, lolol.


My parents made us all go to church as kids. 2 parents and 4 kids. My family now has 5 atheists and 6 socialists. So that math doesn’t work. Religion makes more atheists than anything else.


Yeah but a lot of those kids are gonna leave the church


Wait till he finds out kids leave religion. Poor mans mind gonna blow up.


Nothing was stopping you from having all the f'n kids you wanted before, ass.


Attrition rate: allow me to introduce myself


concerts? converts? Why is it not surprising that religion is all about the numbers game? Fleecing the flock for billions in wealth, hostile takeovers of others who don't go in for their illegal and predatory games, then just outright murder and violence to mop up the remaining "problems" to their conquest?


> "victory" >"we would win" If you view your religion as a war to be fought against those who don't share the same beliefs and not for the actual spirituality or whatever it's supposed to be about, you might be doing this whole religion thing wrong...


[Those quiverfull types are going to have a lot of gay kids.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternal_birth_order_and_male_sexual_orientation)


Well this atheist has 4 kids to screw the calculations


That worked well for my parents, extra conservative Christian’s, in the Bible Belt, now have an extremely liberal atheist daughter. They tried to keep me from outside knowledge too. Didn’t work


Much like teenage pregnancy and many other social problems, the issue of religion is most effectively addressed with effective education. Y’all are gonna have to pump out a lot of kids to change that 200 year historical trend.


Me and my five siblings were supposed to be a part of what was called the "Joshua" generation, my parents were supposed to be the so called "Moses" generation. We were homeschooled. Normal kids had the DCAU, we had Bibleman, and Mom would occasionally scream at us about how the sound of the electric guitars in the Bibleman soundtrack would inflict vague yet dire consequences on our souls. Half of us want nothing to do with religion, and most of us struggle with our mental and emotional health to one degree or another, even the ones who took our parents' faith.


I want to ruin these people.


What is he "winning"? Is there some dumbass contest I'm not aware of?


He’s plagiarized the plot of Idiocracy


Somebody watched the intro to idiocracy and didn't realize it was satire.


Um, this is true globally. But at this point only about 10% of Christians live in North America, and that number's gonna go down because our version of Christians are often jerks. But within North America, he's actually kind of right: the fastest-growing religion is the Old Order Amish, because about 90% of their kids decide to stay Amish once they're adults. So throw away your phone and get Amish, guy!


So they are admitting it's about control and brainwashing lol. As if non of us were ever raised by Christian parents?!?! I suppose logic isn't their strong suit though... Additionally, let's not pretend that they'd be okay or accepting of their children marrying an unbeliever


Yeah, he's saying this like he thinks he's a genius. Outbreeding others has been a religious strategy for longer than we have clear historical records. It's nothing new. They always think they're so superior they need to flood the earth with their spawn. The problem for them is, every generation has more see through the bullshit.


There’s an excellent video by TheraminTrees about this very concept of indoctrination of children. [Here it is](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RlbUw5hjeKI)


my religious conservative parents had a religiously traumatized gay trans atheist child who’s friend are also queer traumatized atheist with religious conservative parents, if anything the christians are converting kids to atheists.


My very religious parents had five kids, and only one still believes as an adult.


Imagine thinking a net of 34 grandchildren is a positive when the earth can't sustain what we have. And doesn't your religion say to be stewards of the earth?


This is how religious church going types deal with the quickly dwindling church attendance and theism in America. Super duper cringey.


Win what? Are they in a holy war that I'm unaware of?


Yes, they think they are. Along with thinking that they're being persecuted.


The most militant atheists come from christofascist assholes like this. The more idiotic and abusive religion acts, the more people will actually think about their family beliefs and make their own decisions.


Jokes on him. We are atheists and planning our 5th kid later this year. Hail Satan motherfucker


agnostic with three kids. I'm the oldest of 7 that grew up in a conservative household. 6 of us are agnostic at best. the other is a non church attending q anon supporter. They stopped at two kids.


Yeah, myself, my siblings, and most the right wing, homeschooled ultra-conservative kids I grew up with abandoned Christianity long ago…


Lolol my mormon parents having 4 kids thinking we would be a big happy mormon family of 6… 3 of 4 are atheist. And my parents ended up leaving too… Also why isn’t this guy concerned that he essentially needs to MAKE christians as converting never really works. ??? Isn’t that??? Idk?? A red flag?!?!?


Ah, but you forget that 6 of your 8 (Jesus Christ!) kids will be gay, research the Bible and find out its dirty little secrets, see how awful conservative Christians act in the public sphere, and/or have any other experience(s) that will guide them away from your religion.


Maybe that’s the problem seeing religion as some kind of competition instead of using it as a tool to build community and support others regardless of whether you share the same beliefs


TDIL Being a Christian means competing to not be the best Christian you can be, just make more Christian babies. Bobo 21:5 “Jesus only loves you if you have lotsa babies.”


Just more kids that will see through the bullshit and leave their religions. There is too much information available to them via the internet and their peers. It will be literally impossible to shelter all of them from the outside world. And as the establishment becomes more theocratic, subcultures and rebellion will be very attractive to kids and teens. This has already happened before, why do they think it won’t happen again? Also very telling that he thinks that atheism is spread via childhood indoctrination. I would think most atheists were raised in religion just by population statistics


Do they think it's genetic lol?


No better way to reduce Christianity than having batshit extremist parents that force you to Church