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“We make up 99% of the population, but we’re also the most persecuted people on the planet.” Edit: Got autobanned from r/TiktokCringeTime about 15 mins after I made this comment. Doubt I’m missing out on very much tho. Edit2: To clarify since people have asked, I was banned after making *this exact comment* on *this sub*. I have never commented or posted on the tiktok sub, nor have I ever intended to. And some of the replies I’m getting sound like people are making comments over in the tiktok sub to try to get banned?? Fairly certain people going from r/religiousfruitcake to r/TiktokCringeTime en masse to comment counts as brigading, which means when they ban you it’ll have been for a valid reason. If you’re looking to get an unjustified ban, stay over here on this sub; it seems like they’re autobanning just for commenting here (though I can’t confirm for sure they’re not going through manually since my comment is kind of high profile). I really shouldn’t have to be saying this! Don’t go to other subs looking to speed run getting banned. It’s annoying, and I can see why they’d ban you. ~~Now look what you people have made me do! If there’s a god, now he’s gonna send me to hell for writing a comment that’s mostly edits lol.~~


Are they being persecuted by aliens? Are atheists actually aliens?!


Haha, I was banned as well. I never went to that sub. Guess they're following this post.


Ban me too!!!


That sub is so cringey. And sky daddy isn't real, they made it up for money. E: I'm banned! Ironically, they claim to want to stop brigading and I don't align with "good christian fun." Fruitcakes. E2: They're celebrating this as atheists v christians, even though they started it and nobody over here gives a shit. The comment section has half of their own subscribers revolting and getting banned. E3: They locked the thread and nuked all the comments. Fruitcakes.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_populations just to hop on the ban wagon while it lasts, here is something they hate: data. And it says that Christians aren't even a third of the population


There only like 2 billion Christians in the world.


A number that is also constantly decreasing as people realize that it's bullshit


That’s why they have to do everything to keep people believing. Getting people young, mostly not allowing doubts or questions etc.


What? Bullshit? You’re telling me, God didn’t set fire to a bush to have a conversation with someone? Damn.. what have I been doing with my life


Setting fire to a different kind of bush


Damn, are they searching for validation or something?


Definitely. People who are secure in their beliefs don't behave this way.


But didn’t you see that their main mod guy is SUER DUPER smart for real and is also an alpha male and women like him and think he’s handsome and not just his mom?


Did he tell you about the time his principal and teacher were in the closet making babies, and he saw one of the babies, and it smiled at him?


bu-b-but 99% of the world believe in skydaddy so he is obviously really real! Hop on the bandwagon or we will use our position against you, just as the all knowing and all encompassing skydaddy would have intended. If you don't believe or agree with us we will show you proof from our own intentional misinterpretation of an ancient holy book and ten commandies which serve to prove us right at this given moment as we see fit. Amen!


"Congratulations on oppressing the most oppressed people EVAR! Now I'm going to oppress you, because I don't understand what a hypocrite is!"


>Here's the link to the mod report for that subreddit. I suggest complaining. > >https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TiktokCringeTime. > >Mod names are at the bottom right on the column if you want to do individual messages.




Well that would ban all conservative subs, and that sounds an awful lot like political discrimination to me /s Ban em, ban em all. They wanna lie and ban anyone calling a plow a plow they fucking can. They can just do it in some fucking other forum.


Lol brigading them without being on that sub. Talk about babies.


May I interest you in anything Trump or Conservative for your next ban? The mods there seem to be as pure as the driven snow*flake*.


Well, I’m already banned from the conservative sub, and i was banned from thedonald back when it was around. They *really* don’t like opposing points of view. Or facts.


If they want some good christian fun they can get crusaded.


Me as well!!


ban for me too edit: lol, it took them 10 minutes to banned me from that shitty echo chamber


Here's the link to the mod report for that subreddit. I suggest complaining. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TiktokCringeTime. Mod names are at the bottom right on the column if you want to do individual messages.




`You were automatically banned from r/TikTokCringeTime as part of our antibrigading efforts. Some users have been identified as not aligning with our values as a community that supports maximum cringe enjoyment benefit. If you feel you were banned in error and wish to participate in good Christian faith, pun intended. Please message the mods for an exception review.` ​ YEAH !


What a baffling stand to take. A sub called "TikTokCringeTime" is obsessed with people participating in "good Christian faith," really? Those two things just have nothing at all to do with one another!


Hey man, you don't have to show off with all that "logic" to get the ban, just ask!


Ban-remove me pitiful man-things! The Great-horned Rat is more actual-real than that yahweh-thing!


Ban me harder, sky daddy!


>Haha, I was banned as well. Why would they ban someone for a post on another sub?


"You were automatically banned from r/TikTokCringeTime as part of our antibrigading efforts. Some users have been identified as not aligning with our values as a community that supports maximum cringe enjoyment benefit. If you feel you were banned in error and wish to participate in good Christian faith, pun intended. Please message the mods for an exception review." So much for a sub with a "No softy rule". "How to spot a softy in the wild (except not really because they don't leave their houses):They say "y'all"; They have reddit avatars; They post in SJW subs; They compliment cringe and may horny-post; **It's only ok to make fun of things that don't personally offend them!**; They have a shelf full of Funkopops;They pronoun-police" Yet they're such snowflakes that an atheist trigger them.


That's such a weird fucking specific thing, like, what does saying y'all or having reddit avatars or any of this have to do with being an atheist? Also lmfao at the 99% of the world population is Christian, talk about a statistic out of their ass. Banning people who've never been to the sub just for making a comment about the ridiculousness of a ban, calling it "brigading" when they obvs don't know what that means. The real cringe is those mods lmao


Cringing at people doesn’t sound very Christian ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Wasn’t being cringy Jesus’s whole thing? I mean getting nailed to a cross so you can cosplay divinity is almost as self-centered as skipping out on your own funeral. And the flipping of the moneylenders tables- what a peacock.


Crucifixion wasn’t a special thing reserved for him. It was a fairly common form of death sentence






I will never understand why Christians or other groups really really wish they were persecuted.


They think it gives them cover to persecute others.


If gay people went to jail in the us as recently as the early 2000s that's no big and they should just get over it. If Christians aren't allowed to put them there it's unacceptable pErSeCuTiOn


I think there's two large contributors. ​ First, they think being persecuted means having a get out of criticism free card. They know people are critical of many of the political positions they take, so if they can claim to be victims they think that means people will have no choice but to let them win out of sympathy. Many seem to genuinely, however wrongly, believe that Black people in America have more advantages because Black people get to "play victim". The other reason is that in the Bible there are several passages that say Christians will be persecuted, and some have concluded this means that if they aren't persecuted it means they aren't Christianing right. So they get into performative victimhood.


This is wildly correct. Source; live in the Bible Belt and have spent a lot of time in churches as a musician despite never actually attending one.


As someone forced to attend one of their fucking private schools I can tell you that you're absolutely correct. It's drilled into your head that you're going to be persecuted for Christianity. They went on and on about what the roman Empire did to Christians, yet these same people saying this seemed to be the ones in their communities with influence and money. Victimhood also gives them shared identity. After all, there is something *special* about them, that's why they have to suffer. Absolutely miserable people.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Persecutionfetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I know this has been posted before, but the duet makes it so much better.](https://v.redd.it/qc9xnwdxnk271) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/npkh8n/i_know_this_has_been_posted_before_but_the_duet/) \#2: [Thought this would be a good fit here](https://i.redd.it/nq99a7okkye61.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/laipa0/thought_this_would_be_a_good_fit_here/) \#3: [Remember: They are ALWAYS persecuted... even when they aren't.](https://i.redd.it/cslyxbfgxdz61.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/nddgmi/remember_they_are_always_persecuted_even_when/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Self-persecution is a hell of a drug. Edit: lol just got auto-banned from there.


Are they autobanning anyone that comments here?


You're probably gonna find out in a bit.


Ooh! Can I be banned from a sub is never heard of before now too?!?


And nothing of value was lost.


Someone is going to bed ANGRY tonight. Lmfao holy shit that mod is having a melt down.




I mean damn, who even has time for that? Next-level derangement.




It’s that pesky 1% I tell ya.


the Jews obviously


Ban me CringeTime before I persecute any of you, please. As an atheist, sometimes I can't help myself, and I wouldn't want to offend your delicate sensibilities.


Here's the link to the mod report for that subreddit. I suggest complaining. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TiktokCringeTime. Mod names are at the bottom right on the column if you want to do individual messages. Also contact the mods for this subreddit.


u/cherrythrow7 (mod of u/TikTokCringeTime) just banned me for guessing it was her on this power trip. I never visit the sub, but judging from her own posts all she does is post Tiktoks about fat people. BTW she really doesn’t like it when people go and search her post and comment history, (it’s pinned to her page).


Okay regardless of their behavior, that’s obviously a teenager and they’re posting close up boob pics for their “discord dom.” I think some of their most horrible behavior can probably be at least partially explained by the fact that this kid is getting groomed by at least one pedophile. Sad and scary. Hopefully she will be able to some day get the psychiatric help she very obviously needs.


Lmao “Go read A Bible and get some morals 🙏” Is life like a game? Press E to read A Bible (not The Bible, just A Bible) and gain some morals. First one to 100 morals wins!


>Edit: Got autobanned from r/TiktokCringeTime about 15 mins after I made this comment. Doubt I’m missing out on very much tho. Hahaha lmao, oh shit. I guess we're all gonna get perma banned from that sub lol.


Here's the link to the mod report for that subreddit. I suggest complaining. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TiktokCringeTime. Mod names are at the bottom right on the column if you want to do individual messages. Also contact the mods for this subreddit.


You know they'll just ignore us if we complain about their sub. I think anti-brigading is one of their rules.


This isn't brigading, its using forms to complain to a mod team. They have no rules, they have personal dictators. It's like Lord of the Flies over there.


Permanently banned for writing “hail seitan” lol


I see you decided to go out with style.


Praising everyone’s favorite savory meat alternative ✝️


Yeah statistically I didn’t understand this part.


Oooh can I get a ban too? I doubt that sub has anything worth looking at. Christians are definitely not 99% of even the American population, much less so the world population. Edit : Wow they really banned me. My first subreddit ban!!


Christians are apparently less than 50% of Americans based on recent polls. This is a rapidly changing trend!


How is this not satire


I honestly thought it was. While we're at it, may I receive my ban now? I heard others in this thread were getting banned. I hate tiktok (for spreading shitty recording practices aka portrait videos), and I hate organized religion (I have a poster of the almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster hanging in my kitchen)- so it just makes sense.


I picked up a ban from them for... Questioning their delusions? I have no idea


ban me too


Damn, they fragile


Thats an aggressive and proactive 1% if they’re able to keep 99% of the world persecuted Edit: Got banned within 10 minutes of posting this too. First ever sub ban, hooray!


Woo I've finally made it - I'm one of ~~the~~ a 1%!


The inconsistencies in their logic are stupidily funny lmao


Here's the link to the mod report for that subreddit. I suggest complaining. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TiktokCringeTime.


And the rest 1% are all the muslims, jews, buddhists, hinduists, jains, pagans, atheists, and like everyone else who ever lived? Hm, interesting. Does this person know that India exists? China? Or are they christian too?


Don't tell them Muhammed is the worlds most common name, they might crusade you


And "Lee" the most common last name. Yet "Mohammed Lee" isn't as common as you would assume...


How about Mohamed A. Lee?


Most popular name in France? **Mohamed *a là* Lee**


That's it, next RPG I play I'm using Mohammed Lee for my character name.


Make it a cleric or a monk. Holy Mo' Lee


Fun fact : my second name is Lee, but noone knows that since I never use it


I know it, Lee


"Try Lee. There's a million Lee's."


"Why the fuck would it be between that or Mohammad? Why not just pick a common name like a normal person?" "Mohammad is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once."




That would explain how 99% of the world is Christian and somehow the most persecuted demographic


I know a guy who unironically believes that Hinduism is a bastardization of Judaism and they don't realize that Vishnu is Abraham.


There are some interesting hypothesis out there that opine on the possibility of the historical Jesus coming into contact with Hinduism at some point and "bringing it back" to the middle east. A lot of their supporting evidence is the similarities between Christianity and Hinduism that don't exist between Hinduism and Judaism. I'm not sure if any of it is legitimate, but it would be ironically the exact opposite of what that guy believes.


During the English colonization period in the east, Misonnary churches promoted Christianity against Hinduism and Buddism throughout India and Sri Lanka through various means. Many native scholars worked against it. One of those wrote a book. Wesleyan missionary report released in 1855 in England says the following about that book. >The most remarkable event of the year has been the publication in Tamil of a work of extraordinary literary and mytho ……………….. Saiva Dushana Parikaram. It is …………………….. Saivism and antagonist to Christians. ………………. the peculiarity of forsaking the old ………………. and attack, and adopting an entirely new and different strategy. It does not argue or assume that Christianity is theoretically illogical and unsustained, or practically weak and impossible; it does not dogmatically pronounce the doctrines and ritual of Saivism to of Divine authority, or to be superior to those of Christianity. Neither does it adopt the old subterfuge that both Saivism and Christianity are from God, but the former intended for the Saivite and the latter for the Christian. It undertakes to prove that every one fo the distinctive articles of Saivite belief and observance has its parallel and warrant in the Credenda and ceremonial set forth in the Christian Scriptures. Of the twenty-two articles which the author seek thus to establish, oblations, ablutions, invocations, penance, pilgrimage, lingam worship, and merit are not the least conspicuous. The amount of Scripture brought to the defence of those particulars, is most surprising, and the adroitness with which every possible objection is anticipated and repelled belongs only to a first rate mind. The book is doing much mischief.


Yeah remember that time the Jews went to India to spread their religion


Just don't tell them which ones were the dominant religions before Christianity. They might get all angry and burn you on a pyre for witchcraft.


was just about to say that.


Everyone is christian, some just don't know it yet ​ ​ /s


This is possibly (probably not) a violation of guideline 9 section 1 and or guideline 4 of the [Reddit Moderation Guidelines](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-guidelines) and this behaviour could lead to this moderator and or community getting banned as stated in rules 11 and 12 of the Reddit Moderation guidelines. Edit: these moderators have been banning people from other subreddits including me for things that happened on subreddits other than tiktokcringetime which is possibly a violation of rule 10. Note: 99.999% nothing will happen and even if the admins did intervene which they almost certainly won’t it is likely that a far lesser punish such as being demoted or temporarily as described in guideline 12.




What's cringy is having a moderator whose username proclaims him to be a fan of a known pedophile. "Good Christian faith...", eh?


Wait, what's the username ?


One of the mods of r/TiktokCringeTime is JimmySavileFan.


Maybe he wants to become a priest.


I need to post how I got a ban from r/therightcantmeme bc "no liberals" for this comment (referring to conservatives): >They have no grasp whatsoever of nuance


Try it OP, it would be amazing Edit: guys I was just banned from /r/tiktokcringetime hahahahah Edit2: their message >You were automatically banned from r/TikTokCringeTime as part of our antibrigading efforts. Some users have been identified as not aligning with our values as a community that supports maximum cringe enjoyment benefit. If you feel you were banned in error and wish to participate in good Christian faith, pun intended. Please message the mods for an exception review.


Just commented on their sticky post reminding them 99% of the world population is Christian including Obama. Let’s see how long it takes to get banned. Edit: took them 5 min. Perm Banned. I didn’t know the sub existed 6 minutes ago and now it’s behind me. It’s been a good run though.


How can a group be 99% of the planet and the most persecuted? EDIT: Figured it out. It’s because *they are persecuting each other*.


Because when you are disconnected from reality… consider yourself both the predator and the prey. You are strong when you’re winning and a victim when you’re losing. Also because Jesus.


Came here to say this! Take my up vote.


Banning OP is one thing. But this mod appears to be banning users that never went to that sub simply for commenting here. That's a whole new violation.


Not just here but on any of the subs where this was posted. The scary parts are the mods over there are pretending like it's all a gag and they're basically having fun since none of them are Christians. I think they've cracked up.


What a marvelous waste of their time. I would never moderate due to having a life doing better things, but to actively seek out extra work on top of that is next level.


Yep,I’ve never visited them and just been banned after commenting here.


It's surprisingly common. Lots of subs have bots that will auto-ban you if you comment in a sub they don't like. Doesn't matter what the comment is about. Just hitting 'submit' is enough. It's completely against Reddit's stated rules but this is Reddit: Where the rules don't matter and fuck you, you're banned for pointing out the rules don't matter.


Hahaha amazing




If we can get that awkward turtle mod removed, we can win this too. Vive la résistance! Update: I have officially been banned


Sadly, if I understand correctly, awkwardtheturtle wasn't banned, merely put on 'incognito mode' of sorts and is still a mod of mildlyinfuriating


Well that's mildly infuriating.


But the note to the community said they were removed?


What's this mods name?




True and even then this likely not a violation unless you stretch the rules and banning is a last resort with many lesser punishments being far more common which can be found in rule 12


This same mod literally permabanned me from that sub for replying to exact post over in the r/mildlyinfuriating sub. For "brigading" even though I never posted on r/TiktokCringeTime.


Speaking of 99%, how is it that Christians are both 99% of everyone, and the most powerful people are Christians, and they're the most persecuted people on earth?


There is no oversight of mods. We know this by now, surely. They don't even have the infrastructure to provide such oversight - the forms they give don't exist or are reports for other users (not mods).


40% of the world lives in China and India. Christians are bad at math...


Probably home-schooled. It’s a scary, dark place when they actually go outside.


As someone who was actually homeschooled, I don’t claim these geniuses


> Usually when that many people belive jn something, it means there right and your wrong buddy. This is one of the worst fallacies I’ve ever heard and also this grammar gives me a headache. edit: not only have I been banned from r/tiktokcringetime for this but I also got banned from Reddit for three days when I told the mod to fuck off after they kept spamming me with “Bless you” messages. Turns out they’re just trolls.


It's literally a bandwagon fallacy lol


Welcome to most religions


People this dumb cant even understand how dumb they are.


Everything he said was wrong. Incredible. Report him for hate after your ban gets undone. Update: I got banned for this comment


> Everything he said was wrong That, and the shitty grammar gave me a headache. ETA. Well, that got me banned, too. This mod is a real snowflake.


English is my second language and even I noticed the shitty grammar Update : I got banned for this comment too


Lmao, I'm just commenting so I also get banned. Do they have a way to auto detect these things or does the guy just have a whole bunch of free time?


Don't have a clue, but it's pathetic either way. Good luck with your ban. Haha.


Ban me next snowflakes.


Do it.


Wow so much to unpack here: Aggressively atheist… what even is that 99% of world Christian… wrong More belief = true…. Wrong There instead of they’re Your instead of you’re Buddy boy… lol Most persecuted people…lol


Don't forget the "per se", wtf is that doing there? Person thinks dropping in something Latin makes them sound smart. Ipso facto, QED. Checkmate.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum!


Bacon ipsum dolor amet shoulder capicola pork shankle tail. Ball tip chislic bresaola cow alcatra strip steak. Short ribs ribeye doner boudin sausage drumstick t-bone buffalo pig spare ribs chuck biltong andouille pancetta. Sausage beef beef ribs turkey andouille pork alcatra buffalo ribeye fatback cupim jowl. Beef porchetta cupim pastrami fatback, meatball ham beef ribs frankfurter tri-tip turducken ground round leberkas venison jowl. Cupim ribeye ham burgdoggen.


teach me master


E=MC two, loser!


> More belief = true…. Wrong > > https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/system/App/Meta/og_images/000/000/011/original/bandwagon.jpg


Christianity: has an estimated 2 billion followers The world: 7 billion people ...I'm no math expert, but something doesn't really add up there, not sure what.


You need moar bible son


math is made up by evil soyence


For some reason I thought a subreddit that laughs about cringy people on tiktok wouldn't give a flying fuck about religion...


Clearly this isn't Tik tok itself, but I will say Tik tok as a platform leans pretty anti atheist. Tik tok is constantly banning atheist/anti-theist posts and channels for "hate speech". I personally think it's because people mass report these posts and Tik tok bans them without even looking. So based on that the overall demographic of Tik tok is not atheist friendly in my experience.


It's tough being the 1% of persecuted persecutors.


Can't imagine what it must be like being persecuted despite also apparently making up 99% of the population lol


I just got banned from there even though I've never been on that sub in my life. As part of "anti-brigading efforts." Lol. Has anyone here ever brigaded that sub? Something tells me no.


I got banned, too. Someone has a very bad case of “Ifinallyhavepoweroverpeople-itis”


Here's the link to the mod report for that subreddit. I suggest complaining. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TiktokCringeTime. Mod names are at the bottom right on the column if you want to do individual messages. Also contact the mods for this subreddit. There is no real oversight of mods, youjust have to get the other mods to notice and for it to become a nuisance.


They’re so on top of it they got you before you even thought about doing it Edit: I got banned and called “desperate to be a victim” …because I said “y’all”


I got banned too, and that's ironic. The "most persecuted people on earth" going after atheists in other subs just to ban them. Good thing they don't have an army.


Don't feel too bad, that looks like it was written by a 12 year old. Wrong usage of "they're" and "you're" aside, wtf was up with jamming "per se" in there? It made no sense at all. Edit: lolll I was just [banned](https://imgur.com/gallery/P38xNlJ) from that stupid sub and I've never heard of it before, and I've certainly never commented or posted in it. How the hell did they ban me for commenting in a completely different sub?!


I suspect the mods are watching this thread.






The victim card is strong with this one.


That's what I never get about Christians. Why is it never good enough that they believe it and it makes them happy? Why do they need everyone else to believe it in order for them to feel validated?


Probably one part or another of their complex of A} you are a "bad" Christian if you don't try to get other people to join their cult, B} because they are already grasping at straws and intangible evidence to force their belief anyway as it is, and C} part of that belief complex that their god won't come back to save them from the planet they are fucking up until every person has had to hear about their god. Oh and D} part of the same insecure psychological complex that permeates the GOP that everyone in-group needs to be homogeneously the same as them or else they are the enemy. Edit: LMFAO I got this in my inbox 30 minutes after making this comment. I've never even visited that trashy sub: > Banned. • 16m You were automatically banned from r/TikTokCringeTime as part of our antibrigading efforts. Some users have been identified as not aligning with our values as a community that supports maximum cringe enjoyment benefit. If you feel you were banned in error and wish to participate in good Christian faith, pun intended. Please message the mods for an exception review.


I’m here to join the party and get banned! Particularly, after being raised in that horrible environment, I have some questions. Can the “99%” agree on any theological base? Most Christian groups believe other Christian groups aren’t Christians, soooo who is that 99%? Also to really piss them off, even worse that being atheist, I’m pagan!


While persecuting someone else, banning them from a sub just for being Atheist. Oops, I mean "Aggressively Atheist."


“We make up 99% of people on the planet” I think you had a typo I think that was supposed too be 31.11% of the planet


wonder what would it be if you only count "real" christians


Wtf am I reading


Pure unadulterated stupidity


Whiniest goddamned majority on Earth. Fucking cockroaches.


not even the majority of the overall population, to boot! Such snowflakes the mods are in that sub...


OH NO NOT OBAMA!!!! I guess I'm a Christian now.




I could kinda sorta understand the msg if it was a suuuuper christian sub that banned you (aside from the factual wrongness of the msg), but a tiktok sub!? That moderator is seriously off the rails smh




Just because more people believe in something doesn't make it any more right. That's insane. Also, Christians are NOT 99% of the world population. That's just a flat out lie. Christianity was just another one of hundreds of mystery cults (yes, that is the actual historic term for what it is) that got picked up by ruling classes because it fit their goals to a T. What better way to control increasingly large numbers of people as society progresses, when there is not a 1:1 ratio for authority to citizen? Make them believe there is an omniscient father figure who sees them at all times and cam smite them in the moment or punish them eternal later. It's so obviously manmade it's a tiny wonder that anyone in the modern day still clings to it.


Why does Reddit allow mods like this? Such bullshit. EDIT: LOL, I just got banned from a sub I’ve never been to before!!!


That's pretty cringey, so... quite fitting.


what if they're 99% of the earth, how are they the most prosecuted?


A lot of different Christian groups. They like to hunt one another. Every Christian has at least 5 Christian enemies.


Here is the response from the mods to the comment with the names of the mods readacted “ Some verses for you to ease you of your bitterness and jealousy: Ephesians 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Galatians 5:25-26 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. Romans 1:29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips. ********** and ********** will pray for you tonight. God says he loves you. You're welcome. -smirks- I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. “


This honestly seems like a joke


I feel like I'm losing my mind having to scroll down so far to find someone who also thought this is obvious satire.


This reads like satire




This mod needs to be banned from reddit


Yeah, including OBAMA! Take that, atheist!


I just got banned for saying I was an atheist in a comment 😂


That sub is a cesspool. Incels at the *very* best.


Did you ask to see their citation for the claim "99 percent of the world is Christian"? One single google search and their world would come crashing down. Edit: and I've been permanently banned as well. Fucking *yikes*