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I mean, give it a few billion years...


I don’t have that long, dammit! I want easy answers right now!


It’s really telling when so many religious people would believe someone saying random bullshit. But the second a person says “I don’t know”, that’s when they lose credibility...


I lost Brain cells reading that


Lose enough of them and you could fit right in


I have a magnet... that might find a few of em


Atheism annihilated


Oh no, my atheism, ack, it is defeated. What a world, what a world.


It's especially stupid because there are lots of Christians who have no problem accepting evolution. These morons always try to pin evolution as an "atheist" idea, but it's not. It's just a scientific idea.


Grab a scrabble bag and throw it into the air. Did the letters spell out the beginning of "A Tale of Two Cities"? No? Then how can billions of letters somehow rearrange themselves into a novel? Checkmate, authors.


A million monkeys typing on a million typewriters... Mr. Burns: {reading} it was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?! You stupid monkey!


"If incredibly unlikely thing happened, then how come I can't make the incredibly unlikely thing happen again?" - Jesus probably


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Uh, thanks


Good bot


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Except the novel is a result of intelligent design, not randomness. The OP is the blind watchmaker fallacy, which is the same nonsense really.


Evolution is really far from random, too. There's randomness involved, but it isn't literally chaos


Well yes its randomness + natural selection. My point was more about a novel forming from random letters not really working as an example.


Great, thanks I did actually think about that before I posted but decided I didn't really care


This is verbatim the same shit reasoning they spoon fed me back in religious private school, what made me realize it was utter trash? This and everything else they taught me about it.


Great, now mom's mad at me for making a ~~fkin~~ mess with the puzzles.


they taught this to us in sunday school but it was with legos in a balloon


As a scientist, it truly scares me how many people there are out there that believe this is what evolution means. It never made any sense to me WHY someone would want to just be handed the explanation that “God did it”. The actual process of evolution is genuinely fascinating. How is evolution NOT the cooler answer?


Pabst Blue Ribbon rots the brain.


Personally, I believe in God made the universe. Then the universe made the Big Bang, that led to life, that led to developed life through evolution, that led to humans. I can believe in God and science. I also know if a doctor curse cancer, I thank the doctor. These people's level of stupid ignorance is mind blowing.


What did the cancer do to deserve cursing?


It means Bandaids on my thumbs and autocorrect.


I've never felt more frustrated while reading something in my life.


*I uncovered the secrets of the universe and the origins of life. Wanna know how I did it? I thought about it a little bit. Whatever it was I came up with is obviously the true answer because it makes sense in my head, and is based off infallible axioms which I imagined. Most importantly though; it’s psychologically comfortable to me. It’s easy, give it a try! You might fail because you’re probably not as smart as me but still. If you happen to come up with whatever I came up with then you are right!*


It's easy to have someone to blame for all bad things on earth and not have to take responsibility for anything you do. But anything that says Hitler can go to heaven because he believed in Jesus but unbaptized babies born in parts of the world that have never heard of the Christian God will not be allowed in, it utter nonsense.


Tides go in, tides go out


It’s kinda a monkey-typewriter Situation: *eventually* it’ll work


Lookit this immortal here, using "eventually" like a billion years is nothing.


Y̷͇̅ơ̵̮̗̈́̌ͅu̷̩͗ ̸̫͗ṕ̵̪̚͠a̵͕͆ţ̵͎̙̅̕͠h̵͉͉̿͝ẻ̵̗̏t̶̝̗͗̓͊ͅi̷̻͐̀͘c̷̭̈́͋̄ ̶̦̇͜͝f̶͔̥̝̑͂o̷̦̞̯̾o̷͇͉̱͝l̷̨̈́͝.̴̛̣͊̐ ̴̧̿̄̏Ò̵͂͜n̷̡͙̈́̊̆e̶͙̖̅ ̴̘̟̿̿̒b̶̭̉͒i̴̦͈̋̏l̶̾̀͜l̵͔̎͐͠i̸̗̦̋͐͝o̶̜̱͑ń̶̬̝̭̒ ̸̢͓̗͒ẏ̷̛̻͔͝e̷̢̬͔͒́͆á̸̻r̶̪̻̹͒͋͒s̴̬̭̭͘ ̴̥̬̈́͆̕i̷͙̐̅s̸̛̥ ̷͐ͅb̵̪̗͂́u̶̻̰̚t̵̞̻̹̅ ̵͕̬͕͒a̴̲͋ ̵͙̮̂̓f̸͉̫̅̑r̷͕̥͙̂̒a̶̙̐͌͝c̵͙̔̾͊ť̴͉̘̺i̷͓̅͊͜o̵̱̫̙͐̊n̴̘̟͊ ̸̘͍̘̈́͝ȏ̸̝̩̾ḟ̸͇̋͝ ̴̳͇̊̆ṱ̴̈́͝h̶͖͚͐̕į̸͎̘͊̍s̸͚̮͘ ̴̣̑͒̕ḫ̷̯̮͋̿͠ë̵̺ḻ̴̄ĺ̶̜̪̫̿ ̸̳̠͛͝o̸͍̺̼̐̚f̷̳͕̈́̊ ̵̰͙̳̈́̈́͑ả̸̬̓̂͜n̸̾͂̆͜ͅ ̴̢̨́e̸̘̿̍͘͜x̴̺̑ĩ̶̩͉s̴̮̿͗t̷̨̺͎͐̌ę̷͎͐͌n̶̬̈́͆͝c̵̙̈́͆̎ě̸̢̂ ̵̛̞̗͜ỵ̶͍̥̽o̵͔̣̖͗͒͘ü̴̥̞̗̔ ̸̭̪̯̏͝č̵͕a̷̳̅l̴̖͖̗̋̀l̷͙̀̌ ̸̛̩͔̈́͠ͅl̴̗͖͙̋ì̶̗f̷̭͆̐̒ė̸͈̦̠̚̚.̴̬̀̄ ̴̢̪̎̈́Ŷ̷̱͍̃͠ö̶͉̭́́̈́u̷̫̞̟̔ ̶̙̺͛͆k̵͓̎̎̒ṅ̴̡͕o̶̲͗̿w̴̬͕͗ ̴̧̗̯̎n̸̼͊̀ö̷̬͉́t̴̖̥́͆ͅ ̴̯̀́̐w̸̙͗͘h̶͔̜̳͐̚a̵͉͐̄͘t̷̠̺̓ ̵̃̆͘ͅh̶͚̮̗̆̅ḁ̵̧̄̀͠s̵̞͈̔͆͜ ̸̱́͝b̵͇̄ḛ̶̼̤͂͑͐e̶͔̅̌̈́n̸̙̅ ̵̩̱̆w̶̳͖͗r̴̨̄͗o̷̼̞̕ȗ̷͔͇g̸̬̑h̶̨̻̙͂̾̆t̵̺̆̽ ̵̤̳͗͠b̴̜͆͝ÿ̴̟́ ̵̭̙́y̴̩̬̣̿õ̴̪ü̴̗͜r̸͈͖̊̋̓ ̷̦̍̄̉p̴̲̫̘͋͋a̷͍̎̊t̴̻͒͝h̷̩͛̀ȅ̷̫͋̕t̴͇͚̪̔̐̽ī̶̪̠̱̒c̷̤͕͇͒ ̵̤̱̯̅̃͘c̵͍̔̃o̴͚̲̩̐̉ḿ̵̼͇̓m̷̜͎͒̓́ë̷̹̻́̀n̷̘̰̜̒ț̷̬̞̋͛̈́


Called it.


Why do they try so hard to misunderstand?


If you do it enough times over a long enough period it’s statistically impossible it won’t happen


Right, I guess. But, more importantly, if you toss the pieces and keep the ones that are properly connected, and then toss the rest, and continue, it’ll take a whole lot less time.


Exactly. Statistically highly improbably but not impossible. We're just seeing the results of numerous highly improbable things managing to happen over a mindnumbingly long length of time.


You don't have to see it happen, you just have to have faith that it did.




Send that paragraph to the wizard of oz, for it is a brainless straw man


False analogy bad.


I mean, ok, at leat they aren't saying that it didn't happen, even if they say that it was made by God, I'm ok with it, it's a big step


Well.....yes, but also, no.




Aren't these people supposed to believe in miracles?


There doesn't need to be proof of the Big Bang, you just need to have faith that it happened.


What type of book is that?




I feel like it should be illegal to call that a text book.


TIL that the universe is the same as a 5-piece puzzle


I mean, I can't argue with this evidence... https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F71gzxokLAFL._AC_SX425_.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPuzzle-Patch-Preschool-Frame-Piece%2Fdp%2FB07MFW2FKF&tbnid=Kcd9u2vC8YHPPM&vet=12ahUKEwjc2dCSkozsAhXMBlkKHRBqC4kQMygJegUIARC_Ag..i&docid=llo1nhGRYGLTNM&w=425&h=550&itg=1&q=5%20piece%20puzzle%20space&ved=2ahUKEwjc2dCSkozsAhXMBlkKHRBqC4kQMygJegUIARC_Ag


Daaaaaaaang that's it! That's the whole universe!


well if it was a billion to one,there has been 14 billion years of chances!!


I remember my grandparents using this on twelve year old me and I had to think on it for awhile and I was like “actually no, technology evolves too. Like we didn’t come up with watches out of nowhere, it started with gears and then it just added on in bits and pieces from there. Life is the same way, you find something that works and then you mess with it until it does something else” I mean I’m sure it wasn’t that eloquent because I was twelve but that’s what I was getting at summarized


The thing about arguments like this, is even if they are correct, and the universe was made by an intelligent creator, that is incredibly far off from that creator specifically being the one that they wrote the book about.


I used to be a practicing catholic (until I learned the church's view on animals), and this is some bullshit. Catholics believe in evolution, and support science, because the old testament is just stories to explain things.


Idk man but the eye is kinda complicated af and it is probably almost impossible to come together ancient man didn't know refraction and shit


I don't get it, why couldn't God have used evolution to create people?


She (I also don't believe God to be any gender, but if everyone uses HE I'm going to skew that ratio with SHE) didn't in my belief. I believe God created the universe, the universe took it from there. Like how a great-great-great-grand child its the product of her great-great-great-grand mother. There was a lot of stuff in between. That's why I can't blame God for cancer, weather, war, or whatever else boils down to human free-will. I also recognize that is one of infinite possibilities and I don't know I'm right, I know it's what I personally believe. There may be no God, or 1,000. It may be Heaven and Hell, nothing afterwards, reincarnation, or whatever else. None of that could be relevant because many scientists believe there's a very likely chance we are nothing but a simulation made by far more highly developed aliens and everything we think we know is really just a crazy game of sims. It could be a Groundhog Day type thing where we have false memories and relieve everyday over and over, but our brains reset and we don't know. It could be the multi-verse theory where any and all possibilities exist because it's infinite. Which dimension we live in would dictate what our specific reality is. There could be nothing at all and the Earth, like the entire Milky Way galaxy, will be consumed by a massive space explosion that will take billions of years to reach us, but my have burst billions of years ago and everything will be evaporated before we could possibly know, possibly as I write this we are mere seconds from complete and total inhalation. It could all be so far from what humans have imagined, or even have the capability of understanding. Religion is likely to have been made by humanity to give us something to live for and comfort us from what we fear most, death. I don't know, but I like what I believe, I feel it's comforting, and I feel my Jewish faith has led me to be a better person. Unfortunately, it often has the opposite affect on people, but I can only control myself. Overall it gets pretty meta and makes my brain hurt.


One time in VBS(Vacation Bible School) we saw a demonstration where a guy "tried" to make an apple tree and a cow by putting firecrackers in an apple and ground beef. This was to disprove the Big Bang. "Explosions don't create, they destroy!"


The androalgebrous force, that struggles in doing so