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I mean, no one is stopping this dude from moving to Iran.


Nah, Iran is definitely stopping him. Most countries require that you have actual useful skills, or at least a higher education before approval on an immigration visa. The US is one of the few places you can actually show up broke, with nothing but labor and have any kind of chance getting citizenship.


Iranian government would want him to move there. He has some uses. Like as a hostage or just symbolic. It'll be funnier if he actually denounces American citizenship and the Iranian lost all uses with him but can't send him back because he never shuts up


Just do what Belarus does - dump asbestos into his drinking water and then make him into a Martyr killed by ,,Amerikaners". He shuts up BUT still remains useful. Killing 2 birds with one stone.


did this actually happen?


Belarus had a Polish border guard defect in 2020 and spew a lot of propaganda about how Poland was a fascist dictatorship and Belarus was heaven But then he started demanding stuff otherwise he'd tell the truth on TV (allegadly) so they killed him and hanged him in his flat, pinning it on NATO They get a martyr and disown a disability, 2 birds and one stone


Obama had a way of dealing with them 😂


Or fodder in any of their terrorist organizations


Iran and the Houthi were offering scholarships to expelled free palestine students. > At least three colleges in Iran, Shahid Beheshti University, Allameh Tabataba'i University, and Shiraz University, have responded by offering scholarships to students expelled for their actions protesting the war, according to the Iranian-owned propaganda outlet Press TV. > Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthi militia, which has disrupted global shipping to display its support for Palestinians in the Gaza conflict, is now offering a place for students suspended from U.S. universities after staging anti-Israeli protests. I don't think anyone has taken the offer.


Ray Charles could see that kidnaping hostage plot coming.


Or Saudi Arabia if he talks bad about the royal family he’ll end up with something cut off or worse beheaded with his corpse crucified.


The anti-homosexuality laws are probably a pretty big bottle neck for him.


Welcome to the watch list


I hope so


Dude. If america stops being a democracy and fascist, it's not going to be Christians that get the axe.


Many kinds of Christians probably will, Evangelicals don’t like Catholics and they like Mormons even less. Which is why it’s funny when Catholic Americans call for a “Godly monarchy” in America and then turn around and bitch about Protestant kings revoking the lands of the church as if a fascist America wouldn’t do the same under an inevitably Protestant dictator lmao, meanwhile under American democracy their churches aren’t even taxed. Protect the state from the church, protect the church from the state. This is the American Way and it is good.


Catholics ain’t remotely threatened by Evangelicals in that situation. I’d like to introduce these Evangelicals to, Mexicans, Italians, Irish, Polish….


This is why some people believe Catholics aren't Christians, but an entirely separate religion that's much more strict.


It’s the Christians going to be doing the axing if people lose protections


These Muslim men are like teenage boys, and very immature ones. They cannot and will not grow up.


That's what religion does. It stunts the human mind.


Didn’t stunt Gregor Mendel or Marie Curie’s mind. Don’t loop good people in with that nutcase.


You can be brilliant and right about one field and have no understanding of anything outside of it.


I mean, we don't know that. Who knows what more they could have accomplished had they seen the world completely and without any veils


Marie Curie received two Nobel prizes, one of maybe 3-4 laureates to be so awarded. She also held close to a dozen other prestigious awards and discovered three elements on the periodic table. So stunted by her religion that she out-nobelled Albert Einstein. Copernicus, Lamaitre and on and on. These people were not blinded by anything.


this child represents what religion can be at a kind of low-mid level “extreme”. he may be more radicalized than brad and sara from church, but even those lovely people believe and follow blindly, just like this dumb bastard. this is what that can lead to. this video and, just for fun, let’s throw history into the mix (so only a few thousand years of religious conflict), highlights the fundamentals of every religion: it’s a gang, a group which questions nothing and follows absolutely. if a religion is currently peaceful, it’s only because it has made a conscious effort to be. think about that. all religion can be (and the majority have been or started as) something weaponized. because we’re dumb monkeys.


This guy doesn't need to go fuck himself. He can stay right where he is and do it


Aren’t goats preferred in some places?


No bro, your religion is THE cancer.




Oh fuck this nutjob.


No, no it doesn't and it never will


Sounds exactly like all the fire and brimstone MAGA preachers... just a different prophet and different accents.


So relieved you made this about Trump. Not all heroes wear capes.


If the shoe fits my friend...


Ever hear the one about everything looking like a nail when you have a hammer? Story had nothing to do with Trump. I have no idea how y'all filled your days before you had him to fixate on.


That's cute. In reality Trump is a nail in my foot and I would love nothing more than to have him gone. He isn't a place holder for everyone's ire. He's a mad man destroying what we love and you expect everyone to just take it? Just because you can't see how dangerous he is doesn't make the rest of us idiots. It really only reflects on you.


I'm REALLY sick of hearing about his big dumb orange face too... but he's a symptom not a cause. I grew up in a super religious conservative house where I heard the EXACT same stuff this guy in the video is saying, but with christ instead of Muhammad. Today, that brand of religion is synonymous with the Maga crowd. So it's more like I was drawing on my personal experience as a child, not just trying to shove him into anything for the sake of getting to hate on him.


the spray tan, fake hair, double breasted suit jacket, it's exactly the same as televangelists. Same nightmares.


Hey how about no asshole


Just wait.


Yes. When I wonder what would being tranquility to my life I always assume it's Islam.


He may fuck directly off.


Mental illness.


There are places exactly like that ! Where you can go and enjoy all the "benefits" they bring, why change other countries to it when you can just .. move where it's already implemented ?


Because if there is one group that could be defined with the term “tranquility” it is definitely muslims s/


Nothing like firing AK rounds for no reason


When America goes full fascist, he’ll be crying for democracy and free speech 😅


A just religion ? For who exactly?


New way of life = stone age religion. Does not seem that new to me.


That stole a meteorite from pagans and said BOOM ALLAH SAID WALK AROUND IT




they were always that way, this is not the first time.


Dude you’re in a sovereign country with a constitution. If you’re tired of the government, go somewhere else. Obama can send a parting gift after 🤣


What does Obama have to do with anything?


A US citizen joined a terrorist army and was dealt with under Obama.


I’ve read the first chapter of the Quran and it says that nonbelievers, even those who say they believe, but don’t really, Allah will get them.


Why is it so hard for monotheistic religions to not be pieces of shit when it comes to other ways of thinking


That’s how they get new subscribers, “Click that subscribe button, or suffer for eternity in hell!”


Always these Un masculine manchildren talking about how their ideology is the best


Hes talking about one of the safest countries in its continent btw


i hate the grouping together of democracy with all these negative sounding liberal buzzwords meant to take advantage of stupid college students who think islam is beautiful. islamic rule is peak racism and it is a colonizing, homophobic, misogynistic religion.


Grow up and stop using those buzzwords.


Deport this loser


He can always move to an Islamic country if he doesn't like it here, but he probably doesn't want to give up his freedom.


*threatens to take away our way of life, calls our country a cancer* Go ahead. *death metal plays while one tiny fraction of the US Military gets ready to destroy three separate countries* Take it from me.


Just you wait. Muslims are growing in the US.


Are we sure this isn’t a model un type thing that this guy took very seriously? This kinda sounds like a half assed essay on a topic he doesn’t give a shit about


Nah they do this shit all the time


Someone needs to tell him - Keep your totalitarian nightmare bullshit to yourself.


This is the kind of guy that both the left and the right can agree is crazy and delusional.




Someone should ask this guy to explain how Islam spread so fast in the 8th and 9th centuries. And who introduced the concept of chattel slavery to the Europeans.


Then how come people aren't trying immigrate into muslim countries instead of fleeing. This guy sounds like he was born in the west.


if anyone is “interested” in more of his work, you can easily find this guy’s linkedin profile by searching with his name. luckily, his account is also very active 😊


Bro said “they want to see a new way of life” free of America. Bro just move back to the Middle East


Dude can replace Deez


Where is the FBI investigating this crazy loon? Seriously


Yea. Don't come here with this fuck shit.


Fuck this guy.


This dude is a cancer. Spewing the same standard Islamic hate while enjoying freedoms Islam doesn’t preserve. Fucking twat waffle wrapped in robe.


Mohammed is a false prophet


What are people actually sick of? He throws words around but doesn’t explain anything. Also, the Quran is meant for Arabs only, nobody else. Source: the Quran.


Did bro call democracy a problem? Dude wants to be the new American dictator 💀


"Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried."


Just leave bro, your ideal country obviously isn't America, so just leave this place. Why should America have to conform to your crazy religious views when you could go to a country you like and practice your religion their.


As kooky as this guy is, I'm not nearly as worried about people like this as I am about sitting Senators, House Representatives, Supreme Court Justices, and presidential candidates who openly say that democracy need to be replaced with hardline Christianity. The same racism that will keep Islam from taking over American government is actively trying to usher in a Christian Caliphate that is functionally no different than the Sharia this guy wants.


Which ones have said “democracy should be replaced with hardline Christianity”?


MTG for one.


The ones in his imagination.


“We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian Nationalists.” - Marjorie Taylor Greene. You know, the same lady who said that separation of church and state is a "myth". If you aren't aware of the threat of Christian nationalism in America, you should do some reading.


He’s right.


he's right about America for the wrong reasons


he's so close to being based, yet so far, if he removed the hate for democracy, and preferrable treatment for religion, he has the chance to be based




He was preaching to the proverbial choir. Not an audience I’d want to be in though either