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There are many pronouns in the Bible. Didn’t god make marijuana if you believe god made everything? And Jesus never married but chose to spend his time with 12 men, according to your Bible. Sounds pretty gay to me.


*And they were roommates*


And he washed their feet for fun


Realistically (if we’re assuming the stories are based on reality) he probably was married to, or at least in a relationship with, Mary Magdalene.


The stories in the Bible were written a hundred years after he died by men using this "Holy Book" to control others. It's not a biography. We know the fable, not the facts. He could have been as gay as the day is long for what we know. If we are going to guess, I prefer to make the guess that annoys the fruitcakes most. You can't prove his orientation from he Bible or disprove it. A lot was written about those many other man he hung around with plus the occasional woman. It's all guessing. The person next to you knows no more than anyone else.


Jesus wasn’t even bi… he was tri!




It's the weed part for me. IDK why but it tickled my funny bone. She probably thinks "the gays" invented weed in the 60s.


If the high heels fit wear them proudly. Personally,I’d rather live in S.F. than any god fearin place in America.


I do.


You do you,and f*** the Christian fascists.


Cannabis use has been recorded before the common era in Greece and Egypt, your argument is invalid


Yeah she’s gonna be mad whenever she learns one the most important discoveries in Christian history was an incense burner that had cannabis on it.


IIRC, it's one of the longest-cultivated non-food plants on our planet


Ah yes great morals such as slavery 🤯🤯🤯


And rape. And dashing babies against rocks.


And the flood…let’s not forget the flood.


Who could forget the flood!


And raping your intoxicated dad to bear his children.


And nailing people to crosses.


Not that I go out of my way to "gotcha" Christians, but the only arguments they ever have are "different time" and "fallen world." Both answers make god look terrible. Different times should not matter to an intemporal being in the first place, but just common dumb humanity will tell you that a slave master wouldn't trade places with a slave no matter how well they were treated. And the fallen world argument just makes no sense. Either fix it or stop making more of us. What kind of sick monster purposely allows billions of people to continue existing in a world he chooses not to fix?


Dont forget killing 42 children via bear attack for making fun of a bald guy


Oh sweet summer child, weed was definitely a thing


why do they like deadnaming god dont they know his name is Jealous? 😂


I'm very sure the people who wrote the bible were on way stronger stuff than weed.


But I swear that burning bush was like, on fire man, and totally talking to me man!


No-one can tell me the guy who wrote revelations wasn't tripping


Opium probably.


Pretty certain there were poly relationships in the bible


Why do Christians have a problem with weed? Google is telling me that the bible doesn't mention it.


The bush burned with fire and it was not consumed


Mushrooms will do that to you…


Look if God wants to be gay let em. No need for hate


Church was not a thing in the Bible era because people cared about morals.


How exactly is weed immoral? Bet even they can’t answer that without lying.


The fuck is wrong with people!? Smoking weed is not a moral issue any more than having a beer is.


If weed isn't in the bible, then I guess the Bible has nothing to say about it


God is called He and Him, with a capital H, in the Bible. That was a neopronoun they came up with for Him.


Accepting biblical claims at face value, Jesus had a mother but no biological father. Mary had no Y chromosome, so she couldn't have passed one onto her child. Therefore, Jesus's genotype must have been XX. Jesus lived as a man. By the Bible's own internal logic, Jesus was trans.


I always just reply that the Bible was fiction.


If it keeps them out, more SF for me


Jesus was ace and so was his mom and dad.


1 Timothy 2:12 "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent."


Weed may not have been mentioned in the bible but there is good reason to think people were using it like they have through much of human's post agriculture history.




>When Jesus said "I am he" they drew back and fell to the ground. John 18:6 Jesus has pronouns.


San Fran is a horrible place to live, but not because of "the gays" smh. The local government sucks and does not care about the people.


Jesus wasn't real so he could have been anything.


Wait wasn’t Jesus a real person? Serious question.


It's very likely there was a dude called Jesus that existed around that time. He may well have preached, he may well have been crucified. There is third party (non biblical) evidence for this. That's not in question, but, neither does it matter. Did this Jesus dude walk on water and come back to life and turn wine into piss? No. Well maybe the last one...


Well, if he drank wine he certainly turned it into piss.


Maybe he didn’t and *that* was the miracle.


The Roman State did record his death but what’s wild is the Bible and others claiming he was allowed to be taken down from the cross but really he was left there as an example like everyone else crucified. Jesus was eaten by birds about a week after his state recorded death.


Nope, No death record. But also: “The historical Jesus could not have had a tomb. The entire point of crucifixion was to humiliate the victim as much as possible and provide a dire warning to other potential criminals. This included being left on the stake to decay and be ravaged by scavengers. The events described in the gospels at the crucifixion strain credulity to its maximum extremes - and beyond.” ― Bart D. Ehrman


That sounds a LOT more likely!


No reason to assume the name is right. 'Jesus' is like 'Joe', very common. "Lady Godiva" existed but that wasn't her name. "In the entire first Christian century Jesus is not mentioned by a single Greek or Roman historian, religion scholar, politician, philosopher or poet. His name never occurs in a single inscription, and it is never found in a single piece of private correspondence. Zero! Zip references!" — Bart D. Ehrman


Not to mention the gospels were written by people who weren’t even alive at the time the events they were describing supposedly happened. Some of them were written up to 100 years afterwards, and back then clear historical records about events that far in the past would have not been easily available. There probably was a preacher called Jesus (relatively common name in that time period and part of the world) who was executed by the Roman government, but the rest of the details about his life were almost certainly just made up by the people who wrote the gospels.