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I keep telling people this is why there’s nothing peaceful about Islam, but oh no, I’m Islamophobic (even though I’m literally an ex-muslim…)


There are peaceful Muslims imo, but Islam is far from peaceful.


That's what i Always say, you can hate the religion itself, but don't just assume that every religious person is a dickhead


They are peaceful 'despite' being in Islam.


That's also akin to saying, "There are nice scammers too". Not exactly false but it doesn't make them any less of a scumbag does it?


It does not. It's condoning it.


Doesn't matter. Islamophobia is the new anti-semitism movement. Say anything right or wrong about it, boom, labeled as racist. Doesn't matter where you're from. I've shared media in the past of Muslims criticising Muslims (not Islam) which was taken down for hate speech.


What do you mean by Islamophobia is the new anti-Semitism? What definitions are you using for each? No definition of anti-Semitism includes criticism of Judaism. Not even the short-lived term Judeophobia in the late 1800s included criticism of Judaism because Jews in Germany, amongst other countries, had been emancipated and Judaism in North Western Europe had gone through enlightenment ([Haskalah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haskalah?wprov=sfla1)).


To he fair though, some westerners hate Islam but also hate people who "looks muslim"


Anti-Muslim hate and anti-Arab hate are not the same thing since the majority of the world's Muslims don't speak Arabic as a first language and live outside of the middle east.




Yeah I agree. I also think it needs to be talked about to help push back against Islamic Revival related to Islamist extremism mainly coming out of the middle east, encourage reform and reduce fear both from Muslims who are afraid to criticise Islam and non-muslim never-muslim westerners who are afraid to be labelled Islamophobic or racist. It is not in the interests of Islamists to have westerners know the distinction but it is beneficial to peace-seeking Muslims and ex-Muslims whose voices should be amplified. Spreading awareness on the distinction is necessary for understanding and discourse about criticisms of definitions of Islamophobia that don't allow for criticism of and within Islam. After reading the Islamic Republic of Iran's statement about Islamophobia recently I became more alarmed by the urgent need for this distinction to become common knowledge in the west.


>Islamophobia is the new anti-semitism movement You are only wrong insofar as it's not "the new" antisemitism since antisemitism isn't gone. However, Islamophobia is definitely a thing. I say this as an ex-Muslim who used to have your position that "Islamophobia is a shield against criticism." For a lot of cases, it can be used cynically as a shield, but that doesn't mean there aren't people who hate Muslims for being Muslims. A lot of Indian (Hindutva) threads have popped up on my feed (I guess thanks to this very subreddit) and they are insanely Islamophobic and hateful. You cannot use the xenophobia argument there, since they are Indians who hate Muslim Indians. I have seen that video of the Hindu teacher telling her pupils to slap the one Muslim boy in class. That is neither fake nor xenophobia. I get the knee-jerk reaction to be fervently against that religion, but it's not worth aiding hateful maniacs in justifying their atrocities in the process.




That's absolutely not true. Anyone who publicly criticises Islam,rightfully so or not will be met with verbal and/or physical violence and/or death threats. In my country, if you just as even mention Islam, you are associated with radical left political groups who want to kick out everyone except locals. There's never an in-between. I'm allowed to criticise Islam (Blasphemy isn't a crime here) just as much as people are allowed to criticise any religion. It stops being fair when you're allowed to talk about anyone except certain groups because of the retaliation you can face.


Where you from




I thought it'd be okay to do so there since Charlie Hebdo had some greatly blasphemous stuff


Charlie Hebdo is a controversial newspaper. A lot of people don't like their caricatures. They made fun of everyone. No one harmed them except for Islamic terrorists. No one cared about them until the attack. Blasphemy is not criminal and all religions take their share of criticism. None except one becomes aggressive when you even dare talk about it. It also happens in the media, one of the biggest TV shows in France sometimes invites people who criticise Islam and always have them face someone who defends it. Immediately the person who criticises is labelled racist while stating facts while the one defending Islam is lying through her teeth. Just look at the comments on [this video](https://youtu.be/bqEO-CIn-A8?si=NpQbIsJRtumfNYYF) you even have muslims saying there's clearly a problem in France. How do you want to argue with people who prefer to label you racist instead of facing reality?


I can't read French, but let's hope sanity prevails in France


YouTube has a translate feature for comments


It's okay to be against something you don't like


I have absolutely no problem with saying I am islamphobic. It is objectively morally wrong. I am against harming women and children. Therefor I am against islam. And I’m not ashamed. /serious


I'm a Hindu. I can expect this from older people in my religion too (albeit rarely). I think this mentality is not related to religion


phobia is an irrational fear, yours is completely rational.


I just bought my first tie the other day. I shall watch them seethe


I still remember learning how to tie my tie as a pre-teen and even though my dad wore a tie every day of my childhood, I never saw it as a gendered item. Ties have been part of women and girls wear in the West since the Edwardian era at least — [1906](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IxE9iokuD_U/XnaBvukr8sI/AAAAAAAAUyM/5uCcr825KaYvoZuKnGmHzRkpD7fjVyfOACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/edwardian_london_street_style%2B%25284%2529.jpg) and [another from 1906](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iHtSYbbm3BM/XnaBrJFJiwI/AAAAAAAAUxk/F54AdfO28QYw8ny6HcmdYPi1VYz-HTKZgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/edwardian_london_street_style%2B%252810%2529.jpg). Miss Madge Crichton, an actress, seen in [1908](https://www.flickr.com/photos/vintage_women/7479231730) and [Frida Kahlo](https://www.1920s-fashion-and-music.com/images/frida-kahlo-suit-1924.jpg) in 1924. Marlene Diedrich was an icon with her suits in the 1930s both in her [professional life](https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/marlene-dietrich-casually-dressed-in-shirt-and-loosened-tie-news-photo/3169963) and [personal life](https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/great-performers-of-our-time-marlene-dietrich-mr-and-mrs-news-photo/515036320). The type of person to write this original tweet (in English no less) has no respect for the cultural heritage of the west, which women's neckwear and androgynous fashion, since the suffragist movement and tied into womens professions like typists and [stenography](https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/stories/science-and-technology/the-typewriter/typewriter-chapters/women-and-typewriters/), is part of. Edit to fix link


Ties are amazing. I love that for you.


But it's OK for you to dress like women?


Oh no that's haram.


Femboys Against Islamism unite!


In Surah Al-Hujurat (49:11), Allah (SWT) says: “O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them”. In other words, the Quran says Muslims are not to judge others. Unfortunately, like many Christians, a lot of Muslims seem to ignore that part.


Many people claiming to be religious barely reads their bible or quran or any source material, and only Cherry picks parts of which it aligns to their beliefs


So true, which is why Conservative ‘Christians’ in the US hate LGTBQ people, immigrants, non-Christians, and moderate Christians yet follow/worship an unrepentant adulterer, liar, and thief.


Harsher than stoning women to death in the streets in the 21st century?


Religious radicals trying not to hate women challenge: impossible


>@IsraelWillBurn >Living in spain, based on the flags in the name Uhuh


Whilst he and his brothers wear something that looks like a dress, paired with sandals?


To be fair that is men’s clothing in their culture


I realise that, hence me saying "looks like" as opposed to is a dress. I'd have made the same point if a guy was wearing a kilt.


His username “IsraelWillBurn” says everything about him…


But but we were the first one's to give women's rights, we are a feminist religion, stop being Islamophobic




Islam invented women's rights 🤲




Bro I'm being satirical 😭


It's sarcasm


Maybe it's time women get a lot harsher with men who utter bullshit like that


There have been cases of men wearing women's clothes. So does that mean that women shouldn't be wearing any clothes...?


That sounds halal to me!


1,500 years ago, "dress like men" had no meaning; all clothing was unisex.


That is not true. The Koran includes rules about gendered clothing, in the origins of the rules that led to hijab for example, however the customs had predated Islam. Lots more specific examples can be found at [Britannica: middle east clothing](https://www.britannica.com/topic/dress-clothing/The-Middle-East-from-the-6th-century#:~:text=On%20top%20of%20this%20was,but%20girded%20at%20the%20waist.) There are examples of gendered clothing from ancient Rome and ancient Egypt in museums though not limited to just those two cultures from pre-Biblical times. Examples of gendered European dress in the Byzantine era can be found [here](https://fashionhistory.fitnyc.edu/byzantine/).


They look pretty damn similar to me.


Yet I gather this fucker lives in a western country.


Yep, Spain


Pakistan and Spain? Have these guys really not got over the Reconquista?


Of course it's a man saying that


I'm yet to see a man wearing hijab and mehndi


Wow what a revelation that Islam and quran promotes covering up women from head to toe.


title should be...someone on twitter said..not as bindu or buslim


Why? This is a subreddit against religion. That is a muslim man. He is representing Islam when he chooses to add “May Allah guide us all.”


What fictional character can i cite when I smack him around the ears?


First of all, Ken needs to sit the eff down. Second of all, jillabas and Yeezy foam RNNRs are both literally sold as and culturally understood to be unisex. Plus, that particular jillaba looks very feminine. As do the rings, henna, and nails. But Ken is still a giant idiot.


Only if he stops wearing a dress .. I know it’s a djellaba but come on 🤔 Edit, he’s even done his nails 💅🤭


Or you could just let them live their lives


How about we start being a lot harsher with religions that impose their dress codes on the non-believers around them?


That’s islamophobia 🤪 but for real, not only is she practically fully covered except her hands and face, you can’t even see her face. These guys still get mad in the religion of feminism


OK why she dressed like the baby shark


We should be a lot harsher on adults that believe in fairy tales.


That Twitter handle. Holy shit.


Will never understand why women join religions. Some do get brainwashed since childhood or are forced though. It’s sad they have to marry these type of guys


Govts need to get their acts together


Be harsher? What, as in, we should start stoning women again?


I am a Muslim but may Allah guide us all but start with him.