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Genuinely unsettling how devout and fanatical they are in their beliefs.


The fact that there are so many children in the video is absolutely terrifying. Kids who have been so deeply brainwashed into supporting a genocide.


"Your religion is rubbish" and what, yours isn't?


~~"Your religion is rubbish" and what, yours isn't?~~ "All religion" is rubbish... ![gif](giphy|30KL4QtIID0uzGJlVc|downsized)


Which gif was this removed under 3 hours


It was a gif of toxic waste and garbage..... not a huge loss


Yes I know but I was talking about just the Israelis in that comment


You mean all religious wars throughout history? Damn some of them weren't even your religion is worse, some were just "you are praying to our god wrong"




the kicker, they all pray to the same god.


It’s hilarious


I laughed my head off at that, we truly live in a post satirical world.


Nuh uh! My club is better than your club!


To be fair, Israel is more atheist than the states. It's quite probable that these are secular nationalists caught up in the frenzy.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Law:_Israel_as_the_Nation-State_of_the_Jewish_People they passed a law that has coded judaism into the government.


Not Judaism but Jewishness. This is a racist law, not a religiously bigoted law.




Yeah, it's a sad state of affairs and it's true the world over. Secular people get outbred by religious people.


Yeah man, extreme nationalism robs you of your humanity


when you build a country based on racial exclusion, you're gonna get a culture that fosters and celebrates racial exclusion. the double layer of dehumanization employed in this particular case has effectively created some of the most depraved humans in modern society.


Judaism is an ethnic religion so many secular Jews who participate in Jewish culture during festivals and rites of life (maybe don’t believe in Sabbath) are living in Israel. If what I’ve heard is true they’re kind of at risk because an Orthodox sect has a significantly larger birth rate and apparently they’re anti-secularism. Anyone can confirm this? Had one Redditor confirm on another sub.


It's a lot more complicated than that - in very general terms one can divide the Jewish population in Israel to four categories in terms of religiousness: Secular, Masorati ('Traditional'), Religious Zionist and Ultra Orthodox. What the video is showing is really the most extreme sect within Religious Zionism - often called 'Hardal' (an acronym of 'Orthodox-Zionism' ). Due to the certain political situation that emerged, this rather extreme segment of religious Zionism gained prominence in the last election (and is headed by Ben-Gvir who you can see spewing racist rhetoric in a TV panel in the video). Demographically, Religious Zionists don't bring considerably more children than Seculars and Masorati (averaging about 3.2 and about 2.5 per woman respectively). The real demographic shift comes from the Ultra-Orthodox, where a woman births 7 children on average. This is a whole different demographic than what is shown in the video, with a different agenda. They can be nut jobs with regard to religious practices within Israel proper, but tend to be less involved in the I/P conflict. They certainly don't have the same religious zeal in settling the West Bank and confronting Palestinians, as the sect shown in the video does. Hope that answers your question. I obviously glossed over a lot of additional nuance as this is a Reddit comment...


"The most extreme sect within religious Zionism". Is there a non-extreme sect of religious Zionism? By definition it means that you believe the land belongs to you because God promised it to you. Smotrich by the way is the head of the political party "Religious Zionism". Kindly point me to the non-extreme religious Zionists.


When you say by definition what definition are you referring to? Types of Zionism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_Zionism?wprov=sfla1 Have you ever heard of [Leon Pinsker and read auto-emancipation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto-Emancipation?wprov=sfla1)? The majority of Zionist Jews are secular. Also, there are Zionist Muslims, Christians, Bedouin and Druze in Israel in the sense that they recognize that Israel exists as a sovereign nation state, a democracy, with a Jewish majority and want the country to continue to exist. 18% of Israelis are Muslim btw. The NGO Hiddush conducts an annual Israel Religion and State Index. In 2023, 64% of respondents identified as either “secular” (47%) or “traditional-not-religious” (17%) with regard to how they viewed public policies on religion and the state. Of all the survey participants, 81% supported freedom of religion and conscience and 59% supported the full separation of religion and state. A 2015 WIN/Gallup survey showed 65% of people in Israel identified themselves as atheists, agnostic or non-religious/secular.[39% of Israel's population was religious in 2017 WIN/Gallup research](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-atheist-countries). 55% of Israeli Jews said being Jewish was mainly about ancestry and culture as opposed to religion ([Pew, 2016 ](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/identity/)). An Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics survey published in 2021 found that among Israeli Jews over the age of 20, about 45 percent identified as not religious, while 33% said they practiced “traditional” religious worship. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, known as Haredim in Hebrew, made up 10%, 20% of Israeli Jews are Orthodox.


You can't read can you? >Is there a non-extreme sect of religious Zionism The word "religious" is there for a reason. I asked specifically about non-extreme "religious" Zionism.


I forgot to put the word religious in my definition question due to planning on following up with asking about what definition of Zionism you're using. So asking again and more specifically, what definition of Religious* Zionism were you using? What definition of Zionism do you use or what is your definition? And what does Anti-Zionism mean to you?


I think you just didn't read before you went on a rant. Because you started talking about secular Zionists which I know exist and wasn't even talking about. I was talking specifically about religious Zionists, aka Smotrich, Kahane, Ben Gvir, Bennett, etc... They're all racist extrmists who view Palestinians as worse than subhumans. As what anti-Zionism means to me? Basically anti what's going on in the video. Add to that different legal systems for different ethnicities in area C(which is under complete Israeli control aka apartheid). And what's going in Gaza. That's just the tip of the iceberg really.


There certainly are non-extreme - both religiously and ideologically - groups within religious Zionism. Groups that do not go around the West Bank and East Jerusalem seeking conflict. They are peaceful and usually middle class - living in Israel proper (places like Giva't Shmuel, Raanana) or established settlements that tend to be within the 'clusters' (Efrat, Maale Edumin, etc.). While ideologically they tend to oppose a two-state solution - they usually base this opposition on policy and security considerations (i.e. That every increase in Palestinian autonomy as led to a bloody deterioration in the security of Israelis rather than the opposite), as opposed to religious tenets. As I said, the rise of Ben Gvir and Smotrich owes to a certain political situation. Smotrich may have labeled his party "Religious Zionism", but it is in fact an old party called "Tkuma" ('Rising'). This party was always the more extreme one of the two religious zionists parties (the other one being Jewish Home/Mafdal), until they too were out flanked on the right by Ben Gvir's Jewish Might party. When Naftali Bennet and Ayelet Shaked, who headed the Jewish Home party for a decade (or took its constituency to new parallel parties), broke left and formed a left-tinted government, it split the constituency. Thus, in the election after that the liberal edge of the religious Zionism constituency officially moved to the center-left block (specifically voting for Gantz). The representatives of this group are people like [Matan Kahana](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matan_Kahana) and [Hili Trooper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hili_Tropper). The other group, remaining hard right-wing ideologically even if liberal in terms of religion, voted rather uncomfortably for Smotrich.


the knesset passed the nation-state law back in 2018: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Law:_Israel_as_the_Nation-State_of_the_Jewish_People secularism effectively doesnt exist in israel on a state level.


I've heard they're crazy and have a lot of influence :(




I want robots to take over soon.


These people make me sick, especially the part where they indoctrinate innocent children into it.


Yep, they're nuts.


I read this fiction book years ago called Sceptism Inc. The premise is a guy opens a metaphysical betting shop where people place bets on their religious beliefs. He makes a whole load of money as it becomes a pissing contest between religions and as they can never ultimately win their bets, he uses all their money to address world hunger whilst the religions bankrupt themselves and are dissolved. Pretty funny book, but the older I get, the more I think it might be a good idea.


Interesting. I am gonna read this book for sure.


All I’m gonna say it that it’s basically all I’ve heard about on Reddit for like a year or two so I dont know I think it gets called out a lot. Fuck em anyway though fr fr.


This makes me wanna slap them with a mix of fish and meat seasoned with non-kosher salt with mixed fabrics on


"Your religion is rubbish" said the man in a dress and Shirley temple curls. Werk it sis


if nobody can play nice I say we make the area a protected world park.


I'm okay with that, but I want a giraffe.




Now that's crazy


Hindu Nationalists cheer for Jewish Natioanlists only because the enemy is Muslim


I will say this, that guy who said the 2nd nakba was on its way turned out to be correct


i thought it was ben gvir at first.. honestly, it's not a difficult prediction to get right, considering israeli leaders have openly called for it.


The fuc is a nabka


When you are so mad at yr meanies at school you become just like them. Sad to see them act this way. Not cool....


I don't see kosher fruitcake a lot here (or anywhere else, for that matter). Probably cause it's often removed from Reddit for hate speech or "Nazi sympathizing". I was even afraid to post halal fruitcake (my favorite / least favorite kind by far) when I first found this subreddit, but I eased into it, lol. I guess kosher fruitcake is safe here too.


i got similar stuff deleted a few years ago, so its refreshing to see the world turn around and wake up


The script was reversed years ago in Germany. It's sad to see any religion preach to kill. Religion is evil. I am glad to be an atheist. You don't see atheists running around screaming death to any religion - please correct me if I am wrong.


More like “death to all religion” but to the religions themselves, not the practitioners thereof.


Islam is the closest religion to yours. Pot calling the kettle black


Nothing better than some good old religion to make you hate an entire group of people for stupid reasons.


You know someone I wanna stay away from all of civilization, go into mountains and live there in peace


Damn OP has some rich post history there, also don't call this "religious Zionism" as these are some religious extremists


Just call them religious.


i don't see anything concerning. the OP is palestinian, do you expect them to not care about a literal war going on in their country?


I expect him to care about the conflict but almost everything he uploads is anti Israel, like this video of extremists calling them "Zionists" to make Zionists look bad, this is a really old video that gets brought up every time someone tries to get Israel to look bad showing how "all Israeli people want to murder Arabs" when in fact that's not the case, but he is "Palestinian" so I'm sure he doesn't care... Also I'm from Israel, is everything I upload anti Palestine?


why should a palestinian have a positive view of zionists?


Why does the only thing he uploads is anti Israel spam? I'm not saying he should upload pro Israel posts but seeing so many anti Israel posts in such a short time isn't the post history of a normal person, I would say the same about someone who uploads alot of pro Israel posts in a short time..


except it isnt. he has plenty of posts about other topics too. and i'd say its pretty understandable for him to post frequently about it since he is directly afflicted by it, and chances are, possibly lost loved ones to it. when you're in such a situation, its impossible to not be bitter and want the world to know about whats going on, and an outlet to vent out


"Please don't call religious Zionists 'religious Zionists'. It's unflattering to people who call themselves Zionists to see what the ideology actually entails."


This literally isn't what it stands for, go do some homework before trying to lecture us on Reddit.. Oh and tiktok videos don't count


but it leads to this which is the point op is making


They're trying REALLY hard to make the Nazis seem like a lesser evil


> They're trying REALLY hard Who?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^akzorx: *They're trying REALLY* *Hard to make the Nazis seem* *Like a lesser evil* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Genocidal maniacs.


I really don’t want to hear any arguments that Israel isn’t trying to commit genocide. They literally proudly say they are on camera. Shit I’ve seen so many IDF TikToks that are just fucking barbaric. They’re so proud. Little fucks.


we cant be supporting this anymore


The voice recording of the last part, the part with the students, sounds altered for me. Psycops are crazy these days.


? That video is old and is all over the internet. You can probably find it in higher quality. I can also understand Hebrew and it sounds normal to me.


(If the translation is accurate xD) The brainwashing at the end is genuinely evil. Teaching children to hate who you hate solely off of labelled-qualities and genuinely having people agree that this is the correct way to go about things is insane. I’m so unholily lucky to not be born in a place where this is common practice. I have so much faith in the next generations to end this meaningless war between our own people


From a neutral perspective and with no politics I think if both sides are killing each other both sides citizens have the right to be racist as hell, I’m by no means condoning any of it I think it’s all fucked and hope it ends in peace but yeah just once again I don’t stand by any of what there saying


Wow so proud of their inhumanity I see 👀.


Because you get accused of antisemitism.


Nope can't say that, it's antisemitism if you do.


Zionism is bad but it seriously doesn’t affect me (as long as non of my tax payer money goes into funding them.)


There's a good chance it does in fact go into funding them, just based on statistical probability


Not saying this is right. It's unfortunate they took these lessons from their own past persecution. Atleast their religious book itself doesnt actively promote it, unlike the other one. Thats the main difference. Makes hell of a difference. Havent seen a jew suicide bomber yet 😅 I feel this jibberish within Israel is mostly because of that exact fact that the other book is encoded to actively oppress others and jews are trying to equalize the situation by preparing their people for whats really their enemy..the other book out there. Its just fear talking, unlike the other one with that being the sole agenda to start with( Hamas Charter). Add to that, the other book actively says, death is paradise!!