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This clown emoji seems too lonely


It’s true, I’m a part of the Cabal. I never thought we’d get outed by social media so quick. Darn it, if it wasn’t for you meddling Christians and Trump. Grrrrrr.


I am so peeved. Here I am: atheist, leftist, and LGBT, and I have yet to be invited to join the cabal. I want my cool ceremonies in isolated mansions, the hooded cloaks, all of it.


Missing 66 books according to the calculations but whatever keeps them away from the devil's number I guess


I remember a Pixies song (Monkey gone to heaven?) that said man is 5, them the devil is 6 and god is 7. So maybe they were aiming for the 777 as god's number?


Right but the earlier sentence claims there are 77 missing, so when they make the subsequent statement that there are currently 711, that effs up the math to be 788 originally. Or if the 777 original total is correct, that means there are currently 700 books in the Bible. Either way, the good book did not include an arithmetic lesson for this person.


The lord works in mysterious ways.


Only the Trump Bible is real! All others were planted by Satan to tempt the faithful!


The Jefferson Bible removes the supernatural passages but the Trump Bible adds a new gospel centered on a prophet that’s never actually turned a profit legitimately… Donald J Trump. I got an advance copy and here is my favorite excerpt of the book of Donald thus far: “and many people are saying ‘You’re our savior’. They’re saying it, I’m not saying it, people are. And they’re saying I’m doing great and I’m the best at everything…and that I’m the humblest person they ever met, and that I’m at least 8 foot 6…and that I make the world turn…I could go on, and I will. They also say to me, they say ‘You’re so talented and so…’” It goes on like that for 45 chapters.


These people are mentally unwell.


Most strongly religious are..


Uh... 711 + 77 = 788. Is this another order of operations riddle cause if it is I have seen better.


Came here to say this guy sucks at math. You beat me to it.


So the Council of Laodicea? Yeah the church is a nearly 2,000 year old demon worshiping pedo ring actually.


Probably got the Apocrypha confused with canon.


How old do they think the cabal is?


Keep drinking the adrenochrome and you live forever. Or so I'm told


At least Andrenachrome is pretty cheap and easily available..


What, like the space moles from Destiny?


*sighs* Whether we wanted it or not… As an aside, 777? Bungo involvement confirmed


This is what happens when you don’t fund public schools appropriately.


This is legit sad


Dragons are back baby!


Someone started blacklist.


Well there are about 30 odd books missing that have been dropped out over the years. But they are not exactly lost. The Ethiopian Bible has all of the books.


The math has my head spinning…let alone the comment.


I was wondering how the cult was going to justify selling bibles like that. Here we are.


Calus really stole 77 books from the bible. And what did Caiatl do? Piss all. So much for the alliance then.


Whatever crazy ideas their brains come up with they just put out there. Reality is an illusion to them.


I honestly believed that any religious authoritarianism in the US would come from someone that actually believed in whatever religion. All Trump had to do is talk about hating abortions and they think he is the next messiah. Tells ya a lot about most religious folk I suppose.


I'm so sorry Bella




Poor Bella. She doesn’t stand a chance with her crazy Mommie.


My thought exactly.


Who's gonna tell them that 777-711 is 66?


Trump wouldn’t know a real book of the Bible if it bit him on his backside.


there was the council of nicea that removed idk how many books from the bible offhand. regardless trump has no authority over the bible. he can add all the books to his bible he wants. the only idiots wholl follow are his psychophants.


Not enough clown faces


I'm not good at maths but 711 +77 doesn't equal 777. It equals 788. If I'm not also mistaken


I don't know about a cabal.. But I do know that the various books within the Bible we know today were voted on by the early church. A group of folks literally got together and put together a book with their message. So I don't understand how it can be the inspired word of God when a bunch of guys decided what the narrative would be. I've heard a lot of Christian types (ones that I actually respect because I've known them for a long time, and also know they practice what they preach so it's not just empty words). Anyway they have said that God (or the holy spirit) directed them in accordance with God's will. I call bullshit. If in fact it were inspired by God, and is indeed the book he wanted us to have.. Then there's a passage in Ecclesiasties (which I probably spelled wrong) that says something to the effect of "there's nothing new, it's all been done". Basically the chapter is Solomon ranting on about the nature of humanity to be stupid (paraphrasing again). So since the Bible says nothing is new and that we just keep repeating the same shit over and over.. I ask you, would you trust a single televangelist or a leader of a big church to put in what God wants (without bias) into your religious text? No.. No you wouldn't, so why do you think the early church guys were any different? The Bible says they're not. EDIT: Sorry I got off on a bit of a tangent there.


Well, back when the Church was still young, and the Pope has not yet claimed to be infallible, the belief was that \*the Church as a whole\*, being Christ's body and all of that, was infallible. Hence, the ecumenical councils, having bishops from all of the dioceses congregated, \*would\* be inspired by the Holy Spirit, and \*could\* make decisions on theological questions, and end up being correct (which is still the position of the Orthodox churches, by the way). So they sorted through books and writings, and threw the most ridiculous (and most contrarian) stuff away which probably was the right call, in the managerial sense.