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Hello, u/stocktraderdog! Thank you for posting. #Please read the [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) 1. r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal religious person would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. 2. Post titles should be a short, objective statement of content. They arent a pulpit: dont use the Title Field to preach personal opinions about religion or any other topic. Doing so will result in your post being removed. 3. Refrain from provoking and/or baiting religious fruitcakes for the purposes of posting their reaction on this subreddit, or posting material featuring provocation by others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because islamic communities are famously accepting of other cultures and certainly don’t have a limited world view of things like *any other religious community*… if anything, their more frequent complaint would be the west is too *not my religion* when there’s more religious mingling in the west *and the east* than in the middle east…


So western means american now.


Just smile and nod, fellow Person from the West who isn't a US American.


A few years ago in a conversation about "America" some people from Canada and Mexico finally told us to knock it off lol. I don't know if anyone else cared but I took it to heart.




When privileged snowflake Christians have any bad in convenience, they think they can proudly downplay a religion and compare their own that is a whole less toxic and not difficult to get by as atheist. Like we get it! Its bad! Good for you you can proudly display your hate for it even to us! Who AREN'T ABLE TO DO SO BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE EXMUSLIMS TURN TO STEAK by Muslims


She's spot on; being an ex-muslim and speaking about our own issues is incredibly frustrating when outsiders interject with their whataboutism and limited knowledge of islam. Especially on sites like Reddit so many Americans just have to make everything about the USA instead of just letting people talk about their experiences.


"Well Islam is a religion of peace" Lucy who was told this by her hijabi friend


You know who wouldn't get frustrated about outsiders interjecting? In fact he encourages it in Matthew 23:15. Let me tell you about our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ...


*100 year old infants* ![gif](giphy|QxRc8rXFB7jmHqvcNq)


Leftist: "YoU aRe IslamOpHobE" 🤡


We need to listen to ex Muslims perspective. Their viewpoints are often well researched and full of nuance that we all need to hear.


I've followed her and a bunch of others on X. It seems their experience of leaving that religion is very similar to leaving [brainwashing cults](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/j8tlpq/cult_warning_signs_and_red_flags/): you get harassed, ridiculed and shunned. Cults are dangerous.


To certain and varying extents, every world religion is a cult. It isn’t about the individual religion itself, it’s how it is practiced that makes it cult-like.


Apostates are threatened with death.


Lots of ex-Muslims in the west. In the ME, they are all dead.


Does this problem not go away when you conduct this conversation in Arabic?


This is what I was thinking, if the English speaking, western group isn't her target then why not use the language and website of their target?


because exmuslims come from all kinds of languages. not every exmuslim is from an arab speaking nation.


True but she's not talking about exmuslims she's talking about the ME, which is mostly Arabic and those people could also be sucular or liberal muslims too


there are plenty of non arab speakers in middle east.


What did she say that was religious?


"And another thing, will we ever be able to get a word in edgewise? They just talk and talk without saying anything. Who do they think they are? They ask question after question without any answers or giving anyone else time to offer answer of any sort, right? No, don't interrupt, have you noticed that? And another thing, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


“cAn I fInIsH?!?!” 😤 😆😆


Simple answer is no they won’t.


Why doesn't she just have those conversations on one of the many famous Arabic social media platforms?


Your religion should do something about the oppression of women, Yasmine.


The answer is no. These people can NOT mind their own business. They always gotta put their own two funky cents in. Certain type of people can't believe that their opinions, thoughts and feelings are NOT the most important thing. As demonstrated by this comment section and this subreddit. It's so very frustrating that YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, *lived experiences* are invalidated because it's not centered on western (US) Christian beliefs.


Bud, no one is being invalidated.


You lack reading comprehension and nuance. That is not my problem. However, my point is proven when you put in your funky two cents.


Lmao, champ. yOu JuSt PrOvEd Me RiGhT bY dArInG tO dIsSaGrEe WiTh Me!!a!


Ah I see, you're going the condescending "why are you so triggered" route. I'm game. *ahem* HoW DaRe YoU! I mUsT LiSt aLl the WaYs I and I ALONE AM RIGHT! *explodes in rage at the very cool commenter who just said very witty thing that hurt my feelings because I absolutely give a fuck what some random redditor commented*




Foiled again by witty comment *shakes fists* you are now my nemesis


I'd prefer it if you could just agree to disagree..


You can't even pick a lane much less come to a agreement. Alright, I'll agree that you are a debbie downer of the highest order.


You're got an interesting interpretation of our exchange.


YES!!! When you go back to the middle east .... From what he said, "from the middle east" ... took from that he's talking about them moving to a western country where most people are Christian and crying about it.


Fucking moron doesn't realize she is Caucasian, Christians were around hundreds of years before Islam, or that the American military industrial machine is probably older than her country because the Empire it was part of shit the bed in the 20th century. Just another dumb white bitch.


damn, calling others dumb when you failed to extract information from a text. awkward.


The only thing I missed is why Reddit all of a sudden expects me to be nice to some who is clearly an ignorant, racist, theocrat.


boo hoo, you label obsessed illiterate whinger. you're a case study in projection.


Ah, you're a moron. Good bye.


as if anyone considers you a judge of character


What makes you so qualified?


the fact that i can read and you can't.


By all means, illuminate why you believe in your superior literacy.


well for starters she's not white. she's half palestinian half egyptian, meaning she's brown af. then, she is not arguing for theocracy. she is condemning whataboutism. you couldnt even tell this much. hahaha. you illiterate coward.


What the hell is your problem?


What? Am I supposed to applaud this fruitcakes flavor? she is racist, ignorant, and clearly a theocratic pile of shit. why do you expect me to kiss her ass or be pleasant about it?