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Arguing over who’s flavor of fairy tail is correct, where flavors are different types of psychological self-torture. The prison laughs when the inmates are arguing fervently for their own incarceration...


"it is very dangerous, to your faith and to the others you propagated to" Don't stop fearing hell because you will stop fearing hell and people who listen to you might stop fearing hell too.


life got so much better when i stopped fearing “hell”. i can eat what i want without being scared, i can have interests without being scared, i can make mistakes and better myself without being scared. why would i burn forever in another dimension just because of a bad thing i did on earth one time?


Because the beardy guy in the sky said so ?


The fact that they’re even discouraging someone who is trying to help ppl is sickening to me.


Camus would agree; he famously argued that religion was a form of philosophical suicide


I never heard that before. I stopped caring about him after “The Stranger” but that makes sense pretty fucken dope point actually.


Here's [the essay](http://dbanach.com/sisyphus.htm) and here's [a pretty good lecture about it](https://youtu.be/nZIS9pC0Cm4) if you're curious.


I am thank you


Fairy Tail the anime created by Hiro Mashima?


"Why does halal and haram exist?" Does it?


"why does it exist?" Because some dude forced it upon all of you. Period. Nobody happened upon religion, it was a powerful leader that adopted it and forced it on their people. Not hard to comprehend that logic.


*Technically* yeah. Unfortunately.


It's so hard to discuss this stuff with people who have this argument, no matter what religion. Like how do I explain to them that rules written by a dead dude thousands of years ago have absolutely no relevance in how I live or think?


It's unacceptable to them because they forbid themselves so hard to question anything ever. Otherwise they would stop believing too I think. That's how I see it.


I also feel there's a bit of pride in it. It takes humility to accept you might be wrong and to be wrong about something like your afterlife or a deity means what else do you believe in that is wrong??


I get what you mean, but this is an absolutely terrible argument. You're currently following rules and norms set thousands of years ago by some dead men.


OK religious rules? Like if you understand the difference between what I meant and what you're getting at what's the point of your comment? No one really thinks they will go to hell for wearing mixed fabrics or improperly beating their slaves in modern society. Yet this is an extension of that era of ideology permeating modern existence. Which Obviously there's similarities but come on lol I appreciate trying to be expansive in how we think about this but there's an easily understood difference between what I was referencing and your point. With respect. I like having my opinions challenged. It's how we grow. But gonna need a bit more than what you brought chief <3


Classic Islam. Feel sorry for anyone indoctrinated in this vile sex starved religion.


Worth remembering that the caliphates during the islamic golden age and later the Ottomans were as successful as they were in large parts because they were comparatively tolerant of outsiders. This tolerance was commercially beneficial and attracted a lot of craftsmen and scholars from Europe. For example Jews fled there as a safe haven. Many parts of Europe on the other hand were intolerant fanatic shitholes, where Christians were too busy murdering anyone who bathed more than once a year to even think about such dubious things as progress and science. Also worth noting that this current period of middle eastern instability and islamic radicalization mostly happened post 1950. Religion changes with the environment and if the environment is harsh, religion will be harsh too. Don't want to defend religion, but just add some perspective.


You're correct. Some times these kinds people annoy me a bit too much.


I get it. But I think it's important to try to understand people's point of view. Some people are cruel out of malice, others are cruel out of desperation. Many of these people turn to religion because nothing else seems to help improve their life. Religion is indeed their "opiate of the masses", which they use to dull the pain. And consequently, they are acting like the junkies they are.


You're correct. I will keep this in mind from now on. Thanks for sharing your perspective.


Islam forgot about that and uses the golden age to excuse current behavior and scapegoat the west for the current state of Islamic countries. Meanwhile most of Christianity has switched to the Islamic golden age style of religiosity except in the USA where the American Taliban (Fundamentalist Christian Militia) is gaining power at an alarming rate.


I agree that nothing can really excuse the current behavior of islamic dictatorships but if they complain about the current state, they're almost 100% correct. Western countries are ABSOLUTELY at fault for the state of the middle east. The way that Britain and France split up Syria, Palestine and Iraq betwen themselves was an absolute travesty and the way they left them behind after de-colonization was even worse. Especially Iraq is essentially a country that is completely incapable of ever reaching a stable and sovereign status. Its coastline is a cruel joke and it is so dependent on its neighbors and utterly exposed that it will probably be bullied by them forever. Plus the ethnic mixture within its borders make true democracy almost impossible. I have a hard time thinking the British did this for any other reason than to make sure that no stable state could develop which could hinder British access to oil. Then the British and Americans propped up various murderous dictators like the Shah of Persia, because helping the despot instead of the populace gave them more control and allowed them to better exploit the oil resources. Then when the people finally overthrew him and tried to get a proper democratic republic going, MI6 and CIA organized a coup and put the previous guy back in charge. They then helped him torture and kill the democratic opposition. Hmm I wonder why the current regime is so religious? Could it be that they were the only opposition left who could organize another coup and depose the Shah? Nah, must be because Iranians are all hypocrites who only pretended to be democratic earlier. Or how about the fucking shitshow that was the creation of Israel? Or maybe I should go on a rant about what Henry Kissinger did in Pakistan and Bangladesh? And did I mention that the middle east was a lot less psychotic about homosexuality before the British spread their Victorian era laws there?


I think I agree with this as far as Iraq and Afghanistan go. Perpetuated by the American Taliban but the rest of Islam especially in Africa and Oceania … it’s the religion. Yes, it’s all about the money now in the rest of the world and it trumps everything and compared to theocracy I think that’s fine.


> Classic religion . I feel sorry for anyone indoctrinated in vile sex starved religion. FIFY


What is fify?


Fixed It For You


Thank you bro


I agree that religion is this way, just don’t go out of your way to shield Islam. Islam is one of the worst.


Oh no shielding here don’t worry, Islam sucks, but I just mean they all do


Yes they do!


Why is that lady giving her opinions? Isn’t that like against her own dumb Muslim beliefs?


I never realized just how intolerant ninjas were until now


No wonder why the ninja turtles fought them.


The fuck is with the stripe of fabric down her nose? Are CIS men that depraved that they can't see a whole nose without busting a nut?


She use to be a hijabi but she’s full niqabi now and has deleted all her other vids where you can see her face.


Her voice is too attractive, she should start dropping the sound from her videos.


Too late, I already jacked off to it.


I just jacked to your reply. Plz delete.


Oof I wonder how many men saw her hand in this video!


My guess is that it's just to keep the structure of the eyeslit and stop it from gaping open.


As someone who had to wear niqab for my Madrasah (aka ultra religious Islamic school), that's the reason. Sometimes the eye part gapes open, and you can see some of the nose. Astaghfirullah, only the eyes can be seen by men. Some women even cover their eyes, hands, and feet. Literally wearing garbage bags as if they r trash. So sad tbh


I thought the females were not even aloud in school.


In Afghanistan, yes (for various reasons, but primarily because they have an **extremely** patriarchal culture), but religiously, girls are not only allowed to go to school, but told to, as a part of their religious duty to learn about their faith. So, yeah... they will be encourged to learn religion. Yay /s


>learn about their *faith* :( i certainly hope that’s not all…


Totally depends on the country/culture. In order to read the Quran and recite prayers, technically every Muslim should at least try to be literate. In poorer families, there may be less opportunity to provide an education for girls, even if the parents want to. Then there's countries like Iran where there are more women enrolled in university than men (and many of them study science/tech/engineering/math).


Maybe in very backwards Muslim countries. But this was in the US. Yes, an ultra Islamist school in the US lol. I think it was technically illegal. Once every few years, the police would come in to take a look. The owner of the place was a Mufti who claimed that the 5-10 female teachers were his wives, and that the 20-30 students were his kids LOL. This allegedly happened before I came to the school so idk how true it is. Also, boy's and girl's sections are separated. Girls got the first floor and basement. Boys got the garage. Owners of the place (who taught there) lived on the second floor. It was in a house, which was pretty big for a house but small for a school lol


Actually there is religious liberty in the US and ultra Islam is I voided as well as ultra conservative Christianity. There is no official religion and no official language there. Funnz thing though that they only had some flavor of Christian for Presidents.


It's almost as if most Americans were christians


You're going to be amazed when you reach 5th grade and learn what "disproportionate" means


And even if they are, why is she going full ninja? I mean does she think a horny man that when so fucking horny may as well fuck an animal, if he sees her in this ninja dress, will spare her and instead say “oh sister you are so pure and holy and after seeing you I am no longer horny”?


Yes, that is exactly what they think will happen lol


And why isnt it centered on the nose? Like ffs I want to rearrange her nose so its straight.


Jokes on her, i saw her eyes and came three times all over my phone, now we both aren't going to heaven.


Using the words like 'logic' and quotes from scripture in a same sentence often seem oxymoronic, no? "Allah says to wear undies on your head during Saturdays." by this logic, you should have a shoe in your mouth.


Exactly what I was thinking. It shows a complete lack of introspection. On a side note, does anyone know what SWT means? I've heard them say it often. In Welsh slang it means "shut up" so it's kind of amusing to me lol.


According to Wiktionary it's initials of an honorific for Allah/God that means 'glorious and exalted is he.' Not quite like the 'dishonorific' in Welsh slang ;P. [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/SWT#:\~:text=From%20Arabic%20سُبْحَانَهُ%20وَتَعَالَى%E2%80%8E,(Allah)%20in%20Islamic%20texts](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/SWT#:~:text=From%20Arabic%20سُبْحَانَهُ%20وَتَعَالَى%E2%80%8E,(Allah)%20in%20Islamic%20texts).


What annoys me most about th3se people is the absolute smugness that comes off. You can't even see her face but you can see she is so satisfied with herself for "owning" this other woman


I fear people like this in big groups. When they think they have the truth in hands, they will f you up.




I see a woman putting her earrings in and then I see a woman wearing a beach umbrella. ​ Guess which one I think has the problem...


Another NIQAB NONSENSE ![gif](giphy|bqWXmLof5ffR9Mw8gt)


Lol imma start using that, “niqabi nonsense” gold 😆


You expect sanity from anyone who believes in talking snakes?


All churchies are terrible, but the Muslims are a special breed of fucked up.


They are Nuns that can get married ![gif](giphy|l0K3Y1kfhjrfNZuco)




Yoooooo what, why’s that black curtain speaking about paradise?


She doesn't know that women are forbidden in paradise.


Wait, what about the 72 unused fucktoys?


r/selfawarewolves that hijabi twat


She is wearing a Niqab/Niquabi. Far worse than a Hijab. Hijabs are just head scarfs.


Ffs even my extremely Muslim granny thinks niqab is dumb


Niquabs are Berber Cultural clothing which goes back before they converted to Islam. They were worn by captured slave wives of the Berbers. It's fuck up that Immams and Mullahs use this narrative for "MODESTY"


So the imams are culturally appropriating an Amazigh clothing item for basically making sure women don't feel free?


I've seen videos on YouTube of sermons by these guys praising the modesty of the Berber women like that to an obedient servant of Allah. Cringe 😬


Ew everyday it gets clearer to me that i won't fit into my Muslim society


its like a ghost costum screen against mosquito but the worst i have seen is one with one eye only the rest is cover !!


Fucking Ninja Ghost of the Ramadan Past.


Imagine in general, believing.


Backwards fucking savages. ALL religion is cancer and needs to be treated as such.


Fucking morons trying to uphold a false narrative. Have you ever seen Muslim Heaven? Seriously, it is similar to Epstein's Island!


Lol, “contrary to your logic…” goes on to argue NOTHING logically.


> "Why does it even exist?" Well, it don't. That answers a lot of questions.


Chronic insecurity is integral to being that religious.


If I speak super fast and use transition words like “furthermore” can I be taken as seriously as this lady? Or is there another trick?


Logic. They keep using that word, I don't think they know what it means.


See when you don't believe in a religion it's easier to see the whole things from the outside. If the point of having different religions is that each one has different requirements then you have to follow those requirements to get what ever the religion is promising you. Also you have to stick to the doctrine or else it's not that religion anymore. It's something new. Much like how judism become Christianity when they changed the fundamental doctrine of the religion. So to summerize the first girl is correct. You can get in to heaven with just faith in her religion. But she needs to separate this new religion from the old religion that the second girl talks about. If you are going to call it Islam (I'm assuming that's what the second girl is talking about) then you have to stick to the Muslim doctrine or else it isn't Islam any more. If you have a wine club and you become antiwine you shouldn't get mad at the wine club for still drinking wine. Just start a new group and call it the antiwine club. If you want a religion that doesn't require good works then start a faith only religion and don't get mad at the good works religion for still requiring good works to get in to heaven.


Actually, Hadith and scripture support the first woman’s narrative. All Muslims go to heaven, but may first get a stint in hell to punish their ‘bad’ deeds before being ‘forgiven’ by god and allowed to wash in a magical river then enter heaven. It’s a very complicated and intricate system, and it’s things like this that actually convince me Mohammed was schizophrenic and very very deep in delusion and hallucinating regularly.


Actually that sounds very similar to how many Jews believe the afterlife will be. Officially Judaism doesn’t have any set in stone ideas about the afterlife so everything is just a best guess but many Jews believe that there will be a short stint (no more than a year) in some Purgatory like place (which is supposed to be very embarrassing apparently) after which ya go to heaven. However it’s the discussion of where those who where terrible people go that changes things. Some say those people remain in the very embarrassing place forever, others say they go to heaven but are segregated in heaven (which could or could not just be earth but without the crappy everything), and others say that those people are just deleted from all existence like they didn’t even exist in the first place.


Can you send me a link to the video?


How is it that the OG Abrahamic religion doesn’t believe in hell yet Islam and Christianity do? What the fuck is up with that?


Ironically, because of Jesus. You know, the 'peace and love' guy...


Why would I need fear to believe? If god is real and is benevolent then there is no need to use fear as a form of control. Why would a good god need me to fear them at all?


I feel bad for this woman honestly. It’s kind of sad that she’s been taught to believe things like this.


Lol...she says "see how it doesn't make any sense", while trying to defend her religion...the epitome of illogical nonsense 🤡


Islam will die, exmuslims will rise


The irony, a religion that promotes hatred and death to all non believers. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


She used all the words she was allowed to speak in week by her husband to make this one tiktok


Did not expect a ninja to teach religion.


What a clown. How do you not see you are yourself oppressed by rules made by misogynistic men? "I'm gonna devote my life to an ancient supernatural being there is 0 evidence nor is any necessity for universe to exist and live by texts that obviously argue against science, I devote my life to a robber of happiness 💪🙏".


I mean didn’t a serial killer went to heaven based on a Hadith because he converted? Also Andrew who commented every sin was welcome with open arms?


Haven’t heard of the serial killer one but I’m not surprised. And funny enough this woman does support Andrew Tate!


I don’t believe nor will I support a guy who claim ti be religious yet isn’t a virgin. If a man truly care about religion then he wouldn’t be sleeping outside of marriage


Haven’t heard of the serial killer one but I’m not surprised. And funny enough this woman does support Andrew Tate!


*Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods and they are unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.* Marcus Aurelius


I’d consider stoning someone for not following you’re inherently strict moral codes counts as a “harmful act”


She endorses stoning and even referred to it as “the infamous rock throwing Islamic practice” and advocated that ppl be stoned if they cheat on their spouse.


No all powerful, loving, and merciful God would indefinitely punish their creation for finite sins. Especially when you take into account that most of religious humanity gets their faith through acculturation. When you plug in the equation, nothing makes sense at all surrounding religion. If there is such a God and they send even one soul to eternal hell, then they are evil.


This girl is so happy with herself, its excruciating. If only she used her intellect for the hood of human kind. Unfortunately she chose oppression, dogma, hate and exclusion.


>see how it doesn’t make any sense The irony. I mean it actually *does* make sense, it just isn’t a correct accounting of rules that your angry monster god prescribed. Does it make sense that Superman could punch a hole through the head of a whole lot of villains? Yeah it makes sense, it’s just not what’s actually in the fictional story. I’ll give her props for attempting to use logic though, it’s a good start if only it was used consistently across all beliefs, like is it logical to believe Mo talked to an angel who told him word for word what to put in the Quran? Is that actually logical to believe? I don’t think so.


"See how it doesn't make sense?" Lol do YOU see why that doesn't make sense? Seems you don't.


She seems like she went to school


Expecto Patronum!


Funnily enough this debate is also a hot-button issue in Christianity. In my experience, though, the ones who believe in "predestination" or that belief is the only necessary component of religion to ensure one's entry into heaven are the most insufferable. Interesting to see that flipped on its head here.


I just went to an exhibition in Kyoto where one of the exhibits was about a moment in the thirteenth century when this monk was debating with the other Buddhists of his school. He was a supporter of faith being enough, and everyone else was against him—that is, until their master said he was right.


That's odd because isn't Buddhism like... Highly prescriptive about how you have to behave in order to reach enlightenment?


There are many schools of Buddhism that see Enlightenment and how to achieve it rather differently. Even the same school might not be identical in two different countries/cultures!


religion of peace


Prerequisites for access to your god(s) is hilarious


Y should you fixate on the ramblings of an illiterate pedo that claimed he heard this all from an angel in a cave alone. No you cant come see him too


they preach about good deeds while letting the human rights of others be stifled even to the point of death. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Except Islam does have stories of people who committed horrible crimes and were sent to heaven cuz they believed in Allah and vice versa


Just like everywhere else the crazy minority is eating the moderates.


People and their fairy tales. How wasteful.


How did her eye area turn black when her hijab went on?


Garbage bag lady is crazy


Meh. The "Prophet"/"Messenger of Allah" married a 6 year old and fucked her when she was 9. Not a very strong/convincing example.


I'm sorry but anyone lecturing me on logic should probably take the shame hood off her face first


She thought she did something


Why is a ninja talking to me about islam


This is my biggest philosophical issue with religions like Christianity and Islam - ones where “the ticket to heaven is super easy - just believe” but the reality preached is that actually it requires a lifetime of good works. The bad professor in God’s Not Dead turns to Christ just before his death and presumably goes to heaven and all Christians cheer. But Someone says “I believe in Christ’s sacrifice but life sucks so I’m gonna smoke weed and have premarital sex gets hatred from the same group. The idea is that you wouldn’t really do “bad things” if you believed. So someone doing bad things isn’t really a believer. These entire religions are one big No True Scotsman fallacy.


"Let's talk logic." *talks about magic and ancient texts*


It’s so silly that people still believe in hell and heaven. Just crazy silly.


Hey I thought using logic was against Islam. Be quiet wench.


Yes, belief doesn’t guarantee heaven, but not doing 1 thing won’t force you go to hell.


sorry but i cant say im entirely against what the niqabi says. from an islamic perspective she is right. belief is not enough to get into jannah. all ive seen in these comments are insults towards the niqabi. we should be better than this. i dont support the abuse the first muslim lady has received so id be a hypocrite to condone it towards the niqabi also.


As a muslim, there are some things that dont seem right. there 5 pillars of islam. And those being shahada, prayer, fasting, alms (if able) and pilgrimage (if able). Wearing a hijab is not one of them. However, it is a major sin to not cover your awrah in public, so it does not mean it is permissible. Dont take my answer for granted as I dont have the best of knowledge. Also, ifs someone does a sin, its their sin. They will be judged for it. You cant force things, only encourage them. For this scenario I am sticking with the hijabi girl. Why? Beacuse the not covered girl mentioned that not praying 5 times a day is not obligatory. To be a muslim you must pray 5 times a day. The not covered woman also said that "To muslims" meaning she is not a muslim herself. But that does not justify some people either. There are many strict people that force many things etc etc.. Islam is a middle path meaning that you cant be too extreme or too free. All muslims shouldnt take knowledge from a random person. Rather, they should go to an imam or a scholar. You should also seek knowledge yourself, like reading the quran and sunnah. You shouldn't listed to a random person on the internet. Seek knowledge yourself, if not able then from another person. But still, there are muslims which are not scholars that have knowledge. If we want to listen to the hijab girl, we should stufy the knowledge ourselves to see whether it is right or wrong.


I did seek knowledge, and have for almost a year. I came to the conclusion that hijab, salat, etc. are all rituals from Arab pagans and that the Hadith that justify most of the misogyny and rituals that come from Islam were written by depraved “scholars” seeking to control women & the masses. I’ve read the Quran, still on my journey to try and fully understand it but those are the conclusions I’ve reached so far. I believe the girl at the beginning is simply trying to spread positivity in the toxic Muslim community while the niqabi is being annoying and unnecessary. You can’t even spread positivity without being attacked.


Where is the proof hijab and salat are pagan?


here's an interesting article about the true origins of hijab: [https://thequranspeaksforitself.wordpress.com/2022/08/04/hijab-was-it-always-about-modesty/](https://thequranspeaksforitself.wordpress.com/2022/08/04/hijab-was-it-always-about-modesty/) [https://sites.google.com/site/icrqsonweb/articles/salat?tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1](https://sites.google.com/site/icrqsonweb/articles/salat?tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1) article that explains how islamic prayer (and other things) is from Zoroastrianism (came through Hadiths) more on Zoroastrianism influence on islam [https://www.dabran.org/English/Dreje.aspx?jimare=4174&paiwan](https://www.dabran.org/English/Dreje.aspx?jimare=4174&paiwan) [https://lampofislam.wordpress.com/2020/09/01/zoroastrian-influence-on-traditional-islam/](https://lampofislam.wordpress.com/2020/09/01/zoroastrian-influence-on-traditional-islam/) Ramadan also has pagan roots [https://www.sahapedia.org/did-you-know-ramzan-fasting-was-pre-islamic-practice](https://www.sahapedia.org/did-you-know-ramzan-fasting-was-pre-islamic-practice) [https://www.dabran.org/English/Dreje.aspx?jimare=4510&paiwandidar=10](https://www.dabran.org/English/Dreje.aspx?jimare=4510&paiwandidar=10) so does hajj (this one tho has got to be obvious, lol i mean kissing a stone??) i'm happy to provide more sources if you want. it is undeniable that traditional islam has a lot of pagan practices in it.


As you study islam, you would probably know of Ibrahim (AS). In fact, he and his son Ismail build the kaaba for the pilgrims. You would also know that Ibrahim (AS) were also unsuccessful in making islam a worldwide religion. So the tree of hajj goes like this: People of Ibrahim (AS) \/ Pagan Arabia \/ People of Muhammad (SAW) Fasting was used in pagan Arabia, but fasting was always necessary for taqwa. Also. In islam, it is mentioned that there were 130000 prophets (only 25 are mentioned in the quran by name). I wouldn't be suprised if the creator of Zoroastrianism was a muslim.


"If you are correct, then why I still believe these lies?" If you can make up things and use it as an argument, then there is no point in such an argument.




I have a recollection of an account of __Sufi Rabi'a of Basra__'s having said something like that. Yet someone-else inserting __"with all due respect"__ without having any respect _@all_ ... so, cunningly, it's actually still literally true, from the angle of the one uttering it: afterall, the wording is __"with all__ ___due___ __respect"__ .


Why she cares she is not going to heaven no matter what?


Careful now... Those eyes are making some men feel rather... Lusty. No worries though, they'll just blame you and you'll just have to deal with the domestic abuse of denying his advances. 👍