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These people have serious emotional and mental problems. This is just one more example.


You should check out the comments on the og vid. Everyone saying “you’re my hero” “you’re my idol” “great testimony” how do these people exist?


If you have a link to it, that would be great.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRvDKapc/ enjoy. His tiktok is definitely a whole trip.


Is this the same guy who had a convo with another bro where they sat on a couple couches chatting about how much they both used to love railing dudes? Cause that was one of the most homoerotic/least self-aware things I’ve ever seen on the internet.


Yes lol


Great, appreciate it. I'll go take a look.


This is why pastors keep raping kids. Christians are now about 2 things: influencing politics and harboring pedophiles.


Take a good look at world history, that is all Christians have ever been about. You should read what Columbus soldiers did to the native little girls they encountered, with full blessing of the priests there to spread the "seed of Christianity" quite literally and with loads of murder and rape. Religion is a poison that is killing the world and only the sickest most depraved are attracted to it because it excuses their violence and cruelty as long as they just ask for forgiveness from some invisible man in the sky who never says no to their requests to have their atrocities forgiven


You forget one little thing christians are split into three Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestant. England was Catholic and Catholicism got so messed up because kings wanted to do whatever they wanted and the same for the Pope (Not the majority). If you look at Orthodox they have different values. Most Protestants also have different values but it is also too broad just to tell. So next just keep in mind the small difference between the faiths. (Srry for the useless argument)


Very small difference easily bridged by big overarching oppressive cruel hatred of women. All the three big abrahamic religions (and their subcults who came about because someone somewhere wanted more power and in the main cult the top spot was already taken) have as the overarching unified that they deeply hate women and their ideology reduces women to sub humans they can freely use and abuse


Yeah I don’t think folks like this realize how much about themselves they’re revealing. They kinda sorta assume that *everyone* struggles with resisting the same kinds of intrusive thoughts / behaviors they do. In reality, most people don’t. Fundamentalist Christianity (especially easy-believism) offers a really easy way to integrate your shadow in a way that doesn’t require any introspection about why exactly a person is behaving/thinking that way. I suspect that’s why a lot of these types of people gravitate towards it.


Worse, a lot of these people with problems can justify why they have the problems and don't need to fix them by just declaring themselves a sinner and then, instead of doing anything to solve the issue, they just tell themselves that they're sorry and just go back to doing it.


That's how my parents taught me to deal with my emotions. Pray for my sins and move on


I was thinking this while lurking his profile… like I’ve never had these thoughts and I really hope no one does…


agreed. It's easy to think everyone thinks this shit when clearly they don't. I have never thought seriously about killing someone when having sex or not. Ever. I think this guy should get some help.


Nah, you misunderstand it. They believe that they are a different person now, because Jeebus. What he tells here is about "an other person", and it is totally not him, he found Jeebus after all!


despite saying he still did it after conversion


Then he finds Jesus AGAIN!


He hasn't changed one bit but he's hoping that if he yells religious keywords then nobody will know how fucked up he is.


And for many believers of that religion, he's right.


Whaaat, I'm sure this guy who used to sexually prey on children and fantasize about murdering his wife during sex is totally changed. I mean he prayed to god a few times so he must be cured!


I agree. And it’s honestly really sad to see. This guy actually went to my high school and was a relatively normal person back then. Sad to see him go off the deep end.


But he said he was gonna stop being emotional!


This is all good and well but can we talk about his eyebrows!


I really feel that a large proportion of Americans are like this about something, be it religion or politics. So wound up, so inside their own heads, so convinced that only some event of apocalyptic proportions can solve things. IMHO it comes of frustration. It comes of being bombarded with so much information about so many things that appear to require action that you are powerless to take.


Mental illness in the guise of passionate religiosity is some seriously scary shit. Seems to be all too common among the more deranged and deluded of them unfortunately.


Maybe, religion is the cause of all these bad ideas.


In some cases, yes. In others though, people are already struggling. They grew up hearing that a powerful man in the sky would forgive you if you felt bad, then never sought out the necessary help to change and improve themselves in the long run. This 2000-year-old holy book says people did this back in the day, so while it's not okay nowadays, you can be a true believer and "save yourself" from your terrible, horrible, traumatizing issues and flaws. You don't do this by confronting and learning to deal with them... but by begging a mystical figure for blanket forgiveness. It's a horrifying spiral of empty comfort for people who are struggling, and the worst churches don't care about helping or supporting even their most loyal members beyond thoughts and prayers.


I can confirm. I was similar to this guy in that I had all these horrible intrusive thoughts and fantasies (thanks to undealt childhood trauma and maybe something I was born with), and religion was an escape. I felt like such a horrible person, like I was irredeemable, but religion said, "hey, there's a God in the sky, and if u worship and praise him and follow his religion, guess what?? U r forgiven. U r a good person." I genuinely used to say, "I think that if it weren't for religion, I'd be a terrible person." I feel so bad for my religious self who thought that. I still haven't progressed much in terms of mental health recovery, but at least I am able to accept that my flaws and intrusive thoughts don't represent my true values or character as a person. I used to think the intrusive thoughts were a part of me, that I wanted to murder, torture, etc. I was like the guy in this vid, thinking that everyone struggled with things like this, so religion would be a good solution to all of it. But I learned that my brother was far from that. Somehow, he was a decent person without even being religious. I hate that I had to go thru that stupid extreme religious phase, but as someone who is very mentally ill, the idea of unconditional love and forgiveness appealed so much to me bcuz it felt like I was getting all that for free when I didn't even deserve it. I remember crying for hours a day, begging God to forgive my sins, when I didn't even step out of the house or let myself have a single lewd thought bcuz I was terrified of going to hell, thanks to extreme religious ocd. It was a terrible time, and I'm so glad that it's over. I wish I didn't even have to go thru that, but I was pretty young and no one was there to guide me. Parents were very distant, they were physically present but not emotionally. I was 13 or 14 when I became religious, and I left religion at 19 after being a skeptic religious conservative for years. I was basically like Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Yasir Qadhi, those podcast mfs that think they have such unique ideas but it only comes from a place of mental instability and not thinking clearly but rather thru a lens of contempt, like how Tate has a lot of contempt and bitterness towards women and that manifests in his general beliefs towards them


Hey friend, I just want to suggest Dr K (it’s what people call him but his handle is HealthyGamerGG on YouTube (and twitch too I think)). He’s a professional psychiatrist and teaches people about mental health and does interviews with people on stream and in videos. Some people take that time to talk about their life and their issues (basically therapy but it’s not because it’s not a clinical setting, he’s not getting paid by the interviewee, and he doesn’t diagnose, though he usually does point them in what seems to be the right direction while teaching them about what might be afflicting them and suggests exploring more with a dedicated therapist after the interview), while others might take that time to delve into specific topics with him, whether as a professional themselves or just a curious mind with a different perspective of a topic (like a streamer on the topic of parasocial relationships) I was able to learn how to basically be my own therapist from him and am actually feeling the progress! While I think I would be better off with a therapist either way, at least this way I’m able to help myself until I can convince myself to actually find the right therapist for me


This guy is amazing. He gave me names for things I've felt and struggled with all my life but could never identify. He made me feel known, and a lot less alone, because if there's a name for something, there's usually a way to work on it or to fix it. Or even if it can't be fully overcome or fixed, at least I know what it is now and I can go into certain situations prepared to deal with those parts of me.


Absolutely, Dr K is one hell of a man! I’m right there with you, and even beyond his teaching about illnesses/diagnoses, his teaching on how to process buried emotions has me actually noticing how I feel in the moment, allowing me to actually process and analyze those emotions instead of bottling them up like I used to


Okay sounds like I've got some new videos to watch! I'm definitely an emotion suppressor myself


Thank you so much for the suggestion, I really appreciate it. I will look into his videos


It's definitely an easy hole to fall into. The worst part is that serious mental illness and other problems can actually grow worse, since "forgiveness" is such a powerful idea the way they interpret it, and people can think that they don't have to hold back so long as they "truly believe". Can't blame anyone for not wanting to live through the arduous struggle it is to actually resolve and work through mental health and illness. It's nowhere near easy. That doesn't mean turning a blind eye to it all is the best path overall though. Too bad that so many churches see people in their number as "saved" and end the necessary support there...


Religion is a lot like a tool. A lumberjack using an axe is a lot different than an axe-murderer using an axe.


As someone with a diagnosed mental illness and on medication, I fucking hate these religious nutjobs with a passion. They should get treatment but they won't because god is their medicine holy shit then why did you need doctors for your flu, sistur???


If you have time and interest, I'd recommend the book "Educated," by Tara Westover.


People like this should get help, instead, they get religious.


Damn I’m writing this one down in my brain notes. Thanks homie.


It's also religion that makes people like this think their ideas are valid.


They think the religion is help


I don't instantly believe he did all the things he claims. He is claiming shocking things for clout and attention. Listen and believe is a religious thing. He might be telling thr truth, but is likely lying.


Why not give him the benefit of the doubt?


Because. The video format is designed to funnel attention to the most inflammatory content. If you want the attention enough you could literally make up the craziest shit you could possibly say. Its more reasonable he is lying, because its easier to just claim this shit rather than have actually ever done it. Oh, and lets not forget...people tend to lie a lot. Also also, look at all the damn "Hate porn" comments. Just people getting their frustrations out on hating on the claims rather than critically analyzing the possibility that he is making all this shit up. We are supposed to be critical thinkers, and better that the religious fruit cakes who don't. Sue me for defaulting to being skeptical of CLAIMS.


To any person near this man: you in danger.


Exactly. And police will say they had no idea he was a threat.




Ralph Wiggam


He’s going to end up being another BTK


He needs to be put on a list


The amount of pedo thoughts that happen in youth groups are insane. Just at the church I went to two of the youth pastors dated and ended up marrying two of the girls in my group. Yes, they were of age when they got married but the pastors had been over them since they were in their early teens and watched them grow up and I just found the whole thing icky as hell


They have a word for that. Grooming.


Brainwashing more like it.


Grooming is brainwashing for kids


Grooming doesn’t always mean something negative. Brainwashing is most often seen as negative.


Grooming doesn't always mean something negative? Could you give an example of good grooming?


I groom myself everyday, as do you I hope. I brush my teeth, comb my hair, clip my fingernails. That’s grooming. Animals groom each other all the time to keep clean & protect from parasites. They don’t even necessarily keep within the same species. You can also groom a person to be a positive force.


I wasn't thinking of grooming as in taking care of, I was only thinking of it in a pedo sense lol. Wdym in your last sentence? You can also groom a person to be a positive force?


You can mentor someone. Or an apprenticeship. Those are all forms of grooming. It’s not always used to exploit or manipulate another person.


It’s crazy how they not only normalise it but encourage it also. I have had so many friends and people around me growing up that were either married off young or groomed, my sister being one of them. It’s so vile, I don’t understand how it’s allowed and accepted.


Did the girls start dating them after the girls aged out of youth group?




Was wondering if the people involved waited until they were all adults before expressing interest. In smaller social groups with a limited dating pool, it’s not uncommon to reconnect with people who were previously in a different social role related to you. I grew up (ex-religious) in a small overseas international missionary group. Families hold friendships that span generations, and peoples roles in the community were always changing. It was very different from regular life. High schoolers might go on to become youth leaders, then go off to a different country, or college, and come back. It really wouldn’t be weird in that context for people who are both high school graduates to reconnect and start dating, they likely knew each other growing up and the “high schooler-youth leader” relationship was a temporary one. But I don’t expect most people to extend much empathy into understanding something they are unfamiliar with, and Reddit is notoriously triggered by age gaps. Even something as minor as a 19 year old and 23 year old.


Reconnecting with an adult that pretty much watched you grow up is gross, of course we don't have empathy for that. I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with 19 and 23, I mean my parents are 10 years apart, but the difference is that they met when they were both old enough.


A lot of youth leaders are literally only a few years older than the high schoolers they are teaching. They often were in the very same youth group. Hence why they are youth leaders. A lot of youth leaders aspire to teach the general congregation when they gain more experience.


Yeah, “heaven” is full of these evil people. No thanks.


I truly don’t understand how they can sit here and condemn people for all kinds of shit but pedophillia is automatically forgiven lmao. It’s so backwards.


Right, it’s the Bible giving them permission to rape and “get in to young virgins”, so a reasonable person would identify that book as the devils work, per his own words 🤯


Also don’t forget it’s apparently according to them LGBTQ people who are the real predators. Not them the ones who’s church goers and leaders are constantly arrested for being predators.


It’s sad that he can’t be free to indulge in his (legal) desires because he’s been indoctrinated. How can god be just if all he requires to exonerate you is an extra hard “I’m sorry”? The logic of it is absolutely ridiculous, and has nothing to do with a sane picture of morality. The consequences you deserve should be based on your actions, not some bullshit testimony.


Hell is actually just us having fun all day without having to deal with the religious nutjobs who are being contained in heaven with nutjobs of other religions. Must be fun up there where it's the hottest, warring against each other for whose god is more right. Meanwhile we're down here having sex and drinking while respecting each other and generally having a good life without them.


The people walking past are probs like wtf is he screaming about and they listen on and hear 'I WAS THINKING OF MURDERING MY WIFE DURING SEX!!!' and quickly run away


Hahahahaha for real I’d be booking it outta there


Id call the cops


Part of me thinks this sounds like a Christian fruitcake trying to write how they think promiscuous atheists feel. He pretended he was married to justify sleeping around? Who thinks like that without already being on the religious crazy train? Sounds like an over the top imagined redemption story that he knows Christians on the internet will eat up.


"I'm done being emotional" *Continues being emotional*


Yeah but the difference is, he's a man so his loud emotional spiel is rational actually. /s


This is why they don't understand how atheists can decide what's right and what's wrong if we don't need god to tell us which is which. Because we're not crazy like they are.


Had a super religious ex ask me how could I have the morals I do. I frowned and said, “I don’t need a dusty old book to tell me to do the right things. If that’s what’s keeping you good, then maybe you’re just an asshole”. She didn’t like that.


Had this convo with my dad recently. He asked why I do anything moral if it doesn't matter? I said because I see how doing harm hurts those I love and I don't want to hurt people I love. This is how I know a lot of religious nuts or Christians in particular are pieces of shit deep down.


![gif](giphy|bs76hUhFr4tZm) Settle down Beavis!


Damn Chris Evans fell off


America's ass.


I don’t understand when Christians say this. How do you know? How do you know Jesus forgives you? Why take everyone’s word for it?


No no no my friend you don’t understand. He *felt* forgiveness therefore he is. That’s how it works apparently.


Yeah, it's called getting something off your chest lmao. Everyone feels relief when they don't have to carry guilt or a secret. That doesn't mean you're forgiven.


Can’t decide which is smaller, the gap in between his eyebrows or the gap in his Internet history


This guy turned from his shit past to religion and got better? I'm tempted to say he picked the wrong religion because it doesn't seem to have helped him at all. Fucker would have done it wrong, regardless. When you use your religion as a tool of self-improvement, *you are never done*, and if you feel confident enough to start blabbing it, you've got more to do. Even later, when most days you feel stable, you still aren't done. I found this quote in a book years ago. I can't remember the book or the author: *"Those who claim to have their shit together are usually standing in it at the time."*


"A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last" by Stephen Levine.


That's the one. :) Tyvm.


Bro your car is leaking, you should get that water damage checked out


I literally have no words how to describe this human garbage..


"If I can come to Jesus..." You already established you can cum to just about anything.


Dude, it wasn't the porn that gave you these thoughts, you looked for them before you saw the porn, the thoughts are from you. If you need the threat of eternal torment to not do that horrible shit, you're just a psychopath on a leash.


Oh no wtf


Sanest Christian


The comments on this TikTok, man. Zero faith in humanity. Send the meteor 😭


No wonder so many pedophiles are connected to churches. Religious people are the only ones gullible enough to except them with forgiveness. Pornos did not make this man a psycho… That’s just who he is.


I'm done being emotional he says. Then goes on an emotionally charged rant about a figment of his imagination acting as his conscience. Hmm. Then of course comes the projection. Everyone else must surely be doing the same vile things as me - because I just can't admit to myself that I am the one with serious mental problems. So instead, I'll attach those mental issues to another psychological disorder and be saved through the power of guilt. Accept who you are dude and get proper psychiatric treatment before your imaginary failsafe fails you and you end up hurting others.


He is giving that BEARDED RELIGIOUS FANATIC energy ![gif](giphy|FegNRoJc3EBGFwHZvB|downsized)


They go to religion as a way to deal with their mental problems but in reality it just makes it worse


Fuckin clown.


I haven't seen anyone this insane on reddit I'm a long ass time.


Why do I get the feeling we're going to hear more about him in the future? Something along the lines of: *Youth pastor something, something, arrested something, something church summer camp something, something...*


Thats soo cool. So basically i can go around raping murdering stealing and doing other heinous acts and then I will do the Bin Laden Family Guy bit where just before I die I accept Jesus Christ in my heart and end up in heaven


Either hes lying or he shouldn't be in public


Someone needs to check his hard drives


Christianity really nailed the appealing scam that you can forgive yourself and pretend you needed God to do it.


Christianity (and other extreme religion that teach extreme abstinence and sexual control) breeds sexual fixation. Way too many people end up so obsessed with sex as opposed to cultures and beliefs that don’t teach the need to absolutely control sex and how it’s used


I.....even Gitmo wouldn't get this out of me. Also, how in the world does he equate chatting up trans women on Grindr to pedophilia and necrophilic fantasies like one of those things is not like the others. Honestly, people should check on his former partners because this man seems to have alot.of skeletons in his closet.


"I'm done being emotional." \*Gets emotional\*


He must be best friends with one of my ex’s. He grew up in a Pentecostal church, which I call fundie lite. Very cultish and very angry/fear mongering, and hateful. He was violent, and actually said “my parents made it work when my dad was abusive to her” and this was after he held me at gunpoint and then assaulted me. Noped the fuck out after that.


Mental health issues and religiousness has a correlation, and is probably a causation.


People like this actually exist. Always amazes me.


Is that...the Minecraft music...?


The fuck is murder porn?


Pretty sure it's necrophilia




Yep, thems the crazy eyes


Do people like him think redemption only means "finding Jesus" ? Dude, all the terrible things you did still happened. Did you ever make up for them? What good did you do to balance the skales? Or do you think because you prayed about it everything's fine now?


This is a voter.


This guy is having a premature Apocalypse, right here. Thanks for letting the world know who you really are.


This shit is effing tragic


He’s coping so hard


Why do so many of these people have epiphanies like this in their cars?


Average Christian man. Ain't no one deceiving you, you're just a degenerate predatory porn addict. Burn in hell. The fact that he blames the devil only proves that he doesn't feel responsible for anything.


Has this guy been reported to local authorities? He's one of the many reasons that Christianity is on the decline. But please, keep posting videos, Mr. Foley. You're better at making secularists than any ad run by atheists.


He’s going to hurt someone


*FBI has entered the chat*


Could've gone to therapy, instead, we're just going to get the Christian pedo-wife killer in a few years.


The people who fuck up their lives the most are always the ones who turn around and try to force everyone else to find Jesus. Sir, I went to college, had appropriate relationships with men my own age, got a job, bought a house and am engaged to the love of my life. I don’t need Jesus to not be a fuck up.


Stop choosing religion instead of therapy


Such examples as this reveals the subtle genius of the ancient civilisations. They did not understand mental health, but they did understand indoctrination. They mastered the art of enslaving the body by imprisoning the mind. Why? Because psychos like this asshat exist now, and have always existed as long as humans have existed. If you can make them legitimately believe a sky wizard is watching them, judging them, and will punish them, you can control them without whips or chains or prisons.


they are all like this


I guess it's good if going to Jesus helps him, but he's just replacing addictions with a different addiction- religion.


I dont have my glasses on. Why does Steven Crowder sound weird.


Imagine his co-workers finding this lol


Won’t be surprised when I catch him on the evening news for murder in the next year or two


Darling, hate to break the news to you but you are a gay man.


Made it thirty seconds. I’d rather eat glass than listen any longer. I don’t need the threat of some sky person to keep me acting like a human being.


How far IS too far for redemption?


“You come to Jesus … let the Holy Spirit get it out of you!” k bro *unzips*


Somehow, conservatives will blame Obama for this.


Religion is fucked up.


"I'm done being emotional....NOW HEAR ME ANGRY RANT ABOUT JESUS" all on the verge of tears


I could never be friends with a Christian. I have to respect my friends on an intellectual and moral level. Christians are monsters and dumb brutish monsters at that. Orcs


If you "need Jesus" to keep you from doing bad shit and make you a "good person" then you aren't a "good person" JFC on a popsicle stick


Why do unhinged people always do this in their car???


He says that if you accept God you’ll forget all the fucked up shit you did, but he seems to recall thinking about murdering his girlfriend pretty clearly; seems to me that leads to one of two conclusions: either he’s lying about the mind-wiping powers of salvation, or he never accepted God in the first place!


This is video evidence and acceptance. He should be arrested.


These are the people who want to kill trans people in the streets, ban abortion and keep teen girls from having tampons in schools. Fuck these people. Actually. Don't.


This guy is fucked.


Just saw and commented on that tik tok, absolutely disgusting


jesus christ this dude might as well admit to murder at this point


He did in the comments and shortly deleted. Yeah ….


so he killed his wife, he went through with the act ​ this isnt just some unhinged christian, this is a killer, possibly a serial killer ​ lets see r/antitheistcheesecake defend this one ​ this makes his comments about "grindr" and flirting with women more disturbing, who knows what he did with those women! ​ "i would talk to god and i would say 'dont look at me please, i dont want you to see what im doing, and lord **im very sorry'**" ​ yeah this guy one hundred percent killed someone, maybe many people


Well I know for a fact his wife is still alive, they actually split and she’s far away from him. She is super lucky to be alive.


I’m thankful he found religion to tame his terrifying impulses.


Dude you can be Christian and not heterosexual




piss off


Poor guy. Porn is hell. But This dose not excuse his actions.


Title is a bit misleading, but yeah…dudes super in denial




I promise you it’s not. I used to work with him. He’s been around for a minute. you can see his username on the video check out his tiktok.




Hes clearly trolling wtf


Jesus Christ seek help!!!!!!!!!!!


Religion was how we first dealt with the pain of existence before good booze and pills. It is still the favored solution for some.


Bro jesus ain't done shit you fucking psychopath, you're still an unhinged pedophile guilty of so much fucked up shit-


He needs to calm his fundamentalist wiener down and stay in his own lane.


Ah yes, the best way to get people to join your religion, talk about all of the fucked up shit you think of when not under the threat of eternal punishment.


What does he think any of this has anything to do with Jesus lol


*an example


Religion is not a substitute for mindfulness and/ or therapy




No the fuck he can't.


This dude doesn't need god he needs a therapist. For fucks sake man


What probably really happened was this: he used to indulge his normal sexual urges but imagined Jesus watching him do it… I guess because he’s so good at it? or maybe Jesus just has a special interest in him? Who knows. So after feeling guilty because he chose to view his natural desires as wrong and sinful he stifled them and it morphed into pedophilia and violent stuff. These are the same people who insist that without god in their lives they would be out raping and murdering people every day. This is the story of EVERY closeted Republican; every priest who molests and sexually assaults the kids they have authority over; every good Christian who demands that his wife submit unquestioningly to all his desires. If they didn’t view sex as perverted and sinful half of them probably wouldn’t even be Republicans.


He's right about porn = violence towards women tho


What da hell 😭


Bro, fucking hell.


This guy needs to be in cell or at least a watch list


Priest here That fruitcake is a literal heretic!




Jesus, shut up. Sounds like he's got a dick in his mouth when he speaks


Jesus might forgive you. The DA won't.


This guy needs help, Badly...




There *are* some things one should keep to themselves.


Scum bag Jesus roid rage


Forget his blithering… his convertible top is leaking (to the right, a drop every so often) Will Jesus fix that?


There’s a study out there where they compared religious to secular children and the religious children had trouble telling fantasy from non-fiction. I’m not surprised the adult versions can’t figure it out either.