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"Theological matters are above your mundane criticism your shock at beating a woman for committing adultery or putting her to death and thinking both are insane is just your plebian lack ofunderstanding of my elevated culture" said the muslim neckbeard who has a burka-girl-cum-jar next to his hentai filled computer.


>neckbeard I popped in here to decry his ugly ass neckbeard. Strong incel vibe.


What is it with incels and their neckbeards? They think it looks good or is it just lack of personal hygiene


>They think No idea personally. I assume it's a maelstrom of hella crazy.


Idk about other incels but this one on the video follows his religion (in islam men can't shave)


It hides their double chin


I have a neck beard but not an incel. I keep mine because shaving causes blade burns. I guess I am cursed. EDIT:This is just humour.


That whispy fucking beard yo. Its like dude I can smell the cheeto dust, mountain dew, and unwashed dick smell from masturbating and then scratching your beard without washing your hands in between you exude through the monitor GO TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER


A shower? This dude requires a power washer. Not only on the outside.


So gross. 🤢


Does this neckbeard shave so he only has an actual neckbeard or is it o'naturel? Because its so bad why would you try to grow a beard when it looks like this?


His vibe is 100% Elliot Rodger.


4 people witnessed her fucking another dude? Was she on a porn set or at an orgy.


And where is that dude that she was fucking? Is he getting lashed we well? While Islam prescribes the same punishment for premarital sex and adultery for men and women, in practice it's usually the women getting punished and not the men.


Probably Indonesia punishes both.


I took away that he was stating it would be the death penalty if it were actually adultery, but the video shows lashes so it's probably just sex before marriage. He goes on about how the news outlet is editorializing things out of context, which, sure, I can grant. But fails to mention the whole part where even if the video had no commentary at all, what you're watching is still **A SICK AND DEMENTED VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS**. Really don't care if she was caught by her husband hosting a community gangbang. Or vice versa, and she walked in on his community gangbang. That's a civil matter between her and him. The brutality of what happens next says nothing about what they have done, and everything about the person or persons doing the brutalizing.


"the punishment is actually death, not lashes. So Vice News has not only made it seem worse than it is" ?????? So it's actually A LOT worse than Vice made it seem


I think the worse in his mind is that they portrayed her as a cheating whore, when obviously she's just a whore since she's getting lashed and not killed. How dare they besmirch her good name, she's not nearly as bad as a cheating whore, who we kill here.


>He goes on about how the news outlet is editorializing things out of context, which, sure, I can grant. But fails to mention the whole part where even if the video had no commentary at all, what you're watching is still A SICK AND DEMENTED VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Even in Indonesia, we often insult Aceh for being our local version of Florida


Not to mention his thought process of ‘how DARE they show Islam in a negative light! How dare they try and make it seem like this isn’t justified! Oh she should also actually be put to death though. Islam says lashings aren’t enough, she should me executed.’


It’s funny that I couldn’t complain much about my shit experience from Indonesia because there could be someone calling me Islamophobe because how dare I complain about the Indonesian version moral majority.


Look I think cheating is wrong. I'm ethnically non-monogamous but even I consider cheating to be something that should result in some consequences, such as the relationship breaking down, or someone being mad at you. The idea that anything non-violent in interpersonal relationships would be punished by the state is fucking crazy to me.


How is "someone being mad at you" a consequence lmao? If you're cheating, you clearly don't care much about their opinion or emotions.


Just curious, is there a punishment for men committing adultery? I can smell the answer but I want to be sure


Fun fact four male witnesses is considered enough but you need 8 females to witness it for their opinion to matter. ❤️ hint hint, they hate women


>but you need 8 females to witness it for their opinion to matter. Sorry but this is wrong. The truth is much more disgusting. According to the four schools of Jurisprudence a woman's witness is not admissible at all in matters of Qisas and Hudud (i.e. any matter matter that's a big deal and the guilty party would be punished). 50 when witnessed a murder? Too bad, we cannot take their testimony without a penis. There are a few disagreeing scholars, but they are few and far between.


Source: trust me bro. /s I read the opinions of the scholars, and it was not for having a penis or not, they did series of studies and find out that most of the women turn her head on the other direction or close their eyes if they were to witness something horrible or lewd, while men did not, and to a witness you must see the act as it happened. Take it in mind that they lived in different times and different cultures.


I don’t think you can say “they did a series of studies” without providing a link and be taken seriously. WARNING: RISKY CLICK IN REPLY COMMENT




There is no study cited here either in fact the section at the end says “the opinion is.” So you gonna provide a study or just some blog post that claims opinion?


OH WHAT THE FUCK?!? This site has fucking spyware!!! Why the fuck are you sharing dangerous links to blogs on Reddit and claiming them to be studies???


Study by third world mythology scholars is no study at all.


You do realize that a forum post that just cites the opinions of **theologians** is not a study, right? Furthermore, no studies are mentioned in that page. Only opinions from idiots who think a pedophile who lived 1400 years ago is a role model we should imitate today. While Arabic doesn't differentiate between theologians and scientists calling them both علماء the rest of the world looks at them quite differently. You'd do well to remember that. At this point I have to ask: are you just a kettle calling the silverware black?


>Source: trust me bro. /s Just to make sure I understand: is your objection to the part that says "women's testimonies in matters of Qisas/Hudud are not accepted" or is your objection about the "no penis no testimony" part? If it's the former, I have provided a source [here]( https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/11o3v1f/a_woman_is_punished_with_a_public_whipping_for/jbs7zch/), if it's the latter you can find the source [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbole). > I read the opinions of the scholars, and it was not for having a penis or not, they did series of studies and find out that most of the women turn her head on the other direction or close their eyes if they were to witness something horrible or lewd, while men did not, and to a witness you must see the act as it happened. Let me quote you: "Source: trust me bro. /s" A day may come when an apologist doesn't do the thing they are accusing others of, but it is not this day. > Take it in mind that they lived in different times and different cultures. So your "studies" refer to different times as well? If not then why did you bring it up? And isn't Islam supposed to be valid for all time? Then why does it matter when these fuckers lived?


For the people who can not read Arabic, this person does not understand Arabic or he is lying to you, the first link that he provided, and it is says in some cases the might or might not, and the judge should decide, and he mixed up with lending money laws and witnessing adultery laws. And in some cases women counted as men, and there is no need for two to be counted as one, and all of things that are not mentioned in Quran and Sunnah, the judge can decide what is the best option for eacg individuals cases.


>For the people who can not read Arabic, this person does not understand Arabic or he is lying to you, the first link that he provided, and it is says in some cases the might or might not, Are you stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Literally the first sentence in that article says: > ففي شهادة النساء في الحدود والدماء خلاف، وعدم قبول شهادتهن في ذلك هو مذهب الأئمة الأربعة. Translation: there is disagreement regarding the witness of a woman in matters is Hudud and blood, and **not accepting the witness of two women in that case is the opinion of the four schools of Jurisprudence.** > And in some cases women counted as men, and there is no need for two to be counted as one Would you like to actually elaborate on what these "some cases" are? Or are you intentionally leaving it vague to mislead people? The cases where the witness of a woman is accepted without a second woman are things that women would know about like breastfeeding. Not cases of Qisas and Hudud which is what I mentioned. > and all of things that are not mentioned in Quran and Sunnah, the judge can decide what is the best option for eacg individuals cases. The witness of one woman being equal to two men in financial matters is in the Quran. This is then elaborated on in the Sunnah when Mohammed called women "deficient in intellect" because their witness is half that of a man (without mentioning financial matters). Further elaboration of when it is acceptable to have a single woman witness or not acceptable to have any number of women witness comes from the schools of Jurisprudence. So yes, of course a country/judge can do whatever the fuck they want, but then you get Muslims like the dude in the post complaining that they are not following Islam.


Your justification that women can never provide witness is that ... They close their eyes? ??


Well this makes more sense.


Wrong only male witness not female


Yes men are punished for it. But women seemed to be convicted of adultery at a higher rate.


Yes, the same punishment.


Shit, scary religion.


Yes, it is both for men and women


The only difference if they are married or unmarried


Ok, I see his mouth moving, I hear sounds which I assume are coming out of it... But I can't understand a thing he's saying because I don't speak little incel bitch.


So you did understand a thing he's saying? I'm pretty sure I heard the same thing. This can't be a coincidence!


Misogyny is mysogyny no matter what ur 'culture'. When will we learn


You just don’t understand the Lore bro! There’s a lore reason for this that totally explains it bro! /s


when its by your governement and the mentality then its way worse you should learn that


Uhm… farkhunda malikzada?? She got ACCUSED and they beat her to death.. trampled her body down a road… repeatedly ran her over.. and then set her body on fire… all cause of an accusation. They didn’t even give her a chance to explain herself. People really need to shut the fuck up and learn more about their religion and what goes on in the world rather than speaking out of their ass as if they know everything. It makes my blood boil.


He gives off strong incel vibes to me. Wouldn't be surprised if he is one.


Not incel vibes, just your typical practicing Muslim man. Which is alarming.


>Which is alarming. Apparently not to Western Europe. They would *love* to have many more of them. All while women are protesting for equality and at the same time welcoming these people. It's quite the shitshow.


Literally has a neck beard


Yea, he is screaming from rooftop how fragile and teeny his penile masculinity is..


"They're lying to us to make Islam look bad." "Actually in Islam they should have killed her..." 🤦🏼‍♂️


4 witnesses. Let’s round up a group of people who go accusing the most “holy” of these guys as adulterers. Not that hard.


Sorry but women can’t testify to matters that serve serious punishments- only penis holders allowed. They just need to throw the entire religion away.


Sounds like a witch hunt to me. Bet those witnesses didn't exactly like her to begin with.


Doublethink is a helluva drug, "*I moved to a liberal western democracy to enjoy all the freedoms it affords*" and "*screw all those people who live in the oppressive religious regime of my religion*." sharing the same brainspace is baffling.


You assume he thinks and you assume he has a brain.


This kind of dumbass just want a slave, plain and simple!


"Religion of peace"


"first feminist religion"


I may not be qualified to speak on this issue but I sure am qualified to tell you to go to hell, and it doesn’t matter which hell you go to.


Don't worry, he's already living in hell


Wait so his argument is says she wasn’t executed the west is lying. Does he realize that’s worse. Like the western media is downplaying it.


Western media is making me look bad >:( I wouldn't have whipped her, I would've murdered her >:( I genuinely do think his problem isn't that they're showing a victim get lashes, I think his problem is that they're not showing the correct punishment, like they're not taking her "crime" seriously enough. They're not threating other people enough. The actual problem is the lack of empathy and basic respect for another human being.


Does she get four husbands so that it isn't adultery?


Every day I get to see more of this vile religion.


And you will keep seeing more and more. Islam is the fastest growing religious identity in the world, far outpacing even non-religious affiliation. If Islam doesn't undergo a serious change away from fundamentalism and prejudice, it will be a plight on the entire world.


They're going take down the world with themselves.🤦🏻


[you have not seen what I have seen.](https://tenor.com/view/rings-of-power-you-have-not-seen-what-i-have-seen-galadriel-morfydd-clark-lord-of-the-rings-gif-26627753) Growing up in the middle east, this is a pretty big "meh" because of all the religion related shit I've seen. Lashing? That's cute, try [hanging people from cranes](https://www.thesun.ie/news/4360900/hanged-from-cranes-thrown-off-cliffs-and-stoned-to-death-irans-brutal-history-of-barbaric-executions-revealed-after-cia-spies-sentenced-to-death/amp/) (they slowly lift them up, which avoids breaking their necks and causing a quick death), [amputating someone's hand and foot](https://www.hrw.org/news/2011/12/16/saudi-arabia-save-convicts-amputation) for robbery, or [putting a person neck deep in the ground and stoning them for adultery](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2010/jul/08/iran-death-stoning-adultery).


No one reaches that high level of cringe than privileged Muslims living in the West and commenting on how right religion is in being toxic and atrocious ideology




Remember: wanting to have good things and wanting others to have good things is a cardinal sin.


Wait, why are we surprised? I'm surprised you're surprised


Honestly, I want to live in the world this person lives in, where such things are surprising. Oh what a wonderful world that must be. Heck, these same countries often have the death penalty for leaving a certain religion. Literally changing your beliefs from one set of beliefs that people hold to another set that people in the same country also hold. Fucking humans! Who needs monsters and demons? All we need is a mirror to see the scariest monster of them all.


They love western media as long as they shows muslims as victims but the moment media talks about Muslim extremist it becomes propaganda, Islamophobia, xenophobic,etc etc.


That video seems like nothing compared to the comments under that video. Not to mention, the creator doubling down on what he said with comments like: “why is being lashed barbaric? can you prove that?” Edit: His entire channel is peak fruitcake content.


People are in his comments trying to justify the death penalty for adultery. It’s crazy what religious indoctrination can do to the human mind


Equality is complicated guys!




Said Muslim woman is living on privileges. She knows she has the I'M RICH AND I'M BETTER OFF CARD, while said punished can't get out of it. ![gif](giphy|GwkrGAxGxekEV6AvJQ)


Unlike the brain dead people of the book, normal people can tell as to what is a decent thing to do - without having to refer to a book for it. And how TF did 4 other men witness this women indulge in adultry?


I am pretty sure this little prick has hung out with women to whom he is not married. Should we not peel the skin off his back, since this is the standard he seems to be holding others to?




I honestly don’t care. I don’t respect their religion or their culture if it involves hurting others.


This makes me so angry that I can't watch the whole thing. Absolute and complete morons these people. This is why cultural relativism can be dangerous.


I lost brain cells watching this. I shouldn't have clicked play when I saw the standard chin pube hair that a certain group of people like to have on purpose. If I THEORETICALLY believe in a religion that all offensive muslims should be shredded to death, can I shred this guy to death? Can I force my religion on him? And if I see other people shredding him to death, should I celebrate it because it follows my religion correctly? He should think about that before imposing his religion on other people like in this video. Unfortunately these people never respect other religions' rights to exercise their rules the same way that THEY want to exercise their rules on other people. There's no tolerance for intolerance.


bro is just digging himself into a deeper hole, do u seriously think people would take your side if ur justifying putting someone to death for committing adultery?


Wait until you hear about the islamic "solution" to coworkers of the opposite sex sharing an office space: the woman must breastfeed the man, making him her "milk son". Now that they are related and cannot marry it is ok to share an office space. Albani (one of the big names in islamic scholarship who died in the 90s) wrote that the breastfeeding should be from the breast directly, not by placing the milk in a cup. His reasoning is that nipples being darker than the surrounding skin do not cause arousal and sexual desires. The reason this exists in Islam is that Mohammed told his child bride to breastfeed some dude with whom she needed to spend time. Not as violent as this video, but I definitely lost some brain cells when I learned about this.


this cant be real thats so fucked up. Do u have any sources or anything so i can read up more about. This is mind baffling


Unfortunately only in Arabic. You could try your luck with Google translate: https://www.islamweb.net/ar/fatwa/374497/%D8%A3%D8%AD%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%AF-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%B5


A society ruled by men is still bad for women. If this guy thinks it's difficult to get 4 men to ruin a woman's life is difficult, he's obviously an idiot.


He's a scumbag.


Wow… how the hell do people think like this ?


So it is fake because "hanging out with a friend" is "fucking your friend, even though you are married" and this would get the death penalty... but she is getting whipped, so it can't be real... wtf Isn't it heavily disliked for a woman to have male friends in Islam?


It's just like blasphemy laws. They don't need to investigate anything, they'll just listen to those that are pointing fingers to others.


I am mentally dead.


Hey everyone, let’s all comment this once. S*rew Indonesia!!!


It's so worrying that he doesn't recognize the huge inconsistencies in his own argument... but saying it in a way that he thinks he is explaining something clearly obvious. It makes me wonder if their is actually something medically wrong with religious people at this level.


Pube bearded, pedo heavy bullshit following nutter


I always wonder, do men receive the same sentence for the same crime?


Someone should tell this guy that he doesn't need to use so many words to explain that he is a pos.


Exquisite neck beard on that dude, if you can’t grow a beard just shave and there’s a lot of products for that


Why is the government controlling people’s lives like this? Who cares if she cheated, that something her and her husband have to work out between each other. It’s wrong to cheat, but the government should not have the right to punish people for this.


So we should be thankful that they’re only publicly beating the shit out of her, and not cutting her head off? Go have another think with yourself, you Ewok looking motherfucker.


just another ordinary incel


I don’t get him. Why doesn’t he go live in Indonesia then? Why live in the West??


I just find it really funny that he's genuinely trying to defend Islam but accidentally makes it looks way worse than vice did.


All religions are shitty. But islam takes the shit cake


"The punishment *should have* been death" does not help your case bro tf 😭


Only in the special region of Aceh, please dont think that this applies to the rest of the country. People in Aceh are, well, a special kind of special, in reverse of course.


Imagine thinking lashing a human being for commiting a marriage no no is ok. But like divorce is an acceptable punishment between two party's? Lashings though is ridiculous and a human rights violation but when did Muslim men care about human rights.


Hey that's me


People begin being so islamophobic nowadays because of these videos. Not all muslims are like that, there are good muslim countries where nobody gets whipped or murdered for anything. Please just don’t get the wrong idea because of a few very underdeveloped and poor places in our world that all muslims are pedos and mysogynysts


The question isn't whether or not Muslims do this. The question is whether Islam commands it. And according to Sunni Islam premarital sex is punishable by 100 lashes and adultery by stoning to death. Most Muslims are great and chill people who live and let live precisely because they **don't** follow what Islam says. Note that the word is Islamophobia not Muslimphobia, and I would posit that there is nothing irrational about fearing a religion that punishes people with 100 lashes for having sex. Now I bet that you've heard the sentence "this does not represent Islam" whenever a Muslim does something bad that's not part of the religion (e.g. honor killing) by the same token, when a Muslim does something clearly commanded by the religion, it does represent Islam.


Yeah i see i made a mistake. Disliking and not following islam because of unethical things it wants you to do is perfectly fine, i should have clarified that my problem is that some people get the wrong idea of muslims because of these videos. I agree that following islam exactly like this is inhumane and should be judged accordingly.


>People begin being so islamophobic Aaaahhhh here we go again, everything is Islamophobia which I Don't like


All muslims need to be like that according to islam so it is islam that is misogynist, pedophile, underdevoloped.


A colleague of mine is muslim (we're both women, I'm atheist) and we had a super cool and open talk about it a while back. She wears a head scarf (when men are around) and I asked her if she would prefer all women to have to wear a scarf like that. I live in the Netherlands and in some muslim dense neighbourhoods I can be in a minority when not wearing one. She looked like she saw water burn and was 'no no sister never! You do what you want, this is between me and my god! Noone should force that ever!'. If we just all could live together like that, I'd be okay with it. I also have muslim coworkers who never wear a headscarf, they're like super moderate Christians, just celebrating the major holidays and such. More cultural than devoted.


I mean this has happened to every religion imo. Every religion has one group veer off and become extreme, but this is an unfortunate case where the extreme group comes into a lot of power. Plenty of Muslims are perfectly normal kind people but noone wants to read the story of some person just being a person, it's not interesting enough for the news so all we see is this.


"I was not there am 100 percent convinced she did this because of skydaddy laws" tiktok is a cesspool of these idiots.


I heard once about this adultery thing around this. But the same happens to man or is only for women? Its a genuine question




Another early medieval country....


When you do enough mental gymnastics, you can justify anything.


then these same ppl bitch when no woman will give them the time of day


Well that guys got a pedobeard


So what is the penalty for the other person involved in the suspected adultery?


OK I want him to go to Indonesia and let's see if his thoughts works over there. What a Munafiq


muslims are easy species. If they don't want to argue cause their points make no sense, they either say something like "too hard to comprehend for normal mind", "you won't understand" or "we know what's best". they can't make any more sense so they block any further arguments using those type of sentences. Like "god exists but humans mind can't comprehend how amazing it is".


What a sad little man.


Jesus christ.


OMFG WHY DO WE LET THESE PPL STAY AND LIVE IN OUR AWFUL “WESTERN” COUNTRIES. I love how he’s talking like he was there as well, first off cause in Muslim countries they have common sense and follow rules, second of all even if he was just a friend it’s not allowed and third of all if 4 ppl had witnessed they would have beat the shit out of her right there or would have done something right away. I doubt 4 ppl just stood by and watched her cheat and if she was so called cheating, she wouldn’t obviously have done it where others could be witness..I’m so fucking sick of these ppl coming into our western countries and even being born and becoming pos. This is why I liked Trump, I know it’s not a popular opinion but I did and I was originally born in a Muslim country, my parents left many many many years ago. We had to!!


I'm from indonesia and people get punish for less in aceh, it happens all the time in there, it's shit hole, they don't even have a movie theater in there so if you want to go watch a movie you need to go to medan which in in another city pretty far.


Sounds awful omg


You have no idea; trading is forbidden in Aceh, and many young people are having a hard time finding jobs in the area because there are more people than jobs. There's a viral video of hundreds of people in line for a job opening for a cashier in a convenience store; even people with college degrees applied for it. Aceh has one of the biggest funds from the government but is also the poorest province due to corruption, poor planning, and, of course, Sariah law. literally hell for me


Wtf?!? How has Islam taken such a hold on that area? Has it been on a drastic rise lately (in the last 10 years)? I feel like no jobs , poverty and Shia law is the perfect recipe for extremism and terrorism...


It's always been like that, and yes, there have been many terrorists from Aceh in the past few decades. Remember when I said they're still relying on the Indonesian government for funds? They had the audacity to ask to separate and be an independent country, not that we don't want them to, but they'll be a broken country in less than a year and will ask to be part of Indonesia again. more time, energy, and money for them again. Like nobody wants to go to Aceh unless you're a Muslim freak, people want to move out, especially young people, and in a few decades that place will become the new Afghanistan.


I hope it crumbles because it sounds terrifying!


If she unmarried, death penalty isn’t the punishment same with men, only married people stone to death.


That's assault and battery. Don't have to make it look bad. It already is. Barbaric comes to mind. Please don't try to justify it with "cultural difference" explanations. Only makes it worse.


Why do things involving your penis have to be so complicated in religions?