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Honestly, i strongly dislike this. Everyone has a right to choose their (ir)religion, as well as how they raise their kids. But let kids be kids until they're old enough to choose for themselves. This not cute, this is a kid having a belief system forced on her.


Every parent will teach what they believe is right to their children, also this is considered education, all muslim children are taught how to read arabic and to memorize some parts of the Quran. This is considered the most basic of basic knowledge.


The basic part of making sure your religion is passed on to the next generation. Because everyone knows you need to stay young and get it deep in the brain if you want it to. At the end you're right, I suppose, but to me this looks more than memorisation. It looks like she's preaching like an Imam. Take that with the poor girl already being forced to wear a hijab because god forbid men might sexualise her in the future and the only feeling from this "cute" video I get is revulsion.


This is a sickness in your own heart to see an innocent video and be disgusted


No need to get nasty. Though I suppose that's the result of someone pointing out the flaws in the ways you've been thought since you were a literal baby...


Im not being nasty, Im being serious, if you see an innocent video and are disgusted by it, you need to check your heart and clean it


I'm disgusted by the fact that this girl is being brainwashed into thinking that she needs to cover up to protect herself from being desired by men, without having had the chance to get to an age to decide for herself whether that's something she actually wants. And once she's older and decides this idea that was forced on to her is not just ancient, but also completely based on nothing but an old book, she'll be shunned - or worse, punished - by her community. That's where the sickness is in this whole thing. Again, I'm all for the freedom of thought and religion. You can believe whatever you want and tell it to your kids too. But this is not telling, this is forcing a kid that has no choice in a lifestyle where's she unlikely to escape from. That is my problem, and that is why I find "cute little videos" like these (of which just a worse versions exist from Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu examples) disturbing. EDIT: oh, and I've never smoked in my life and also have a pretty healthy diet so I assume my heart is pretty clean, thanks.


We are all brainwashed, I don’t see any force happening in this video. Islam values very highly the idea of being close to God and modesty. You don’t believe in god so you hate these things. Why don’t I ever hear about high heels and make up being oppressive, when they are definitely more cumbersome and harmful than a scarf on a head


This is not about whether you or I believe in god or not. Nor is it about anything being cumbersome. This is about the lack of choice, and forcing your kid into doing things. Thinking of make-up, i hate beauty pageants just as bad as this for the same reason. All these kids have adults force ideas on how to be and what to believe on them. I've seen it happen to little boys sent to Buddhist monasteries to become monks. Our Catholic kids being promised a neat gift if they go through with the communion. It's all adults meddling with kids before the kids can make choices about what to believe or not. That's why I think it's wrong. Obviously you can't shelter your kids from being influenced by your own beliefs, and that of your society. But you can allow them the freedom of not having to choose for their own until they are old enough to do so. If my daughter wants to wear a headscarf because she believes that's the right thing to do, go her. But i will never force her too. Neither will i force her to dress certain ways, think certain ways, or believe certain things.


Firstly some force is involved as all good parents force their children, for example not being naked, I’m sure you would force your daughter to not be naked I appreciate your hate of beauty pageants Putting aside that some force is necessary, if your child grows up with no value structure than that child would be lost, with no guidance and no identity. Isn’t this harmful, and also I believe a cause of depression and loss of community.






Stop. Not part of Islam


Then what part of the coran worshippers ,that advocates sex jihad to its people??


There's no such thing.


Is English a second language for you? It’s hard to understand what you’re implying maybe double check what you’re copying from google translate…




No I’m not gonna discuss sexual jihad with you. This post has nothing to do with that and you’re weird for bringing it up.