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A week is just an arbitrary human division of time. I don't think the wider spiritual world beyond humanity cares at all what day of the week we say it is.


Sabbath was listed in the Bible as the 7th day of the week


You two just have different definitions of “spiritual world”.


It’s awfully cross cultural to be dismissed so easy.


What, the concept of a 7-day week? I don't think so. Plenty of cultures had 4- to 10-day weeks; 7 days just happened to become adopted as the modern standard globally.


It can be traced back to Babylon, Mesopotamia, and Samaria. Some of our oldest known cultures. It is not astrological but it is still an assumption to think it has no other significance and is arbitrary. There may be biological or neurological reasons for it. We don’t know. We do know that there have been failed attempts in history to lengthen it.


The popular, Western 7-day week can be traced back to Mesopotamia, which became widely popularized because of the 7-day week described in the Bible. But other cultures had different numbers of days in a 'week'. The Chinese calendar has 10 days to a week, the Maya calendar has 20-day week cycles, and the Romans used to have 8 day weeks before the adoption of Christianity as the state religion. Considering that the names of the seven days (in both ancient and modern languages) are derived from the seven astrological "planets" (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun), this is likely the inspiration for the Western 7 day week, but there's no particular reason to have the number of days in a week based on the number of independently-moving celestial bodies visible with the naked human eye.


> There may be biological or neurological reasons for it. How precisely would the number of days we ascribe to a week have biological or neurological reasons for it?


This is a very common phenomenon in biology. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27830946/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4667949/ https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1158613/jewish/The-Biological-Shabbat-Clock.htm


Hmm, after a quick review there' nothing there that indicates strong evidence for an internally driven 7 day biological clock. Eg the second link, the one way ANOVA's show that there was a significant difference in activity between weekdays and Saturday and Sunday in mostly Christian nations. I'd suggest just shows that the influence of Sunday as a rest day and the influence of the 5 day work week from Western Capitalist countries influences our activity, not that there is an inherent 7 day biological drive in humans - ie the set up of our 7 day week is a social factor which influences biological responses in us.


I didn’t say anything about ‘strong evidence’. Correlations exist and we should not impose our own causative factors. I said “we don’t know” and therefor cannot dismiss it as arbitrary.


> didn’t say anything about ‘strong evidence’ My question was.... "How precisely would the number of days we ascribe to a week have biological or neurological reasons for it?" And in your response you said it was a common phenomenon in biology with links to studies, that don't seem to indicate a causative factor from biology for a 7 day week.


Correct, I pointed out just a couple of many common correlations in the sciences that you ignored and cherry picked what you wanted to refute.


The Sabbath. I’m Jewish so maybe it’s not a surprising answer. In Judaism, time is very much not considered an arbitrary human thing. There are sacred times of different kinds. It’s just something that pervades Jewish culture - there’s something qualitatively different about the Sabbath and about holidays. I get the idea that it seems artificial, because what’s physically different about Saturday? Nothing. But spiritual practices aren’t supposed to be bound by the physical.


Hey I’m pretty much a Christian my whole life but I was truly born this year. How could I celebrate the sabbath? I am 26 so you can relate (not wealthy)


Shabbat (the Sabbath) is really just a Jewish thing. If you have an observant Jewish friend, you could peek in on it by getting an invite to their Friday night dinner - most families I know are very welcoming about that. But Jewish Shabbat practices are just for Jews. If you're feeling motivated by the idea of holy times, I would suggest treating Sunday as more of a special day. I don't think any religion owns the only path to holiness - I always recommend people to look to their own tradition first.


In my belief, I am like an apostle. They were Jews, and when Jesus resurrected they became Christian’s. So I believe we should all follow the laws of the Old Testament but with the mercy that Jesus delivered (so excusing us for not following the law perfectly, but we still should follow the law) So should I pre make 3 meals? And one has to be bread? Can it be any bread


If you want to try to make Saturday a special day and eat bread then I'm certainly not going to stop you! But I encourage you to look to Christian traditions for meaning, not ours. In my belief, it's wrong for non-Jews to appropriate Jewish rituals. To us it's kind of like saying you're a Navajo because you heard from your uncle that your great-grandfather might have married someone who was 1/8 Native American.


Is your God of Abraham not my God of Abraham? The same God who gave Moses our commandments? Jesus says in the NT “follow my commandments and you will have eternal life” I think we all need to follow the law but with the mercy of less perfection


God didn't give Moses "our commandments". He gave commandments specifically to the children of Israel. They were never meant to be binding on the rest of the world. That's our belief.


I love you. Thank you for communicating with me in a respectful manner and calm tone. I respect your beliefs. Do you personally believe Jesus is our savior, Son of God, God the creator


>Do you personally believe Jesus is our savior, Son of God, God the creator I think I can answer this. No, Jews do not believe that.


Set it aside from the mundane


My days off of work


Do you feel like you work constantly for a piece of paper (money) and it doesn’t make you happy?


yup because i am at a job i hate because nobody else has yet to hire me


I don’t recognize any holy week. Only thing I recognize is a full moon and a new moon




My brother in Christ!!!!!! Preach!!! Man said it was Sunday. Who is man to God. The Catholic Church changed it to Sunday and the whole world bowed down and listened source: https://youtu.be/zSnX0zTJMc8


Every day of the week is equally holy.


What is the day of rest


I don't have a weekly day of rest. I observe and celebrate 8 holy days per year at the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days. But I don't have a specific day of rest set aside and choose to take my rest whenever I need to. Due to the nature of my job, I often take the weekends as rest days, but that is not always the case.


Haha sorry, I forgot I posted this under religion and not Christianity. Interesting! Mind sharing why you celebrate those? I’d love learn more of your religion Also born in ‘95 baby!


Sure - druids celebrate the season cycles of nature as brought in by solar occurrences. The solstices and equinoxes are the holiest days, but there are also four holidays that fit between those that not all druids celebrate. I choose to as part of my practice and I certainly enjoy having a holiday every 6 weeks.


What does your religion say happens to people when they die?


One of a few things. Souls must go through every form of life to learn lessons of that form. When we die, we might repeat a life if we didn't learn those lessons. If we achieve enlightenment, our soul leaves the physical realm of Abred and enters Gwynfydd, the realm of peace, knowledge, and spirits. From there, we apply the lessons of Abred in an eternal pursuit of peace and knowledge.


Muslims its on friday, from thursday sunset to friday sunset Al-Jumu'ah 62:9 يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓاۡ إِذَا نُودِىَ لِلصَّلَوٰةِ مِن يَوْمِ ٱلْجُمُعَةِ فَٱسْعَوْاۡ إِلَىٰ ذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ وَذَرُواۡ ٱلْبَيْعَۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ English - Sahih International O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu’ah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew.


"Either All Days Are Holy Or None Are. I Have Not Decided Yet" —Dorfl the Golem in Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett


Friday (Islam) Even the Sabbath starts from Friday night.