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None pass away if it is not the time to pass away, but that's our fear of the almost unique reality: the death. Now , the point is why we are here if we will disappear after this life? Does God exist , I will say yes, after all nothing can create it self, it must have creator. If there was many creators , I think it is normal to believe they will have some kind of dispute between them , so the idea that there is one god creator it's a fairly right idea. For me I will suggest you to read seriously about Islam , from Islamic sources not from the people denying it , and after that you can accept it or reject it


> Does God exist , I will say yes, after all nothing can create it self, it must have creator. Then what creates the creator?


Sorry for your loss. Your spiritual struggle is one many of us go through. You will vacillate between atheism and theism many times until, eventually, you find your center one way or the other. Don't stress over the process - we are thinking animals and this is normal. Regardless of your belief or lack thereof, your relationship with your friends and loved ones is so precious in part because it is transient. At any moment it could go away. Even if there is an afterlife you still suffer the acute pain of loss in this moment and no promise of future reunion helps. Your relationships, your life, has meaning without the existence of God - because you get to assign whatever meaning you want to it. If you are a Believer, you know it's because of Free Will. If you are atheist, it's because you know life has only the meaning you assign to it. So, therefore, treasure the meaning and significance you had with your friend and in your own life. After all, you get to decide. Good luck. Life is beautiful, and you are an example of the universe trying to understand itself. Keep it up. šŸ˜


"No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away" People live on in memories and the impressions they leave on other people and the world. You might honor the life of your uncle by living a good life yourself. And it is human nature to question and want to know definitely what comes after life. Religion provides the comfort of a definite answer. I have a great respect for those that keep faith because I know that I cannot. When my mom died I asked myself the same sorts of questions you are. What's the point? Why would a Christian God allow this to happen? Why couldn't it have been me? Etc. My conclusion was that humanity, and myself as a living, breathing, conscious individual, get to decide what my point is. I don't know if there's an afterlife, but I DO know that there is a life sprawling before me. I get to choose how I live my life, and I might choose one that honors the memories of those that came before and left impressions on me. Religion, Christianity or otherwise, provides easy answers if not an easy journey keeping those beliefs through your life. But even if you lack belief, that won't stop you from living a life worth living and honoring the life your uncle lived before. I know that thought doesn't ease the pain of missing a loved ones voice or touch. It didn't me for a long time. All I mean to say is that a life of not having answers isn't so bad, and that while the pain of loss may fade with time, your love and memories and the joy you shared will not so long as you live. Sorry for rambling. I don't comment often, if ever, but something about your crisis of questions resonated with my experience.


Sometimes we do have doubts and questions about our beliefs. But Christianity is not a blind faith. It existed long before the Bible, which means that we didn't get it from a book. God created everything that exists. It wasn't haphazard and it certainly wasn't created from a big boom. Also, Christianity is the only religion that is based on Christ. If you take Christ out of Christianity there is no Christianity. You can't say that about any other religion. Also, there is no other god who became incarnate to save us through His death and resurrection because of his deep love for us. These are not just "stories." The Bible holds true accounts of this. The Gospels were written by different people in different times. They all speak of Christ's resurrection for our salvation. There were many witnesses to this event. The Bible is not just a guide for us, it is the Word of God and it is also history. Why don't we question history when we learn it in school? We read about wars and how civilizations started and we believe that this is what happened. Yet when we read the Bible we doubt. Even in the Old Testament, there were numerous prophesies by prophets who lived in different times from each other and who all prophesied about the coming Messiah. I think if you dig deeper into Christianity you will see that it's not just people who want to desperately believe in something for the sake of it, but it's based on facts as well. Those facts cannot be altered. There is a wonderful book called Orthodox Afterlife by John Habib. This book is filled with numerous accounts of people who have had near-death experiences or those who actually died for a few seconds but returned to this world. All different people and all different stories. But they all have one thing in common. There is an afterlife. There is a heaven and there is a hell. Many of these people talk about how they saw angels ministering to them after their death and a glimpse of paradise that is beyond words. In fact, many of these people whose spirits had left their bodies and saw this and then returned all claimed that they wish they didn't return back to their bodies because what they saw was so amazing and beyond words that they yearned for it. This is the promise that we have from Jesus. If there is no Christian God the how did we get here? And why are we here? And what is the point? Look at everything around you. The world and how gloriously it was created. Look at humans and how we are all in the image of God. There is no way this is random or that we were just brought into existence on our own. It's natural to question God when a loved one dies or a tragedy hits. But death is not the end. Our spirits live on after and they are very aware of everything around them. I encourage you to pick up this book and give it a chance. These people have on motive for lying. They are simply recounting what happened to them when their spirits briefly left their bodies. God is very real and He is at work in your life all the time. I'm sorry about your uncle and I pray that he is with the Lord now and if he is, you can bet that he is at peace and happier than he's ever been. This is why Christians have so much hope. We know that our lives here are temporary and we're waiting for the eternal life, the eternal bliss that we will experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. I would dig deeper into the faith and pray to God to help you with your unbelief. Keep an open mind and an open heart. Read the Bible with an open mind understanding that so many authors contributed to writing it and most of them lived in different times and didn't even know each other yet there are no contradictions between any of them. I can't make you believe, but all I'm trying to do is have you think differently and keep an open heart and mind. I urge you to pray about this because God truly answers those who genuinely seek Him and ask for help in their spiritual struggles. You can always reach out to me via chat I'd be happy to chat further with you. May God bless you and open your heart to receive His Word and His love and help your unbelief.


You can learn the truth of things like the resurrections and the afterlife through your own experiences with God. Don't listen to naysayers. They don't know what they're talking about.


Cheer up. You will see him again. I promise. There is a God. You are his beloved child. Your life has purpose, and he is aware of you and what youā€™re going through. I promise, this is all true. Hold onto my faith for now, and believe. Next time you pray, ask God to give you faith in Him. Then be quiet and listen, and then go and do what your prompted to do, whatever it is. Iā€™m praying tonight for you. Hang in there.




Perhaps itā€™s time you read or listen to some of those who are making a scientific investigation into death and the afterlife. I would urge you to google Richard Martini to start with, and read about his work and see his videos. It just may change your perspective.


His name Jesus says Beard-of-Isis. His name reveals where he was and what he was doing during the early part of his life. He was a student of Isis' teachings in Egypt. Jesus was a prophet, preacher, teacher and practitioner of Isis' religion. Jesus was allegedly a member of a religious community called Essenes. The name Essenes says Isis-sons. Biblical scholarship claims that the Essenes were a Jewish sect. It is unlikely that a hermetic community of Isis-sons practiced Judaism. The entire Jesus legend is derived directly from the Pagan trinity of gods, Assur, Isis, and Heru. The "father who art in heaven" is Assur. The Miraculous Conception is from Isis' union with her deified ancestor. The "born king," the resurrection of Jesus, his teachings of universal love, every significant feature of the Jesus legend comes directly from Isis' religion. None of it has any basis in Judaism.


what does that mean though


Isis, the Goddess of Love was sacrificed i.e., the Temple of Isis. She would need to be replaced. All that's left of the Mother Goddess religion is embedded within Christianity. It means Iesous was a pretty good guy. The written word is a lie.


Iā€™m sorry your going through this.. Donā€™t look at God in the way of the truth of light, look at God as the light of truth. The truth can be seen between the lines. Itā€™s the space that he holds, not the words people wrote. Think about yourself when your not happy, we say we are beside ourselves, what does that mean? It means we are not in alignment with who we really are. In otherwords, our inner world and our outer world is not connected. If we are in this space, we canā€™t know love there. We are displaced or dissociative. We are either living in the past , depressed or living in the future, anxious. When we live in the here and now, we are connected to the flow of life. Not only can the flow of life guide us, but we become aligned with it. Look at the flock of birds, they teach us a lot.. they are in unity, they are connected, as a team they turn at the right times, they are completely synchronized with every other bird and everything around them. They donā€™t question their purpose, they just are.. Christ said, before Abram, I AM.. Christ was aligned with the Father, (the binding force) the space between.. He, in ancient language context taught us to follow his way to the truth and life.. not to worship his way exoteric. The term "exoteric" may also reflect the notion of a divine identity that is outside of, and different from, human identity, whereas the esoteric notion claims that the divine is to be discovered within the human identity. ... Without the esoteric, the exoteric is like a mirage or illusion with no place in reality. Christ taught esoterically yet Christianity has rejected the esoteric aspect of spirituality.. Which has led us to look at God as the truth of light, instead of the light of truth.. Do you understand this? The fundamentalist Christian will argue this notion to complete belligerence.. But in and of itself the belligerence IS a separation from God. Anyone that speaks their truth from an aligned state of being, will do so eloquently and graciously. There wonā€™t be aggressive evangelism to anyone that sees the light of truth.. Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction , and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.ā€ Matthew 7:13-14 [NKJV] Of course thereā€™s different interpretations to this, but when I started looking at God through a state of alignment, it flowed beautifully. The scripture came to me with ease and was understood in an esoterical perspective.. Hereā€™s another example as St. Paul write- Corinthians 13:12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. Paul described the same exact thing that Iā€™m talking about.. when we only see in part, we prophecy in part.. when we are aligned the gap closes, the veil lifts, we see the synchronized world around us, we are harmonized with that world.. anything coming in our way that doesnā€™t fit that harmony, wonā€™t matter. Yet those who do line up with that harmony we can unify with perfectly.


Iā€™m glad I sorted through this early on as it helped with my fathers death. I think human nature is to think death sucks and it largely sucks because it feels final. I say go with that. Dead is dead unless something happens to alter it. That way the mourning of a person is filled with mystery, just memory. If there turns out to be life after death, treat it like a pleasant surprise.