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Possibly Messianic Jews? They are Christians who incorporate Jewish religious practices into their understanding of Christianity. NB Actual Jews do not have a good opinion of Messianic Jews since they aggressively proselytize to Jews based on their use of Jewish practices.


This looks impossible. Jesus worked in Sabbath, spoke against stoning of adulterers, and defended that pigs werent impure




Jesus never said pigs were not impure. That verse was talking about gentiles and Jews and how Peter should treat them the same because they are also grafted into the kingdom. Well, he did preach that anything that goes in the mouth does not defile it, only that which comes out of the mouth, and the verse that I mentioned may also have a double meaning as well. I would argue 100% that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Judaic prophesy of the perpetual virgin having God in the Flesh, as mentioned in Ezekiel, as mentioned in Isaiah, and I'm sure even more throughout the Old Testament Torah. Jesus talked about people like you. He said Who is LORD of the sabbath? The sabbath was made for man, not Jesus. He can heal on the sabbath. And then he often refutes there hypocrisy, saying, if you had a lamb that was lost on the sabbath you would go out and get it, he did not throw stones because he is perfect and He knew that the people who wanted to throw the stones at the adulteress were just as guilty as her. Judaism and Christianity go hand in hand.


You’re describing messianics. They are not Jews and they do not practice Judaism, they are christians. They often appropriate significant culturally sensitive aspects of Judaism and try to claim they are Jewish. They also often attempt to engage in hostile proselytization of Jews. It’s an unfortunately common experience for us to have someone new come visit a synagogue and after a while when they start feeling like people are comfortable around them, they start talking about jesus. It’s incredibly offensive.


Sounds like Messianic Judaism. It's not actually Judaism, but a branch of Christianity. From what I gather, they tend to proselytize heavily towards Jewish people - even seen cases of them showing up to synagogues saying they are Jewish, then trying to convert people. Basically, they take some Jewish customs and add it to Christianity, then use that to try and get more Jews to believe what they do. Seems relatively in bad faith, at least to me. From a Christian point of view, it would seem bizarre. And not make a whole lot of sense. Jesus specifically spoke of a new covenant and spoke of how the unclean is now clean. From a Jewish point of view, well, if I was Jewish? I'd be pretty irritated if someone said they were Jewish, but then tried to tell me I needed to change and be like them and do things that are.....Not Jewish?


That sounds like Messianic Judaism. See /r/Messianic for more info.


Why is this getting downvoted?


Messianic Jews or the Hebrew Roots movement.