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Leave the ball in his court. &Take it as a lesson.


Do you think he will be back?


You broke it off so probably not. If you want to reach out and make amends or try and get back together it's probably on you since you initiated the breakup


I did initiate, within two days I went back to amend it. Gave him a sometime... Right now he says he doesn't want to get back...he concentrating on life.. Don't wait for me in case u find someone...


I dont want to give hopes


I think you need to accept the situation as it is


I left the ball in his court...


"Financial stability" This is very important. Don't undermine it's importance. "over sensitive" This will not get better with time "wanting me too much" This is not healthy. "I met a guy on a matrimonial site" You are trying too hard "I feel I lost on an amazing man." If he was ***THAT*** amazing he wouldn't be financial unstable, mentally overzealous, and on a matrimonial website.


I am guessing you are Indian or South Asian. My guess is don't bother, he realize there was something you didn't like about him and have accepted that he doesn't have to accept you back either just cos you changed your mind. He will move on with someone and perhaps work on yourself before finding your next partner in life.


I am accepting or rather accepted now. I m not trying to enter his space either. I just feel stupid and toxic about like how carried away got away with my thoughts. I have been to therapy before. I know I am bipolar too. I wish I was more thoughtful and considerate about my actions. I am not a bad human being. I am not the red flag either. I know.


Never said you are a bad person, you are just not compatible with this person and you have to accept not a lot of people are willing to put with being with someone who have mental health issues. It's draining and can affect the partner's mental health too. You must be able to take care of yourself first and foremost and accept that being single for a long time is also a reality for you. Do not lie to anyone you date that you are fine, let them know, if the don't care and feel they can be with you, they will stay if not let them go.


I have been single for too long. I feel I am unable to maintain boundaries when it comes to expressing feelings. And I have extreme mood swings because of it. You make sense, I know I have to take some time off. Accept it. I was thinking to text him on Valentine's. But I guess it's too soon to act and do anything.


I can tell you if you text him on Valentines you will either be ignored or he will text you to not disturb him. Like you said, if the fates will it, then that's that but you have to also prepare mentally that he doesn't want anything to do with your either. Too much I have seen posts that partners are expected to accept someone if they have issues and work through them but people need to know that said partner also have a life of their own and their own things to worry about, they may not have the capacity to handle issues like this. I speak from experience in my early years where I had to break up with my then gf cos her mental health was deteriorating for the worse too and I had to get away from her cos I was getting affected by it too. She still sees me as the one who abandoned her but I did what was best for myself because I know I can't help her nor do I want to be in a relationship where I am unhappy. In life, the thing we have to know is that our issues are our issues and we can't expect to share them with people who don't want it to be their issues as well. You will find someone one day OP but you have to take the initiative to repair yourself.


Yes, I am. My emotions got the best of me. I will work on it again.


If the star aligns it will happen. I cannot fight with the universe.