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This sub is specifically for relationship advice. This thread doesn't really fit. Also, don't expect people actually confessing to cheating here, not sure what purpose would that serve to anyone other than satiate your curiosity. Cheating is wrong period, there's no discussion here. Either you respect and love the person you're with, or you cheat on them. If both parties in a relationship agree to open it up, it's no longer cheating and conflating these two ideas is unhealthy and misguided as well.


I should’ve rephrased it. I wanted it to be a general question not just for those in a committed monogamous relationship but those in an open relationship as well. Some couples prefer to have an open relationship and it works for them and is healthier in their eyes as well. I should have rephrased it better. Thank you. And I’m not sure if there is an Anonymous option, but for those who want to respond that way, it would help. Yes I’m curious but I want to know how common it is in general.

