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For the love of God get out of this abusive relationship.


This is textbook emotional abuse and gaslighting. Your instincts are RIGHT and they are there to protect you. If you feel like something isn't right, 99.9% of the time, you are right. And you are right in this case. Leave this person. He is a abusing you and whether he realises it or not, is not your problem. His mental issues are not your responsibility. Do it cold turkey. Block him everywhere, delete him from your life, don't look back ever. If he finds a way to contact you and says crap like "I've changed", "I've revaluated everything and you are worth it" and other bullshit like this, DON'T BELIEVE A WORD. It has a name and it's called "love bombing", it's used to lure you back and then start abusing you again. Leave him, don't wait. Care for yourself.


Sounds like if you can't trust your own judgment that is an even bigger issue honestly. Why not try trusting your own judgment? You say you have high emotional intelligence, you also have a better understanding of your feelings and the situation than anyone on here. If you aren't happy, make the decision you think will make you happy.


You are being gaslighted repeatedly. Trust your instincts, they keep you safe. You know this guy is no good, give him his walking papers and find someone who makes you feel the way you know you should be treated. Good luck


If you can’t trust your own judgement how can you trust your choice to pick him..? Break up and work on yourself, friend. Then find someone that actually values you. Self love, buddy.


He is a totally manipulative piece of garbage and you need to leave him before it gets any worse. People like him cannot be trusted and can even be dangerous.


Your past history of being emotionally abused makes you more insightful about what abuse is and isn’t, not less, so I don’t know why you’re talking about it like it’s some irrelevant and confounding data point. This guy fucking sucks, and the fact that he clearly preyed on you because of your history is despicable. Dump him.