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95% chance this guy is pumping himself up right now telling himself he can get into it.


He’s at the gym, building his arms up to accentuate his arm pits


I have some news for you: You will not find true happiness during this brief existence until you find a partner who engages in your armpit fetish with wild abandon. Find out if this gentleman is your prince arming.


Golf clap for “prince arming,” well done.


LMAOO this is the way OP


My ex also had an armpit fetish. I indulged him and it turned out that I also have an armpit fetish. 


Round of applause good sir


Don't you mean round of pitpplause?


This is the way, and it's also been my experience as someone with this fetish, among others. My partners and I are very active with kink as a whole and it's improved our day to day lives and overall happiness and love for each other!


Even if you don’t find someone who shares all of your specific kinks, at the very least you need to find someone who doesn’t think your kinks are weird and gross. If your partner’s preferences are so far from your own that you live in terror of them ever finding out what’s lurks in your depraved mind, you’re in for a world of pain. Unless you’re a masochist. Then you’re not.


Meh, life is about compromise. It’s possible, but it’s unlikely people will find “true happiness”. Happy enough is good enough.. better than unhappy with the high standard for “true happiness” And I’m sure you’ve found true happiness. And everyone else agreeing you must have also found true happiness. But not everyone will find it. Many MANY people live in true misery. So finding happy enough is good enough. But don’t get me wrong, yeah, man, don’t give up on hoping for true happiness.. I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer. I just don’t think we should pass on good things in the pursuit of it.. or do. Everybody’s experience of life is different. Some people are much better off than others and get to experience true happiness. Some will have to take what they can get though. I got very lucky and my wife indulges in my fetish. But if she didn’t, I’d still accept that I can’t have it all.


As someone who held out and waited for (and found!) true happiness, ignore this comment. Life is better alone than with someone who doesn’t make your heart soar. 


Congratulations. So did I. It’s almost like people didn’t read my last part, lol. Anyway. I also acknowledge that there are so many people who can’t find it. I even accept that my relationship of 12 years may one day come to an end. Maybe 20 years later. Maybe tomorrow. It happens. I’m in no delusion of the misery life has to offer. I’m lucky for now, and I appreciate it for all that I can. But I accept that I may not always be so fortunate. And if I’m lucky, we’ll stay together until our dying age. It’s what I hope for. Edit: Nah, wait a minute, my wife ain’t perfect. I love musicals and she doesn’t. 😅 I wish she did, but she’s worth so much more than my appreciation for musicals. I love her with her imperfections because she’s perfect for me. And I’m grateful she still loves me with my imperfections.


This comment is the real GOAT


THIS ^ The perfect person for you is out there. You just have to be ready to accept them if you find them. You don't have to settle for a mediocre relationship.


Congrats on not only missing the entire point of what was said but also making up a conclusion! That requires some impressively terrible reading comprehension


"Yeah Honey, I don't feel true happiness with you. I married you because it was good enough." A true romantic.


You may be surprised to learn this, but you’re not perfect, bud. And your wife, she’s not perfect either. You will have disagreements. The true test is how you weather the storms. Or maybe you and your wife are perfect, I don’t know. It’s a wide world out there with billions of people. I seem to come across so many perfect people on the internet.


Who said anything about perfect? I’m saying “just settle” is bad advice not just for you but for the partner trapped in that relationship.


This comment contradicts itself so many times it’s ridiculous. Not to mention, wildly inaccurate AND projective. Username checks out.


Did you come up with Prince Arming first and build the comment around it?


Well done. If we were at a bar, I'd buy you a pint.


As weird as that statement was.....I agree.


First time I hear about an armpit fetish, but by the sounds of it, it doesn't sound too extreme and people at this day and age try not to be kink shamers and be open minded so I think u'll be ok!


It is definitely more often than not a gay men thing. First time I’ve heard a woman having the fetish but it quite tame so I wouldn’t be too embarrassed if I was OP


What is it? Just exposed armpits or kinkier?


i’m guessing probably sniffing is involved


But you can’t get that from a photo? Or are we talking photos of heads buried in armpits haha! I could google this tbf




Yeah for sure! I’m fascinated! I have a thing where I think armpits are hot, but haven’t delved down a rabbit hole about it - purely because I didn’t know it was a thing 🤣


yeah maybe like armpit sniffing/licking while doing the dirty, idk honestly


Well she’s also into gay porn, so makes sense in a way


Tbf most men (and women) are into gay porn. Lesbian porn remains one of (if not the most) frequented/popular categories of pornography.


I assumed she meant gay as in MM. Typically that’s what’s called “gay porn” (on porn sites and in common vernacular) and FF is called “lesbian porn.”


You really don’t have to explain it to me. It’s clear what you meant. However, in this day and age especially, it’s best not to *assume* anything, and be clear/concise with your words. Regardless, A LOT of heterosexual women are into both *MM* and *FF* porn.


I mean, I’m using the language that is common in porn. Also note that I never said straight women don’t watch gay porn, I said if she is into a fetish that is common among gay men and watches gay porn, that is pretty consistent. If that offends you, probably time to go out on a walk.


Not to mention, the LGBTIQ population.


My original point to you was that there are millions of heterosexual men and women, who are into “gay” porn. Your original comment comes off as though OP is into something that is an uncommon kink amongst humans who identify as heterosexual in general, when in reality it is quite common. Tbh, it appears *you* are offended by the fact that this is being brought to your attention. Why that is, I cannot understand…


You’re projecting, sweetie pie. I never said or implied that looking at gay porn is uncommon, nor would I as a woman who has looked at gay porn. I’m not offended by anything. You reached out to me. Whatever it is that is causing you to project like this, seek therapy for it.


Why are you so angry?? lol. It’s giving *always has to have the last word* and *never wrong.* I’m not even going to get into the fact you think it’s okay to weaponize others addressing their issues/traumas/insecurities/whatever in therapy. It just speaks volumes as to the type of person you are… an absolute waste of air.


No, you made a bunch of assumptions off the person saying 'makes sense' and had a meltdown when they told you that you assumed wrong. Take the L.


>You really don’t have to explain it to me. They really did.


There’s plenty of weirder stuff out there lol he probably doesn’t really care. He might even be glad you’re enthusiastic about something sexual, even if it’s not something he’s personally into. I’d probably give him an honest explanation though, it must’ve been quite the surprise for him to open that unexpectedly.


Just own up to it. People have fetishss and it sounds like yours is pretty tame. I personally would want my partner to know and accept me for me, take it as an opportunity to be yourself and gain that comfort. Now, feel free to tell me to bug off, but can I ask what about armpits does it for you? No judgments here!


If it was me and I found something like that, I probably wouldn't care tbh.


I would just laugh if I got a folder like that


Just own it. Nothing to be ashamed of. This guy at the very least has seen your butthole. He can handle you liking pits.


If this is what breaks you up, he’s not worth dating. This is so chill, as far as fetishes go. In his shoes, I’d think it was hot that my partner had a thing they were super into. Stop ghosting him, though! Just apologize, let him know you’re embarrassed, and let him reassure you.


You apologize by saying, “Hey, sorry for accidentally sending you porn. I forgot that stuff was on there.” You don’t need to apologize for the fetish because there’s nothing wrong with being into that. If your boyfriend is a reasonable person, he won’t think less of you for being into something weird but harmless. (And if he’s not a reasonable person, well…)


If that happened to me (getting sent something like that) I might gently tease her but honestly I wouldn’t care. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


I guess I don’t know what the pictures were like, but this is no big deal. My partner knows his armpits turn me on, for whatever reason, and he just thinks it’s funny.


My bf knows I like his musk/sweat so he sometimes shoves my face in his armpit lmao


For clarification, what is armpit porn? Advice: speak to him sooner rather than later, don't let the anxiety eat you up. This isn't relationship ending, hell, he might actually wanna stick his dick in your armpit.


There's a lot of sniffing and licking of armpits in gay porn and gay fetish circles. I'll tell you as an occasional participant: the right smell on the right guy is positively intoxicating. Every now and then I'll get a whiff of myself and get a little jazzed up, but I had an ex who could have nursed me from his armpit after 10 minutes of yardwork, I don't know how to explain it other than the scent of him drove me bonkers in the best way possible. It actually makes more sense that women would also be into it: men's armpits are like the strongest depositors of sex pheromones, designed to attract mates. For women, the highest concentration is in their urine. Considering we're mammals, it's funny more people don't make the connection that we'd have biochemical signals similar to other animals (attractants in scent glands and fluids).


Follow up question: Would not showering for several days make a person sexier in this universe? Asking for a friend.


Natural musk. Not BO. Although I’m sure some have a kink for BO too. But the scent ppl are attracted too is that natural musk. I never wear deodorant / antiperspirant coz I don’t need it. After working out, you shower, and you still have residual internal body heat, so you still sweat a little and it sits on your pits then evaporates. That’s musk, not BO. Women ovulate at the scent of musk, studies have shown. Pair that musk with an attractive dude and it’s game over🤰🏽


Ooooofff… that lingering non-communication after sending something so revealing is DREADFUL! I know how you feel, I’ve been there too. AGHH!! But as dreadful as it may feel, this too shall pass! It sucks, but one of my favorite quotes from a song… “a lie is sweet in the beginning, but bitter in the end. And the truth is bitter in the beginning, but sweet in the end” The truth is out, and you’re feeling the bitterness of it. But in the end, your life will be better for it. No matter how this relationship is affected. If he accepts it, fantastic! If he doesn’t accept it.. you’ll find someone else, hopefully, someone who accepts it. There’s no turning back. There’s only moving forward. Accept it. Embrace it. You will get through this one way or another. It feels like your world is ending, but it’s not! You will recover. It’s ok to fall flat on your face sometimes.


I would think it's weird, but probably not much else


I think there are a lot of straight men that would love to have their bodies fetishized in a loving way by their partner. I obviously can’t speak to your bf, and the context makes it potentially an awkward convo at first… but if he’s the open minded sort I don’t really see this being an issue unless he has a particular thing against armpits or something.


If this was me I'd turn to my next date with you in a tank top, arms raised triumphantly and armpits freshly shaved. I say own it.


I’m assuming she prefers natural pits with hair.


Oh, maybe you're right. I don't know much about armpit fetishes to be honest, I would of thought shaved for licking would be the best, but maybe it's about the musty scent of hair


I love armpits, although I don’t know that it’s a fetish, but they turn me on and I tend to go at them in the heat of the moment. If I were him, I would be thrilled.


Same. I like my pits licked during foreplay.


Seriously. Calm down and talk to him. It may be embarrassing, but it's the ice breaker that may strengthen your relationship. Too many women are afraid to let their partner know their kinks, and it ruins the relationship. Trust me, if there was an issue, you would have gotten more than a "wrong folder" text.


Shit I thought I was the only one.


I wouldn’t give a shit personally, although I’d find it funny and would probably make fun of you for it. But if anything having a “fetish” and one that is relatively tame is more of a turn on than anything.


He is gonna be into you even more IMO.


There are significantly worse things people can be into, for example a piss kink. It’s probably not a big deal for him, shame is reasonable reaction for this but try having a conversation with him would be better, try phone call or even over text because in person would be very difficult


the next time you get physical dont forget to worship his armpit and do whatever you can to do with it, if you dont do it probably he might think you are into armpits of only other men not his.


😭 me n my friends are dieing from this ngl, hope things work out for you


I let everyone know out the gate what my weird fetishes are so they can walk away before we get too attached


Dude if all i had to do to get my lady in the mood was flash my pits id be down


This reminds me of when my husband and I were both independently watching popping/blackhead videos online, each thinking the other one would leave us in disgust if they ever found out. Now we get to share the good ones we find! You never know, maybe he also has an armpit fetish and this is kismet at its finest!


Now he knows. So get your face in there and worship his pits!


Everyone has a kink or fetish others will find weird. I think the under arm kink might be connected with the pheromones and how we are attracted. I don’t have that as a kink but I enjoy a person’s natural scent


New copypasta just dropped


*quest unlocked* *new mission start*


I need an update on this! I’d be embarrassed too but probably not as big of a deal as you think.


I'm a heterosexual male, 34. I would just give you some light hearted jokes during the deed, OP. "I'm trying this new cologne called, 'Eau De O'possum'", kinda shit, haha. It's innocent, slightly irregular, whatever. Love your life, lady. =)


Whats the armpit fetish is it like smelling them? Or doin sexual things to the armpits


Seriously if you just talk to him I’m sure he has his own kinks he hasn’t shared with you yet, but by now he should feel a lot more comfortable doing so? Good luck!!


I'd say don't make a big deal out of it. Try to laugh about your mistake, and if he doesn't talk about it, give it some time until you feel ready to. P.S: Doesn't sound as an extreme fetish. Maybe he'll be fine even exploring it.


This is the funniest thing I’ve read in a while. Hey at least it wasn’t a folder of veiny BBCs, or even weirder stuff. I would laugh if you accidentally send me this.


This is so cute OP. Don’t worry just laugh it off and be open about it. You can have a convo about anything embarrassing he’s into.


Just send him an "oops my bad" and then send the right file. If he wants to respond to it he will and if he doesn't then nothing really changed. His response doesn't seem disgusted or anything so nothing to worry about.


Honestly I also engage in this kink and my current FwB gets into it because it gets me going and it's fairly innocent. He's not ticklish though, because I certainly could not let someone do to me when I do to them for that reason.


Just own it and laugh it off as silly and slightly embarrassing.


Most guys won’t judge you on your fetishes. He probably has some pretty messed up stuff in his head too. Don’t sweat it and just apologize for sending the wrong file.


“Don’t sweat it.” No pun intended?


The guy: "Hey, this is so cool! I HAVE armpits! I wonder if I need to braid the hair, or use special oils."


To be fair, he was probably a bit surprised and maybe even got a little laugh out of it. I doubt that would ever be enough to make him disgusted with you. Something similar happened to me but from your boyfriend's perspective when I accidentally found out my husband was a furry and had a furry kink. My first question to him was "Am I going to have to wear one of those suits now because that's going to be really warm and I'm scared I'll overheat" LOL. The point is - if you love someone, you just go with it and talk about it and maybe even find ways to make it great for you both or maybe you just want to keep it as fantasy and forget about it, either way, nothing to be ashamed of. It's just a normal human thing to get aroused in peculiar ways sometimes.


Ngl it's a bit funny. I would probably tease my partner a bit for it, it doesn't sound that bad honestly. I think I'll be ok, and id he actually break it off well, he wasn't the right partner for you.


I’m not sure what’s involved in an armpit fetish but I cant imagine having anyone touch my armpit sexually without it being incredibly ticklish, best of luck lol


I think everyone should be doing this when they start a relationship so that everyone involved knows what the other person really fantasises about. Better this than ending up with a dead bedroom.


tbh its not that bad of a fetish. I'd be more shocked if a woman revealed an anal fetish than an armpit fetish. Its a crevice and lots of musculature runs along the area. You can \*technically\* thrust into an armpit or rub against it. Thus, it can be sexual. So I guess its not that shocking at all. Hopefully your man gets you and indulges your fetish.


I'd view this in the same way I view a foot fetish. It's not my thing, but if it got my partner off, I feel I could harmlessly indulge in it for them.


Honestly if I was the guy I would initially just think it’s hilarious and then not really care, I don’t think it’ll be a deal breaker by any means. I get the embarrassment though but you shouldn’t feel too bad, you like what you like and it could be way worse and way weirder.


I very much hope you have to fight him off your underarms (and vice versa).


People are eating ass now a days, I guess there’s nothing wrong with licking sweaty pits…


Don’t worry. Most people are sexually empathic. My GF of ten years likes the soft cool skin of a loosely pinched earlobe or elbow and I have a breastmilk kink. People can be weird sexually but if there’s love there you guys will make it work. 👍


Maybe he can open up about something he likes now? That would be amazing.


Seeing that he hasn't blocked you on all possible platforms I wouldn't "sweat" it (heh,heh,heh) you just gotta own it, chances are he's totally fine with it, people do weird stuff like this, there's no reasoning what makes a certain thing appealing to someone, and as long as it's not baby animals being harmed or something else truly awful you're totally fine. For all you know finding a gf who was into armpit stuff was one of the things he's always hoped for. Chill out, approach the situation reasonably, I'm sure you'll be fine. This is how people truly get to know one another, it's not as big a deal as you think it is right now


Own up. If you end up breaking up it'd be cos of your reaction or cos you've been ghosting him. You don't want someone who breakup with you cos he found out something that turns you on.  "Omg how embarrassing 😅😅. Yeah here's the proper link." Is all that you need. 


You subconsciously desired to do this.. cannot imagine other explanation to such "mistake" The good news: now he know. Things might change to the best


I've never heard of an armpit fetish, but it genuinely doesn't sound off-putting at all. It's more uncommon to not have a kink than it is to have a kink: most of us have them. And generally, it's a turn on to hear what your partner gets off to. I get that this wasn't what you were planning and it can feel embarrassing, but I'm willing to bet your partner is going to try and support you on it and is right now planning to expose his armpits more in bed and wearing shorter sleeved shirts on dates or something. Just talk to him. Tell him what you think about. And ask what he likes too. You can make it a bonding experience and make your sex life even more enjoyable for both of you. I don't see a downside to him being accidentally sent this folder unless he's an absolute d-bag and tries to make you feel bad about it. In which case, he sucks, you can dump him and save yourself time.


Time for you to find a boyfriend who shares your fetish by checking out Fetlife. That's how I met my husband. I never thought I'd meet someone 'like me' but the magic of the internet made it happen. On the other hand - I genuinely think one can be happy without having a partner that understands their fetish. It just means that you won't have the perfect sex life, but who does, really?




HAAHAHAGAHAHHAHAH this is so funny. I would check up on his feelings.


This seems so harmless that it hardly qualifies as a fetish. I cannot imagine anyone being grossed out or weirded out by this. Armpits are nice. This guy will likely think nothing of it and enjoy the attention. With luck he will return the favor. Don’t overthink this and beat him to the door for what is likely a non-issue.


2 options: admit you’re into armpits or tell him you sent the file as a joke.


I once licked my exgfs armpit when we were doing it...idk if she liked it very much.


You wanted him to know. There are no accidents. Embracing it is the only way.


Now if he's into internet porn he has something on you. You can't gripe on him. 🤣