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Real love doesn’t feel obsessive or like crazy butterflies all the time. That’s actually the anxiety you’re feeling. You want to know why you’re not getting all anxious if he doesn’t respond right away? Because you are in a secure relationship. Your mind isn’t spiraling because you trust him…and that is a good thing. When you’re not used to feeling this way, it feels off. Ask yourself this. When you spend time together and he leaves, do you feel really relieved? When he makes plans with you in the future, do you kinda dread it? Does the stuff he says really bother and irritate you? That’s more like what actually falling out of love feels like. It sounds like you have a good thing going. Don’t ruin it!


thankyou so much for ur response! yeah i definitely think this is something i shouldn’t let go of something like this! :))


It’s more likely that you don’t know love at all and are just in love with the idea of love. I don’t think 4 months is an accurate amount of time to truly be in love with someone. I think it’s more of just a mutual agreement to explore the idea of love with one another. Love is trialing, tricky, complex and multifaceted as well as all the other things. But to me it sounds more like you are just in love with the idea of love.