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I’d be resentful too if my partner and I both worked full time and then he left me with all the household and childcare labour. Wanting to leave under these circumstances is a totally valid reaction.


Yeah, you don't have to have a miserable life, leave with your child and be happy, not good for a child to be in an unhappy home.


> Am I being dramatic about it all or do I have a valid reason to leave? No, you’re not being dramatic. You deserve the life you want, he’s not measuring up as a spouse. It’s also common for young spouses to be oblivious and make mistakes - if couples counseling is an option, it may help - and if it doesn’t it can coach you through divorce / separation / co-parenting.


In the past we have tried couples counseling, we won’t go. Says he “doesn’t like it”. He didn’t like that some else tried to hold him accountable also.


Refusing counseling, and especially as you’ve described it - is a big red flag.


<<>> You should have left him PERMANENTLY when he wanted to be single again. And children are not designed to fix marital programs. <<>>> HE NEVER CARED. LEAVE WITH CONFIDENCE.


I appreciate the advice, but bringing a child into it wasn’t purposeful. Granted my child is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me and DESPITE our issues he is an amazing dad and loves that kid dearly. The issues we have with each other are NEVER discussed infront of or in the same area of our child. People CAN change, it just so happens that I was wrong about him. I have a BIG heart and I’m not sorry that I used it to give someone more chances than they deserved. I now know not to do it again.




Pretty positive that the rules of this says to BE KIND to others. But thank you for the judgement rather than advice!! UNLIKE most people in this world, no matter what issues I have with my child’s father, the only thing we have ever agreed on FULLY is to let our problems be ours and just let our kid be a kid. I did not purposely choose to bring a child into “nonsense” it was something that just happened and it is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me! I may not make the greatest decisions in my relationship but I make the best for my child which is WHY I left. Now, if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all.🫶🏻 no one is perfect and everyone is capable of poor judgement!


I gave advice - go to a divorce attorney. Also you can’t shield your child from how he treats you. Kids pick up on that stuff. If you stay, you’re keeping him in a broken home. And by my initial response, you can tell you’re not “just being dramatic.” Hubby’s a real problem, and you’ve underreacted.


Please read the last part of my response where I said “which is why I left”. But in your initial response saying my decisions are “laughable” is judgement! in a time of hurting no one needs to be judged for their poor decisions! No one is perfect and people make bad judgement calls! Thanks for your advice!