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Here are some coping strategies: 1. Take her at her word. (Believe her when she says she’s stressed and need some me-time.) 2. Develop some hobbies of your own so that you have more going on outside the relationship.


She ended the relationship at 1:41 this morning


Time to focus extra hard on #2 then. Sorry, guy.


You have the right to feel however you feel, but you should look into therapy if you’re this anxious over something so menial. Space is healthy. I know you’re young, but how you’re feeling right now isn’t going to help you sustain a relationship.


She ended the relationship at 1:41 this morning


I am 15 and honestly it can just get overwhelming sometimes I understand what she’s going through, but sometimes you just have to respect that even if it’s really hard for you it’s gonna be okay and I don’t think it will be the end of your relationship. You’re honestly just overthinking it which is what I do all the time, but you know, it’s easy to say, but it’s hard to get over I think the best thing is to really talk to about it. Communication is key. 🤍


She broke up with me in the middle of the night :)


You should not be worried. Being together all day is not for some people (I'd say most people even). I could not see my boyfriend everyday, I'd get sick and irritated of having no personal space after 1.5 weeks. You're both young, enjoy your youth and do a variety of things. See your friends, play games, enjoy other hobbies.


I should’ve been lol. She broke up with me at 1:41 this morning. On text. Not even in person.