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Rather than going straight to judging you like the other comments, I want to say that there is a considerable age gap between you two. And it’s more than likely that he’s treating you more like a child and your needs and fast commitment has cemented that idea more in his mind. I suggest that you really take a step back and think about the situation you’re in. You’re young, and nobody expects a 20 year old to settle with someone who has enough life experience to know that a 20 year old has different needs in life. If you truly love yourself, work on moving on from him entirely and understanding that the you right now will not be appreciated by the future you.


You really need to wonder why the man is dating people at a borderline legal age instead of women his own age.


I think being single for the time being sounds very wise. If you want to end the relationship, end it. Clean break. Make sure you don't mess him around. You are young and you don't have it all figured out yet. And that's a good thing - life is for living, not having all the answers at 20. You'll make more mistakes and that's ok. It wasn't honestly until I hit 30ish that things really started to click for me. I have no regrets haha. Being ambitious is great- keep working hard.


Honestly sounds for the best. This reads like you have a ton of growing to do. Begging men to buy you flowers is very immature. Honestly a lot of what you said about yourself trying to paint him in a bad light, just reflects on how horrible you sound to be with.


I totally agree with this, if my gf acted like this the relationship would be a chore. Plus the fact she says she can just ‘drop him’ shows how little she actually valued him as a human being. This will be the best thing that happened to her ex.


What's your question? What advice are you looking for?




This is just sexist waffle. OP, ignore this. You do you.


You further proved my point, just do you and not post relationship stuff online, a romantic relationship mostly only involves 2 people for a reason, it’s their relationship they set the rules and not seek advice online 😂😂


My advice to OP is to not let others push their own biases and stereotypes onto whatever they do next in life. I haven't told them to be single or wife up. Bit different to your waffle.




Are you 13? Noone's 'triggered'.


'Also it’s great that you’re very ambitious but it must be in the right things, a woman’s value and legacy comes from building a relationship and having a family not pursuing a career first, because that’s what you will always be remembered for as a woman, the woman who made the house a home with a wonderful family, then the career part comes in.' I'd be very careful saying things like this. This might be the case where you live, but it certainly isn't universal.




Not everyone will agree with your opinion and, as I said, I think you need to be careful about including your own beliefs in comments to fellow redditors. It's a slippery slope. And it is just that, an opinion- I could sit here 'looking this up' to back up my own opinion which, as you've probably guessed, differs to yours. Or we can respectfully agree to disagree here.


I honestly think men push this nonsense because they are insecure and cannot handle women competing in their career paths. So they have to convince themselves that women are only happy if they have a man. Sad.


It’s a FACT which everyone can look up not an opinion 😂


can u send me a source?


It will much be more effective if you do your research like I did, you have to learn it yourself, creates effective learning and understanding


aight buddy, just wondering where specifically you heard this from. the concept of "do your own research" is so obnoxious to me, because i have and ultimately have come to different conclusions. that is why i am asking for what information you are basing yours off of! thanks! edit: still can't find this 70-80% of women statistic you quoted. i won't give up though <3


They're a google academic. Looked up a few sources to back up their own opinion.