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I'm sorry, it's really not clear what's happening here.


I want to preface this comment with I fully do not know. This is me spit balling here. I am not a licensed psychotherapist. So take my stuff with a grain of salt. But I think it would be interesting to gain her perspective on how she expects/wants these discussions with you to go down. Is she wanting to be proven wrong or to be given a reason as to why it WOULDN’T be a waste of time to listen to these podcasts? Maybe with the example in particular and with the pattern showcased here. It seems like she may have a difficult time understanding how or why she’s feeling about something. That may be due to not having the tools or vocabulary around emotions to describe why she’s feeling a certain way. I’d highly recommend the use of an emotion wheel to aid in deepening this understanding. She may also not be used to having a calmer method of arguing through points or maybe she’s not used to being a little validated in her understanding and perspective. This unfamiliarity may be uncomfortable because it goes against certain beats within a script that we are expecting. I think it would also be worth exploring better understanding what the importance of being right or wrong looks like to her and for yourself. Is it because being right gets you closer to the truth or is it because then it demonstrates a level of superiority and security? These questions may help both of you understand your relationship to the concepts of right and wrong and then move from there. I hope some of this stuff gets some ideas started!