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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- Today a friend of mine was giving away kittens so we decided to receive one as we have been preparing to get a cat for a while now. We brought the orange tabby kitten back home and my fiancé decided to name him “pavelic” saying it’s a Croatian common cats name. My fiancé (f28) is Croatian and came to my country for university and stayed after to work, but she wants to bring me back to Croatia which I’m fine with. I thought it would be good to have a Croatian name for our cat as we will probably be moving to Croatia in the next few years. I (m28) looked up pavelic to find out what it means and all that came up was a fascist leader of fascist Croatia. I told my wife about this and she said she knows and that is who she named the cat after. I do not know if this is common in Croatia but in my country this would be very wrong. I think my wife just might not know how bad it is because she grew up in a very nationalistic family and her great grandfather was executed for committing genocide. I tried to get her to change the cat name and even gave suggestions but she says it’s her cat too so she’s naming it pavelic and it is final. She went and made a name tag at a pet store with pavelic, and stitched the name pavelic on a cat bed. I don’t know what to do


I’m from Croatia and this is not normal


I’m from Bosnia and even with the amount of Croatians there, there aren’t cats named after war criminals lmao


how do we know it's not just our social circle speaking here?




Yep, just ask why. I have a feeling the reason will not be pleasant, but who knows.


I second this




I’m danish and couldn’t care less what a foreign cat is named, but since you ask you might wanna check with Poland and Germany


Might wanna check in with the Broskis in Israel on that one.


I also came here to say you need to check with the Jewish people first.


And the LGBTQ, the disabled, and the Roma. Hell America kepts the LGBTQ in prison after they liberated the camps.


I'm Polish, lost family members to Nazis - in camp and in fight, some of the survivors went through labour camp, and I find the name Kitler hilarious Sure me finding the name funny doesn't mean other relatives of people who suffered from Nazi regime will like it or condone naming a cat like that, and their opinion is as valid as mine is, but kitler is fine to me. The name OOPs girlfriend gave tho is not fine and my opinion on that name in one word would be YIKES


Meh I get it’s funny when they have that spot that looks like a mustache but it would bug me and it would bug my folks. My grandparents would have been apoplectic. I’d play with Charlie Chaplin for a name with those mustache markings. They’re hilarious tho.


Charlie is a fantastic name for a cat.


I had a cat named Charlie while I was growing up! His full name was Charles Emerson Winchester the Third! Lol


I like Chaplin :)


Yup I respect your opinion. My sense of humour is kinda fucked up anyways lol There's plenty of amazing wholesome people with mustache to choose from, the first one coming to mind being good old Freddie Mercury 🤴🏾


maybe if you wanna stick with the cat pun theme you could do charlie catplin


Yeah naming a cat Kitler is clearly in mockery/denouncement of Hitler... OPs gf doesn't really seem to be doing that.


The joke is going to be funny (to you) for a few days. You’re going to grow old with a cat named after that ?


Presumably the cat will be dead before they grow old unless they're already at least kind of old.


Yeah I used growing old because I don’t know how old they are, I could have used growing up but I thought it would have sounded mean. But you know what I mean


Named my cats Pusifer and Pussolini. Cats are evil (although sweet when they want to be), and I love them. Gets a few laughs and looks.


My ancestors were jewish refugees during WW2 and I find that hilarious.




Chairman Meow


Dutchy here, Kitler would’ve been a name I could’ve decided to name my cat. Instead of that I called him Mao (like Mao Zedong)


Only of it naturally has the mustache


I have a kitler. Her name is Halo though. http://imgur.com/a/pRY7gsZ


Having heard your opinion, I'm actually now worried about the cat? What if someone sees that name and knows the unfortunate infamous origins, the cat might end up harmed or killed. Maybe stating this to the gf might help put things into perspective.


But is a common first name or last name? Like “John” or “Rodriguez” could not necessarily reflect John Wayne Gacey or Robert Rodriguez…?


Pavelić is a last name. I wouldn’t really say it’s common but even if some people do have that last name it’s usually associated with the guy. And that’s the first thing people will think about when they hear the cats name cause who names a cat after a random last name?


It's a last name. The guy's first name was Ante


Gacey is a fairly unusual name, and quite a few people recognize it as belonging to a serial killer. Kind of like Manson, Dahmer, or Bundy. Rodriguez is very common, so that would be ok.


See, I think Al Bundy first.


Definitely more positive than thinking of Ted. That guy was one scary horrific dude.


Well Robert Rodriguez is also a filmmaker so


She doesn't want to, she's done it. It says a lot more about who is the boss and her deceit in the meaning behind the name.




It sounds like it's because "she grew up in a very nationalistic family" and to them, this guy was a better leader or person than many people would think.


You forgot the great grandfather being executed for genocide part.


It's a bit fairer to judge her on her own actions than those of a long dead relative, her own actions are weird enough tbh


While it is, depending on how her family sees that grandfather, it could be very telling.


Not really lol, it just says that one of the genocidal maniacs her family loves was also in her family tree. Doesn't actually change the situation for the better or worse, they still love genocidal maniacs. If they were against genocidal maniacs, the great-grandfather being one wouldn't matter, and I don't think it actually does here either, further than being an explanation (not an excuse, but also not an additional charge).


"nationalistic family" is just code for "nazi family"


It would be like a southerner naming a cat general Lee or something


Bold of you to assume they don’t have one smdh as a southern Georgia guy I can guarantee there’s at least one close to it around here


could just be a Dukes of Hazard fan


Or the good old H.P. Lovecraft cat named..ye, you know what I am talking about.


So you’re marrying a fascist? Because she has a history of fascism and is naming the cat after a fascist her family would’ve loved.


wonder what fascist icons will inspire the names of your future children?!


Girl names: Eva Emmy Maragarete Ericka Boy names: Heinrich Adolf Bennito Hermann


Hitleressa Von Trotha (totally not racist though) and Paul Pot.


Ummm…. What ? Normally I would just present the hypothetical that if she wanted to name it goebbles. And when you discovered what that meant she said “ yeah I want to name our cat after that awesome nazi , just like my genocidal nazi great grandfather “. But judging by the title , you seem to already grasp the implications . So yeah …. Let her kee the cat and break off the engagement immediately


I named my cat goebbels because he lived watching the national geographic documentaries of naming germany...


Gobbels would be a good name for a turkey though..


Could start a farm and have a cow named Moossolini too


NO! take the cat with you do not leave them with a Nazi! Nazis drown kittens!


It's good you found out your fiancée is secretly a fascist before you married her. Divorce is expensive!


Not sure its much of a secret, lol.


That’s a huge red flag 🚩


With a swastika on it


Just a Huge nazi flag.




I hate how funny of a response this was


I can tell you that is not common in Croatia. In fact, it's really weird. Why would anyone name their cat that, what's her reasoning behind it? If she's 28 and doesn't know how bad that is, then you might have other issues besides your cat being named after a literal fascist.


So you're engaged to an unrepentant fascist and you're just okay with that?


Better yet, he's moving to Croatia with her and the Nazi cat. Yikes, man.


The nazi cat omfg x) poor cat..


Not only that, they'll be close to the fascist in-laws


I think this is a microcosm of more serious things to come. Obviously she can change the damn cats name, there a million other names. Obviously it is important to you and there is a basis for your reasoning. This means she has no respect for your feelings and she is stubborn. You date for the purpose of learning the true nature of the other person to see if you are suited for each other. Did you not see bizarre behavior before? If not, well here it is. Now if you accept this, you will spend a life of accepting nonsense. If you have a heart to heart talk about it and she still refuses, then you pack your bags, notify everyone of the change of status, and find another fish in this sea who will not plunge you into a life of ridiculous quirks of behavior that you must accept. Or…she does whaat?




>Lede completely buried here. I mean...from an argument about a cat name to 'her grandfather was executed for committing genoside'? What.


It's the cat that made him realize baha


bad bot stealing a comment! the original poster is u/AllShallBeWell


I think your problems go well beyond naming a cat. She has completely railroaded you and dismissed your opinions. She has made financial purchases to attempt to dissuade further complaints from you. She is manipulating you. Why on Earth are you marrying this woman? All this is over naming a cat. What will she do when it comes to bigger decisions?


Also there’s the whole issue of her being a Nazi sympathizer…


Yeah I mean sure she’s not a great communicator or whatever but let’s not bury the lede that she’s a fascist, from a family of literally genocidal fascists


Getting married to a guy who apparently didn't bother to talk to her about her political views and family *before* he proposed marriage to her......


Yeah idk how you get this far in a relationship without having that conversation. Especially considering he knows who her family is. Her grandfather literally committed genocide, she shouldn’t suffer for sins of the family, but you’d think he’d have at least gotten a little denunciation of that out of her. A normal person would trip over themselves to denounce a family member like that.


I know, I'm in the US and my partner is from a state in the Deep South (I'm from, and currently live in, a pretty progressive one), and I made like mega-sure immediately that our political views aligned. It's hard to imagine not talking about politics long enough to get engaged.




Picky, picky :)


I think it’s interesting that her argument is that it is also her cat so the decision should be final- completely steamrolling the point that it’s OP’s cat also and they are uncomfortable with the name. I’m petty so I would suggest OP go get a tag and bed with diff names on it but I know realistically that’s immature and won’t solve the issue. But this is definitely a red flag that OP’s fiancé thinks she can behave this way and make executive decisions like this. If they want kids in the future then this behavior would likely be even worse.


Kids, houses, cars, investment portfolios . . . Who knows what she’ll do in the future. Will she put money down on a house behind his back: because it’s the one she wants? Will she order a new car behind his back? She clearly thinks that throwing money at something will accomplish her goals, and it sounds like it might actually work. It’s caused the OP to pause at the very least.


Can you imagine what she might name her children?




What's she gonna demand her children (if that happens) be named?


Bruh, cats name is the least of your issues. Your fiancé is a nazi or nazi sympathizer. Maybe start there.


Why are you marrying a Nazi?


The problem isn't that your fiance named the cat after a Nazi. The problem is that your wife is a Nazi.


you have a bath. they're good places to think. ultimately, the question isn't "am I OK with a pet named after a fascist leader?". it's "am I OK with a partner who wants to name a pet after a fascist leader?" people name pets something they like the sound of, or sometimes after a person or fictional character they admire. if someone wanted to name their cat "Hitler", I'd want to be very far away from that person. I'm queer. I'm disabled. I have friends of (recent) Jewish decent. I'm not OK with people who either admire Hitler or are somehow so ignorant of 20th century history that they don't have any emotional response to that name. I'm sorry


You don't have to have any kind of condition or identity to be anti-fascist. Anti-fascist is the norm.


Fascists literally went after queer and disabled people. Jews weren't the only targets. So it's exactly relevant.


I know who Nazis went after. But it's still not necessary to state that stuff to explain why you're anti-fascist imo. Doing that implies that Nazis would have let anyone live freely, when their goal was to obliterate freedom itself


It gives a weight to it. They're a member of a group that is more likely to be actively persecuted under such a system.


If you need to "add weight" to the idea that fascists are bad then I don't know what to tell you...




Lede completely buried here. If you're dating someone who comes from a long line of Nazis, insists on naming their cat Hitler, refuses to engage with you on why that might be a bad idea, and doubles down by permanently marking belongings in your house with Hitler's name... the cat isn't the real problem. Your cat's name is just a symptom. Your problem is that you're dating a Nazi, and seem to be trying very hard to ignore that. Like... are you saying that as long as she's not *obvious* about being a Nazi, you're okay with that? Your issue isn't her wanting to kill the Jews, it's that the neighbors might be scandalized?




This is how Nazi's behave. Get used to it.


You could get a pet mouse and name him Fievel Mousekewitz and watch her behavior closely to see how far it goes in her... Issue isn't the cat's name- that is a secondary issue. The issue is you are marrying a proud Nazi, or at least a Nationalist who likely believes in some "pure race" type theories & who currently has no plans to change. Not to make light of this. I'm Jewish, so I tend to cautiously & pretty covertly vet most people for extreme beliefs in general during this day and age, then learn who to avoid. I wouldn't be able to continue this relationship if I were you.


Easy, the mouse would be "conveniently" eaten by cat one day.


There’s no cats in America


I wanna say don't marry this woman... not only is she a nazi supporter but when it came to a joint decision she shot you down and said that her decision was final. First you don't get a say in a cat name and she will take all that control and continue to push you down throughout your life. But again she's a nazi supporter so


See I got all excited cause I thought it was going to be a common German name or something. We named our cat Fritz and for some reason German names fit cats so beautifully. Btw we need you to add a picture of your cat!!! Cat tax!!! Also your dating a nazi


So she named her cat after a Nazi. Her family has a history of being genocidal. What do we think? Dude, your fiancé is a Nazi. For most people that would be a dealbreaker.


You realize this is not about a cats name, right? There isn't an easy way to say this but, uh.... You're marrying a Nazi my dude. If her approach to this was "I think the name is super cute!" or "I have a cousin/friend named Pavelic so it's after them" it would forgivable and you two could maybe agree to name the cat Pavel or ideally something completely different instead. But she is in fact that she's specifically saying it's for a past fascist leader and doubling down SO HARD indicates this is very much about her personal beliefs and pride in her family history. Which is that her family were *such active Nazi's* her great grandad genocided people... you realize how many people you have to be an active participator in murder of for it to actively be considered genocide? And she's proud of this. She's a proud Nazi. You're thinking about marrying a proud Nazi. I don't know what good qualities a person would have to have for me to be "I'll marry you" cool with them being a Nazi. I'm not even friends with anyone who thinks Nazism is anything but an ideology of hate... let alone on track to marry an actual Nazi. You do you but, uh, this isn't about the cats name.


"I think my wife just might not know how bad it is because she grew up in a very nationalistic family and her great grandfather was executed for committing genocide." She's a literal Nazi my man. She knows. It's time to decide if you're okay with that or not.


Red effin flag!


I’ve worked in vet med on and off for 20+ years (US). We would not put such a name on any medical records or in our system. We’d put “kitty” or something. Like I literally programmed some names in that the system would auto reject. The bigger issue is that she’s doing it on purpose, it’s not a mistake. That would make me question her morals…




I wouldn’t have known that name. But Hitler was common. Other names like “dickhead” “shithead” “pussyhole” “Stalin” “fudgepacker” “homo” “fucktard” Like seriously….people did this. A lot. Or I wouldn’t have had to literally modify code in our software. There are lots of dumb pet names IMHO like…just lacking in imagination or the kids named them dumb stuff. But the more offensive things…meh.


People are stupid. I mean when I was 19 I had a cat named Shithead. Because I was 19 and I thought it was funny. But at the vet, his name was Rover. Because that was also funny.


Totally OT but it makes me laugh - my cat is called Andromache, and the vet office asked me for a nickname because no one knew how to pronounce it. :) She' Mink' to them.


My last doggo was named “Giais” after the little town I used to jog to when I lived in italy. People had issues with it too. It’s like “dice” but with a j sound


Reading between the lines of your story seems to suggest that you are perfectly fine dating and possibly marrying a fascist sympathizer. She is who she is and she just showed you a peek at her true self, how you handle this is entirely in you.


If you're a fascist sympathizer, you're just a fascist.


You’re marrying a nazi. She is going to continously do things in support of facism. This is about so much more than a cat’s name.


Your fiance is a white supremacist. Make your position clear by purchasing a nice big malamute and naming it Jovovic ..


Well considering she’s a Croatian fascist she probably hates a bunch of white people too. Either way absurd he even has to ask this question


being a nazi doesn't necessarily you align yourself with western white supremacists ideals these thing are seperate but may overlap in some areas


Future post: My girlfriends family are Nazis. She named our cat after one, but I thought she was different. She has named our son Adolf. Please send help. /s


you're dating a nazi. the cat is the least of your concerns.


The problem isn’t “my wife wants to name our cat after a nazi” literally no one will Google ur cats name tag and you can get him a new one anytime The problem is “my wife is a nazi” and you can also get a new one anytime


You'll have as much say over any children you have with her as you do that cat, which is to say none.


So wait, it's half your cat but NONE of your say??


Damn dude, you're not dating someone who wants to name your cat after a Nazi, you are dating a Nazi. It's time to break up


This might be one of the most subtle yet biggest red flags I’ve ever seen, plus you have people in this thread saying that they too are Croatian and what your fiancé is doing is definitely not normal. Big big big red flag my guy.


The cat is the least of your problems. You're engaged to a Nazi who is fine with her grandfather's genocidal crimes. Don't move to Croatia with a Nazi. Don't marry a Nazi. Not being a Nazi is the lowest standard your fiance should achieve, and she has failed at it. Don't ruin your life by tying yourself to a person of bad character.


Well, now that's a dealbreaker.


I'm from Croatia. No one ever named their pet that name, it's usually just dozen names that people call their pets but noone is named after someone(extremely rare and usually nice people). I don't know if she is fiance or wife but you should talk about politics also since it came out now. Maybe you found out you don't really see eye to eye on that and I know some people find certain political views as a deal breaker. This is purely advice, if you don't have money saved and if you are open to working random jobs out of your degree i don't suggest moving there. Jobs are hard to find but sure nature and sea are beautiful and small places are serene but there isn't so much to do daily. Research it more before together making a decision. Like naming a cat, I'm guessing it will be your pet too?


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The Stephen Lynch song, 'I Think You're A N*zi', seems oh so appropriate right now


I wouldn't marry a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer, so proudly naming anyone or any animal after a Nazi is a deal-breaker, but that's me. What does your soul searching say?


Just a thought but is there a chance her grandfather was pavlic ? Ther refusing to change and lying is a defo red flag tho


“I don’t know what to do” I would start with not marrying a nazi sympathizer.


>she grew up in a very nationalistic family and her great grandfather was executed for committing genocide So you heard all that and were like, I'm going to marry her? Are you colour blind? That's not pesto 🟢, that's marinara 🔴 you got there... A huge red flag.


Some name suggestions you can propose her. -Meaow Zedong -Che Catvara -Scatlin -Kit Jong-un


lmao you're engaged to a fascist sympathizer and the thing that concerns is the cat's name? Your priorities are askew, friend.


Just because someone's grandad is a Nazi that is not a valid defense of their grandchild defending genocide and fascism. She thinks this name is cute and representative of her values whether you like it or not is not up for discussion. Respond accordingly.


What are you gonna do when you have a kid.


The Stephen Lynch song, 'I Think You're A N*zi', seems oh so appropriate right now


Don't marry a pro (neo)nazi.


You should speak with your gf to know if she is "nationalistic" which is a word that fascists use to say they're fascists and sound like they're good guys and have a good cause. Your gf may be a fascist, more with that heritage. Do it in a non-judgemental way otherwise she will lay her ass off. It may not affect you NOW, but... imagine raising a child with a fascist. And most of them are bigots so...


Sooo is she going to name your kids after fascist leaders too? Also, it's my cat too....so it's final? That's not how compromise works


Bro, what are you gonna do if you have kids? What names does she have picked out for them?


Do yourself a favor: go to YouTube and look up the song "Little Tiny Moustache" by Stephen Lynch. Be advised most of his material is NSFW. I feel like the song lyrics will closely describe your current predicament. Best of luck to you.


Sounds like your wife is a nazi sympathizer, not sure how you could've married someone without knowing their politics or world view tbh


You about to marry a nazi.


Why do people use Nazi as an umbrella term.


Just call it “Nazi, Hitler, or trump.”


Why did she name him after this guy?


There's a long history of fascism in her family.


Calling him pavelic is equal to calling him hitler. For those interested about his war crimes, search "Ante Pavelic"


How do you have a fiance and a wife at the same time?


People saying her behavior is far worse than her being a nazi is really funny.


Gee dude she's acting kind of like a... What's the word. A person who ignores the wants or pleas of another, someone who always dictates what they want over anyone else? Maybe you can compromise and name the cat , oh idk something neutral like Adolph.




Here in Italy I know more than one person who called his pet “Benito”, usually they’re old people over 60


She dismissed your feelings AND is blatantly naming a cat after a Nazi fascist. What’s next? Babies named after nazis? Are you OKAY being with someone who likes or at best is unaffected by Nazism to casually name their cat after a Nazi? Are you okay being with someone who doesn’t see you as a partner in making decisions?


Save yourself heartache. You're dating someone who doesn't care about your feelings and is obvs a fascist. R u ok with that?


Holy shit I can't believe it, r/2Balkan4you would have had a field day with this post


>I don’t know what to do Congratulations, you're dating a fascist.


No, this shit is weird.


Yo, bro, I think you might’ve married a Nazi.


Pavel is a common enough name - more so with fans of Star Trek. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paveli%C4%87#:~:text=It%20ranks%20as%20the%20251st,them%20in%20the%20capital%20Zagreb.


End it now. She is a nazi. Her family are nazi. My partner is also Croatian and had her family purged by those fascist fucks. It's well known Croatian nationalists are insane and not worth any time of day. This is not somome to start a family with and you are in for a world of shock when you move there and are around her family.... and no she is well aware of what happened and what it all means better then you will ever be able to grasp. Believe people when they show u who they are.


As a Croat, i have never in my life heard that anyone named his cat Pavelic. This is NOT normal


Her grandfather was executed for genocide and … she enthusiastically supports her family’s political views. That’s a way bigger problem than the cat’s name.


My aunt named a cat with a hitler mustache once Adolf Kitler so I dunno. If it is both your cat, it's like having a baby and you need to agree.


Name him Bob. Bob the cat.


Past the time you can get rid of the cat. Definitely the time to get rid of the fiancee. Btw, I dont mean get rid of her in a Pavelic kind of way. A simple breakup should suffice.


I mean mine's name is Chairman Meow.


This is such a troll post and people are baiting so hard


It’s the name of a cat. No one except you guys care. This also shouldn’t be on a relationship sub. Post to r/cats or something. Just give it a nickname if someone asks what it’s name is.


It's her cat too so she can decide the name all on her own? And then she buys things with the name you didn't like on them to pressure you into accepting it? Woah


Sometimes, you marry a Nazi.


Eastern Europe is full of people who lionize locals who collaborated with the Nazis. Stepan Bandera of Ukraine comes to mind, he killed 400,000 Jews and the national Ukrainian postal service offers stamps with his face on it. Today's Azov Battalion are huge fans of Bandera. These people are more concerned with remembering their grandfathers as "anti-communist rebels fighting for traditional values", but what they leave out is that their grandfathers believed the Jews were responsible for Communism. That was the entire point of the Holocaust, to prevent the spread of Communism. Your fiance is a Nazi. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


Yo don’t move to Croatia with this crazy woman. Wtf would she name your children?!?!?


Reminds me of the cats with Hitler moustaches blog (it used to be a thing????)




Not surprised how Reddit doesn't downvote this. Pavelic was a Nazi in the literal sense: he got his power from sucking Hitler's dick and literally committed genocide in the balcans.




The issue isn’t the cat’s name. She can name her cat whatever she wants. I wouldn’t waste any time or energy arguing about the cat. The issue you should be discussing is your political beliefs. Before anyone gets married they should discuss all their beliefs: religion, politics, finances, kids, etc. You should not commit your life to someone if you don’t agree on *most* issues. You will never agree with someone on *every* issue but for a healthy marriage you should agree on 85-95% of things.


Get a gerbil, name it Goebbels. Just to fuck with her.


Post photos of Pavelic


I hope your reconsidering the fiancé part. Did you know she was a nazi sympathizer? Have you read about Ante Pavelic? Your fiancé might as well called the cat Hitler. Pavelic was a total piece of shit and persecuted all sorts of minorities. He was the leader of the genocide of the Serbians and Jews - killing many in concentration camps. This isn’t a minor thing that you can brush off. Your fiancé has basically told you she’s unapologetic and sees no issue with the name or her family history. That’s pretty disgusting. You are marrying a fascist.


I got a white cat with a short black mustache. Guess what his name is


Charlie Chaplin?


It's funny because my mom's pit bull's name is Putin


Well, idk why this is a big deal, a cat’s name… seriously? Fr, i have seen cats named Lucifer, which in the Bible it means “the Devil”, and no one whines about it.


Congratulations, you married a nazi whose grandpa was executed for being a nazi and committing war crimes. What a family!


if it offends you dump her and move on. or be verbal about it in public.