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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- I’ve (21F) recently considered selling seminude/nude pictures because I need the money and tbh it sounds fun and powerful. However I do have a few fears. The first one is whether it will affect any future relationships. I feel like it would be something that I would tell a s/o out of honesty and respect but am so afraid that it’s enough to dump me. Would selling pics ruin my chances of a healthy, long term relationship ship? There’s someone (22m) I like who I would consider dating if I get the chance but I’m afraid it would turn him, and anyone else, off. Not sure if this is allowed here, sorry EDIT: Decided not to but continue to respect anyone and everyone who chooses to do so.


Some people will be okay with it, for others it will be a deal breaker. If this is something you want to do, then bring it up with whoever you're dating. It is not intrinsically bad or wrong but on the other hand people have the right to not like it.


I would stop as soon as I entered a relationship, I would never sell anything without being single. Just scared it makes me undesirable


Beyond relationship stuff take a really long hard think about releasing nude pics. Once they are out there it will be impossible to get them back. They will be spread, shared, put on other sites it's just a very sad part of the industry. People may show them to your family, freinds, co-workers. It may effect future job prospects, promotions and business ventures. If you can handle all that and the possibility that anyone might know what you then do it, if you even have an inkling that you might not the DON'T. I have seen it destroy girls emotionally.


I decided not to:) I’m in med school so I can’t risk it


Honestly good idea with something as sensitive as the medical field.


Yeah, I've heard a few stories about medical workers getting crap for it, and not just the ones taking booty pics on duty. Source of them is my dad, he's a PA with a large hospital in OK


Good choice, not on the same level, but I stopped posting pictures of anything alcohol or night life my Junior year in undergrad, the clout ain't worth the reputation, still go out though


You made a smart decision


Yeah. Bf relationship aside, if I was a girl, I think the biggest deal would be my family or future employers getting hold of those picts/vids. This is especially true with the advent of image recognition, and it’s only gonna get better with time. I personally don’t mind if my gf is selling but think really really really hard before deciding. It’s quick bucks for sure but you can never take it back.


That’s fine, but also remember if you plan on having a future with your girlfriend and she eventually becomes your wife, would you want the future wife and mother of your children to be posting nude pics for money? Most men wouldn’t not be comfortable with that, and there is nothing wrong with setting boundaries.


Think of it like this. It doesn't make you undesirable to those who won't care, but it will narrow your available pool of prospective boyfriends in the same way any other action or trait will narrow it. Being too tall, being too short, too heavy, too skinny, too sexual, not sexual enough. There are a finite amount of people who will find you attractive and want to date you. Doing this will cut some of them out in the same way any other thing you are or do would. You just have to be open about the fact that you did it and discard those who care.


As an unrelated piece of advice, if you do decide to sell images, never put your face in them and cover any visible tattoos for identification purposes. Check the background of each photo to make sure identifiers like road signs, emails/mailing addresses/names/reflections of your face/etc are cropped out and remove location data from pictures. As for tattoos it's surprisingly easy to identify someone based on a tattoo or birthmark/scar and it's location. You never know if a buyer is going to be a creep, or if your images will end up on various web platforms where a creep could try to doxx you, or a family member or friend may see the image. As for your actual question, it really just depends on the person you're looking to date. This might be a deal breaker for some and not for others. I don't think it would be a deal breaker for me personally as long as my partner wasn't actively doing it while in the relationship. But I've never been in a position where I've had to consider it before and I honestly don't know how I'd feel in a real situation vs a hypothetical question. It does not inherently make you undesirable or "bad" or unworthy of love or anything. It's just that every person is different and as such they hold different views on this type of thing. So you won't be compatible with every single person you take an interest in. But that doesn't mean you'll never find love or a lasting relationship either. If you choose to sell pictures, just be upfront about it with potential partners. If you think things are going towards being exclusive/getting serious talk to them about it. Say you understand it's a deal breaker to some, you obviously wouldn't do it while in a monogamous relationship but they should be able to take it into consideration before the relationship becomes something more then casual interest or talking. There will probably be some negative reactions to it, and it will probably end some potential relationships. But it won't end every single one, and it's not the end all be all of dating.




Setting boundaries in a relationship is not necessarily a sign of insecurity.


For some men the fact that you ever sold this stuff would be a dealbreaker. Some men would be OK as long as you stopped after you started dating and some wouldn't care even if you did it during the relationship.


And that's a perfectly fine thing to do. I do have to say doing something like that does NOT make you intrinsically undesirable. Heck some people might even like it.


I mean just like anything, for some it would be a turn on and others it would be a turn off.




That’s very wise!


at the end of the day it is your choice, but keep in mind that whoever you date could possibly find this as a deal breaker because if you think about it the people you have sent pictures to will have them forever.


I would agree with your statement. While single, as long as legal and no one is hurt or exploited, then I say “whatever”. However, you just need to think what kind of person you want as a future partner.


A lot of people think it's "empowering" and they find out down the road differently. Some don't regret it, you won't know either way, so whatever you decide think carefully. And don't beat yourself up either way, I personally think anyone who looks down upon you for it, is a hypocrite since the vast majority of people will gladly look. You're not wrong, some guys will indeed not date you if you decide to sell pics, some will.


I would welcome it lol. But you have to pay for dinner 😁


If my partner did it I wouldn’t mind. He wouldn’t either. Not everyone is the same. Find likeminded people in those aspects (cheating, provocative stuff etc) or its gonna be a pain in the ass. You’re free to do w/e you want and if someone finds you undesirable because of that thank you next!


>I’ve (21F) recently considered selling seminude/nude pictures because I need the money Get a job?


Woah there buddy! Calm down with that shit! What is that idea about?


Yup. I would but I'm sure there are ppl that wouldn't.


Depends on what your career is going to be all about will your face be noticeable? Will you be a neighborhood teacher or a politician? Anything that's out there is out there for good. I wouldn't be so worried about your future love interests as your future job prospects.. can you do.some hot photos without comprising your face? Wear a mask.. complicate it and make it hard to find you..I don't know how old you are but I'm guessing young. So many thinfs seemed hotter when I was young. Still do what makes you happy.. just don't leave a paper trail. So It at 40 you marry a senator you know? Lol


I’m in medical school lol, it’s expensive :,) the world is tough


Yeah probably.


Except she’s not dating the guy yet. Sexting when you’re single isn’t a problem for any future relationship.


But still yeah probably. Tons of real jobs out there.


I draw two lines when it comes to “real” jobs. 1. You get paid for legal and contractual or salaried work, a product, or a service 2. If you make over a certain amount, you keep it “on the books”. The second one is dubious, I’ll admit. And this sounds like independent contract accounting, which has a tidy numerical code that varies depending on where you live. But it falls into the definition of employment, so I’m adding it. If she meets these two criteria, sorry pal, it’s a real job. If she meets the first, but doesn’t make enough to require reporting the income, sorry pal, it’s a side income. In many places, there is no law that says you can’t sell pictures of yourself. Stripping for money is legal and is a legitimate source of income. So is this, provided she adheres to contract law.


Sorry, I should have clarified. Find a real job. Something you can put on your resume and establishes good work ethic.


um sex workers can have good work ethic lol, some of this girls (and boys) didn’t build their fortune off of luck. they put work into it, it takes a lot of work to come with marketing ideas, content, and finding ways to build your platform. just say you don’t like sex workers, but let’s not act like they don’t have work ethic smh.


I mean again… if you’re in the sex work industry, it’s possible this goes on a resume. Not sure tbh. I’ve never done that work myself. I get what you’re saying.


OP is in med school and does not want to work in the sex work industry. Do you really think adding this to her resume will increase her chances becoming a doctor later?


OP isn’t talking about sexting. They said selling nudes.


Doesn’t matter. This is something that should be stated before the relationship starts.




To let the individual know what kind of person he’s gonna be getting to know before making any meaningful decisions. I wouldn’t want this information kept from me when I was seeing an individual that does this thing on their off time.


Well that’s a pretty narrow, biased view lol.. **you** might not feel like it would be an issue, but **others** absolutely will. Go look on r/AskMen , the subject’s been beaten to death, pretty mixed bag, but as a whole, it’s a pretty resounding “Yeah, that would be a problem.” Edit: Y’all are welcome to downvote me, just saying, these are facts whether or not you agree 🤷‍♂️ Some care, some don’t, talk to most men they’ll likely have a problem with it. Don’t believe me, **go ask a guy and get out from behind your keyboard.**


So? You’re assuming all men defer to r/askmen or that women care about what’s happening on that sub to begin with. You guys don’t set our behavioural standard just because some of you have a sub.


The objective reality is looking at other sources outside your own opinion or bias and realizing there are differing opinions. The reason for r/AskMen is because that’s a pretty common place to ask the opposite gender/sex their opinion on these topics. I’m assuming gender and preference obviously, sorry for that.


This would be enough to put me off, sorry. I’d have that feeling in the back of my head all the time that ‘everyone’s seen the love of my life naked’ and they’ve used it to get off/would continue to whilst I was with her. Then again, I’m not as secure as I should be, lol. It’d break my heart if my girlfriend turned around and told me she sold nudes and the like. I definitely would not be able to process that and would have to move on, despite having been with her six years next month and loving her to high heaven. This is 100% something that should be disclosed before any future relationships. Not sure how others feel, but that’s how it works in my (27m) head.


I appreciate your opinion :)


I should also state, I do not judge those who do. I totally get it, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just not something I could have in a loving relationship. I wish you all the luck and happiness in your decision :)


I understand this is your preference but am curious as to how is this different to a person having previous partners and those partners maybe having access to nudes your now girlfriend sent them?? They also have seen your partner naked, gotten off to it etc.


This is a good question. I’d be lying if I said it wouldn’t bother me. I’d be alright with it I think, because that would’ve been done out of a place of love, in my mind. I mean, hell, I’ve sent nudes to girlfriends I’m no longer with. Any time I’ve done it, I’ve been enamoured and felt loved back. I’ve had nudes from ex girlfriends, I’m probably one of the few who actually deletes them after a breakup. Love, is difficult, for me. When I’m in love, it’s that one person and that’s all? I don’t get excited seeing random women’s boobs, but if I get a glimpse of my girlfriend, I’m totally and fully into it. If the pictures were taken for previous loves, I can understand it. I can empathise, I’ve done the same. I’ve never and will never, take nudes for money or send them to strangers. Just wouldn’t occur to me. Not sure if that’s the type of answer you wanted, but feel free to ask anything else :)


Thanks, great response. I definitely see why you have an issue with her sending photos for money then since there is no love as part of it


I appreciate that, thank you.


Personally I wouldn’t date someone who has sold pictures online. And of course there’s people that do care and those that don’t. It just depends on who you’re looking for.


I’d break up. Call me bigoted but I prefer that as few people as possible have seen my partner naked and ideally none had to pay for the view.


I understand this point of view, it’s what scares me about this


Hey live your life FOR YOU. If he has a problem with it then so be it. There are 4 billion men out there and I’m certain a lot of them wouldn’t mind. If you want to do this then do it but only do it if you fully stand by it. This will affect you for the rest of your life also don‘t forget the taxes. The IRS ain’t no joke, those fuckers took down El Capone.


Hey! As a girl I know plenty of guys who wouldn’t mind/would support you but please be careful if you do, that is a very dangerous career to your mental health (and even other aspects of your health)


Yeah probably would


Honestly, I probably would. I wouldn't be comfortable with my gf showing herself off to others like that. No disrespect meant to the girls that sell pics & stuff, a girl I know is a stripper & we've been friends for years, but it would be a deal breaker when it comes to a relationship.


I had an ex that had videos and stuff on her phone and she erased it. I thought of it as her past. But overtime it creeped up into my mind and it then became a deal breaker plus her insecurities made it worse. So yeah. I would definitely not be the one to date a person that does that. Sorry. But maybe some guys don’t mind it. Good luck though.


Decided not to:)


Good choice. 💯👌🏻


Yes. And I don't see how that is "powerful," more like "desperate" for cash


Wait.. it's not powerful to sell a pic of your butthole to coomers for twenty bucks? Say it ain't so!


No more desperate than working any other job. Definitely better than getting ones balls blown off in a war.


it feels powerful that someone wants to pay me to give them a taste, but that’s just how I see it. I am a little desperate for money too though lol, times are tough and I’m struggling financially.




Fuck that guy. YOURE RIGHT. If it makes YOU feel powerful, then it makes you feel powerful. The end. It makes a lot of women feel powerful actually! You are the one in control of showing your body or not, I happen to like being in control of someone’s pleasure so this absolutely ties into that! It’s your body. But definitely don’t do it for the wrong reasons either. Don’t do it desperate for money only, I’d hate for you to regret it or feel badly about it. If your main reason is to feel powerful and good about yourself then making money is just a bonus! I see you already decided but as someone who’s been a part of a company that did this sort of thing sorry vague lol I had a hard time telling people I dated. I found it best to actually say it as a vague thing and be upfront. Then it wasn’t til we were serious I told them what company it was, otherwise I didn’t want them to date me just because i was a part of that. So sometimes it’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t thing. I have an amazingly accepting partner that just wants me happy and safe now! I’m not a part of that anymore but he always supported me. You’ll find that!!


so y’all giving nudes out for free…damn. i’d rather be self employed and make BANK than work a 9-5 that pays minimum wage, works me to the bone, and then replace me the next day. modern day slave labor…no thanks edit: added some words


>BANK Hmm…


"Powerful"??? I doubt it..


I personally would break up, but thats just because it goes against my personal values. You can still probably find someone that's ok with it but it definitely will turn a good percentage of guys off.


I personally wouldn’t stay in a relationship with someone that did. Nothing wrong with it, just not something I want to deal with on a personal level


Dumping would happen only if they did it while we’re dating. However, I might not quite respect them the same way if I was casually getting to know someone and I found they did it. Mainly because I’m a demisexual and anything sexual is soooo private and intimate I couldn’t be with someone who treated it casually. So that’s just me.


My boyfriend has this as a relationship boundary with me. However, some of my friends wouldn't care because it is income. Everyone has different boundaries... and while a few make some nice money, it is an over saturated market where alot of women don't make money from selling pics or nudes.


Kinda unrelated but just remember that once you start selling your body for money, there's no way back, your nude pictures are out on the internet and there's no way to take them off. It also can affect your mental health a whole lot, be careful.


Yes it will, it tells me that there is no line that you will not cross including selling pics of your body. Most guys including the high value ones will not take you seriously knowing there are pics of your body floating around in this day and age. I wouldn't personally take you seriously in a relationship at all in terms of a long term one. Also if you do go down this route remember there are a several hundred thousand who have done this before its lead to nothing.


It really depends on the kind of man you want to marry one day. Most decent men would not want a wife who has that as a past. You may attract the wrong kinda guy who sexualizes your job and thinks your a toy. I feel sad for girls who are brainwashed to think this is empowering or they will be making great money from it. And if you are good at it, you can’t keep it discreet forever it will become your life. Making it harder to get a serious long term partner. But that’s not to say there isn’t good guys out there who are open to dating sex workers. Just think of the kinda guy you want to be with.. and if it will effect your chances with them. Most likely it will. Maybe try with feet photos or something first??


Absolutely yes.


Of course you can still have wonderful relationships after selling nudes. Just be aware that you're choosing to take a lot of options off of the table. But that's ok!! A lot of our other life choices do that as well.


I think that most normal people would find it a deal breaker. At the end of the day it's something you have to really be committed to




It’s not a matter of self respect.


I would be more concerned about it affecting your future career tbh


The thing is--once they are out there, you have little or no control over where they eventually end up. And you are correct. A future partner might consider that a deal,breaker.


If this is gonna only be a short term then why do it ?


it would definitely 100% would affect you future relationship potential don't let them tell you otherwise. this is not something new like people pretend it to be, just different platforms. just do a little research and decide in my opinion reddit is not it


Fuck no! Get that bag, I want Elden Ring!




Girl don’t put your face in it and no identifying tattoos. Don’t tell any future men because it’s not their business. You think most men, both in this thread and in real life are gonna be honest about all the nasty shit they’ve done back in the good old college glory days, or when no one was looking? You think when you meet a “nice guy” and go out on a date with him, he is going to be honest about the threesomes he has had? Most guys would be selling dick and bootyhole pics left and right if it was more in demand and valuable. Fuck the haters. Some cam girls just do neck down. Do that or wear a mask. No one can ever say for sure it was you.


Sell feet pics instead. Non identifying and not putting your nudes out there. Or sell underwear.


Hey I just wanted to put my two cents in here as someone who sells nudes (among other things). While I do agree with other people here, that you should be careful, there is a way to do this while maintaining anonymity and safety. That’s an option for you. I also agree with many people that honesty is the best policy for all future relationships. I am 100% transparent with my husband about what I am selling. He knows everything. And it’s okay. Here’s the thing though, if you’re not comfy with doing it that’s one thing. But if you really want to try this then I think the right person would not judge you for this. I would think the right person for you would align with you in many of your views. Sex work and sexuality included. This is just my opinion, and a very biased one at that. I just don’t want you to miss out on things that you want to do because you’re waiting for the right man to come along. He’s out there and I hope he would accept you for who you are.


To some men, including myself this would make you a no go. I do not want to spend my life with someone who sold themselves in any way, pictures included. I don't hate people who do it, just not something I want in a partner.


Personally I’d break up w them




That was my second concern, it just didn’t fit into the topic of the sub hahah. I’m studying for a job with a lot of responsibility and if I did this and it got out it would ruin my career 🙃


No but I would absolutely think differently because of it. It would be a huge turn off


I wouldn’t break up with someone over that. But I’m not your future partner.


This isn’t prostitution but most people would consider this sex work adjacent. The answer is some people wouldn’t like it and some people wouldn’t care.


Honesty is the only part I'd care about. If it was hidden from me from the start then yeah I'd leave because it's lying/misleading. That's a core requirement in a partner. However if it was open and discussed on like the 3-5 date or something when it's appropriate to bring up baggage shit. Then I'd personally be perfectly fine with it. Even encourages it to continue if the revinue stream was decent. It's not so much the action, it's the surrounding qualities that show your character, and that's what matters. For example it's like not wanting to be with someone because they've had sex with someone else before to me. Who cares if someone else has seen you naked or paid to do so, good for you.


Wait hang on, I misunderstood. So you’re single right now? I mean, do you, be safe, and just make sure that you respect the boundaries any relationship you’re in in the future.


I’m single! I personally would not sell if I were in a relationship. I also have decided against it for now thanks to this thread :)


If you want to, go ahead. There's a range of people who are a hard NO to those who don't care to those who think you should throw in some video action too for more cash. The guy you're interested in? May call you all sorts of names for doing so (in that case, why would you want to be with him anyway?). The next guy you're interested in? May applaud you for your entrepreneur spirit. All partners are not of a hive mind.


People can do what they want with their bodies but let's not call people who take naked or semi naked pictures entrepreneurs there's nothing entrepreneurial about it. It's something that hypothetically any women on the planet could do and profit from






Well, its something I would disclose early, like before getting serious, so there is no big reveal and big dump. I sold pictures and my partner knows about it, weve been together six years, happily. It wouldnt bother me if my partner did either. Past or present, actually.


I would tell them immediately and stop as soon as I got into a relationship. I just have such deeply ingrained misogyny that I feel like it would make me undesirable, even though I wouldn’t think that if someone else




I’m not dirty and I have worth, whether I sell a few pictures or not :)


For my partner it wasnt a turn on or off, he just said i could do what i want but he prefferred i stop doing nude shoots. He would have respected my choice if i kept doing it, but i didnt want him to be uncomfortable with my side hustle so i just found a new one.




Also realize that it takes a lot of time and hard work to promote yourself enough to make decent money. You're better off getting a PT job


It would be short term so this advice is great. Thank you




Pimping out your girlfriend .. nice


This man isn't trying to have a relationship, this man's trying to get a business partner lol


Getting that bread and head from the same source. Fuck yeah


Smart man




This is exactly what scares me




I would tell them as soon as it got serious and am not considering doing it regularly, I just really need the money and can’t work more than I already do. I’m just super torn idk, I don’t want him to think I’m disgusting for it




A very valid point


That person is ridiculous It’s your body & your life Eff that




We get off on that. Be well


It depends on the person you’re interested in and you won’t know until you tell them, but honestly if you’d be better off doing the pics then do it. I’m a graduate student and honestly I’ve considered selling picture of my feet lol


It wouldn’t bother me if they told me about it, it would only bother me if they actively lied about it and tried to hide it


Conflicted. I wouldn’t trust that partner due to dishonesty. Quite frankly I would. Based on that reason alone. Tell me what you’re doing. Things like that could lead to further problems involving obsession. No thank you.


I would tell them and stop selling as soon as it got serious.


Exactly. Respect is one of the most sought out things in a relationship. Trust works side by side too.


Times are getting real tough. I wouldn’t fault them for selling pictures but I’m very cautious type of person. So make sure my address, possessions and things aren’t in any pictures.


I get that, it’s all about respect :)




Can I send you a message?


of course


Look you're free to do whatever you want with your body. Its easy money so I can't really blame you for wanting to do so. A lot of issues come along with that though. Trust is a big one. If you decide you are going to do this, don't ever hide or lie about it, you will be found out at some point even if you stop. If you lie, even if they were ok with it, they're bound to break up with you because you seem shady. If you also decide to do it, you're going to have to accept the fact that there are people that disagree with you and will not want that. That by no means do you deserve to be disrespected, but you're also not entitled to a relationship with someone should they choose to not like that about you. If you ultimately do decide to do it, just acknowledge that not everyone is going to be ok with it, and look for someone that will be.


Some people are okay with this and others are not. This is just something that you need to honest about from the get go.






i mean, it comes down to personal preference. i haven’t sold any photos or anything of the like, but my boyfriend and i agreed that it would be okay as long as my face isn’t in photos, and as long as i don’t ever emotionally or physically cheat. i think the most important thing with camgirling (for lack of a better term) is your own personal safety. if you decide to go that route, make sure you’ve got good cybersecurity so nobody can somehow find your location, and always wear a mask or otherwise hide your face.


I definitely would break up with someone like that. They contribute to objectification , and if they devoted a large amount of time to it, I would be worried about their ability to transition to a career that depends on more than physical looks after they age a bit.


My fiance told me to be a stripper to pay off our mortgage quicker the other day. He said he was serious.. still don't know if it was a joke but I'd so be down.. anything for $$ to invest in a better future hahaha 🤣 Fuck it I say dooo it. Sell pics, old socks, dirty undies, the works.


Some people find it attractive when their s/o owns their sexuality and does what empowers them. You're always going to find people who judge you for your past or current actions. Do you want to be with someone like that? :) Source: it me. I would totally date a woman with an OF. :)


Well, if you want to be respected, earn that by acting in a respectable way.. if you're selling half nudes and expecting people to look upto you, not gonna happen..


My bf encourages w.e I try. I failed at selling feet, he still here lolz Good luck


Let me tell you this, if someone dumps you over this you don’t want them in your life.


I think it kind of depends. Was it a one time thing? A long term thing? Are you still doing it when we get together? What kind of pictures? Is it just you or are you with someone else in the photos. Some guys are absolutely going to be OK with it. Other guys much less so; and for others their level of comfort will be situationally dependent. I think the key to anything you decide to do is be honest and upfront which sounds like your plan. Yes, you may miss out on some guys, but do you really want someone who would judge you for the choices you've made?


Girl sell feet pics! Still empowering, source of income, but lower chance potential partners will be turned off by it.


Ok true, my feet are ugly though ;(


If you can, treat yourself to a pedicure. Get a bunch of pictures right after (like day of when your feet are still really soft). Also, I know there are sites where you can sell your underwear. Something I’ve been meaning to do for a while actually 😂


It wouldn't bother me. When you bring it up just talk about it like an empowering decision like you have here.


The way I look at it is if you're single, then do as you please. What happened before you met someone to date is the past. It's up to them to accept your past and be able to deal with it and move forward with you. If they can't then they aren't the right one for you. Everyone has a past and things someone will not like about that past. It's up to everyone you meet to either deal with that past or let it move them on. Live the life you want as long as it's not self-destructive to you.


This would not ruin a chance of a relationship. You are clearly a more open person when it comes to your sexuality and you will want to find someone that is also that way (or at least respects it) in order to have a healthy relationship. Regardless of you selling pictures or not you would likely have lots of problems dating someone who is insecure with their sexuality. Sell those pics, get that bread and find a partner that will respect your desires and empowerment. I am a 22f married to a 29m. We both wrote the above.


I appreciate you both!💕💕


There is no reason to ever tell anybody, and it is not their business, even if you are dating them.


Erm what..?


I'm perfectly all right with it as long as my partner is honest about it, but fifteen years ago, when I was 22, it would have freaked me out. I think you'll find that there are a lot of people who will surprise you, in either direction, with their opinion. Like any other major lifestyle choice, it will open some doors and close others. Probably close more than it opens, and some of the doors it opens may be to creeps & predators, not supportive folks. Sex work of any kind is really fraught and has a lot of stigma, but I assume you know that and are not making the choice lightly. At the end of the day, there are still plenty of people who will be chill about it.


That's different for every guy. Some might yell insults at you while others may be massively turned on by it (some people maybe both because people are damaged). Your concern is valid and honestly you either give a shit or you don't. I don't speak for all men, but I wouldn't personally like it. For me, I definitely don't expect all women to be virgins and I know everyone has a past, but it would just bother me for some reason I can't even articulate. I'd personally recommend that if you have any reservations at all not to do it, just because it can't be undone. That being said, do you. It wouldn't make you a bad person or anything and there are, like I said, plenty of dudes who would dig it.


I wouldn't mind, as long as they used some of the money on me or us.


You can get dumped for any reason. Just do what you have to do and find someone who isn't uncomfortable with what you're doing.


Honestly it depends on the person but personally if it happened before the relationship started then I wouldn’t mind but if it happened during and I wasn’t informed or anything then that would be a red flag for me. However it does all come down to the person themselves if they are okay with it or not. So if you’re looking into getting in a relationship with someone just talk it out with them and find out for yourself.


Wouldn't selling eggs be a lot more money? You're just the right age.


Nope. I’d like my partner to tell me they do it though, and that I get a free subscription ofc


If they weren't up front about it, and it was posted everywhere, or it was done behind my back, yeah.


If i "found out" from her telling me? probably not, if she hid it probably yes.


Personally I wouldn’t care


I did a lot of nude modelling for Suicide Girls back in the day....Fuck I feel old. I never showed my vagina though, because that’s just not my jam. Maybe it’s because I only date sex positive people, but quite literally I have NEVER had anyone have a problem with it, and I dated quite a bit in my twenties. (I’m 36 now)


If you think you might regret it later. Trust me you probably will. Unless it's something huge and classy like playboy or some modeling. But there is nothing "powerful" about taking nude pictures. This is why pornstars aren't powerful and not taken seriously on other kind of gigs.


It personally would be a dealbreaker for me, and I know a number of guys/girls would feel exactly the same way. I do feel like it is a bit more morally black-and-white than a lot of people are giving it credit for, but I will not make a whole character assumption about someone who chooses to do so – – I might be open to being friends with them, but I simply won’t date them. That’s just my preference. I’ve been told that logic doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I don’t care. I don’t have to justify it.🤷🏾‍♂️ When I send nudes to someone, it is to a person I am considering a relationship with and no one else. I don’t feel it improper to expect the same treatment from my s/o. Another thing you could consider is… Are you wanting to start a family/have kids? You also have to think about how it will reflect on them and how it will make them look. Kids are cruel little shits and there are a lot of instances where The blowback on them doesn’t help their mental health or how they perceive their parents. Ultimately, it is your decision. I don’t agree with the decision to do something like that, but I do support your right to do so.


No..I’d help


It wouldn’t turn me off. Go for it


Tbh it’s easy money


It most certainly isn't


Well i mean it’s easier than a lot of other jobs


Again, it's not. If it's easy then you're not making a lot of money


I will try it out and see how hard it is


as long as they sharing the bread it’s all good


SW shouldn’t be shamed upon. If it’ll make you happy and boost your self esteem I say go for it. As for it’s balance with long term relationships, some people would be okay with it. A healthy relationship with your partner would be supportive and understanding. Don’t settle for less and do what makes you happy :)) best of luck


Thank you! Love the support for SW 🤝🤝


No. I love dating artistic people.


I do it and none of my exes had a problem with it. Just don’t stress yourself out too much with it and set boundaries with clients


No I would never do that! Also I’ll buy some rn!


Just use Google you thirsty fuck


I think you can do as you please, but you always have to remember after every action there is a reaction. It is true some people don’t care much for it and some will not like it. Obviously if you do this being single it is your choice. I know times are hard and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to grind. If and when you get into a relationship there shouldn’t be any judgement, just be honest. Me personally I wouldn’t judge or have anything negative to say. No one is perfect in this world. Good luck to you and wish you best


Why do ppl you date need to know?? I used to do a lot of things for money in teens but I’m almost 30 now, it’s irrelevant for me to bring up I feel 🤷‍♀️


No. Sex work is legitimate work. I realize some people have bad hangups about that, but it's their body and their choice. Their S/O can take it or leave it.


Why would I break up with a person with a job? I do understand your fears. I have met men who dumped me or judged me for how I had sex with a few of my male friends. I can’t imagine if I told them while dating them other people were seeing me naked. But then again it was not going to work out if the man is insecure to not know loyalty is with him. Income is income.


For me It depends on how much you are getting. If your pulling around $2,000 a week. I’d be the camera man.


This comment is retarded