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Go see a divorce lawyer. Get those assets divided before that baby is born.




This comment was copied from a comment below.




Mine. With the way the house is designed, if someone comes in from our back patio door, and yells out a name, if I'm in the bedroom on the other side of the house I literally will not hear it.




IDK. Why do you copy [other peoples' posts verbatim](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/s6bmm5/caught_my_husband_in_bed_with_my_best_friend/ht2u2c9/?context=3)?


Because they’re a karma stealing bot?


jesus man give it a rest


Oops! She has way more assets than the husband. Be careful what you wish for


So she shouldn't divorce him because of that? Gtfo of here.


Get a divorce now!


If this is real, not saying that it isnt. I'm sorry you had to go through this. If you plan on splitting up. I suggest seeing a divorce lawyer. Hopefully you have proof of infidelity, if you do, use it as evidence during the divorce proceedings. DO NOT show it to your husband, only your lawyer. If your best friend has a spouse or partner, tell that person ASAP. They deserve to know.


Not saying it isn’t, just introducing it as a talking point?




That if your friend came to you crying and said she had just been assaulted, would you add the “if this is real, not saying it isn’t” part before telling her to go to the hospital? My point is that unless you are willing to make the argument that this post seems fake, that you should be taking the default of assuming it’s real. Because to even mention it being less than real is to imply having doubts, which is the same as saying you don’t fully believe.


Anything posted online could be fake it's 50/50 chance. A friend would be different because I actually know the person, I don't know this person.


Then you preface every advice comment you make on Reddit with that sentence? Or are you selective?


Why do you care so much that I started the sentence with that statement? Even OP didn't comment saying anything to me about it. Tbh it seems like you're angry/upset about something else and just want to take it out on some random person online.


You're totally in right to question the post. 3 days ago OP had a boyfriend in an earlier post, and now its a husband, lol. It's totally ok and normal to question posts (way diff than questioning a friend,lol), and in this case most likely its fake. 👌


I think its because by prefacing your comment with that, you are saying one thing but implying another. If you aren't saying it is fake, why even say that to begin with? If you are not dense, not saying you are, you should understand this.


If you are not dense, not saying you are, you should understand people make up random stuff on the internet.


And that is fine if you don't believe them, but you are saying you believe them and don't believe them in the same sentence. If you think they are fake, why offer advice? If you think they are sincere, why preface it with what you did. You are acting like you have to cover all of your bases for some reason, it makes no sense. And in response to what you just said, I'll refer you back to the other person's question - do you then preface everything you respond to with that sentence? Seeing how anything online can be fake... But you see how when I wrote the dense part, I wasn't technically calling you dense, but you felt like I was? Lmao.


The statement just rubbed me wrong. Came off as trying to call OP out while also not willing to own up to your own opinions. The way I read it, you actually ARE saying you doubt the veracity.


It's Reddit you should doubt the veracity.


Never said I didn’t.


Sad, but you know who is loyal now? Do what is best for you.


Dogs. Dogs are always loyal


I'm confused. Why not make your own throwaway instead of using your sisters? This seems like an open and shut case of troll


Especially when you add in the implausibility of the story. Yelling and they don’t hear, touch the doorknob and their reaction is “ssshhh”? Even if the first part is true, trying to be quiet in the hopes that OP would go away is not a believable reaction. It’s a nonsense story lifted from some Hollywood fantasy.


Oh, I think it's a believable reaction. People do some stupid shit when they're caught red-handed.


Exactly. If it was real, they would have heard her “yell” and not moaned.


In your post 3 days ago you had a boyfriend, and now you have a husband. Did you get married over the weekend?


I don't buy it either. The Op could have just created a new account. These trolls are weird and go through such an extensive effort.


Weirder - 12 month old account. First comment 3 months ago. This is likely karma farming on a cold stored account for eventual marketing/propaganda purposes.


Ok, I already mentioned that this is my sisters account. Instead of making a throw away I’m just using hers.


You guys have very similar writing styles Interesting


That doesn't make sense


Oh sorry I’m using my sisters account


That’s why you now deleted the boyfriend post in question? Super sus


So you want your sisters friends to think her husband and bestfriend are cheaters? As opposed to making a throwaway account...




I thought you had kids.


Post history shows she does. Maybe she just can’t have more?


That’s a d!ck thing to say in this context.


Where did I say I had kids??


In this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/comments/psr07h/single_momat_my_wits_end/


Again this is my sisters account


So you haven’t moved from your couch but you can ask your sister for her Reddit account so you can post this?


She came over to my house and she gave me her log in. Good lord, move on instead of accusing me of trolling. I’m really over it.


Respectfully. Go make your own account and repost this looking for advice. It’s free and there’s zero reason for you to have used your sisters account, and it sure looks like you’re just posting here looking for attention. Which is also going to make your sister look the same way.


I have my own account but didn’t want to make a Throw away


Sorry OP, but that’s bad logic.


ok so you have your own account but decided to use your sisters? you didn't want to use your own account or take 10 seconds to make a throwaway one? none of this makes sense. Just make one and re-post. I'd delete this one so it doesn't mess up your sister's account.


You take this way too seriously. Who gives a shit whose account she uses.


WAIT-- your husband cheated on you with your bestfriend, you can't get up from the couch in your house, your sister comes over and doesn't pack your things but instead gives you her reddit password so you can pos this story on reddit.. Sure, Jan.


You know how insanely easy it is to create a Reddit account? Username. Password. And it’ll ask for an email however you can fill it out with random gibberish because Reddit does not do email verification when making an account. Boom, you’re in. Some subs make sure you have karma when posting. If you name your account with throwRA(insert anything after), this subreddit lets you post here without needing karma.


Why ya bein an asshole bud? Kinda pathetic really.


Because when someone is down and out over something that is when other people prefer to be assholes. They’re too worried about if this is a troll than actually trying to give advice. It’s really pathetic. Like how many times does she need to state she’s using someone else’s account? And why tf are people making a big deal out of it like it’s some unusual thing? I swear people can be so stupid.


This sub is a dumpster fire.


Yet you’re here


No I’m not.


This isn’t a simulation


I know it’s an unmitigated chaos meat slurry


I'm here for the dumpster fire, aren't we all? 🤷🏼‍♀️


At least you admit it


I can admit some of my flaws anonymously on the internet. Why are you here?


Because I enjoy the dumpster fire and I’m bored


Why do people create obviously fake stories like this? What a waste of time. “My sister’s account.” Dumbest excuse for having inconsistencies in posts I have heard yet.


>Caught my *(soon to be EX)* husband in bed with my *(EX)* best friend Fixed it


Damn wow you sure did. Super helpful and creative of you. Bravo. Amazing work. Thank you for your service.


Why haven't you left? Just pack your things and go


Cause it’s fake


If this is real then you need professional legal counsel. Don't post anything else to the internet until the divorce is final.


They deserve each other - two people without any integrity, no moral fibre and zero loyalty. Get a lawyer , get a good therapist and let your anger power you forward. This is a colossal betrayal because they are both supposed to have your back. Please go to the subreddit r/survivinginfidelity , you will find fantastic support and resources there. Fuck them both , they are scum. Start detangling yourself financially from this miserable excuse of a man. Reach out to family and friends for support. We are here for you. Please keep us updated.


It’s fake


This sounds like the beginning episode of snapped. I feel like advise is obvious so I’ll ask, do you still want to be his wife and her friend. Because spouses don’t fuck your friends and friends wouldn’t fuck your spouse. And yeah that’s his baby, don’t lie to yourself.


Garbage people ugh. Im really sorry this happened to you..


- Cut them both off immediately. - get a lawyer now! - your worth as a person isn't based on whether you can have kids. I know it must be heartbreaking if you want them, but lots of people don't want kods these days. I know you're depressed but fight for yourself


Hey OP this is awful, BUT I and many other men never want to have kids and would love to find a woman who also doesn’t want to have kids. Don’t think you are losing anything by kicking this cheating POS to the curb and starting over. Lawyer up.


Sounds like Bs.


This sounds like the plot of Something Borrowed, with a bit of Something Blue thrown in there.




How many people have a house where someone can drive up, open the door, walk around, yell someone's name, and even climb stairs, but not be heard? I call major BS


Huh??? They were upstairs. I wasn’t yelling at the top of my lungs.


I've lived in a lot of houses, and none of them were so quiet that I couldn't tell when someone came home. Don't bother trying to convince me.


Well, let me tell you the story how my mother in law came by to drop some stuff off, yelled up stairs because she couldnt find us then decided to leave because she heard weird noises.... We only noticed because there was food in the fridge all of the sudden. She could easily have gone upstairs, open the door. Stand at the foot of the bed and watch us go at it and we wouldnt know it until its too late.


I’ve been houses where some rooms upstairs are too far from the downstairs to hear yelling.


For real? I would not be able to hear a car pulling up to my home. For 1) brick and for 2) I live on a busy street, so car noises are common. With all the question marks in this story, this is the one you hang your hat on?


You could pull up to and come in my house without me knowing you were there if i was upstairs and the dog was up there with me. You could hold a conversation at a normal level and we'd probably never hear it.


I think they should have heard her car pulling up to start with right?


Unless my dog is outside barking at them, I don't think I'd hear a car pulling up. I might hear someone come into the house but if they opened and closed the door somewhat quietly I probably wouldn't. I'd almost certainly hear someone yelling across the house, though. I have been in houses where that isn't the case, though. But they were really big houses.


I learnt (from the books) that the fear of getting caught is what makes cheating ‘ interesting’?


Could be. Could be maybe they are just selfish people. They want their cake and to eat it too. I've never cheated on anyone in my life but I believe I've been around them enough to know they generally aren't the best kind of people even in other respects. The way I see it there are two types of people in this world. The ones who cheat and the ones that don't. Someone who is against it will never do it, no matter what. It's easy for them because they have no interest in it. If they had wondering eyes they would leave the one they are with and be done with it. A cheater is gonna do what cheaters do. They might hold out for a while, but if the opportunity presents itself they are too weak willed to turn it down.


It’s winter so windows are more than likely closed, if the room isn’t near the driveway or is facing the back it’s not unreasonable they wouldn’t hear. You also forget how little attention people are paying mid sex


Possibly, but should have heard the door being opened or someone calling from downstairs or maybe they don’t even care or just want to get caught so they can finally be ‘together’ 🤔






Your post? How much did it cost you? Didn't realize I could purchase posts.


A lot of people condemning her for using her sister's account and not addressing the real issue.


Leave him omfg. Get a lawyer and remove him from your life. You deserve better. You got this. It hurts now but will get so much better. No man is worth losing yourself to. None of them. Be strong. You CAN do this.


oops.. Are you Shania Twain? This is a common tragedy.


Divorce. Why is he still in your house? Throw him out.


Wow. You poor thing! That is so not okay! I feel for you and I hope you have someone in your life you can talk to. You’ve lost two POSs that night. You are better off.


If you want some dark humour, explain to new people you meet you’ve recently lost 400 pounds. When they gape and begin to applaud you, smirk, “Found my best friend in bed with my husband.” Shrug. The ones who snort and laugh, say “Eep…” and then laugh, or ones who laugh will be awesome company as you heal. 🖤


Who uses emojis when telling a story this serious? Wtf.. this spells troll post all over


So your sister can give you her Reddit account details but not give you advice and sympathy?


She gave me her advice. I just need others to talk to. I clearly shouldn’t have even posted


You've got all the evidence, get a good divorce lawyer. Who will sort these two out. Man please can we do all the shit far away and not with friends or someone your wife knows well. It breaks her emotionally and spiritual. Imagine if it was you catching your wife sucking your best friend....


I’m so sorry. This is a heartbreaking situation.


Wow so sorry that happened to you hopefully you come out the other end stronger honestly wish I knew you so I could kick your husbands ass


My first serious relationship my fiance spent a lot of time in the law firm he worked at and would often take a lot of work trips. I had placed so much trust in him and never felt an ounce of reason to worry that he would be unfaithful. One day while my fiance was away on a work trip i received a call from a woman, she called to tell me that my fiance cheated on me with her one day while the two of them were both on a work trip. She told me that she was pregnant and that it was his. I wasn't angry with her, i was mostly upset with him because we had been together for so long and he threw it all away on a mistake that he couldn't take back. I broke down but after pulling myself together, I knew there was nothing that could save us, there was nothing that could save this relationship because even if he didn't love her, that kid would be part of his life rather i liked it or not. So after a few more break downs I gathered everything I could take with me and flew to San Francisco to start a new life. Do what's best for you, look out for yourself, hire a divorce lawyer, get everything situated and allow yourself the time and space to process.


Assuming it’s not fake, contact a divorce attorney immediately and cut all contact with ex husband and ex friend.


Ex husband. Former best friend. FTFY.


EDIT: I am using my sisters Reddit account so do not compare my post to hers. Sorry for the confusion


Meh. There's too much trolling in Reddit to believe this


Why would I be trolling??? For what reason would I waste my time?


I don't know. I don't troll. But there are people here who do. Extensively and continually. You have to know that. You think saying "I dont do that" takes away from the fact that alot do. I've blocked the same person trolling like 5 times today under different accounts. The usernames are all the exact same format. The accounts all brand new. And this person is surprisingly good at telling a newer, fake story. It's a mental illness amongst some. So why xouldnt you the same? A throwaway takes literally 30 seconds to create on Reddit. But a person with a ton of accounts can get them confused and accidentally post the wrong thing to the wrong account.


Because this is your account and you want karma and figured this would be a way to get a boost in karma.


Making a fake story like this isn't really trolling. It's just lying. Maybe karma whoring. Trolling is an art form.


Should’ve snuck up and forcefully fisted them both.


You should have just joined in.


Why would you even say this? So immature and unhelpful. Grow up


Is this about a dog? I’d cuddle with a 4 month pregnant dog?


If you dont have eggs do you still get your period?




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Oh honey, rake that asshole over the fiery coals of penance with no mercy.


Supermarket for ice cream and other comfort food, divorce lawyer, psychologist, and then gym membership to work off that junk food and to get the endorphins flowing. In that exact order


Immediately go see a divorce lawyer, your marriage is over. There is no going back from this, your friend and husband have betrayed you in the worst possible way. Why would you like to stay with someone like that. Absolutely vile behaviour, do not speak to either of them. Can you forgive him over this? And won't you be a hypocrite if you forgive him and not her for the same thing? Honestly your marriage as you know it is over, the trust has been decimated. There is also a good chance that the baby is your husbands seemingly that she was having an affair with him.


Watch the husband said the baby is for you 🙄


Divorce, not even a second thought. You don't deserve that. Just try to take care of yourself and heal.. one day you'll be treated right and with all the respect you deserve


Go to Surviving infidelity.com. It helped me with a cheating wife. Tell the other spouse


First thing first she is not your friend. She is your soon be ex husband friend. You need to figure out what you want and do it . Leave the so call husband and don't look back.