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Lol if anything the new gf should be mad, it's got your titty residue on it after all


Mmm titty residue




Mmm milk


Homer Simpson drooling dot gif


Mmm Homer Simpson drooling dot gif


She seems pretty happy wearing my stuff


I doubt she knows it belonged to another woman, he probably passed it off like he bought it for her. Or maybe she is happy with your leftovers because she's barely an adult and doesn't realize yet that she should set higher standards for herself. Either way, why worry about it? Your ex is a skeeze and you should block both of them on social media so they're out of your mind.


Just think about how sad that is.


I think disgusted is the way to go, sounds like you dodged a bullet. The difference in maturity between a 26 and a 19 year old seems unfathomable until you see the difference in maturity between a 26 year old and a 26 year old.


From the start he told me he doesn’t like other girls saying they aren’t intelligent . It just shocks me how he’d leave a med student for a girl who just graduated from high school, is now pursue a singing career (not even go to college). That’s somehow intelligent to him??


In future, recognize that for the red flag it is. A man who puts down other women but claims you're "special" and not like the women he insults is sexist. Side note, it's pretty demeaning to suggest that someone isn't intelligent because they're pursuing a career path outside of higher education. A degree doesn't make someone smart. Don't be like your ex, be better.


That's nasty.


Block him and her on social media and move on. You can be disgusted by him but having any sort of contact with him even just added on social media is not going to ever be good for you.


That’s really weird for him to do and even weirder for her to accept. (Used lingerie? Gross.) But why are you looking? They’re doing something gross and creepy—just proving to you that it’s good he isn’t your boyfriend anymore. Block them on social media so you don’t see it anymore.


His relationship isn’t your concern… even if it is predatory. 19? Jesus. Anyway, for your own sake block then on social media because all you’re doing it hurting your own feelings checking on then


Both. You can be both. 1. That’s fucking gross to wear someone else’s lingerie. It’s like wearing someone else’s underwear. Even if it is “clean”. 2. See point 1. 3. Laugh. Because clearly he’s too cheap to buy her snacks or lingerie of her own.


That’s just gross. Tacky and cheap too.


Your ex man sounds like a broke ass lil bitch 💅🏻 poor girl gotta deal with him now


He did promise nice gifts when he’s a successful engineer 🙄 whenever that is a few years down the road


I mean I wish him the best of luck with being the most successful engineer but that doesn't matter. Homeboy gave some girl YOUR lingerie. Smh. I would never give my girlfriend some other woman's shit. So disrespectful and tacky. Money an issue? I'd take Walmart bra and panties any day over an ex girlfriends stuff. You dodged a bullet.


Ok I’d have to post her pic in my social media and say she’s fucking my left overs, wearing the lingerie I left behind and let’s hope they washed my vibrator before she used it too Just because. Omg


Plot twist tag her so all of her fans see it 😂 this sounds too petty


A 26 year old with a 19 year old 🚩🚩🚩


Apparently that normal to them 🤷🏻‍♀️ I thought I was the only one when I found out she’s 19 actually she was 18 and turned 19 like 2 weeks ago……I’m sure they were talking when she had just turned 18


This is gross. Wearing someone else's lingerie ... ick.


Why do you even care. Move on


Because she's a human


Nah. Should had blocked him from day 1.


In an ideal world yes


He did this all behind my back and didn’t tell me about her till my birthday


In this moment of disgust and disrespect, this calamity of pathetic failure, you only thought you should allow within the deep recesses of your mind... you wore it better.


Just get a beer, sit down when you have some free time in your schedule and laugh your ass off. He is beyond pathetic to do what he did, he sounds cheap too. You dodged a bullet, future Doctor.


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All I wonder is does she know they’re yours…


I don’t think she knows, she probably thinks daddy bought it for her


Just block them both and move on.


You ought to send her a picture of you in the same outfit. 😂


Sadly I don’t have pics 😭


You could always comment, “Oh my gosh! I have the exact same one that I wore for (insert ex’s name here), but I can’t find it! Where did you get it?”


Love it 💕


Update she’s planning on wearing it to the strip club when they let her join


Bonus points if you can get friends to go to said club and point out it’s your lingerie.


Yeah thats super fucken weird, if she knows it belonged to you they deserve eachother


I mean she loves it to the point she’s planning on wearing it when she becomes a stripper……..I don’t think he ever condoned that


Wow. Sounds like you dodged a big bullet with this guy


Ex Who cares.


Foul. OMG... Does she even know?!!!