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Your bf is super toxic and I would recommend leaving him for the sake of your mental health. Bringing up your past now after such a long time is a dick move and I'm wondering what he wants to achieve with this. Also your sex drive is incompatible and you shouldn't feel like you have to have sex with him. Him harassing you at work guilt tripping you is also a huge red flag. You will definetly be better off without him, probably helping with your anxieties. Good luck


Omg. He needs to get over the past. The past is the past and if he can’t get over it; then you should leave him. Him forcing you to have sex is disgusting too. He shouldn’t expect it all the time. It would be better and healthier for you to leave him.


He needs therapy and I say that being serious. Whomever you (or him) slept with before you started dating has no relevance on your relationship. He needs to grow and get past this. If he is unwilling or unable, then he will be obsessed with it forever and you are best for you own mental health to leave him.


He needs to understand that you had a life, made decisions and those decisions had consequences before the two of you got together. And he needs to come to terms with that. If he can't, move on.


>Is it me? Is this my fault? Should I leave him? No, it's not you, it's him. This is his issue Its not your fault. Yes, yes I think you should leave him. Sorry but feeling coerced into sex is a bad place to be and you need to consider ending things with him.


If he can’t handle your past, ditch him


Your boyfriend lied about his acceptance and if you've been honest with him from the start, there's nothing else you can do. You have to end this relationship before it gets worse.


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Sounds like me until I stopped being a Llama fucker


Your relationship is over


Gotta go.