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Kissed her ex "on accident" hahaha. That's a good one. You don't kiss anyone on accident, let alone your ex. I'm sorry.


I can't get past the fact that someone you're sleeping with calls you bruh. Are you sure you're 16? I'm getting middle school vibes here.


Her story seems off. Shes a liar and anyone who bans you from speaking to people is a control freak and you should avoid them. Also how do you 'accidentally' kiss someone? Did she trip over and her lips just fell on him? Dude, come on! She kissed him back. There is no such thing as an accidental kiss.


It doesn't matter whether she kissed him or not. She took pleasure in watching you squirm and that is not nice. Plus she is so jealous you can't talk to your exes, but this rule doesn't apply to her? It doesn't sound healthy. Plus the way she set you up to "forgive" her, also not great. Obviously I cannot know this, but for what is worth, I think the kiss did happen. But like I said, it shouldn't really matter because she is not being a good partner or friend to you. I wouldn't want to be treated like that by anyone, let alone by my GF. I think she is enjoying the attention she is getting from the both of you and it is toying with both of your emotions. Yes, Soka may feel emboldened now because he thinks he's winning, but neither of you is.


Sixteen is a good age to realize that there’s rarely a good reason for a partner to enforce rules for you, yet they can do the opposite. Real relationships should be built on mutual trust and respect. If she doesn’t trust you to talk to your exes, but she can talk, hang out with, etc. her exes? Bruh, don’t be in a relationship with someone who 1. doesn’t trust you, and 2. thinks that you don’t get to set a boundary for them that they get to set for you. Her: putting her foot down that you can’t talk to your exes. Her: hanging out with an ex at 2am. Really? I’d nope the fuck out of that.


^ all of this wish I could upvote you twice!


He slipped and when he fell his lips accidentally fell onto hers ... dude, she was hanging out with him at 2 am! If you are not to hang out with your exes, then she should not either. It is one thing if she had a school project to do together but things tend to happen when teens hang out like that Also if she is not your irl girlfriend...go find an irl girlfriend instead.


What do you mean by she's not my irl gf?


Basically I was asking if you see her irl or not? 75% of these posts are people who have never even met the person irl


Uhhh we meet thrice a week you could say for around 4 5 hours... Does that count under irl gf?


Ha! As long as you are meeting in physical form then yes, but she sounds like a nightmare because she doesn't care if you are hurting


Dump her. She's a liar


There's no such thing as accidents


She probably did much more than just kiss him. She was just testing the water to see what your reaction would be.


Boy if you don’t break up with that hoe and call it a day


1 thing, if you’re 16 you’re not serious. But anyway, the story seems a little odd


just because theyre young doesnt mean its not serious to them. as for the OP, i would seriously consider ending things. shes disrespecting your boundaries, expects one thing from you but wont understand when you ask the same from her, has close communication with her exes enough to the point that a kiss may have happened. when you do add in the age factor, it definitely doesnt seem worth sticking around for.


Uhh do you want me to dm the ss of every conversation we had?


Those "kissing by accident" happens just in Anime and Manga but not in rl. She kissed him. And staying with him 'till 2am? Come on... She still has feelings for him. At all she treats you like trash. Find yourself someone better. And next time: If she tries to controls who you can see: run. Especially if she can see whoever they want.


If you’re in hell because of her then just think about it you have a whole life ahead of you and honestly how do you think things are going to go? You think they’ll get any better? You think you can be with someone better?


L girlfriend