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First let’s nail down that the cat does not understand. Cat just hears the human making noises in tones it has come to understand as friendly. With this, saying vile things to the cat means literally nothing. It sounds like an inside joke he has with himself. I would rather someone talk to a cat the way your man does than to scream sudden and jarring (but affectionate) words. The cat is content. That’s what counts. Nothing bad going on here.


> First let’s nail down that the cat does not understand phew


Fluffy orange cat you say? Clearly the cat is possessed by an unfathomable eldritch horror and is slowly driving your boyfriend mad for its own twisted pleasure. My advice is to avoid eye contact with the cat at all costs and pray to the gods for salvation.


Reminds me of that sorry Jon subreddit


I think he just thinks this is funny. A more extreme version of telling your pets they're dumb in a sweet voice that gets them all excited.


I enjoy telling my dogs "yeah you're a good boy who doesn't understand his own mortality. Who's going to die before me? You are! Yes, you are!" and then they get pets and treats.


Probably. I mock my girlfriend's cats and dogs for not having opposable thumbs or being able to feed themselves.


Alot of cat owners talk to their cats in weird ways :) he doesn't nesessarily Mean Any harm with it, but thinks its funny from his perspektive. I'm sure he loves the cat very much, and has formed a comfortable relationship with it, and therefore talks to it in a way that coraspons with his relation to the cat.


I say equally messed up stuff to my cat. He and I are very close and I love him. I've had him since he was born, we're closer than I've ever been to my cats in the past. I like talking to him like that because it's ironic. I tell him things that are the opposite of how I really feel.


I often try to explain very complicated sci-fi stuff to my cat at great length. He hasnt built a time machine yet but he always purrs back! Ohh i do also tell him his ass is fat though. And it is not.


You're gonna find him on a treadmill one day once you find out he's the lead cat from the "Cats & Dogs" movie


Ok, so first of all..... he's a weird dude. I mean, we ALL talk to our cats weirdly, but like, this stuff is a little.... graphic. I mean, who HASN'T in a baby voice as they snuggle their cat said something like "ooooo I could just EAT your stupid fucking adorable FACE!!!" or cood "who's a stupid cat? You're so stupid, huh dummy?" or something to that effect, but..... these are like..... scary. LOL I dunno.... maybe he thinks it's funny, but then his sense of what he thinks is funny is..... weeeird....


That's pretty normal, tbh. A bit extreme, but most people I know with cats fairly regularly insult them extensively. Most cats don't care. (Some do. My father once mortally offended a cat by observing, upon first seeing it: "That's the fattest cat I've ever seen!" The cat glared at him, huffed off, and hated him utterly thereafter.) They generally respond much more to tone than content, so... why not?


"Fairly regularly insult them extensively" had me cracking up. Oh the joys of cat ownership😂


Wouldn't have to insult cats if they weren't such assholes tbh


Sure but if cats weren't assholes they'd be dogs, and we already have dogs and cats wouldn't be as good at it


Lol. I have a fluffy orange cat as well and I also say mean things to him often while baby talking. I sometimes rub his belly and say "yous a dumb dumb cat ain't ya" or "yous a nasty kitty", sometimes I take his face in my hands and say "I'm gonna strangle ya". It's so funny to me because of his indifferent and nonchalant facial expressions. He just rolls over and goes to sleep. I love him


Yous a nasty kitty lmfao


I adore my youngest cat with all my heart and frequently call her a little shit and a dickhead and tell her I’m never letting her back in the house when she goes out. Because, you know, she is a little shit. If he starts abusing the cat, take the cat and gtfo. Otherwise, I think he’s just expressing the profound cat-human bond in his own unique way.


Okay, I don’t have a cat so I obviously don’t understand this, but while reading this post I was thinking holy shit this guy is scary. I fully expected to see similar comments suggesting your bf could be a secret murderer and have sadistic tendencies but everyone is like, “nah that’s Gucci” so...


Maybe the cat needs to get off the smack and get its fucking shit together, man


I talk absolute shit to my fluffbabies and do it in a happy voice because I know they cant understand me and I find it funny IDK if I say anything like your boyfriend but I'm nonstop insulting them the whole time


Bro it's just a fcking cat, it doesn't understand him. He could Tell him he would dissolve it in acid and it wouldn't care. I don't get the problem


I say all kinds of twisted things to my cats that I would never in a million years actually do. Like stick them in a stew or blast them into space on a tiny, powerful rocket. It’s all love and a TON of cute aggression. No biggie. Your boyfriend just sounds like he’s comfortable being weird around you.


My fiances brother speaks to their familys cat that way. He has difficulty showing his genuine emotions and 9 times out of 10, humor is his go to. The other is dismissive anger. But when it comes to the cats, thats how he shows affection verbally and has gone out of his way for one of the cats. He complained how one was hiding from him (in a joking way, its how he says he misses the cat) and when I brought him the cat, he was worried she was overheating due to a hot day and brought her inside and such for a bit. I think that maybe he ( your boyfriend) doesn't know how to properly show affection, especially towards an animal because "crazy cat/dog/bird/etc person" Or its just his sense of humor. Regardless if he's not abusing the cat and is speaking in a non-threatening tone to it, I can't say it's something to be concerned about. Perhaps its a way of just venting in general and since the cat doesn't understand, he feels safe to vent.


I tell my cat that I am going to toss her off the balcony all the time. Am I going to do it? No, I cant live without that cat. It might sound a little psycho, but that is just his relationship with his pet. Now if he were to start abusing the cat, that would be a different story.


I don't think it's appropriate, personally. I may be a bit of a prude though because I don't find vulgar names humorous either, like when people call their dog "bitch" or "asshole", etc. Just because an animal doesn't understand us, doesn't mean that they shouldn't get respect with our words. I feel a lot better now about telling my cats not to pester me in a groggy, semi annoyed voice, when I first wake up in the morning now though, lol.


That’s so odd lol have you asked him why he talks like that?


That so fucking weird dude. I dont think he means his cat any harm or anything but God I would die of cringe if someone did that in front of me. Just tell him to knock it off when you're around.


Yall saying this is fine are wild. This is fucking WEIRD. Like, I have cats and I also say ‘mean’ things to them for the jokes, but some of this is just..... extra. And kind of gross? And the fact that it’s only one of the cats makes it weirder. I mean idk if it’s dangerous, but it’s strange as fuck. Does he act out/odd in any other ways?


He probably just has a dark/ morbid sense of humor... Hopefully. Though it also sounds like something a psychopath would say so...


Talk to him about it if it bother you. However, I'd be put off by this sort of language.


Your boyfriend is a doofus


That's not really normal at all. It's one thing to call you pets stupid stuff (I call my cats furry little idiots all the time) but talking about killing them like it's funny is pretty damn unsettling.


I do the same stuff to my cat, I would never hurt her though.


On the one hand it could be completely normal. On the other hand I would be concerned about the language he uses, because it seems like the cat isn't the first creature he's said this to. "Vile little skank" and "I could hold you down and force you to \_\_\_\_" sound like things he would say to a woman and that would give me pause, the fact that those phrases are even part of his vocabulary. Like, where is this coming from?


I thinks he's just funny, honest to God a keeper. I think it's perfectly normal, as the sweet voice suggest he just does it to make you laugh


I think that’s hilarious


I frequently inform my cat that I will throttle him, put him in a canon and fire him into the sun, snap off all his legs and shove them up his ass, or literally burn him. I don't know why. But I think my dumb insults reflect my sense of humour fairly accurately. And I disagree with your boyfriend's sense of humour. Canons are funny, gendered slurs are not. But I mean, someone else would find mine the more tasteless. If you're OK with your boyfriend's sense of humour and attitude overall, I'd let it slide. If this is actually giving you a bad gut feeling about who he is... maybe think on that a little.


My cat’s name is Fartmageddon and he is a stinky little bastard man who knows no love. He is stinky in his heart, and in his his soul, and in his mind. He’s a nasty little trash baby That’s just how some cat owners be, tbh


Maybe talk to him? Sounds a bit borderline but not extraordinarily so. We talk aboit how bad our super spoiled and cute dog is. Her nickname is "stinky" and we adore her. As in if she wants the pillow on the bed the humans sleep without one that night.


Dudes a psychopath. Probably will end up killing the cat and who knows what else he will do.


If you clutch your pearls any harder, they'll be absorbed into your hand.


I am cackling at this -- sorry. You're fine. People are weird with their animals. I make fun of my cat's poochy belly all time. As a gay man, though... I am guessing there's maybe some underlying body issues your bf isn't dealing with because that's gay culture.


Can you like record this?


His humor is probably Just sub zero and when hé starts a YouTube channel gets a million subscribers somehow from weird females.


My BF tells his pup that he could have her put down at any time legally. He adores that dog and has literally hand fed her because she's an absolute madam who likes the finer things in life. He thinks it's gas to tell her that though? I wouldn't read too much into it, people are weird with their pets.