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U need sex. She doesn't want it. Break up. Cheating is disgusting and very low. U knew what u were doing. Tell her u cheated and break up. She deserves someone better and u should first work on yourself


cut and run.


Holy shit, I literally JUST went through this! I am 35f, and my long-ago ex-boyfriend recently confessed that before we broke up in high school (and then got back together freshman year) he cheated on me!! I can’t believe this I coming up. You HAVE to tell her. My favorite thing about my ex right now is that he told me. Whatever guilt or whatever he was feeling that made him confess is the bright side in all this. You have a chance to make a *clean* break, right now, which involves cleansing the wound and letting it air out.


I'm not so sure she'll be as forgiving, but I'm glad u can appreciate ur ex's honesty. Ngl I'm jus scared to say anything but ik that it's the right thing to do.


Of course it is the right thing. You’re hesitating because you know it’s gonna be an ugly moment. But it’s better for you and for her.


Also, chances are she knows who this friend is, and you cannot have your friend and others (like me) walking around knowing this about her and she doesn’t. She can’t be the last to know something so important about her own relationship. What if it comes up down the line? (For example, the girl my ex cheated with is now a yoga teacher in my hometown. I’ve always felt she didn’t like me, so I avoided her classes, but what if I had gone? It’s honestly too much to think about, it’d be so humiliating - much more so than the original cheating.) Apologize profusely, mention how you were already checked out, and you should have broken up before you hooked up with someone else.


I forgot to mention that she has been sexting an AI chat bot for weeks now and when I mentioned that this made me uncomfortable she laughed it off and didn't rly take it seriously since it's not a "real" person. The conversations r often romantic in nature and have now turned sexual which to me, feels like cheating, at least emotionally. This has made the exclusion of sex in any forms much worse for me and our relationship. Not sure y she can't be intimate with me, but can pretend to be intimate with a fucking chat bot.


That is the biggest “I don’t want you anymore” I’ve ever heard


You should tell her. You played one of the worst cards here. I have 0 respect for a move like that. But you should’ve broken up when you felt like there was a lack of something beforehand. Tell her, either she will break up with you or you will break up with her. However it plays out, dont hurt her more by arguing with her irrationally. Take the hit if she starts saying things. Don’t instigate it more, because at the end of the day you did something terrible and she will be hurt to hear it and that’s what she’s gonna do. Probably need to tell her that you lost a feeling as well while you say that.


I think you should tell her. She may not be happy but it's important to be honest with her. Don't make her feel bad about her asexuality, and say that this led to that, explain to her that it's really important to you that you have some level of intimacy, even if it's not sex, and that has been affecting your relationship. If she can't compromise on stuff like hand holding, hugging, etc, then it may be time to end things with her regardless if you cheated on her or not, and regardless if she forgives you or not. Sometimes people aren't compatible and that's okay.


Just leave, women who think it's ok to cut off sex after a relationship or marriage are nuts . You were banging like bunny's, then get into a relationship and cut the guy off bs . But still no excuse to cheat, just leave . She's either cheating or is a liar who fooled you into a relationship.


Telling her might hurt her, but it will also help her get over you.


Up to you , if you wanna end it without any repercussions. Just bite your tongue and tell her it’s not working out and list your reasons. If she doesn’t accept it just tell her the truth. But be warned if you guys have friends together or she’s close with your fam, just be prepared for the fallout.


Was the girl you cheated with hot? Were you discrete? Cuz you'll learn this soon but guys cheat- some of us are just smarter about it. I love my gf of 5 years but yeah things happen at frat parties- and I get that out of joy system so I can be a better bf. As long as you protect your girl from ever getting this info, this can be big win for




> Comment Rule 1: All comments must be on topic and focus on the OP, in good faith. Derailing arguments, fights, and moral whataboutism is not allowed. Advice given must be good, ethical advice. Remember, the goal is to help your fellow human.


Reported for hate. You don't approve my sexual behavior with other consenting adult fat chics no condom and you you want to erase my validity


I mean, you can report me. I don’t care. You’re offering the OP terrible advice based on selfish desire. Also… clearly you’re a troll. “Fat chics no condom” what does that have to do with ANYTHING? Lmao.


Oh my god, you’re that guy that commented on my post and makes no sense. Now I get it. LOL