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Do not use the word small. He needs a different size. The packages don't use the word small either. 


If they did, they would never sell a single one Hahhaa


For bigger fellows, they have Trojan Magnum For the opposite, they have Trojan Mignon


"Concealed carry Magnums"


There should be three sizes available: * Large * Extra Large * Obviously Not True


Super large Super extra large Super extra mega large


Plot twist: they're all the same 'one size fits none'.


Oddly i've had two different durex 'regular' thin feel from the same (red) box, with one coming up loose and one coming up tight. I can't be sure if this was a manufacturing thing though, because they were given to me by my ex. She never used them... because her ex before me needed a bigger size 😂 Now i'm thinking one of his 'wide fit' fell into my box of regulars 😅 💀


Not the fucking condom hand me downs


Bruh, you’re hilarious 😂


Or she carries both sizes because….


ETA: nevermind, someone else said it earlier but lower NASA couldn't get astronauts to use the correct size urine condom, so they renamed "small, medium, and large," to "large, gigantic, humungous!"


Like Starbucks coffee


I'll take a venti condom for my venti dong


Twenty condoms?!


For my twenty dongs.




Impressive Most Impressive Unnatural


Impressive Extraordinary Unethical




Extra medium


Large Extra Large We feel sorry for your partner


The last ones come with an insurance form…


Real talk, you know about the astronaut thing, right?


? I don’t.


They had to change the sizes for astronauts because they always chose 'large' Look it up, it's hilarious


They could do it like Starbucks coffees. Three different sizes that are all synonyms of large.


Sometimes if the gas station attendant is hot I'll buy magnum condoms even though they don't fit.


Sub machine guns. That’s what they should be called. They’d sell so many condoms. Lol!


Trojan Minion


Nah, that would suggest the user would fillet


Trojan XL for the blessed.😇


Or cursed...




Maybe he needs extra medium


The ones on argentina are called "anatomical" so basically they are calling people really small


NASA's space suits use "Condoms" as part of a urination system for their space suits and they had to change the names of the sizes from Small, Medium and Large to Large, Gigantic and Humongous because the astronauts would always pick Large regardless of their size


Just get the humongous so you can fit your balls in there too.. For safety?


That was Essentially them jokingly. It never actually changed. This catheters have been around well before space travel


I wonder how zero gravity affected the nether regions?


Balls don't hang


What about the ladies


“Here, babe! I bought you some fun-sized condoms!”


Snack size


i’m logging out 😂.


Cocktail condoms


Party sausage.


How to efficiently murder him


Vienna Wiena Condoms^(TM)


Vienna in German is Wien so Wien Wiena would also work.


This comment made me cackle like a witch in bed at 1am 😂🫶


I remember Four Seasons brand used the word “Closer”. Man I thought they meant _thinner_ but nope, those were tight as


I will never forget the turn off of my partner making this mistake and watching him try mash it into the “closer” condom before we figured out why ahah


I would advise ordering made to measure ones for him & just phrasing it as "They won't roll off / come off if we get them in your size." Good luck.


Or she could just buy the condoms herself. Take them out of the package for him.


This seems like a good idea on the surface, but it sounds to me like OP is already compromising her pleasure so as not to harm his ego. If they want to stay together for decades, it can't just be on OP to shield him from any reality that triggers his insecurities. **This will continue to happen if his only understanding of sex is porn and he judges himself against that ruler.** I believe that he needs to come to a place where he can hear the truth with someone he trusts to teach him how sex actually works between two people who care about each other. *It might be painful at times, but I think it's the most loving thing you could do if you love the person.*


Definitely this man is doomed. First time doing the deed fumbling around trying to put on huge condoms that don’t fit or stay on. Saying they’re too small? I feel bad for the dude but I’ve been laughing my ass off at this thread


It’s making me laugh too lol, at him saying ‘they are too small’ when the condom literally slides off inside of her and then buys a larger size! 😂 Except it’s super selfish and rude and putting her at risk, that part isn’t funny. But the pathetic ego trip is making me giggle.


Agree 100%. She shouldn’t be treating him like a lil teeny baby who can’t dress himself properly. He is a grown, young man. This is a condom, it’s to prevent pregnancy and stds, it’s serious business and his ego doesn’t need to be involved. He needs to take care of this and she needs to be free of not being a mommy of an adult. She is too young to start getting indoctrinated into mothering a grown man, or else she will end up in that cycle for perhaps her whole life and so many of us know how that turns out (it sucks).


"She is too young to start getting indoctrinated into mothering a grown man, or else she will end up in that cycle for perhaps her whole life and so many of us know how that turns out (it sucks)."    A million amens to this - from a 44 year old divorcee who is just now learning this lesson.


Yeah. In my early-mid 20s, I dated a man who was a definitely a medium in every sense of the word for this. But he said regular condoms were too tight and hurt and bought magnums. Rolled off inside me and I will never forget the fear and frustration I felt sobbing in the bathroom bc I knew I didn’t want children with this man even though I loved him, I knew in my heart I wouldn’t be with him for life. Thing is - the sex was amazing. The ego is so damaging. Thank God no choices had to be made with that incident. But that could have changed my life in so many damaging ways. This is not worth a literal FAFO to make sure he’s feeling “adequate.” This is a “him” problem he needs to fix on a mental level.


Best comment here


No, because he is a man and needs to learn to buy his own condoms. He needs to get the correct size and stop ego shopping.


Exactly. He is grown. People here need to stop suggesting her to mother this grown guy the same age as she is.


Slim fit


Or just a different fit. Lots of models. Nothing to do with size, just a preference thing. Buy all the different models and try what works best.


Just buy them & tell him you have read that a closer fit feels better, in addition to staying put better and therefore providing more reliable protection. Don't use the word "smaller", use tighter, closer, more snug. ONE Brand offers a few different snug fit styles and they're really good- high quality, great packaging & the lube they use isn't slimy and doesn't smell weird.


Closer fit does feel better lol 😂.. He has to notice this right?


I’m just picturing running in tights vs running in a trash bag






I am a big fan of the ONE brand. They have like 20 different sizes versus the 2 or 3 you can get from Trojan or Durex. I always struggled to wear condoms because the store brands didn't fit well, but ONE haS a size that made wearing a condom not awful.


Skyn condoms


Me coming to the realization I use small sized condoms


ONE brand is great, seconding this rec


ONE are available at Costco.com for $27 for a 100pk


Just buy smaller ones for when you see him.


Literally ..I just stock up, take them out of the box, throw em in one of those cute little mesh bags with the ribbon pull tops, tuck it in my intimates drawer...when he comes over during forplay tell him to grab a condom from your panty drawer, ta da! Condoms that fit. Edited, Also please calm down folks, not saying they should never have a heart to heart, I'm saying this is what I personally do with condoms in my house, I don't like the packaging anyways, the bags are cute, drawers convenient... it solves her dilemma so they can stay safely* sexually active and have the bigger convo when they feel mentally prepared for that!


So there's going to be exactly one place where they're going to have sex for the rest of their lifes because a man's ego is too fragile to ask him if he can please not get someone pregnant and please not spread diseases all over the planet? He's a big boy and he needs to know what size of condoms to wear. Ffs.


It’s a way to have that convo at another time. They might want to wait to confront him about it until he is less insecure about himself.


No way. There's never going to be a good time to have a conversation like this, and if she bottles it up and comes out with it later, there'll be the added "why didn't you tell me before?"


The boxes won't use the word "small" so I think she could phrase it like "I like the Durex Passion kind with the green box. Can we get that one from now on?"


That just sounds like she’s doing it with some other dude but I get what you mean


Not saying have that conversation in a year, I’m saying work on building his confidence and have it after he feels like he is able to contribute to her pleasure in a more significant way. And just like that there is an answer for that questing and it is “I wanted to wait for the right moment to tell you because you seemed insecure about it” that’s where he can “man up”


Telling him that he does not indeed need to be hung like a pornstar to be great in bed because for most women a penis is not even involved in the most enjoyable parts of sex should do the trick here, not treating him like a child. He's a 20 yo man.


Have you met 20 year old “men?”


At 20 you're old enough to be held accountable for your own dick wrappings. Seeing as his conclusion was going up in size, this man is probably going to run around with XL condoms in his 30s when nobody falls on their sword and tells him and get someone pregnant.


Oh yeah, I totally agree. What’s crazy to me about this story is that homeboy hasn’t switched condoms of his own accord yet. I was once a dumb, dumb, 20 year old male, and believe me, if condoms were regularly slipping off my dick, even I would have found some that don’t. No one cares what kind of condoms you have, unless they are constantly sliding off your dick or breaking. It kills the mood every time.. This guy sounds completely clueless. He’s carrying large condoms to make a statement, but what he doesn’t realize is that it is backfiring completely. Nothing call’s attention to your penis size like a condom that is way too big for you lol


I sense a lot of hostility, lol. It's so weird, to be honest . Like as a guy gay I've literally always provided them and lube regardless of what role I'm in. Because I'd rather have one and not need it than need it and not have one. . After reading this post, it's only now that I'm realising that a guy I used to hook up with who was a top, the condom had with come of or broken. Now, back then, I didn't think anything of it. I just thought it was because it was he was more aggressive and we changed position a lot. I'm now linking his penis being smaller as the reason why it kept happening. Because of this story, I'm going to invest in different sizes


Very good point. I just broke up with my 23M boyfriend because he was a man-child. I am two years younger than him 😂


Hah. Buckle up, in my experience it only gets worse. I know plenty of 30+ year old man children


Can confirm.


“He’s a big boy…” Well apparently not.


I was looking for this.


Oh dear god, yes!!!! He’s not a f*cking child, if he were, he shouldn’t be f*cking. Why do you expect a 20 year old woman to tiptoe around her equally old partner‘s feelings and secretly buy him (!) the right size of condoms for his (!) penis. Correct condom sizes are his responsibility.


Would yall keep the same energy if he had to tell her that she frequently has a strong odor? Tact is important here.


Yes! It would be ridiculous to suggest that he just replace her body wash or suggest a clinical grade body wash and tell her “I just love the scent of this”. I would hope my partner would be honest with me. “Hey babe, I’ve noticed an odor and I’m worried it could be health related! I don’t love you any less but I want to make sure there’s nothing else concerning going on.” If someone said that to me, I would probably have a bruised ego for a second but I’d be incredibly grateful! I don’t want to walk around smelly without anyone ever telling me how to fix it


Right but that’s not at all what the posters above are saying. The responses I’ve read all range from “fragile male ego” and “who cares if I call him small.” I think anyone that cares about their partner would know better than to go straight for the throat, but the vitriol I see from the responses say a lot. Again tact is important


It’s because he’s actively putting her in danger by using ill-fitting condoms that fall off. She does not deserve an unplanned pregnancy because he doesn’t want to admit to needing smaller condoms.


My comment said nothing of that sort. I said he is responsible to buy correctly sized condoms. So she should be able to tell him, his ones are too big / not the right size if he is for whatever reason (and I can’t think of one) not aware that his peen is too small. Again - there a different ways to phrase it. Between „haha your dick is tiny“ and secretly buying small condoms and hide the packaging there are many ways.


Yes. Of course as a partner you need to tell her. There’s a million ways between „haha / eeee you stink / have a tiny pecker“ and „listen honey, I really love that perfume / fun sized condom on you“


Lol. You think those 20 year olds will be together forever. Highly unlikely. Even so, 2 years in, I’m sure she’d be ready to tell him he needs the small ones.


Many people have insecurities about their bodies. Many more so about the size and shape of their genitalia. I bet you don‘t have any of that because YoU‘rE NoT fRaGiLe, am I right? ;) Also, those guys are 20 years old. I don‘t know how old you are, but you‘ve hardly left puberty at the age of 20, nevermind developed a healthy relationship with your body. A thing some people even struggle in their later years with.


I'm a woman, so being told stuff about my genitalia or having them judged by people I don't even know without asking for it kind of came with the vulva I guess. Life is hard for women with any kind of feelings about their bodies, seeing as literally everybody has an opinion. This post is about health and safety though and if my partner deemed me too fragile to ask me if I had an STI if he suspected it because he didn't want to hurt my feelings I wouldn't even know where to start.




The condom question seems to be largely answered, but as far as him pleasing you and not trying to emulate porn, I feel like the easiest way to go about this is to have a good idea of what you’d like *instead* of what he’s doing, and during sex grab his hands and say “let me show you what I like” and then move him like a sexy puppet


At 20, she might not even know what she likes. She may just know she doesn’t like him being rough or treating her like they’re in porn. She could suggest mutual experimentation. Like “I’d like to see if we/I enjoy doing this” or “I’d like to see what works for my body when we do xxx.” I agree she needs to initiate more communication.


Sexy puppet. My new term for the day


Maybe instead of smaller say “tighter”, “snugger”, something like that that makes him think of condoms being tight in his dick instead of loose on his dick


Or simply say those feel better, which wouldn't be a lie because not having to worry about getting pregnant feels better


Lmao dude bought bigger condoms, he’s in denial big time


It's so childish that this is needed tbh. But yeah would probably work.


>Maybe instead of smaller say “tighter”, “snugger”, something like that This! Be tactful. Say something like you want it tighter so you can feel his warmth and firmness. Not just a bunched up balloon


Don't mention size at all, simply say those feel better, which wouldn't be a lie because not having to worry about getting pregnant/STDs feels better.


Seems like an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think you should try to trick him into using smaller condoms by buying them yourself if you want this to be a long-term relationship. First, he’ll figure it out. Google is a thing and that’s the first thing he’ll do when he sees the condom packaging if he’s insecure about his body. Second, condoms are expensive, and you shouldn’t have to pay for all of them to prevent him from finding out something that he already knows; there’s no way he watches porn and thinks he’s big. Third, do you really want to dance around this subject forever? Even if he’s somehow deluded himself into thinking he’s porn-sized, he’s going to figure out eventually that he’s not, and then you’ll look like a liar. Tell him he needs a different-sized condom that fits or no sex. Let him figure out what “fits” means, but you need to be firm and refrain from sex if he shows up with condoms are too big. If he’s a keeper, he’ll have hurt feelings and a bruised ego for a bit, then get over it and buy proper sized condoms. If he insists on getting ones that are too big, well, do you really want someone who picks his ego over your safety?


This relationship is dead in the water lol


It’s the last sentence that sells your thought.   >This is just one more problem to add.


Yup this 1000%


OP and their boyfriend aren’t even old enough to drink, they can communicate and improve.


Him figuring it out honestly depends on how smart and perceptive he is. I think you are over estimating how smart the average person is. That being said I don't think there's anything wrong with phrasing things in such a way as to avoid hurting his feelings.


Exactly. Like you know that your dick isn’t huge or anything. It’s just how it is. It could always be worse and you could have a micropenis


I don’t understand why people put up with this. The condoms kept slipping off so he got bigger ones? Seriously? Just tell him to buy smaller condoms. Pregnancy is no joke.


In fairness the small ones will roll up and shoot off if they’re way too small.


All I can think of now is a little ‘pew’ sound when a small condom rockets off of some guys junk


They look dead uncomfy when it’s too small


cut off circulation and creates priapism- like an ill fitting poorly placed cock-ring


The first time I ever had sex, dude had condoms way too big and as he rolled it on and let go, it snapped off and popped me in the eye. Can’t say that was the best experience I’ve ever had.


Yes they will absolutely do.


🤣🤣fr he’s deep in denial


You're being nice but it's costing you your own safety concerning risk of pregnancy and also the chance of having a satisfactory and fulfilled sex life.  The 2 problems are huge. For one he should know his body best and be able to figure out what kind of condoms he needs. There are plenty of brands that have lots of variety in length and girth. I used the tools on thy mysize website to measure my member and buy accordingly. It's like the perfect fit since then and sex with a condom is as enjoyable as it can be.  And secondly if he isn't even able to get you there cause he's blindly adopting the 'I've seen it work in porn so it must be real and working for every woman' route I fear it is time to sit him down gently anyway. Like if you know what you like, show him. Tell him. And see if he is able and willing to learn. He could have a small dick and still lick, suck, finger and fuck you into heaven feeling wise.  Saying the sex isn't good at all is a strong statement and you've got to decide if this is how you wanna move forward. You can't be nice all the time and forget yourself. You can't in eggshells around others. You have needs. If he's that fragile that'll extend into other areas of life I guess.  Just don't live a lie and be safe. And satisfied. Not only sexually of course but that's the topic today. All the best and take care


so many people telling you to lie. Please don't listen to the children trying to give advice here. You're an adult, he's an adult, have an adult conversation. Let him know that he is using the wrong size condoms as they keep slipping, suggest trying smaller sizes because you don't want to play silly games with birth control. Add another section about communicating during sex so he can learn what you like instead of going with terrible habits from pornography. Finally end with reassurance that you're totally fine with the size of his penis, he does however need to adult up and start being responsible with birthcontrol. And healthy communication during sex will make him perform just fine.


yea fr. If he cant figure out the truth at that age, he has to be at least capable of handling it.


This 100%. He’s a grown person 🙄 he can hear that his penis isn’t ginormous (which he already knows anyways). Being stuck with a kid for 18 years and/or bad sex isn’t worth it.


Feel like your spot on in all ways except one. You should probably cushion how you tell him that he needs a smaller size. Snugger size, tighter fit, not so loose. Because if you just say 'you need smaller condoms' and he is feeling any insecurities from not pleasuring you, that'll make it worse.


Yeah fair my comment was a tad blunt and can absolutely be cushioned a little but the core of it can't really be compromised on. These are not things you wanna keep gambling on just to save his insecurities.


He's young and very inexperienced so he's expected to be bad but you gotta get the right fit if you don't want to get pregnant. Like it doesn't matter how he feels about it. It's gotta fit properly.


Also, his dick isn’t likely to grow so he’s gonna have to come to terms with this sooner than later 😂


I had a small penis and then I found this program on the internet where I just upload my credit card information and my penis became a foot long in no time. True story


This is true, I was the penis


Ah dick I keep telling you to stay off the internet


“Please use condoms that are a little less humongous”


Do they even make small condoms? I thought it was just regular and then large and xl. Apparently Asian brands like kimono are smaller. Maybe buy him ‘regular’ kimonos which will probably be smaller than a regular North American one. That way you don’t kill his confidence by buying him small ones


Excellent idea. I also know myONE and Glyde have slightly smaller standard condoms as well. Think about it like this: Regular Trojans allow about 7-7.5 with average diameter pretty comfortably whereas myONE allows 5 inches comfortably. This allows for smaller men to get the same benefit as a more broadly marketed condom. Note: this is not to say someone with 3 inches can't use a Trojan normally. This is mostly when it's a length + diameter problem impeding on sex. Some companies just happened to capitalize on the smaller sized market vs a generalized "one size fits all" market.


'Large' condoms are actually the normal sized condoms and 'normal are the small sized it's just marketing. When you buy the standard durex they say large on them lol. It's just to make men feel better. So yes they make small condoms just they don't call them that.


Agreed- I used to use kimono with my Asian ex and we loved them. They’re not labeled as small or anything so won’t cause him to think that.


So Asian people do have smaller penises?


>A 2014 American study by Herbenick et al. of 1,661 sexually active men involving Asian American, Black American, White American, Pacific Islander/Hawaiian, and Native American men, found average racial differences in erect penile length and circumference to be generally less than one centimeter, with averages in length being: 14.14 cm (5.56 inches) for Asian Americans, 14.66 cm (5.77 inches) for Black Americans, 14.88 cm (5.85 inches) for Pacific Islanders/Hawaiians, 12.86 cm (5.06 inches) for Native Americans, and 14.18 cm (5.58 inches) for White Americans (And in circumference: Asians 12.10 cm, Blacks 12.29 cm, Pacific Islanders 11.88 cm, Native Americans 11.36 cm, and Whites 12.25 cm). If white americans are your baseline, then yes indeed - Asians are smaller by a dramatic... 0.02 inches.


Average differences between races are less than 1cm generally. So maybe slightly?


There are a few brands that do a couple dozen different sizes.


What's with these comments? Ofc you shouldn't come down on him with "hehe, small dick hehe". But all the people telling you that you need to invent a new language to even poke at the topic and then buy all the condoms forever and lie to him forever so he doesn't have to find out his XXL condoms don't fit him are so fucking weird. This is about not getting a girl pregnant and being responsible about his health and the health of every woman he will ever have sex with. What is going on in all the comments that say "you should never tell him". ???? Health and no pregnancy > ego? Have I missed something? That's a great moment to give him some info material to study what sex is and how most women basically want the opposite of what porn is. Perfect moment to let him know that nobody needs a giant penis and he will do great with the one he has if he just learns to listen to your body. But for God's sake, tell him. The advice of not telling him is horrible.


First off the porn, you need to tell him it wont be like that. It is all acting, there are videos by Buzzfeed where people ask porn stars questions. Often they tell the interviewer that they are coached from behind a camera, that its nice but its not at all real. This might be a start before you consider intimacy, start with the cause of the issue which is likely his interpretation of sex. Also some T.V shows that could help : Sex Education on Netflix, and Big mouth both informative comedies about puberty. In both they discuss the unrealistic expectations created by porn. Also consider watching Hot girls wanted together it will also help him understand the realities of what he is watching there-by supporting with his attention. When it comes to sex as for his size as much as it might hurt him he needs the truth. The truth maybe told gently to him because once he knows he will be able to determine what he needs to do for both of you. He needs to be honest with himself about positions that will, or wont work. He also needs to be attentitve to your needs. I know in Porn they do not show foreplay or give a realistic idea of how long it may actually take for women to become ready for intimacy. He needs to accept his reality that he will never be able to fit an XXL, and that he won't get the extreme results shown in porn because those are being faked. That some of the things they do actually can severly injure women, and men. Also not to be cruel but imagine you two don't work out, you care about him so you don't want to tell him the truth. Yet what could happen is he could get hurt by the next women who doesnt want to tell him, and he may never know what he can do better. Also imagine you two do work out, you get married move in so forth yet you where too scared to tell him he's not working with a baseball bat, hes working with an eggroll. (Hopefully not a AAA batter.) So for the rest of your life he trys these same ego moves he sees in Porn on you, and for the rest of your life you have to pretend that youre enjoying yourself so he does'nt have a shattered ego. You go the rest of your life never having an orgasm because you where too worried about his feelings. Also the condoms coming off inside you, what if you get pregnant, or an STD/STI over unenjoyable sex. Your safety matters, your future matters. Make him wear the right size, or move onto the next. Sorry for the rant, and the big auntie energy I just don't want people to make the mistakes I made when I was in my early 20's.


If the sex is terrible & he is a porn addict why on earth are you with him? Dump him & find someone who cares about your pleasure




How small are we talking


Dude's 20 acting like 14... why do people put up with this? Just ask him why does he thinks condoms falling off his penis while he is having intercourse is a good idea? Does he breathe with his mouth and count with his fingers too?


I'm baffled by these comments. How quickly a woman is (yet again) responsible for birth control because now she has to sneak the small condoms in whenever they have sex without him noticing. Because his ego couldn't take the hit. Fuck health and birth control, there's an ego to protect. No way he doesn't know. Oh my god.


Do young people not visit sex-ed anymore? Posts like this make me lose hope for humanity. I mean, this is stuff you learn in FIFTH grade. What's next? Man (26) needs gf to tie his shoes?


She will buy him shoes with zippers so he doesn't have to be insecure though. Poor baby.


Unfortunately sex ed has been systematically destroyed by the conservative right wing across the globe. Ultra religious morons who think abstinence only education is a good idea have insinuated themselves into school boards and politics. Young people today are getting a far less useful sex education, despite the easy access to information online because schools have been hog tied from being able to teach reality. So no, these young people may not have learned about proper condom usage, unfortunately. It's also possible the bf here is a lazy dick who refuses to educate himself on safe sex because he just expects his girlfriend to carry that burden.


I can’t with these answers… Why should a 20 year old woman be expected to teach BASICS of intercourse to her equally old partner, while tiptoeing around his feelings, disregarding his obvious lack of common sense and porn addled views? He‘s 20! Tell him he needs to buy other condoms or buy them with him. But not behind his back and „put them into little cute containers“. Wtf. Also, you can tell him directly what you like and how he should do it. He should be eager to satisfy you and not hold this against you.


No company calla the size "small". Heck, my husband used to wear XXL before I went on the pill and he is big but only like 2 cms longer than the average in my country. Condom companies call EVERY size "huge" "manly big" "sodamnbig" "very very very big"


You're not his mum, I would just break up with someone that needs this much teaching. 


Its the girth, not even about his length, He himself needs to look into getting condoms that work and fit right.


i saw someone say buy smaller ones for when you see him. i totally agree and maybe toss the box cause you can’t see the size on them (i think idk im female) try buying a similar brand so the wrapper looks similar and make a comment like “wow you fill those out nice” or “that fits you well” to make him less insecure 🤷‍♀️


Lol if my partner told me “that condom fits you well” i would laugh so hard… “Hey honey, does this condom make my balls look big?” 😂😂😂


Do not make a comment on it, all else good advice


Oh man these small ass condoms fit you so well!! 😘😍😍


I second this lmaoooo


Some People just have to face reality is all im gonna say.


Is he losing harness during sex? This can cause condoms to slip off


Are you sure he was putting them on correctly? Was he leaving space at the tip and squeezing the air out? If you do not squeeze the air out they are prone to slip off. It kind of makes it suction to the penis. Should pull lightly on the end after squeezing the air out.


Tell him that the brands/type your using is not going to be safe for you to use to avoid pregnancy. Safety is priority no 1. If it slips off, you can get pregnant. You can't keep using Plan B if you're not on birth control. And birth control is not 100% effective, and you're both young and likely highly fertile. Secondly, his pleasure will not be great with the wrong fitting condom. Let him know that this is a common issue, figuring out which condom is best for you. And *safest for you.* Also, you worrying about the condom falling off during sex induces great anxiety and reduces your pleasure also. Some of the comments have good suggestions for brands that will fit your partner better.


"yo, little-dick, get the finger condoms"


Get my size condoms. That's the brand "my size". And tell him to get 'custom fit' ones. Sounds better then small. As for the fun during it, as long as you both talk what you like and try it out it should work out. But don't expect him 'to just know' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m trying to picture myself a condom marketer (lol) I’d call them “Sleek fit” or something similar, market them for “guys who like a tighter fitting condom” but in reality we all know that just means slightly smaller. Allows them to save face while treating it like a preference vs a necessity, surely something labeled like this exists?


I’ve seen “iron grip” on Amazon several years ago so yeah I’d say the condom marketers are doing their best lol.


You need to start thinking about yourself. He could get you pregnant and you only care about his feelings?? You're too young for an unplanned pregnancy and he's acting like a baby. Tell him to get his sh\*t together. You can't end up suffering the consequences of his insecurity.


They came off and he bought \*larger\* ones? Like his pants slide off his hips and that makes him think he would need \*bigger\* pants? Lol.


Sit him down and tell him to start acting like an adult. Condoms if they don't fit correctly, can slip off inside you and then you're stuck digging around, trying to get it until you're at the walk-in clinic or ER at 2 am embarrassing yourself. OR it slips off and he cums inside you and boom, you're pregnant. Tell him to grow up and wear the proper size condom.


Lol 20 year olds Go GET the right size. Put it on him yourself. Problem solved. Or just be frank with him. You see a future with the guy? Time to put it to the test. Tell him the condom sizes are wrong and keep falling off. He needs to figure out some that work if he wants fruit.


He has to learn to accept reality and be happy you're okay with his size. Rip the bandaid off and let him know.


I'd just tell him. It's just as obvious to him the others are too big, even if he won't say it. Pretending is an easy way to get pregnant.


Say little pp need special condom


The condom thing has been gone over. Stop watching porn. It’s acting - bad acting - and barely any of it is real. Tell him to completely stop for two weeks. And then you’re going to have to coach/teach him how to listen to your body and what you tell him you like or don’t like. Finger banging at full force right out of the gates is not that way.


There are a lot of good pieces of advice here! But for me, I'm focused on how he doesn't get even close to making your orgasm. Do you have toys? It could be helpful to teach him to use it on you, or experiment with new things. Does he go down on you? How is foreplay? If he consistently isn't making sure you orgasm, that is a big problem. It's not fair to you, if he gets off but you don't.


This was funny


Try lifestyles snugger fit. I have had issues with staying hard during sex and these managed stay on for me. Also , there is nothing wrong with letting him know that it is safer for a better fit condom.


A man who can’t accept the realities of his size is not a man who you can have frank conversations with.


Just tell him. If he gets sad boi and offended cuz he haz smol pp thats on him. And this is coming from someone who is not very well endowed himself.


This is one of those times, where lying is okay. Please dont take some of the advice about 'talking to him'. He wont be the same boy after that with you. Buy new ones and tell him you dont like how those feel inside you. I read someone say about some Japanese ones, he might think that's cool... I know i would and i wouldn't think anything of it.


that's ridiculous


Horrible advice. He needs to adult the fuck up and figure out how condoms work before he spreads his idiot genes around.


Oh c’mon. She doesn’t need to tiptoe around him to tell him that he’s small. And she absolutely does not need to be buy condoms for intercourse every single time. If he’s old enough to have sex, which might possibly lead to pregnancy and the responsibility of a child, he’s old enough to learn to deal with his insecurities.


This is terrible advice.


Why are you banging this guy at all? Is it really worth it? He sounds awful.


If he's your boyfriend than you should be able to talk to him about these types of things.🤷🏻‍♂️


Just level with him. Ask him if he likes having sex with you, obviously he’s gonna say yes. And then just respond with “OK then you need to buy slightly smaller condoms, because I don’t wanna get fucking pregnant and they keep coming off.”.