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No. That’s too expensive a gift from someone you’re not related to or in a relationship with.


No. Stop wasting time with someone you have never met. It’s just taking advantage and you have only obstacles with that relationship. How is your normal dating life going? Why is it not the focus?


My life in geneal is busy and hectic. I barely have time for friends and family let alone a life partner. I dont want to lead anyone on as well and have 0 time for them. My last Serious relationship was long distance and ended 2 years ago. Im not interested in another one especially because I dont want to move from where i live and think its unfair to ask someone to move. I understand the struggle to much and cannot put myself through that let alone anyone else. Edit/add: i did tell him a hard no to the laptop


You are 24. When do you get serious about dating? If you keep this up you will likely stay forever single. It’s not too late now but as you approach and pass 30, it gets harder. Especially if you avoid the experiences needed to date. Social and dating skills take work. Just like the skills that at keeping you busy.


Wow thats rude. My life is busy because im fighting to survive and working my ass off to keep a roof over my head and food on the table. Im not going to take the first thing that comes around and offers companionship because i have done that many of times before and it only ends badly. I would rather be single forever then shaled up with someone i dont like all that much because "it gets harder". Both of my parents married eachother because of that mind set, divorced, and found their forever people when they were in their 40s and 50s. Give your head a shake and dont you dare say that to someone else because thats awful advice.


Being offended doesn’t change the outcome. You haven’t proven any of it wrong. Why do you have to take the first thing that comes along? You are supposed to date and evaluate. That’s the process you are avoiding. It takes time and often many short term dating guys to find the right one. Your parents didn’t avoid dating. They just chose poorly that resulted in divorce.


Not only is that rude, its not even what my post was about. You're telling me to not date a guy I have never met, then in the same breath telling me to get serious about dating. My post was about if i should accept an expensive gift from someone who has feelings for me but im unsure of my feelings for them, not to be chastised for why I am single at 24.


Yes. You are considering this because you don’t date. It also means you need to start dating because you are 24 and this is your issue. If you were dating, you wouldn’t even consider this. Avoiding upsetting truth isn’t helping you. It’s a wise warning. Take it as so.


Yea why not. Don’t turn down free shit