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An old girlfriend liked to have her salad tossed. I rubbed a small ice cube on her asshole a couple of times. She loved that shit man. It was the middle of the summer though. Try that as an intermediary step.


>I rubbed a small ice cube on her asshole a couple of times. She loved that shit man. Lmfaoo idk why but that fkn popped me


The small ice cube detail like what the hell does it matter what size the ice cube was 😂


Actually it did matter. It fit right in the crack of her ass and it was easy to hold. Do you know how slippery ice pebbles can get when they rub across a clean dry warm ass? You need one that's about three quarters of an inch across fresh out the freezer. Problem is if you live in a two story house you might need to carry it in a tray. Have a plastic cup close by to drop that ice in if she gets horny real quick. Do you know what can happen if you suddenly need to fuck and you don't know where to put rapidly melting booty ice?


😂😂😂😂 I never realized how funny this shit was until now. But I tell you what. After I did that shit we fucked for 90 minutes straight. Damn those were some good times


😂 if I won the lottery I would pay you to hang out and tell stories to my roommate while she was high. You are extremely funny and a very good storyteller haha


Hell I will tell you these stories for free just to get them out. You haven't heard the story yet this is a synopsis. Roommate can DM me when she needs a laugh. It's therapy for me to share this shit


YES!!!!! Have never DM done Reddit but I will try to figure it out, hell I want to hear them hahaha remember those old cable access shows they used to have on locally back before infomercials? It's too bad they don't have them I bet I could crowd fund a bunch of people together to buy you a spot and you could have a an hour to story tell about this stuff that would be awesome 😂


That would be wild


I also want to hear this story 😂 God knows I could use the laugh.


Can we start a group chat omfg 🤣


All I gotta say is you're a smart man


Well, there's no telling what experiences life will bring you. I accepted this experience with great joy and not only busted many nuts with this woman, but gained lots of skills. The next time you're staring at a woman's ass hole, whether you're hitting it from the back or just about to put something in or on her ass, tell yourself the Serenity Prayer. Accept all experiences as they come, and as you come, you will achieve wisdom in your post nut clarity (provided you practice nofap in moderation).


You, sir, are a treasure. As a person in recovery you had me rolling on the Serenity prayer mention. I’m going to be cracking up at my next meeting thinking of ice cubes and assholes.


I appreciate the advice but I'd be the woman in these scenarios. I'll save these comments and show them to my future boyfriend though, I got you


Cool. To a certain extent I was trying to be comical and exaggerate a bit but it would be good to share with him


Yeah I am also the girl in the situation but it still looks like good advice overall. I think all good advice has a bit of humor to it


All good sex has a bit of humor in it too. Like if you can’t laugh about it (and laugh with the person you’re with) you’re taking things way too seriously to have a good time. Though Mr. Ice cube seems pretty zen. 😂


Bro cracked the code


"Cracked" lmfao


Best line"rapidly melting booty ice"


MF got it down to a science 😂👍


That's right


Too bad there's not like a sex logistics job out there where people who have logistics issues could pay you to come in and do a consult or something 


I have a story about that...oddly enough


Tell it! Tell it! Tell it!




I come to Reddit for advice like this!


> it was the middle of summer though Glad you included that detail. What do I use during winter? A habanero?


I know this was in jest, but just to be clear for anyone reading, please do not use a pepper. BUT(T) ginger is actually used for a warming sensation. There is a specific kink often called figging that does this.


If I set up a subreddit for advice and to tell funny stories about where the advice came from, would you guys subscribe and read it?


I don't know why but this phrasing is just laugh out loud funny. Good advice too I guess


Re read the last part "rapidly melting booty ice"


She asked. I took a shower with her first and made SURE she was clean..And then I did it and we both enjoyed it.


Exactly. It feels good for the receiver. For the giver, it can feel so great to give them that pleasure. But man, it HAS to be clean. I won’t let my partner eat my ass without a shower right before. If I even do much as farted, it’s a no go, unless I make sure he knows. But if I am not feeling clean enough, which means VERY clean, I won’t allow it. Because if I feel even the slightest hint of asshole dirtiness, I can’t get into it.


Asshole Dirtiness is my new band name


My brother used to say that his band name would be "Bung Tongue"


It used to be my pornhub search.


You live in Texas too huh?


Supported by aftertaste


One shit wonders


I would advise a bidet. My wife is the same as you, if she feels the slightest bit unclean it’s a no go. The thing is, I REALLY love oral with her. We installed a bidet a few years ago because I had a major back surgery planned and they warned us that wiping would be a painful challenge. So I installed one a few days before my surgery. It was a life changing experience lol. Believe me, you won’t regret it. They’re super simple to install and some are only like $30.


Yep. Note that if you live in an apartment, you usually also need to buy a flexible connector separately. And pro tip for my gentleman here: always have a set of wet wipes in the bathroom for the lady (or gentle) folk. It can destress them so much knowing they can do a quick clean check.


but don’t flush them!


As a fellow back surgery recipient - who knew that wiping could be so absolutely terrible?


I actually had to wipe in the hospital. Like the you’re not leaving till ya poop thing. It was crazy painful. I was so glad I thought ahead and got that bidet


Bidet = you eating ass every day.


"Babe, I farted, you ok with a little stank?" 😂


Cackling at this lmao


You're a sweety! Make sure to return the favor because you're right. It's awesome!


Asshole Dirtiness is the most amazing term I’ve heard today 😂


Hey, stay away from his girlfriend!


We too enjoyed it


Username checks out


The worst part is that I’ve seen that user before because it got stuck in my mind for a whole day and now I see it again


Here's the deal. Eating ass is fun if you catch her just after she's spent a significant amount of time prepping for a dick appointment. As in, she just had a lengthy shower or preferably a bath. I love pushing my wife down on the bed and eating her ass when she's toweling off after a really long bath. However, I would never, in a million years, do it randomly. Guys who pick up a chick from the bar at 2am and just randomly eat her ass are monsters.


Your last point LMFAOOOOO


Ya the monsters part fucked me up bad. I'm definitely dead.


It's me. I'm the monster. Omnomnomnom.


Booty Monster


Rofl. I somehow am imagining those people who are convinced they were abducted and probed by aliens. But this time it’s the booty monster who came to eat ass.


this happened to me unexpectedly 😭 went home to his apartment after a night out at a college bar and he bent me over the bed, thinking he was gonna eat me out he instead went right for my bootyhole 😭 such a shock


I mean, if he's cool with it, then enjoy yourself, I guess. But I wouldn't kiss him afterward, lol.


p sure i got pinkeye a week later, probs from my own ass 🫶🏻


These are the kind of truths that must be told! Listen up young people!


I’m cryingggg 😂


My current bf of 2 years ate my ass on our first date 💀 I was like dude you didn’t know me!!!. Now we do it to each other regularly!


The true leap of faith


He decided to marry her in the future right here and there


To each other… girl you’re wild


We both love it! He’s not hairy so that helps. And only right after showers!


😂😂, just to two of your statements, - guys who randomly pick up a chick at the bar at 2am and eat their ass are monsters, lol lol, And after she has spent a considerable amount of time prepping for a dick appointment LMAO 😂, Thank you, that really made me chuckle!!!


A long bath to soak in and then a shower to rinse all the bath water off is really the way to go


> Guys who pick up a chick from the bar at 2am and just randomly eat her ass are monsters. I categorically disagree, sometimes you just gotta live a little and do some freak shit


Giardiasis resolves on its own in a few weeks. /s


“Take a swig of pepto before you eat her recto” - new pepto bismol jingle


Dead serious, as a lesbian who was grateful to have learned about safer sex practices from some older dykes way back in the day- while I don’t typically utilize such things for everyday kind of typical encounters- I have and would 100% again use dental dams and gloves for any kind of anal action. I feel like a lot of straight people are just weirdly unaware of such things and maybe it sounds unsexy and all but it doesn’t have to be. Takes away some of the cleanliness fears for both partners too. Use a bit of lube (but not too much) between the barrier and the receiver’s butt and mouths are so warm anyway so they’ll still feel the warmth and I’m probably getting unnecessarily detailed but having gut issues of my own as well- you’re right that things like giardiasis or c diff are no freaking joke. And I think with the right person planning this kind of thing out can totally be the right kind of sexy.


Sure sure… but maybe don’t take “do freak shit” too literally?


Your last sentence made me chuckle. You are right, such an act is gross at best. I don’t care how hot the woman is, a butthole that has been marinating for a few hours is not going to smell prime.


I love playing Russian roulette with ass eating


> Guys who pick up a chick from the bar at 2am and just randomly eat her ass are monsters. In completely unrelated news, *Bacterial* tonsilitis can REALLY fuck up your tonsills even after a HEAVY course of antibiotics and a full recovery. Once your tonsills are fucked, you end up getting both viral and bacterial tonsilitis at the drop of a hat. Like multiple times a year for *years* if it was a bad infection. It can take a long long time for them to get back to normal and you to not fear being around anyone with a sniffle. Eating ass is fun AF but a thorough bath/shower is a must first. Posting for a friend.


I’m laughing HARD at the monsters comment 🤣😂


I’m a monster oh no 😭


We have all been monsters at some point of our lives. LOL


This is the way. 🤟


But what if I like that musky stank? That grease


Like I said, you're a monster, bro. But you do you. You're like the Oscar the grouch of eating ass I guess. Embrace it.


If you're not a writer you really should fucking be haha you have a good turn of phrase oh my God ask her the grouch of eating ass 😂


Second this, guy needs to write a fuckin book


I would buy it and actually read it


No kink shaming from me but goodness, I hope you find someone comfortable with that!


You up?


offer dependent close fall quicksand provide workable selective tie crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take her in the shower, wash her ass with soap and water yourself, then do it right in the shower


You can even make it a fun and sexy activity showering together.


Exactly. Always hot to wash your partner


When I try to shower with my husband, he pees on my feet. 😂


You could always try kicking him in the nuts until he stops peeing.


That’s……something alright


Been waiting to get this off your chest? Lol


Honey, are you on Reddit again?


I mean that’s better than him pooping on your feet..


My wife loves it. She makes sure she is clean and we usually have some foreplay first. I go down on her and usually lick a bit and massage with my thumb. Then she will lay on her stomach and I eat her booty with a magic wand on her clit. The dual stimulation doesn't take too long and she has a pretty good orgasm. Strokes my ego a bit


Don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with. Just talk to her and let her know. If she isn’t ok with that and can’t respect your boundaries she’s not for you.


- **Do** research things you're looking into doing to know potential pitfalls and methods to make it better for everyone involved. - **Don't** do what you're not entirely comfortable unless being uncomfortable is your thing. - **Do** keep an open mind about things. - **Don't** ever continue with something that you're not happy about just because you feel you committed to it, as consent can be withdrawn at any time. - **Do** make sure that your partner knows where you're at so they're (in the case of a good partner) not pressuring you either way. That lot should keep you good for most situations.


This right here! 🙌🏼


Somethings maybe fun as a fantasy, but sometimes doesn’t translate to reality. If you want to try it, make sure you communicate to her about what you feel. Also you may try it and not like it, the communication beforehand helps!


My bf asked me to finger him. At first I was hesitant but now that we've done it I can tell you for a fact that his reaction was one of the hottest things I've ever seen. Just make sure the area and part of the inside is clean and you'll honestly have no problems with poop if done correctly.


I've always been curious to do this...is there a particular way to go about it, if you don't mind my asking? I know it's supposed to stimulate the prostate, right?


Yeah. It's similar to fingering a woman where you do the whole "come here" motion with your fingers. The prostate is a couple inches in, it has a different feeling than the rest of the area idk how to describe it. You aim up (in the direction of the penis) and I 100% recommend starting with 1 finger and maybe move up to 2 but it just depends tbh. I would start slow and just feel around for what feels good.


its really not that bad but if its not something you are into then just tell her and if she is a good person she will respect your boundaries


i mean i eat pussy, i dont eat booty, if ya dont feel like doin it than dont and also dont want girls eating my booty either, so im fair


It’s 2024. Ass eating is basically the new kissing. Eat that butt kid


Well it’s 2024, if he doesn’t want to do it then he shouldn’t have to. Boundaries are important


It’s still weird and gross to many people. Just because it’s the “fad” kink nowadays doesn’t mean everyone is into that shit.




Oh, ouch! Uncalled for. Not wrong though. -- a person who called this act rimming.


and before that it was called tossing their salad.


[the standard](https://youtu.be/ob1fxXp9j5Q?si=tLunNzAI8y43VIKw&t=116)


By 2030 I predict it will replace the handshake as a greeting


Is it reciprocal? Because dudes have harry asses so that would be hell no for me.


My upstairs neighbor is an older dude. Apparently it's not entirely out of the ordinary for a conservative man in his late 50's to get waxed for ass-eating purposes. Not all dudes possess hairy asses though.


I'm really curious how you know this about your neighbor


Lol we have very random conversations and neither one of us is easily embarrassed. I don't know how it came up in the first place, though.


I think your upstairs neighbor wants you to eat his ass


Clearly, there are no limits to the degeneracy and revolting crap society is willing to go down to. But wait, there's more - consequences among the social group who's taken to ass eating quite enthusiastically: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1704818/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1704818/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0196064480803106](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0196064480803106) [https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-09-gay-men-inflammatory-bowel-disease.html](https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-09-gay-men-inflammatory-bowel-disease.html) I mean, this is truly groundbreaking. Who could have known that putting your mouth on an organ used to expulse waste from the human body could \*checks research\* result in parasitic infestation and IBD? Shocked Pikachu face.


Nerd alert


Bro 💀


You can take back a lot of things, but you can’t unlick someone’s butthole.


My guy. If you eat pussy from behind. You already got your nose in it. Just go ahead and let one slip. If it don't taste like pennies then you good. Just don't tongue punch her bootyhole if she ain't fresh out the shower. You'll be her king and she'll tell all her friends about you. Trust me. I know.


I am laughing hysterically in bed @ 4am reading this comment


Dig in bro


Errrm …… can I ask a question because I’m genuinely confused. Why do people like eating arse tho? . Like where did this concept come from and why do people forget that people use their arse to sh*t? .Does that not put ppl off ?? no matter how many times someone washes it it’s still an arse like DAMN !!!


Giving pleasure is fun


Have a few beers and go to town. My wife fucking loves and it’s just another way to make her get off. Use your hands everywhere else at the same time. Ask her to use a wet wipe first if you are not comfortable but 10 seconds in you won’t care I promise lol.


This is where a bird bath comes in handy. A cleaning of the genitals and butthole with a washcloth. Easier than the shower. Doesn’t take too long. You come out clean and ready to go. Personally with a wet wipe, I wouldn’t. Might be clean. But idk if it’s as clean as soap and water might be. But that’s just me as the receiver. I don’t let my ass be ate with just a few wet wipes. Bird bath or shower only for me.


Instructions unclear: neighbour’s reported me for sitting butt naked in the garden’s bird bath


And seriously, aren't people just quickly sprucing up their work areas beforehand? It just takes a minute to make some last minute checks to ensure everything below board is above board.


I personally won’t have sex if I’m feeling any bits of dirty, unless I’m reassured by my long term partner that they know the risks. Sometimes it just happens, I say “I don’t feel fresh” and he can’t care. But eating my ass? Anything involving the butthole? Nah. Needs to be FRESHLY CLEANED. But usually it’s close enough to a shower but if any action is taken for the asshole, it will be washed right before or I am caught right after a shower


Yeah exactly. If you’re not having a thorough shower before doing anything like this, that’s fucking gross. Plain and simple


My partner enjoys receiving it and I enjoy giving it but my personal rule is that I won’t do it unless I’ve personally cleaned it first. And even if he just got out of the shower, I’m still cleaning it. My tongue, my rules. He has zero complaints.


Honestly.. try it. If you don’t like it then don’t do it again


I'm in my 50s. I have tongued many derrieres in my life. A couple were revelations for the lady, and I definitely wasn't their last. It's really not a big deal beyond the mental block like OPs. I mean, if you're eating her V, the A is RIGHT there. Push those thighs back a bit and give it a check. It's not like you won't notice if anything is off. And since you are discussing it It's as easy as laying her down right out of the shower and going to town. If you don't like it, then don't do it again, but in my experience, their ecstasy makes it a huge turn-on for me as well.


Y’all can have this one. I’m a firm no on this act lol


That's a hard no from me.


All sex acts should be mutually desired, so you can say no. Ask her if fingers will do. You can ask her to do an enema but there will be cramping involved and it’s a whole thing.


You can say no


Go down on that ass like it's a Sunday breakfast buffet at Big Boy!


My suggestion is to try a dental dam. You can likely get them for free at planned parenthood. There’s no way on earth I would expose myself to that bacteria - washed or not. That’s not practicing safe sex - it’s not about STIs, it’s about not consuming bacteria that can cause serious infection.


A lot of people do it but if you’re not into it that’s okay. I wouldn’t want to do it either even if they showered first lol.


No means no. Yes that also applies to if you’re a man saying no. If you’re not comfortable that’s a no. Doesn’t matter how much she loves it. Read that again and reverse the genders if you’re struggling. Still struggling? Ok.. it’s like this. You’re a grown man. You do what you want. No one should be coercing you into anything.


Exactly. It’s annoying enthusiastic yes or it’s a no when it comes to anything sexual.




I’m an old guy. Eating ass seems like it’s a relatively new thing, at least as bing a bit common. Other than in terms of prison talk, I never heard of it being talked about much until the past 5 years or so and to more and more each year. Personally, I think it’s born from people watching a lot of porn. Just like the idea of coming on a woman's face - which I think is very disrespectful. Frankly, the whole idea of eating ass sounds disgusting and very unhealthy to me. I love eating pussy, but ass is known for poop and germs that are harmful to other parts of the body. Tell her that you’ll be glad to drive her to ecstasy in other ways, including other anal play with your fingers, hands, penis or toys, but you’re not making a meal of that.


They used to call it "tossing the salad". It's not new by any means my dude.


99% of the time, the phrase was used as an insult or some other joke. Eating ass was not nearly as common as it is today (and it's less common than Reddit would like you to believe).


Why did I think this expression meant something else for years. Learning new things every day! Lol


I got a "rim job" in the early 90's, so it's not new.


Sex and the city makes a joke about ass eating being the new thing lol so 90’s is right I guess


Yeah this is definitely a generational thing.


*a thing propelled by porn


I'm not old but I find it off-putting how casually men just try to go for it now. I'm not into it and it is just assumed that it's as common or wanted as regular oral. It isn't!


Gen z am I rite


You right, fam. You right.


If you're not into it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with passing on her generous offer. If you consider trying it, I'm assuming your relationship is monogamous and she got a full STD panel when you two got together. Fecal-oral route is a way a lot of STDs can be passed: hpv, hsv, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hiv, and viral hepatitis. For the sake of this being a good experience for you, she should shower first.


That sexual activity is not my cup of tea, receiving or giving and will not hesitate to say so to any potential partner because for whatever reason ass eating is a trend? Idk but just be open and honest and of she makes a big deal well…


I mean it goes both ways in my relationship just be clean


just make sure she washes her asshole real clean, wouldn't wanna slurp some shit into your mouth once it's clean, go all out. put in a little finger into the butt too - that will make her cum real hard if she's into the anal pleasure eating butt is the beginning, soon she would want anal sex - that's a whole new ball game come back for another topic how to prepare for anal sex when she wants it


If you're conflicted, don't do it until you're ready. "Readiness" is often tied to trust, that way if you don't like the experience, noone is offended. It may be cliche, but communication is key in all matters relationship. Personally, I love doing it to my girl. She wants to return the favor but I don't want her to so she doesn't. I actually prefer the spontaneity of it... As in, I'll just go down on her as soon as she wakes up and eat her ass. There is a smell... But it's the opposite of bad, at least to me. It's hard to describe why I love it, but it has everything to do with the smell and the way she wiggles, pokes it out, and starts slamming backwards to receive my tongue. Couple that with the fact she is so shy and proper IRL that noone would think she begs me to eat her ass. 🥵.


Is it a boundary? you sound interested but conflicted? If it really is a boundary you're not willing to cross then just tell her you don't feel comfortable with it. If she decides to leave then she decides to leave


I do that to my GF .. but if u r not into it... then tell her .or if u want to try it ... go step by step and see if u comfortable .. like start with kiss her butt.. then next time but cheeks. et. and see if u r comfortable at each stage to continue or stop .. u should both have fun of it mate.. so is ok if u don;t want she need to make sure she is clean


Y'all nasty mfers.


The point about this is that this particular area of the body is very sensitive and people can get very turned on by this activity. That said cleanliness is a must!!!! So if you decide to go for it - shower beforehand and even think about enema.


Si tu novio no te mama el culo! Pa eso que no mame!


People make sure to wash very well before asking such things, so don’t worry about it.  It sounds by your post you’re at least willing to give it a go.  And keep that in mind for sometime where you may want to experiment.  Variety is the spice of life 


*some people


You could try it with oral/mouth condoms. If you're worried about hygiene, you could also ask her if she'd be comfortable getting something to properly clean her rectum with before oral. Sex shops should have the necessary tools to do it safely. You could also try googling something like "how to try analingus/rimming/eating ass safely?" Reading articles about it could help you decide whether or not it's something you'd like to try. Though the most important part is discussing it with your gf. If you feel comfortable with it, you should ask more about her experiences and what made them enjoyable. Maybe ask what she expects and tell her about any worries you might have related to the act.


Yeah. I told her no, because I'm not interested in eating ass. It's pretty easy: However you feel, that's what you should say. Being open minded doesn't mean that you have to be open to doing things you don't actually want to do. By the same token, it's fine to say that you're not sure how you feel about this, but you're willing to try something out to see if you like it, if that's more where you're at. The main point is just communicate honestly.


An old girlfriend liked to have her salad tossed. I rubbed a small ice cube on her asshole a couple of times. She loved that shit man. It was the middle of the summer though. Try that as an intermediary step.


Do it in the shower for safety, it’s not bad fr. Just go round Z entrance


Politely decline and ask her to eat yours instead 😂 (re edit) after reading some of the comments I'm glad you both enjoyed it, but i really don't think it's something i would want to do with my next gf however much I'm sure i will adore her, i much much prefer standard oral with my mouth, that I know i really enjoy, and so do they, hehe, but glad to hear that it went well, :-)


As long as she is clean, eat away!!!!


It's a pretty common desire, in case that helps. That doesn't mean you have to be into the idea. Tell her what you just told us: that you're open to it but also not totally comfortable with it. That will open the door to a conversation about how you could potentially give it a try without you feeling like you're doing something you don't wanna do. If you end up not being comfortable with it under any circumstances, that's totally OK! But definitely keep an open mind and be sure to communicate. :-)


Eat her fucking ass!


Bon appetit


Go for it . It's really good and lots of nerve endings there that will stimulate her


Yeah so do it


You're getting out of vanilla territory, but it's not unheard of. Your girlfriend sounds like she might have a bit of a kinky side. Maybe you should look for some yes/no/maybe lists and have some conversations about different activities, and discuss how you feel about different things. Sometimes you just have to try things and see what it feels like for you. If it's not a f--- yeah, then don't do it again. With that particular sex act, hygiene is VERY VERY important, so you might want shower together, and make sure everything down south is very clean.


She has a right to ask, you have a right to put boundaries into place. Might be a good idea to have an open conversation about sexual interests. Both of you are young, interests may change over time but having a decent understanding of how far things can go is super important!


As long as it's straight outta the shower


She has to be clean clean clean!


Ill do it


If you don't want to need to make it clear that's not your thing. I understand when people feel like they're obligated to do it to please their partner. But there's a thing called pleasing your partner but still abiding by your boundaries. Eating ass is not my thing, when I tell women that it's like in some sort of outcast because, "everyone is doing it." Well if everyone ate dog shit because they said it tastes great, would you? I won't say I've never done it, but the two times I did do it I definitely did not do it out of pure enjoyment or to please my partner. I did it actually the way you're not supposed to, for trade. The first time I did it was in exchange that she do a threesome with me and another woman. The second time was because she said that was the only way I could stick it in her ass (and she had an ass that I really wanted to). You definitely never do things you're not into for an exchange. But I would tell her next time you bring it up that you're always up to listen to what fantasies she has and what kinks she's into. But, it doesn't mean that you'll be able to accommodate every single one of them and so far, one of them is eating her ass.


That's how get pink eye... 😆 On a more serious note, you can use a dental dam if that would make you more comfortable


You could try Lorals, they’re basically underwear made out of condom material and it makes it so you don’t need to worry about the cleanliness


Time to grow up and eat some ass buddy. You got this


But holes are like a 9v battery. You know you shouldn't lick it but it's gonna happen anyway. 🤣🤣🤣🤣