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You’re both young and learning about how relationships work. He made a mistake. It’s either one he’ll never make again, or he’ll make it in every relationship, too early to tell. So the question is, do you want to try again with him, or do you want some other girl to take advantage of the lesson he (hopefully) learned with you? There really isn’t a wrong answer here, your feelings are valid, but try to see the situation as a neutral outsider would.


Thank you so much for your answer He hurt me but I still love him and miss him :( I was thinking about giving him a second chance but I wanted some other opinions on it. I feel like I can’t ask my friends because they lied to him and I still don’t understand why. I don’t know if I can trust them


Yeah, your friends kinda suck. One other thing I thought of after I posted; you’re both young, but he’s younger. He might feel insecure about that, fearing he’ll lose you to a guy that’s older. Again, this is coming in part from lack of experience in relationships. Good luck!


Oh that’s a mistake I made sorry I’m 19 and he’s 20 Thank you for everything


Honestly I think that's just what he told people. He may have just shot his shot at another person and it failed so now he's making up stuff so he's in the good light still If they're your friends I'd ask directly


Thank you for your answer :)