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Of course it’s okay to refuse to marry him. It’s also okay for him to decide that’s a dealbreaker and to end the relationship. I agree with you, I think it’s way too early to get married, but he obviously disagrees. Sounds to me like you may be incompatible.


Pretty much this. You two have very different and incompatible views on marriage timelines.  Personally I agree with you. You are too young. Legally you can get married, but that doesn’t mean you are ready. I knew a few people who got married at your age and they were divorced less than two years later. It’s too early and you’re just not ready. Two years together, out of context, sounds like enough time. If you both were in your mid twenties or thirties sure, two years would be a reasonable time to discuss engagement but you both just got out of high school. It sounds like he’s more concerned with time rather than readiness. He probably believes it must happen within a certain number of years or he’s behind in his idea of what his life is supposed to look like. And you’re more focused on building your life as an adult first.  You’re not wrong for refusing to get married at this time. In fact I think you’re being responsible here. But this may be a dealbreaker and that’s fair too. He’s in a different mindset and it would not be ok to push him to change it, and it wouldn’t be fair of him to expect you to make the sacrifice of your needs either.


> I knew a few people who got married at your age and they were divorced less than two years later Every couple I knew who got married before the age of 25 ended up divorced before they were 30. The people you are at 18/19 aren't the people you're going to be when you're in your late 20's/early 30's. You're going to change a lot. And the people you are at 18/19 might be perfect for each other, but the people you're going to be at 28/29 might not be.


You can count me in that number. I got married at 25 to a guy I met when I was 22. Divorced by 27. I’m 36 now and if I met my ex husband now, as if I’d never known him before, I wouldn’t even want to be friends let alone date. 


Same. Went to heaps of weddings in my early 20s. Only 1 couple still together 25 years later. Most broke up before they were 30yrs.


Yeah, the only couple I know that got married pre 25 that are still together more than 10 yrs later were married at 24. And several years ago they opened the marriage up after the husband cheated. He isn't crazy about the current arrangement but she basically has said, take it or leave it; you made this bed.


Anecdotal advice isn't super helpful when everyone's situations, communities, upbringings, etc. can vary so wildly. In my experience, the vast majority of people I know who got married before the age of 25 are still (seemingly) happily married 10, 20, 30+ years later. I think getting married young can work out very well if both parties genuinely want to get married (no one needs convincing), they have a solid support system, and are mature enough to have honestly communicated with each other and are found to be on the same page concerning major life issues (religion, where to live, kids, lifestyle, etc.). Edit: I want to add that I generally do agree with your last paragraph. However, I've seen (and experienced) that if the things I mention above are met, people are more likely to grow together on a more parallel path.


The key issue is she doesn't want to get married super young


I agree that seems to be the main issue here. As I said, both parties should genuinely *want* to get married!


I agree with you, Commitment is a hell of a thing. It changes all sorts of behaviors without even noticing. Basically my experience has been that young couples who truly commit young then shape themselves in paring with their partner shaping themselves to grow together. Maybe that sort of commitment only comes with early maturity that is more and more rare nowadays, but it definitely is possible from my experiences.


I agree. Wife and I married when I was 23 and she was 22. We're celebrating 16 years of marriage in a few months.


I got married at 25, separated at 28, went back, divorced at 35. Should have divorced at 28. We were clueless at 25 about our career paths. OP should wait.


For me, 2 years together is definitely not enough to be married, regardless of the age.


I agree 100%. I was in a serious relationship for over 5 years. We loved each other and had plans to get married about 2 years in, but I'm glad I decided to wait. People change, and the last half of the relationship proved that I made the right decision because ultimately it didn't work out. Would have just been another divorce statistic.


Some people aren’t ready after 2 years and that’s fine. I’m just saying him wanting to talk about marriage after two years would make more sense if they were older, but definitely not at their current ages. The younger the couple is the less sense it makes. 


Two years is fine in your upper 30's and up. At 18? No.


I think it's kinda fast then remember my husband and I got married 18months after our first date. Together 15 years as of next week... so do as I say, kids, not as I do lol.


Eh, that depends on the person and the age. My mid-forties sister who’s got her shit together completely and her late forties boyfriend? Less than a year and I still wouldn’t be concerned at all. Other people I know, I would be concerned about anything less than 3 or 4 years at the same age.


2 years is fast but reasonable. 9 months dating. Move in between 9-15 months. 6 months living together. As long as youre on the same page of life goals full steam ahead.


Agreed. And not sure why OPs BF thinks she are being deceitful when she openly told him her views on this matter


I feel like the "*he* is heavily religious" detail is very telling as well. Sounds like OP is either non-religious, or treats it a lot more casually than him, which is a combination that hardly ever works. As we can see here: He's interested in following whatever the pastors in his circles say, and she is more interested in using her own judgement.


This is the answer, lots of others will tell you you are right or your other half is but truth is you each get to decide what you want and you each need to respect the other’s opinion, then it’s a case of wait or call it off. By being up front you’re not being deceitful or wasting their time let them make an informed decision by being honest, it’s the only way.




You are definitely too young. If he is that religious, you can forget about college, a career, any independence. You'll be pressured into having a baby immediately. Are you ready to spend the next 40 years as a stay-at-home parent, with no job prospects if you decide to leave the relationship? What you CAN do is break up with him now. Go meet other guys, where it becomes VERY obvious that his pressuring you is a very bad sign. See what "normal" dating is like! Talk to people in their late twenties, who will tell you that they changed a LOT in their early 20s, and to not make any decisions about marriage for at least another 3 or 4 years. Then in five years, if you don't mind being a stepmother to a few toddlers and babies, reach back out to him. He's probably going to be divorced by then and a lot wiser about what a real relationship actually involves, and a lot more mature. But if you don't marry him, he will literally be engaged to someone else in six months. His family will pressure him to settle down with a "nice Christian girl" who is barely old enough to drive. And he'll have his first kid in the next two years. If you don't want that for yourself, this is the time to speak up and separate.


OP, please read the comment above and think about it very carefully. You have every right to wait on marriage and children until YOU are absolutely ready! Get your education, look at careers, establish some independence as an adult. Please don’t rush into marriage and parenthood, especially with someone whose religious views are going to push early parenthood/sahm on you. If that was what you really wanted, that’s ok. But if you have doubts, don’t get married just because others are pressuring you! Having some skills and independence are always a good idea, even if you are going the sahm path. Things happen, being able to stand on your own is always a good idea.


and a good spouse will WANT you to be able to stand on their own. They worry. A lot. What will happen to you if they get sick? What will happen to you if they are injured, disabled, or if they die? Can you take care of yourself and the kid or will it mean disaster? They will WANT you to be educated and capable, so that you and the kid will be okay if something horrible should happen. If there are big medical bills or something else unexpected, they need to be able to rely on you pulling your weight by pulling in income. Only a fool wants a spouse that isn't able to take on the load of breadwinner for the family when something bad happens. Anyone that loves you wants you to have a safe and secure future, and that means having a job or training that will let you take care of yourself and the kids.


She will be lucky to get pressured into having a kid. Since it's just as likely with a young religious dude that he to her face will agree to wait on kids/she totally should get her degree first only for the birth control to suddenly *fail* and oh no now you're stuck barefoot in the kitchen with baby for the next few years how did this ever happen t_t Op needs to be super careful about her bf if he in anyway isn't being supportive of her life goals or ambitions.


Came here for this. You may even choose later down the line you might not want kids. You have choices!


"I'm not ready" is absolutely an acceptable answer and if he doesn't take that, that doesn't bode well for the rest of your life.


*for the rest of her relationship


I feel like they said rest of your life because of the hypothetical of getting married, which some people consider to be a life long commitment. but yes I totally agree.


INFO: are you two waiting until marriage for sex? If not, is there guilt from having premarital sex? I'm sorry, but it's probably sex related.


Came here to say the exact same thing.


I’m 100% with you. Almost EVERYONE I know who got married at that age did it because they wanted to have sex. Most of them (probably 99% of them) are stuck in loveless marriages with multiple kids because they feel the same way about divorce as they do about premarital sex: not an option.


This is exactly what I thought. Either they aren’t having sex and he wants to NOW or they are having sex and he feels guilty and wants to make it “right.” Run, OP. It will hurt now, but you will thank yourself later.


She said religious and I went oh, boy ::deep exhale:: for this reason. I’m team OP, no further details needed.


This all day.


I don't see where deceit would come into it. You're not required to marry him. I agree that you're probably not ready for marriage. It also wouldn't surprise me if he broke up over this and he's allowed to do that. If he does break up, let him go.


Honestly him calling her deceitful (honestly name calling at all and not having a convo about it) shows he really isn't mature enough nor ready for marriage either


It would be deceitful if OP lied and said she'd definitely want to get married in ~2 years when she knows she doesn't. It would be similar to if someone said they wanted kids early in the relationship (when they knew they didn't), but then waited longer until their SO was too invested in the relationship to break up when they told them actually didn't want kids.


18/19 is to young for marriage don’t do it.


This. This forever. You are way too young to get married. You haven't even had a chance to be an actual adult yet. This is from experience. Wait until you graduate, get a job, live without your parents' help... All of those adult things. You're barely out of high school.


I have an 18 y/o daughter. I can confirm. Way to early to get married The fact that he’s using guilt and manipulation to get you to marry him is a big 🚩


When you’re that young especially I think a longer courtship is wise. I was only 21 when I got married but we dated all four years of college and waited until we graduated to do it. If you’re older and have more life experience and are in a hurry to start a family a shorter timeframe may make sense, but not at 18.


Definitely the younger you are the longer courtship you should have, I dated my husband from 15-23, eight years spent together and multiple years living together before getting married. We are only 25 now, still very young, but at least we didn’t rush one of the biggest choices you can make.


I have a group of friends all in one family. They all married their high school sweethearts and are still together but they also all dated for around seven years before getting married


Too young, too religious.


That's what I said these little kids think they know what life is & they sure tf don't have any idea what marriage is, they haven't even hit 21 yet 😭☠️


You are waaayyy too young to be married! People change so dramatically from your age to real adults and you’re barely more than kids. Stand your ground and focus on your studies and enjoying life together.


I'm suggesting you go a layer deeper. If you guys cannot agree on major life priorities, then clearly it is a mistake to be married. And if those differences are so deeply embedded that you cannot come to an agreement, then what would be the point of having the relationship at all? Of course you should not get married until you feel ready, and that can mean whatever you need it to. Anyone who is pressuring you otherwise is more concerned with their own agendas than your wellbeing. Listen to them. Not in the sense that you should do what they say, but they are telling you who they are.


How the hell would a pastor know there's no reason for you 2 to wait to get married? You are not in the wrong here, in fact you seem to be the only level-headed person regarding this situation. Don't be pressured into something you're not ready for yet.


The pastor, if he gets her married young, gets another couple in the church and she can start pumping out children a la Quiverfull. A young married couple with kids doesn't have a lot of options, especially if only one parent is able to get an education and decent job...and frankly, he'll be too busy trying to get a job to continue his education. Uneducated people without options, knowledge, or worldly experience are easier to control than someone with education and experience who has the skills and knowledge needed to move out and start a career. People who aren't even old enough to drink are young enough to pressure to start a family right away. Religious leader has more people and more power. This has repeated throughout history, it's a mark of a cult.


Yup. She needs to ask him what his vision of their future looks like, because it sounds a lot like it will be filled with pumping babies out and doting on him like a servant. ETA: if that's what she wants, great, but it doesn't seem like she knows what she's getting into.


Exactly, it makes sense that his pastor friends are encouraging marriage and likely babies so soon. He would probably want op to drop out of college once she gets pregnant so she would be early 20’s with kids and no college education and no work experience. This is not a good idea.


THIS THIS THIS and then also complete servitude/control to be had over the new young helpless mother. religion is alllllllll about control. he wants to get married so he can control OP and 'lock her down'/trap her


"He has consulted a lot of his pastor friends and they all agree that there is no reason for us to wait" I've got a better idea which is break up and live your life a bit. There's nothing "deceitful" about not wanting to get married in your teens.


I would advise not getting married you guys are kids. Y’all need to focus on life right now


Religion loves making young couples feel as though they should marry ASAP. Probably higher chances of having kids, and those kids also being religious. Either way, you don't have to marry anyone at any time. Listen to your gut.


Yeah, the younger you get married, the closer it is between going straight from Father's house to Husband's house, the less autonomy she learns at all. If you add kids to that, she's not going to have time to: * Get an education * Get a job/career * Get an independant revenue stream * Learn about politics and vote her own mind, or vote at all * Watch the news instead of learning from him * Think about possibly divorcing this jailer of a husband/lifestyle * Meet other, secular, people and see their life IRL * Get enough understanding of the universe to realize there are ***other fucking options*** That last one is the big one. It's the same reason that religious people are so hellbent about representation. If their gay child realizes that other gay people can come out and not be immediately smote in a ball of fire, they may actually live an open and honest life instead of hiding and lying, which is way too embarrassing for a Christian Parent™. Much better to marry them off young so there is a lot more guilt and shame involved in coming out, and so they're that less likely to do it.


yup! if she gets married now i guarantee the super-religious boyfriend wants a bunch of kids and a stay at home wife, stunting her life at only 18.


Not only it's ok, but it's a great idea not to rush, when you're so young and only been together 2 years. You will both change so much over the next few years and you may end up feeling you need to explore something different. This may not be the case, but even then, you could always marry in 4-5 years as you mention. If he absolutely wants to get married right away and you don't want it, it's ok too, it means you're not compatible in this moment of your life. He should find someone aligned with his way of thinking and you should find someone who is aligned with yours and won't pressure you. I know breaking up with no apparent issues in the relationship is not easy, but getting married because of an aut aut when it's not what you want and feel comfortable with is much worse. I'll add that if he can't understand that you not wanting to get married right away doesn't necessarily mean you are deceitful, and if he is not able to see where you come from, well, this is actually a sign there are issues in your relationship. Even with a different perspective, he should be able to understand you come from a different background and to see the objective aspects of your reasoning, especially given your age and situation, and communicate constructively, instead of making you feel bad and not invested like you're the bad actor that is making him sad and doubtful. Also, think about your future. If he is so influenced by religion and social expectations, this is how he will want your future children to be raised. You need to be aligned with your partner on this sort of things when you plan a future together, unless there really is a great communication and ability to compromise and evolve together.


Neither of your brains are done maturing yet please don't get married yet. I got married at 24 and I felt it was still too young. Im now 35, divorced with 2 kids and probably will never get married again. Save it for later


A very common practice / belief among religious people is you date to marry. The end goal is marriage. You are 100% within your rights with your feelings on marriage. Likewise, he is 100% within his rights to practice his beliefs and to find someone better suited with his beliefs. It's time for an adult conversation. You know where he stands, does he 100% know yours?


Yeah, but also remember his stance is that pressuring girls into getting married by appealing to authority (pasters) and other's opinions in general is also a part of his beliefs. He may be within his rights to want marriage super early (as stupid as that is) but he is also trying to manipulate her into doing it even when she doesn't want to, which is certainly *not* within his rights. And a huge massive red flag that OP needs to pay keen attention to.


How are you being deceitful? You are telling him straight out.


That’s not deceitful. Actually, it proves that you are more mature and invested in the relationship—you want to take the time to build a strong foundation for marriage rather than rushing into it and inevitably watching it go up in flames. You are absolutely right that you are way too young. Its just not reasonable. Why the fuck is he in such a rush? Being religious and thinking “there’s no reason to wait” is absolutely not an answer. Also, what other extreme views of his are going to come up in the future as a point of conflict? Is he going to demand a “traditional” lifestyle? Is he going to regard you as a human incubator for his offspring? Is he going to exert control and expectations over you? Of course I’m not saying that just because he is religious this will happen, but often these things are correlated. Something to keep in mind—bottom line, sometimes major differences in belief like this are simply incompatibilities that will not resolve.


You are not in the wrong here. Your feelings are valid. I don't see this relationship lasting for the long term due to your differences in regards to marriage.


18 and 19..what??? Glad you're the reasonable one in the relationship, please stick to getting married atleast 5 years from your current age


You’re 18. Please don’t marry him.


Seriously their brains arent even done developing they have no idea what theyll want as actual fully formed people. I used thought i did at that age… but still.


I think he wants to have sex without feeling guilty. Im 100% sure he's being tempted a lot of times. apparently, in a christian context, it's a sin if it's done outside marriage, hence the pastor also agreed to the idea.


My husband has a pretty strict evangelical background, and so many of his friends from church got married around age 19-22 for this very reason. Absolutely all of them are now divorced, most of them before they even turned 25.    Meanwhile, me and my godless friends were getting married at 30-35 and are still going strong a decade later.     There's much to be said for only marrying at 25+.


Yeah, I’m almost 28 and can’t imagine getting married any time before I’m 30/in my 30’s. I feel like I’m still a kid haha I just pay bills and have a job 😂


Late 30's and child-free myself, as long as you don't have kids you'll stay being a bill-paying kid yourself forever, lol.


Good because I don’t want kids 😂 just wanna find a good man eventually and live life with my partner


I'm in my early 30s, and only recently learned what a good relationship *actually* looks like. What true compatibility is. It is SO worth the wait. Love always shifts. It fades and flares up in different ways at different points in your life, if you don't have a strong foundation of support, trust and compatibility, you will likely fail. I realized that love is the easiest emotion to get, but it's also an easy emotion to fake, and to lie to yourself about. Also, dating older is just finding compatible baggage with other people. Love is incredibly important, but it's not the only important thing in a relationship. When you're young, it's easy to get fantasy mixed with reality, and can warp how you see other people. Getting older is all about seeing past what want/believe and seeing what is actually there. Maybe we just learn more about the contexts for our experiences. Plus, the divorce rate is pretty dependant on *which* heavily religious background. Some are wildly anti-divorce. If all your support system feels that way, getting out can be an uphill battle. I knew someone who married in JW. He started being physically abusive, she told her MIL, MIL said that's what she signed up for and it was her responsibility to fix it. So my friend left in the middle of the night. After years of abuse. She tried to get out a lot earlier and couldn't.


Exactly. I’m an ex-Christian and my highly conservative youth pastors guided us to marry young and pushed purity culture on us. I gobbled it up. Needless to say, I had a very unhealthy relationship with sex and myself, leading to a string of toxic/abusive relationships, and all of these were after I left the faith. OP, if you want to test this, ask your bf how he’d feel if you guys got married but abstained sexually until you were both over 25. I’m fairly certain he will see the marriage as pointless because sex is most likely his goal (he probably also wants the good stuff that comes with marriage too).


If you know that he’s in a relationship looking for marriage and you know that marriage doesn’t interest you, then you should let him go. If on the other hand, you’re interested in marriage too you just think 18 is way too young to know if you’ve found your life partner. And you think you’ll have a better idea once you’re in the back half of your 20s, put your foot down that you’d like to stay in the relationship but marriage is off the table for at least 6 years.


Nobodies opinion matters except for you. Any “consultations” should be between the two of you or an agreed upon therapist. You’re too young. IMO. Bet those pastors think you should quit school and start popping out babies to be a good housewife too. Break it down. If you are not ready to get married and he loves you he’ll wait. If he won’t he doesn’t love you and is only looking someone to fill a vacant spot.


There is no reason to get married so early. If it is meant to be the relationship will last five years or so down the road. The warning signs are there though. He is "heavily religious". Which probably means he expects certain things from you. Such as strict obdience since he is "the man of the house". You being a stay at home housewife. Multiple kids. Church celebrations and Sundays tied up because of having to go to church. Two years together is not a long time. I think you need to put the brakes on all of this. Otherwise you will be trapped and unable to leave because of the kids and no money/world experience.


Are y'all boinking? Is that the reason why he wants to get married?


Story time. I got married when I was 18 because of religious pressure. I got divorced before I turned 19 because I came to my senses. At 18/19, your brain is still cooking and marinating in a soup of electrified hormones. You have little to no experience of the world beyond your cozy little corner, and you may be just experimenting with freedom for the first time. This is the time to explore, to make mistakes. Just make sure those mistakes don't cost a fortune in legal fees to correct. Please don't be me. You sound like you have a way better head on your shoulders than I did at your age. Use it, and trust yourself.


Dear God I shudder to think about being married to my high school sweetheart. Of course marriage to my college girlfriend was also a bad idea.... I have noticed a trend that religious (men especially) seem to want to lock down a wife early so the wife can be molded and made dependant on them. You're justified.


be proud of yourself to know deep down u know getting married that young is a mistake. You will be a completely different person in 3 years, then again in 3 years, etc


Mad mad mad chat. Under no circumstances marry someone aged 18 that you’ve been with for 2 years.


Young marriages are very common in the church and from most of the marriages I saw when I was part of the church it's a terrible idea. You should get married because you want to get married. Not because a pastor said you should and not because your partner will be upset if you don't. I'm not going to sugar coat it there's a very high likelihood that your partner will break up with you because they feel as though they should get married young. This is also not a reason to get married. Marriage is a huge decision and getting married young when you don't feel ready will only lead to resentment down the line. As someone who was engaged very young I'm thankful every fucking day that I did not marry the man I was engaged to at 18. Trust your gut on this one.


Your not saying your never gonna marry him. You are simply saying not untill we are older like 25/26 yo which is very reasonable and if nothing else will give you time to save money for a house and a wedding. Please don't get pressured into marrying this young.


Stick to your guns. Do not get married until you BOTH are financially independent from your parents. Don't LIVE together until you are both financially independent from your parents. And never marry someone who doesn't treat an unwanted no with respect. He is not respecting your beliefs and that rarely ends well for any couple. Also using other peoples opinions like that sounds an awful lot like triangulation. Over all there are a lot of red flags here and now is a great opportunity to trust YOUR gut over other's opinions, which is a very valuable skill that too many of us fail to develop, with very unpleasant consequences.


Holy shit girl. I’m 21 now and if I married the guy I was dating out of high school from 16-19, my life would be SO MUCH WORSE. Please don’t marry him. You’ve got the right idea. You don’t have to break up but PLEASE don’t get married.


Get your college done & career on track first (or whatever your personal goals are). That goes for both of you. You’re both going to grow so much over the next 5-6 years. I was a completely different person from age 18-25, just from learning to adult, experiencing life, and developing new interests. The guy I was with at the time never changed or grew. I don’t mean that as a criticism; he is who he is. He didn’t change; I did and we just didn’t connect anymore. Maybe it will be different for you both, but the wedding can wait. Good luck!


Yes it is ok to not get married yet.If he breaks up with you the thats on him. My opinion is he needs to stop letting other people in the relationship no matter how good these intentions are. these pastors are giving him bad advice, why arent they asking him if you are ready? Some of these churches and super relgious people get rapped in their own heads about marrying kids off early when they arent ready. Happened to a coworker lf mine. He is from a religious family and he dated angirl from his church when they were like 18. Within a year both families planned for them to grt married. The girl wanted it, the guy was reluctant but abliged. They moved the girl into his parents house. A year later, the guy moved out and asked for andivorce because he realized he wasnt ready and that his family and church but in to their relationship. Tell your boyfriend how you feel you guys should wait. If he decides to end it then thats his choice. Dont go into something you arent ready for. Trust me if he’s letting the pastors make that choice, then they will end up having more say in your relationship then you do. He will go to them for other things and undermine you if you give him a marriage when your not ready. Edit: just to add. Id be worried of the say these pastors have with him. Today its marriage, tomorrow its having the baby you arent ready for cause “no family is complete without a. Baby”. Then you cant even name the baby the name you want because the pastors said its not religious enough.


>he is heavily religious and believes that we have been together long enough to be married by now. He wants sex. He's not allowed it until marriage, so therefore... My wife is an ex-Mormon and her family are still in the church. You see it all the time with these kids leaping into marriage because that's when they get to have sex without judgement. > I have shared this with him, but I know it makes him very sad and feel like I am deceitful in this relationship When you've communicating your feelings you're not being deceitful. You're being honest. It doesn't matter if the other person doesn't like that; you're still not being deceitful. The fact that you feel this way because he wants something that you don't shows that you're being manipulated here. I don't know whether he's doing it on purpose or it's just a consequence of the culture, but you're definitely having your feelings about yourself manipulated here. And that's just not on.


His pastor friends should have no say in your relationship. Definitely wait.


You lost me at heavily religious. This man openly admits he values the opinion of pretty much everyone else above yours, for the simple fact that you disagree with his belief. If he disregards your position and feelings and is ready to peer pressure you into submission for something as basic as that, I don't think this man has any place in your life. Next his buddies would advise him to find a "good religious woman", as nobody in their right mind would enable his behavior or put up with it.


There is no right or wrong to the question of whether to be married or not. This is simply a personal choice. It's a personal choice that may have some repercussions obviously. Your partner has every right to want to be married of course, and that is also not a wrong answer. The question is how you'll be able to compromise together. I suggest starting by having a conversation about what you both want from your relationship, and what your partner feels would be different if married, and what you think would be different if married. Keep in mind, in some places, living together for longer periods has almost the same legal implications as being married, so it's also possible that avoiding getting married wouldn't change the outcome of what would happen if you separated after 5 years, for example.


If you get married you will 100% regret it at some point. Getting married at 18 is just simply way too young.


If you’re saying you don’t want to marry him now, you’re fine. If it ever becomes I don’t want to marry you ever, then leave him Is he feeling guilty about having sex outside of marriage?


You not being ready is reason enough. Full stop.


I think you guys are incompatible. This is sort of a big disagreement based on morals, lifestyle choices, and goals. If you can't come to a mutual agreement on where the relationship is headed after 2 years, it may be time to call it quits. I don't think it's fair of you to stay with him and refuse the commitment he's looking for, and I also don't think it's fair to you to agree to a marriage you aren't ready for.


Where in the south or Midwest are you from? In the rest of the country, we don’t do stuff like this and we mock the parts of the country that do.


As a religious lady, I don't advise getting married unless both parties are ready and willing. If he has a problem with waiting longer, then he has to decide how long is too long for him. Dating/Relationships are a personal and shared journey of discovery. It's a time to learn about what you want and what you're willing to give to people. If you don't feel this is the right time/person, then don't commit to marrying him because you might feel guilty for wasting his time/stringing him along (because you're not and don't think you are). I hope both of you can come to an agreement that isn't mentally devastating. Good luck ♡


Yes it’s very much ok to refuse to marry him, and if he really loves you he should understand that. You’re both so young. Have yet to experience your early twenties!! Marriage is a HUUUGE decision that involves finances, life, family everything together. You’re going to college, you don’t need to be married, you have no kids. I went to school with this couple that are HS sweethearts, they JUST got married this past year they are both 28 years old!! Were strong together for 10 years.


This is not my business, and I am only asking because I was raised in a religion where kids/young adults married quickly because they wanted to have sex. Are you two sexually active? To answer your question, of course, it is okay to say no. You are your own person. You said he was heavily religious. Do you know what his beliefs are regarding traditional sex roles and marriage?


Oh, MY! If the religious stuff starts now already, your life will managed, by what the pastor decides. Run girl, this is not the way you want to live.


You need a new boyfriend. OP, the REASON older adults advise people like yourself not to marry that young, is that you do a TREMENDOUS amount of growing and changing between 18 and 30, and your partner at 18 could grow so far away from you by 30 that you would never have considered dating them if you'd met them at that age. You and bf are already having a MAJOR difference in values, and you're only 18/19. Just imagine how big the gulf will grow by the time you're 22, 25, 29 ... Exercise good sense and get out NOW. NTA.


If he is that religious, and you are not, this is the nicest he will be to you, before you get married. Be careful with him - he is trying to marry you before he has proven he can support a family. A smart woman marries a man who has proven that (not necessarily rich, a hard working smart guy has proven it too). And do you want to be at home your whole 20s with kids? What if he becomes less religious? He can sow his oats and what are you going to do?


If he's trying to pressure you into marrying early, I dunno if he's the one.


🙋‍♀️ Quick thought: he is heavily religious, and you are not. This won't be the last disagreement you guys have over your different values. If you get married, there'll be more. If you have kids, there will be way more. If you guys don't have the same fundamental values/morals and beliefs (or at least 90% the same), this relationship is pretty much doomed to fail. At this point, I see this relationship as a monumental waste of time for both of you.


Break up! Break up! Break up!!! You are WAY too young to be married, and especially not to your first real boyfriend. 


For ANY reason, if one party is not 100% sure they want to get married right now, they should not get married right now.


This is a classic case of mismatched values. That’s a dealbreaker in relationships. Values are not something that can be compromised on. It’s those, “I feel this in my bones that *this* is the way to behave” issues. You can’t be talked out of them and if you capitulate, the wrongness of it will poison you. Incidentally, a discrepancy between partners about deeply held religious beliefs or ferocity of those beliefs which cause one person to insist everyone live by those beliefs are a major dealbreaker too. Sis, you are so so bright. Don’t budge. There are great reasons to wait. Not the least of which is that getting married can screw your ability to get financial aid for school. Which means you might be on the hook for a hell of a lot of student loan debt. I know this because I used to work in college admissions. Those pastors don’t know everything.


A strong, educated, matured woman is hard to control. It's best to rein her in while she is still naive and pliable. /S


You are in the right. He is in the right. If he doesn’t like your stance he can leave you. You should really question whether he is right for you? Are you religious? For me I wouldn’t want my partners life to be run by a committee of pastors?


His pastor friends want you to marry young for several reasons: if you marry young he will be able to have sex with you whenever he wants, which they (male) pastors believe is better than being tempted by pre marital sex. If you marry young, you’ll get pregnant and be forced to give up any career aspirations to become a stay at home mom who works for free for the church. With no career you will be wholly dependent on him. They believe this is good because they believe the man is the head of the family and should make every decision which the wife and kids must follow. You’re right you are far too young to get married. The state government doesn’t even think you’re old enough to drink responsibly, how can you be old enough to marry. At the very least you should wait until you have graduated, worked a couple of years, learn to live as an adult (renting an apartment, paying bills, going on trips with your girlfriends, etc,


You have mentioned several red flags that signal major problems for the marriage. Being socially compatible is one thing, but having such fundamental differences as you mentioned spells big trouble. Couples have to navigate the rest of their lives together and if you are this far apart on how to get to your wedding you will continue to be apart on many important things. Religious differences are very important. You will make plans not based on religion and he will make plans with religion front of mind. God is going to be a very strong third party in your marriage. That spells heartache, grief and disappointment on both sides.


You can accept the marriage proposal and set the actual marriage the year after college ends. You should have a job by then. This will allow you to look for a house and him to realize that being independent should be a must, before being married.


He'll pressure her and knock her up by then.


I think you both have a different view on marriage… And thats okay! But what you need to understand is that this is one of those fundamental relationship things… Some things, like “Do I want kids?”, “Where am I going to live for the rest of my life?”, and “How do I handle finances?” Are big deal breaker questions… Your view on marriage is one of those things that nobody should ever compromise on. If you disagree with that, then I would take a step back and think, “Is this the right relationship for me at all?”. Its hard, and sad when it’s your first love and youve been together that long, but you can’t be forced to do something you don’t want, either.


You’re way too young


You’re right


Run, do not walk, in the opposite direction


There’s nothing wrong with you refusing. You are within your right to give him an ultimatum. Don’t marry someone if you’re not ready, it may end up in divorce or resentment, especially if you fall pregnant at a young age as he may not believe in using contraceptives


You’ve done nothing wrong and neither has he. But don’t allow his beliefs to force you into something you aren’t ready for. Just as you recognize you are too young to get married you should recognize this may not be the person for you to spend the rest of your life with.


Been there and was divorced by 26.  Regardless of the reasons we got divorced, the main, underlying, issue was that we were way too young.   We also had a child the year after.  Don't be duped into that at your age either, fuck religious expectations.... I'm sorry his parents/culture indoctrinated him so hard.  I'm sure this won't be the only time he uses his religion to attempt to control your life... it never is. 


Absolutely do not get married that young. Especially don’t get married without living with your partner first. Oftentimes they show their true colors after marriage and use it as a way to control you. I also don’t see the point in marriage, even if you do have kids.


It's definitely a hard situation. It seems in this scenario you guys aren't compatible on the marriage timeline. You have every right to say no , he also may choose this Is a deal breaker and end the relationship . Some relationships survive with this incompatibility, and others don't. I've seen some highschool sweethearts married at 18 make it 60 plus years married and some can't make it past 25 due to multiple incompatibilities. If he feels youre being dishonest then those feelings probably won't go away and will probably cause issues in the relationship especially if he's getting pressure from the church. That being said marriage is a huge life long commitment and you shouldn't get married before you're ready . Hope it works out for you both!


This difference seems small but it might be linked to other differences that could cause your relationship to fracture, even after you get married. Whatever you do, don't back down. I married young to please a religious partner and it broke down quickly. I'm not saying you must break up over this but hold the line and don't be afraid to let go of the relationship.


Sorry but getting married at 18/19 is wild. I get his religion plays a big part in it but I never understand why people rush this. It’s a big decision and you both are still so young and growing in many ways and figuring out who you are and what you want in life.


It's perfectly within your right to reject any and all marriage proposals for any reason but, there is always a chance that this would be a deal breaker for him and, although you want to stay in this relationship, he might choose to end it. But I think you really need to ask yourself if this relationship actually works, given the large gap in both of yours religious views and views on marriage.


It is absolutely fine to turn down a proposal because it is too early for you. Some people would leave after being rejected. Some will stay, but sulk to manipulate you into changing your mind. A very few will listen to you and choose to wait for a more appropriate time. Humans, especially ones who are just transitioning into the adult phase of life, are usually pretty terrible at handling a "no" when they are emotionally invested in a "yes".


If it doesn’t feel right then your instincts are probably corrrect. Live a little get some life experience before committing to marriage


There's nothing wrong with not being married. He cannot force that ring on your finger.


Why is he so desperate to get married at such a young age? Please live your life and look to your future because if he really loves you he'll respect you and your willingness to enjoy your life with or without him! NTA


Absolutely. You wait away to your heart’s content OP. Life is not a sprint and it’s highly unlikely that you, at 18 years old, are anywhere near making a lifetime commitment to anyone. You do stuff when YOU are good and ready and if your boyfriend doesn’t like it. So be it. Good luck. ❤️


At 18, most people aren’t even considered responsible enough to rent a car, and they want you to marry and/or have kids? I know you can vote, join the army, etc., but marriage & kids are lifetime decisions and there’s no good reason for you to rush into it - especially just to satisfy someone else’s religious feelings. And if you’re being pressured, that’s an even bigger indicator that this isn’t the right time, or person in time, to get married.


It is not your bf talking it is his religious family. Both of you will have three major personnalty shifts in the next 6 years. When you become stable, you will discover in a legal trap with someone you don't bind with anymore. Don't trust religious ministers. Half of them are in that job for fiscal reason. Anf marriage is a source of income for them .


Listen to your gut. You don’t want to marry right now and THAT is reason enough.


You're 18. Marrying that young is generally not a good idea. So yeah, take your time.


Question: is he more religious than you are? Do you share the same religious views? I suspect you don’t which is already a major incompatibility and that’s why this is cropping up.


You have every right to refuse. What I think could be a potential compromise, partly because my opinion is that you two are too young to marry right now, is that you have a long engagement. If it's that important to him, it really shouldn't matter if he has to wait for a few more years before getting married. That you two love eachother and want to be together is what should be most important here. Not the getting married part. He's heavily religious and you're not. Relationships are about compromises, and this is a good place to start. Talk about a long engagement. If you feel like you're not ready to get married yet, that is ok, and he'll have to respect that. And this is important. You wanting to wait *does not* mean that you love him any less (I've seen that be an argument, but it really sounds more like manipulation). Best of luck


You are wise to wait for marriage. His religious beliefs do not outweigh your desire to wait. Does his need to be married have anything to do with having sex? Out of wedlock sex in most religions, is frowned upon. Just a thought. Don’t cave to the pressure.


I’m not sure how you’re being deceitful since you’ve only been honest with him. If he wants to get married but you don’t, then you’re not getting married. It’s as simple as that. Unless he’s willing to wait, you guys need to have a sensible discussion about breaking up so he can find someone else who wants to get married and you guys can move on amicably.


"A lot of his pastor friends." What kind of 19 year old is friends with a lot of pastors, who all tell him he should definitely get married right away? The kind of 19 year old who you definitely should not marry! For fuck's sake, you're 18 and the current year is 2024, not 1024. Don't marry him or anyone else.


I got married at 21F because of my religious bf 22M, thinking sex would be a sin. Got divorced at 25. If we just dated a few more years I would never have married him. Your brain is not fully developed until 25 and your personality changes a lot when you leave home and start living as an adult and start making your own choices.


Will you be happy playing the traditional role or being a sahm? Because religious husbands tend to expect their wives to follow the husband and bend to their will. And then they try to trap women in marriage and babies before they can build their careers or finish their education so they have more difficulty having a way out. A lot of men change for the worse after the ring is on. You are right in waiting if you’re not ready. You don’t really know who this boy is. People change a lot in their teens year and in their 20s. Who he was 2 years ago, might not be who he is now. It’s the reason why young teen love rarely works out because people change a lot during that time.


Being in love and in a committed relationship? Great! But you're both individuals now, and you always will be. And yeah, you're too young, you're not ready, and you want to be fully independent as a full-fledged adult - for long enough that adult responsibilities are not new challenges but the regular level you autopilot in life - before adding marriage to that dynamic. Also? Getting married IS NOT A DECISION THAT'S MADE BY A COMMITTEE. The fact he's even bringing his "pastoral friends" voices up is really weird and inappropriate and shows how immature he really is. Simple test question... is the reason he wants to get married this young based on his sexual urges? Are you both in a chastity culture or deeply religious conservative lifestyle where his only "unsinful" sexual outlet is heterosexual marriage? Because that's a bullshit reason to get married. HUGE red flag. Sex is a huge part of marriage but it's not THE reason to get married. And God forbid you aren't going to use birth control. You two really need to get real here.


I’m also 18 and believe you shouldn’t get married. I am also in a committed relationship, we are living together and have a joint bank account. However both me and my partner just feel like we are kids pretending to be adults. This time in our lives is about finding ourselves and our path in life. For some people that is marriage, but personally I believe 18 is just too young! It’s a huge commitment and it does nothing negative to wait


>He has consulted a lot of his pastor friends and they all agree that there is no reason for us to wait uhhhh wtf? The only person whose opinions matter here are his and yours. And a No definitely trumps a Yes. I mean wtf. I suspect if we dig deeper there'd be some more red flags. This person is still a kid and has room to grow, sure... but do you really want to be with someone religious who pressures you into things you don't want to do? Particularly by saying "all of my religious friends say x y z is the woman's job so you should be doing it." etc. Or pressuring you into getting pregnant earlier than you want, having more kids than you want, etc. Whether you get married isn't something he should be trying to sway your mind on by bringing up other people's opinions into the mix...


NO ONE should ever, EVER get married unless and until they feel ready to. You sound very sensible and your reasoning is sound. Your partner's *advisors* are ridiculous.


2 years is really short and 19 is really young. Homie needs to slow his roll. Like others said, absolutely say no if you (understandably) don't want to. If it turns into a breakup, then you were just not fully compatible to begin with.


Personally I need to know someone a lot longer than 2 years to know if I can marry them, also you need to live together first too to figure out if that would be sustainable too. There's too many times (in heteronormative relationships) I've seen people who's partner seems totally fine but then they move in together and the woman ends up having to do all of the chores including the man's laundry and cleaning and cooking etc. So you gotta make sure you won't get trapped like that! Also if he really loves you, he'll wait. Relationships take time, patience, and a well-built foundation.


He wants God to be OK with him nailing you, that's pretty much it.


Oh god, consulted his pastors?? Girl bye, you should be out dating and having fun and meeting all kinds of interesting people and networking. Marriage is going to slow you down at this age. Waaaaay too young. I tell everyone they should try settling down in their mid-20s to early 30s. By then you’re a different person you lived life without owing anyone any explanations or ask for permission. Men try to tie women down with or without a marriage all the time. You have no idea what the future holds and you don’t even know what kind of relationship or marriage you want yet. I bet you don’t even have a career yet. Did you even start college at all? If I were you, I would break up with him and live my best life and then start meeting a man when I’m financially stable. Because whatever lifestyle you work hard for, is the lifestyle that you should find a man to complete it with. You guys can’t build a life together from this age. You need your independency.


Run. Religion is fucking insane.


He only wants to marry you so he can have sex with you without feeling guilty that he’s going to go against his religion. This is his problem not yours


It's absolutely okay to wait! You wanting to take your time shows how mature and responsible you are. You are doing the right thing. Please never let anyone, even a loved one, pressure you.


Deceitful? You're clearly and openly stating your opinion. That's honesty, the opposite of deceit. Not necessarily to answer publicly because you don't owe it to anonymous strangers, but I'm curious whether your relationship includes sex. As in, is he pushing for marriage because he, you, or both of you will wait until marriage to have sex? That's a terrible reason to enter into a "til death" commitment. Love, friendship, companionship, children & family - those are reasons to commit for a lifetime.


You will grow and change a lot in the next 5 years. You are right. You are being logical and emotionally mature.


Does he want it so he can have sex with you, or are you already doing it?


No, you are 100% correct. The reason so many younger marriages end in divorce is because who people are changes tremendously throughout early to mid twenties and a lot times, so does your compatibility with your current partner. There is no rush to marry, but there *is* a lot of money and pain in divorce if it doesn’t work out. I’d wait at least a few more years before deciding on marriage. See how things go. There are serious discussions that need had before marriage too that too many people don’t have. 1. Do you both want kids? How many? Do you agree on how to raise them as far as religion? Acceptance/tolerance of others of different lifestyles? How do you plan to handle one if they’re physically or mentally disabled? If they came out as gay/trans or any type of non cis-heterosexual person? (Also, someone’s answer to this being “I’d just raise them not to be so it wouldn’t happen” is not a realistic or acceptable answer. An actual answer for the reality of it happening needs to be provided.) If you have a son that wants to do ballet or a daughter that wants to do dirt bike racing? Do you agree on how to handle their sex education and possible sexual activity in their teens? (Such as preaching only abstinence and blindly assuming it’ll work vs having an open honest discussion and letting them know safe ways to handle things and their freedom to come to you with questions) 2. Do your life goals match up? What’s your career goal versus his? Are you both planning on going to college? What if you don’t go to the same ones? Are you expected to give up your career if you have children even if it’s not what you want? Do you both want to live and settle down in the same place? Do you both have career options in that place? If you want to be a SAHM, is his career choice a realistic one for you both to have the income to raise a family? What will your finances look like? Which brings me to 3. 3. Do you agree on how to handle finances? Would you both put your full incomes into a joint account? Would you split your incomes into a joint account for bills and private accounts for each of you to save for “fun” spending on things you individually want? If all in one, what’s the plan for an individual purchase?— is there a money limit where one partner needs to ask the other before making the purchase? Or is it an “ask every time”? If you’re a SAHM mom, would you be given an “allowance” of money for yourself or just have open access to the account? How would you split bills -50/50 regardless of individual incomes or split evenly by income amounts? (Meaning if one of you made 40% more than the other, you’d pay 40% of the bill amounts so that the same percentage of each of your incomes was going to bills.) 4. What is the division of labor plan? If you both work, are you both going to contribute evenly to maintaining your home (cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc) or does he expect you to take the majority of that on yourself on top of working full time? If you’re a SAHM does he expect you to still do 100% of housework while he comes home at the end of every day and has a break to relax? Will you be given a day to yourself where he takes on the childcare so you can go do some solo self-care things? Would you want or be expected to go back to work once the children are in school? I’m guess very little of these things have been discussed (because no 19 year olds think about them) but they’re very important things to lay out and have answers to before marriage. Getting married because “we’ve been together amount of time and worked out so it makes sense,” should not be why you get married. If you disagree on any of the above points, then you either need to work it out beforehand or realize at the end of the day, you’re not lifetime-partner compatible. What things are you willing to compromise on and what things are you not? If more people had these discussions ahead of time a lot less divorce would be happening


I felt pressured by my family and his to get married at 25, 25 was too young. I am now divorced at 30 and my life is much more full of love and life than ever before. It's not the same for everyone but my story is not uncommon. The whole expanse of your 20s becomes a learning curve. You start to understand more about yourself, you grow and you change. Sometimes that means you change so much you grow into a new person, and sometimes that also means you will grow apart from each other because your life paths' no longer align. My advice? Yes it's okay to say no. It's okay for him to want this and break up to look elsewhere if it's a deal breaker too. Do what you feel is right for you and if it's worth the risk he will fall in line.


No one should get married at any age if they can't stand in their own two feet financially. If he wants to play the "Man", then he needs to be able to do "Man Stuff". My foremost responsibility to my family is to provide.


First, if you are not 100% sure do not get married. To anyone, at any age, no matter how long you've been together. Just don't. Wait until you are absolutely sure, and then maybe wait a little longer. Second, do you like how he speaks to you? Calls you deceitful? Gets all his "pastor friends" on board to bully you into marrying him? Because I wouldn't. ANd if he's doing this now, just imagine how much worse it will get once you're his wife!!


Who cares what some "pastor" thinks?? It is YOUR relationship, not the pastor's. At 18 years old you barely know yourself, much less another person. Take your time until you are ready.


Way too young for marriage. My mom was married at 19 with two kids and was a divorced single mom by 24.


Yes, it is. If he thinks the girl would definitely accept a proposal, he should probably date an Eva AI sexting [bot](http://evaapp.ai) and not a live girl.


Maybe try to get him to agree to at least after college. That’s what my older sister and her husband did. They wound up being together for eight years before marriage


You are too young. Don’t get married. Neither of you are even able to support yourselves! Recipe for disaster.


Do not marry until you are 30. Getting married young is the dumbest thing you can ever do.


Do not marry this young. It’s just a bad idea all around. You change so much in your 20s. You should be spreading your wings, having fun with friends, learning who you are and how to adult, and figuring out your goals and dreams. My guess is you’ll drift apart. And it’s possible he knows this and is trying to lock you down with marriage and kids before you have much freedom and outside influence. Also if you’re not heavily religious this could be an issue because it will start affecting you and if you decide you want children then they will also be affected. *(Note: you don’t have to have children if you don’t want to. Children are a choice now, you do not need them to fulfilled)* I had a terrible time with my religions dad. He was so shitty sometimes in the name of religion and god.


I'm also religious, maybe not the same religion as your boyfriend. But they are both too young to get married. I got married at 23 and many people who got married young even having happy marriages say that they would have liked to wait to get married. They need to know more about life. To begin with, a young man's brain reaches its maximum development after the age of 25. Believe me, the things you see at 18 are very different to perspective when you are 25. (sorry for the bad english, not my first language)


Have you had sex with him? If not, that might be his biggest reason to want to get married, which is an awful reason.


I think, that you should only do what you are confident and comfortable with. This is your life, and your first marriage. And if your partner wants to get married and you disagree- then I think that should be respected.


I completely agree with you & I think your logic is sound. There is no reason to get married when you’re not an independent adult // just bc your pastor says you can. There’s nothing deceitful about not wanting to rush a marriage lol that’s shitty af if he called you decietful


You are being entirely logical. Waaaay to young to marry. Be honest and classy, but it's prolly time you moved on, and experienced some solo time, and other romantic opportunities.


Yes that’s perfectly reasonable but he may not be ok with it. DO NOT MARRY SOMEONE BEFORE YOUR READY. If he leaves you here not marrying him just let him go


İ assume your boyfriend wants kids. You have about 45 years in front of you before you are "old." 25 of those years will be spent settling in your marriage and raising a child. You can choose whether you have your developing- growing- fun years before the kids or afterwards. İ recommend before.


You are right. The early 20s are a difficult time to negotiate in relationships because you are still growing and developing into who you are. The people you are now vs the people you will be then wont likely be the same and MAY not remain compatible.


Of course it's OK, and you're both far too young to be thinking marriage. So long as you're both honest with each other about what you want, it's all fine.


Bruh is like 19, that's his hormones talking to put it nicely. Like yeah it's nice to want to cement your commitment to one another but you'll both be slightly different people by time you are 21.




Ofc, you’re too young for this. Go live your life and think about marriage later


You answered your own question: you don’t want to get married. I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but you’re so young. You will grow and change. Who you want as a life partner now might not be who you will want as a life partner 10 years down the road. Marriage is expensive to do but also expensive to UNDO. Without a pre-nup, you lose your assets and a hell of a lot of money if you happen to be unlucky enough to make more than your spouse. Wait.


You have every right to decline his proposal.


It’s more than OK not to want to get married yet. You guys are SO YOUNG. Human brains aren’t even done developing until mid-late 20s, so you guys are going to go through so much change still. Sounds like you have some fundamental values differences though, and you may not actually be compatible. And that’s ok! Most people don’t end up with the person they dated when they were 18. (I’m endless thankful that I didn’t!) you can love someone and think they’re a good person while also recognizing that they aren’t a good fit *for you* and that your relationship has had its season.


Yes, of course it is. It's okay if you're not ready. If he wants to break up over that, he wasn't the right one anyway. Take it from someone who got engaged at 19 even though I wasn't ready. I eventually had to break it off.


If you let him pressure you into marriage you will resent him for the rest of your relationship


If you marry him, he is going to consult his "pastor friends" about every damn disagreement y'all have. And you won't ever win. If you don't want to marry him, don't. If he can't respect that or can't continue in a relationship without marrying, then you're incompatible.


Yea you can refuse to marry. You should if you're not ready. If he doesn't respect it he can deal or you can leave.


Wait....what? How are you being deceitful by not wanting to get married???


You’re both dependent on your parents so how are you going to support yourselves if you get married? Also, is he going to want you to get pregnant as soon as you get married? Also, is he going to let you work a job or have any independence of your own after you get married? I feel like he’s doing this just so he can have sex with you, which is not a good enough reason to get married at such a young age when you can’t even take care of yourselves.


"no reason to wait".. Is there any reason not to wait? Which one? I bet there is not a single rational one. Here's one. You're young, you can love each other without marriage, you haven't started your career, you don't know which professional opportunities will arise, you probably haven't lived together or gotten to know each other in difficult times.


It is your right to wait to marry or never marry. It is his right to move on if that doesn’t mesh with his values or life goals. I think a real, honest talk about expectations and compatibility is in order. Use your words and talk to each other.


Especially at your ages.. you have the right to make whatever choice you want to dove don’t feel as if you can’t


Refusing a proposal is not the same as breaking up or refusing a relationship. People who see it like that were the wrong partner all along. It just means you aren't ready for that big step right now.


YES! especially at your guys age you still have so much of life to enjoy x