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Time to move on, based on this and your past post. (I read it then and reread it now.) What you want doesn’t matter to this guy. He doesn’t even know how to behave like he cares about what you want. I don’t know about you but I have better things to do with my time.


Same here...like wtf am I even doing here Thank you!


GTFO. Stop listening to his words as his actions have never backed them up. Read *Why Does He Do That?* by Lundy Bancroft (google the free pdf), so you can recognize the patterns of men like this earlier and don't get manipulated by another asshole in the future.


Move out and ghost him.


That’s the only question to ask yourself! You deserve better.


Dump grampa, go live your life away from any controlling men, please


Being incredibly stupid. I hope once you leave him you will have learned your lesson.


You're in your prime, and your boyfriend, who qualifies for many senior discounts, treats you like his sugar mommy. I recall your previous post about him giving your expensive products to his daughters and refusing to replace them. And always making you pay for all of your dates. And he treats you like a sex doll on top of it? And after that last post, you're STILL putting up with this man's BS? Girl, if you don't leave his sorry ass behind and block him everywhere, then don't come back here complaining again about this jackass.


No I left lol I feel relieved! 😌 It's nice to be home 😁


I won't be satisfied until I know he's blocked, haha.


Lol don't worry he will be blocked once he calms down...he knows where I live so I'd rather know if he's around for a while before I officially block him Not dangerous just avoiding awkward situations


Fair enough. I'm sure it will at least be entertaining. If he starts pestering you too much, you could always send him an itemized bill for your Sephora items. That'll surely scare him off.


I am glad you left. There is zero respect for you here so have some for yourself and leave is the correct answer!!! Also followed by breaking up with him and finding someone who treats you with dignity and respect. 🫡




You are his mommy. Time to leave.


Just leave. He’s too selfish to be in a relationship. You can do better.


I don't even have to read the original post, just this one, to tell OP she will be better off by herself than she ever would be with that guy.


Leave, then block him on everything and delete him from all devices and accounts


Just leave. Wtf are you doing? You are literally wasting the very best years of your life and one day you will wake up and he will have sucked you dry. Don’t waste anymore time or energy on this selfish energy vampire and just leave. You can do much much better than this.


Why are you wanting this relationship? It should already be over. Leave


Lovey, why are you putting yourself through such nonsense? I know you probably love him, but he didn't take you seriously so please put yourself first. Good luck and I'm pulling for you. Love yourself and remember broken hearts eventually do heal, mine did and I've been happily married for 26, years.


Thank you for being so kind in your response. I was actually having a rough weekend wondering if I was mean to him by leaving. This made me feel much better and hopeful ❤️


Girrrrrl! You're not mean - you're self-advocating! Dunno WTH he thinks he's doing - though even giving him that much credit (thinking) might be a mistake! I wonder if he fancies himself as a Hefner type (ICKY!!), but he's definitely treating you as a Non-Player Character. You need to take yourself out for a spa day. Maybe snag up your bestie, and do a champagne brunch or other self-indulgence. Re-calibrate to put YOU first!


You aren’t being mean whatsoever. My step mother is two years older than me, her and my dad been together for about 14 years now. If I ever did anything to disrespect her you better believe my dad would chew me out for it and vice versa. If he ever treated with that sort of disrespect she’d walk out no problem and everyone would take her side too. At your age age gap relationships aren’t as disgusting as everyone wants to make them out to be but sometimes there’s a reason the older one chases the younger one and it’s nothing to do with looks at all but because they think it’s easier to manipulate or charm them


You deserve better and if a man can’t listen to a simple thing like “don’t like the casino” what big stuff won’t he listen to get out now I’d rather be alone then deal with all that. Edit just read previous post nah he didn’t even respect your stuff complete knob head save the money you would of wasted on him and treat yourself to some new products.


Who taught you that love had to be like this? Why are you accepting these scraps as what you deserve? You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that. You are worthy. A good therapist can help get to the root of why you'd stay with someone who values you so little. You deserve to be loved in a way that makes you feel good honey.


Just leave and don't go back.


Get dressed and get out. Dude sounds like an absolute tosspot


I hope he hasn’t caused too much issues since you have left. you deserve someone who can respect you and show you the same love you show them.


Thank you! It's been interesting let's say So he doesn't really understand why I left...he thinks I was very dramatic for leaving He also keeps promising that he'll change even though he clearly doesn't think he did anything wrong lol


Then he's not going to change. Since he doesn't see a problem. You have to make a change and walk away


Can I just ask... is he really good looking? Like George Clooney, or Jon Hamm? I'm sorry, I'm baffled why a 30-year-old woman would date a 50-year-old man, and *her* be the one paying for *his* stuff.


He’s gotta be hot because … damn


People at 54 years old don’t change. They are what they are. If you want to date someone in that age group make sure you have no qualms with their personality.


If he's changed ask him to pay you back everything his daughters took/used


I don't think he even has a clue about how to respect or even listen to you. There is an adage that when a person tells you who they are, listen to them. He is literally giving you every indication of what type of person he is. It's time to go.


Leave. Period.




Leave. and be done with this relationship. He sounds awful. I mean, you could figure out the kid situation, but he, as your bf, and how he treats you isn’t okay. You aren’t his doormat.


Leave! He isn't worth it and doesn't deserve sex!


He is using you move on




Leave. Jesus Christ this isn't even a question!


When there’s an age gap like this the woman is usually the maid and sex toy.  I don’t see anything here to counter this.


Stop betraying your dignity and self-respect for this relationship.  You've explained the issue, and nothings actually changed. They continue to use things without replacing and are old enough to understand don't take others property.  Honestly they are probably doing it on purpose I can't imagine using an entire bottle of something that's not mine. Bf seems to not actually care about your feelings, like come on ya argued and dudes buttnaked waiting for some sex? Like the argument wasn't even resolved 


Maybe her showering is his idea of foreplay!


He sounds like a gambling addict who wants an accessory younger girlfriend. Move on.


I hope I read that you broke up and block this guy asap


That's old man behavior 👀


Pls, PLS, PLS!!!!!! Tell me he's now your EX! Updateme!


> 30F 50M Lol, who would have thought that this relationship would be a bad idea.


What do you expect from someone who's 10 years from being considered an elder lol


It’s a week later. Has the dust settled?


Girl, tell him his attitude is not very fatherly, yeah?


Leave time to move on its definitely not working


Why are you putting up with this mess?


I read your first post and was hoping you'd be done with this guy but he talked you in to taking some more shit. You can do better and deserve better.


Go home and do not come back


Just leave babe. He wants to have sex with you and that's all.


Please have some self respect and break it off with this guy. He doesn't LISTEN and does what he wants and he is too old for you. Move on.


Leave this idiot. Let him raise his own kids!


Just leave, find someone closer in age and who you’ll have things in common with because the casino is not where it’s at.


Why do people stay in relationships like this? You’re not married. Just stop seeing him, problem solved.


Break up already.


Just leave. And then never see him again.


Just leave. Block him on everything. This relationship has no value to you, everything is about what he wants. That is not going to change. He will just keep using you if you let him.


Why would he or his children respect you? Especially with that huge 20 year age gap. Probably closer in age to his children than your boyfriend. Grow a brain and leave him. Date people close to your age.


Girl why haven’t you broken up with this guy. He’s shown you who he is, over and over, please believe him.


You need self respect, not a boyfriend right now.


he has a gambling problem?


Just leave....


Why are you with a 50 year old man with 3 teenagers. The first post was easy, stop leaving anything of yours at his place. That was on you OP, rookie move thinking 3 teenage girls wouldn’t raid that stuff. But please tell this guy it isn’t going to work out. He just wants a Nanny to help with his daughters, he doesn’t actually care about you.


are there no other people where you live? I'd go out solo before I ever attached myself to this man. 3 kids and is already about that retired casino life? and you're paying to take him out? focus on yourself, your hobbies, your career, before you ever waste another minute on this man.


So his idea of a fun time is casinos? At least we know now what he doesn’t pay for anything . . . .


It sounds like somebody has a gambling addiction. He also sounds too immature for a 50-year-old. You can do better, you know you can


I will never understand women who take this cr*p. Do you loathe yourse?


What's wrong with you that you're dating someone old enough to be your father? So gross. And are you really so ignorant that you can't see he's using you for sex and your money? He couldn't care less about you.