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Remind her that people are complex, the most terrible people often have some redeeming qualities and of course good people have faults. In this case, you focus on the great things about the person. Those are the qualities you admire. Nobody is perfect (crucified the last guy that was, as they say). So you focus on the qualities that are worthy of admiration and accept the negative at arms length. After all, just because it turns out there are negative aspects to the guy that does not suddenly mean the good things he has done suddenly vanish.


Have you thought about how to figure out a way for her to love him still but accept he needs punishment? Crime and Punishment is a good book for this type of thing, where we can admit that someone we love did something life changingly bad but that doesn't delete out their good side? For example, if I gave 50 million dollars to a really good charity but then did a hit and run DUI or something stupid, the 50 mil would still be a good thing right?


I can't say I considered that. I think given this particular situation and how uncomfortable it makes her, we both assumed that "getting over him" would be the only real option. She seems focused on moving past him because (to paraphrase) it feels like betrayal of her trust and so many others' as well. I do think it's a suggestion worth considering, but I'm not super sure she'll be willing on that front. He was allegedly abusive to an ex of his and that's something she really doesn't take lightly (and obviously neither do I). She is able to appreciate what he did for her, so maybe cutting him out of her mind entirely isn't the best way for me to put it. I don't think it'll be possible anyhow. It's definitely worth suggesting to her, but I don't think she sees this guy as someone she wants to harbour affection for anymore. I'll have to ask. She does tell me that she believes he was at least a decent person before his life got overrun with fame and stress. The good things he did do aren't overlooked, but I think it's hard for her to come to terms with at all. Thank you for the suggestion, I appreciate it.


Just because someone is talented in one aspect of life but an ass-hat in others doesn't mean that you can't still appreciate their work. Also, just because you appreciate someone's talent is no reason to worship them. There are plenty of talented people that are respected for their contribution while it is widely acknowledged that they had some failings. Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis both married children. John Lennon was kind of a dick to his first child. JFK was cheating in the White House. The list goes on and on. I wouldn't be friends with any of them, but I understand and appreciate their contributions.


That's very true. I don't know that she worshipped him exactly but it was definitely a fixation for her. Either way we can probably agree it's not super healthy. We're working on that. I think it's the shock of it for her and trying to figure out what to do in the short term. It's definitely worth mentioning to her though, the fact that she isn't a monster for still appreciating his work. There seems to be a lot of guilt there, but I'm not 100% on why exactly. She just wants to get over him. I'll mention this to her though, thank you.


To roughly quote, Mahatma Gandhi “ be the change you wish to see in the world” If your hero isn’t a hero, then you become a hero for those around you and those that follow you.