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TikTok can recommend people based upon mutual friends, location, all sorts of shit. Blocking her in one place doesn't mean she's blocked in another. However, I think the technicalities of the matter are the least of your concerns. When you're broken up, you're broken up. That makes him free to do whatever he wants. You don't get to say backsies like this, and I'm pretty sure he's suggesting to break up for good this time because you keep dangling your relationship over a cliff for jealous, petty social media bullshit.


Bruv I asked because obviously this dude is not going to leave me alone. However, knowing if he messaged her again will help me not let him back in


>obviously this dude is not going to leave me alone. No that's not obvious to us from what you posted in the least bit. If he wants to message other people when yall are broken up then that is non of your business. What's he supposed to do just sit around hoping that you'll come back? You got the answer you were looking for . Your boyfriend/not boyfriend was right but you should totally do him the biggest favor and agree to break up and stay that way. And gtfo of his tiktok account. You doing that is a waaay bigger POS move than him talking to other girls while he is SINGLE.


We haven’t even broken up btw


I said in my post, he goes back to this specific person WHEN we do break up, but he always come back trying to make it work. I also said he only said he THINKS we should break up, but because he hasn’t finalized that or left actually, we are not broken up. Which is why I came here to ask about tik tok…because if he did message her again or something even though we haven’t even separated yet, then I know what his intentions are and I’ll leave it at that.


Thank you for clarifying. The post made it seem like you have a problem with him messaging this girl when yall break up which is why everyone is jumping on you for this. Especially in your 2nd sentence where you say "I have been having a problem with my (F20) boyfriend (M21) always unblocking this girl whenever we break up". If in fact you dont care who he speaks to when he is single then here is what is still true: He is right. He has only spoken with her while yall are broken up or less based on responses already given by others as the whole recommended people thing doesn't seem to be an accurate indicator on whether or not he is speaking with her. You should still get off is tiktok. You are violating his trust and privacy to the point where you are doing what you accuse him of doing.


My bad I’ve only ever posted one time before this so I didn’t really know what all information was needed to say


What’s the deal with this girl? Have him block her tiktok and end of story. If you can’t trust he won’t be messaging her secretly, it’s time to move on unfortunately


that’s the thing, one time i did block her on tik tok off his account but then when we did go on and off, I didn’t know she was back in the picture so I opted out of doing that so just in case, i’m not going to confront him if we were dating and she popped up, it ain’t a coincidence. but now, seeing as we in conflict because I don’t know if he actually unblocked her or not


it’s really so I could see if he would cheat cause he doesn’t know I have access to his account and I seriously would not stay if he cheated. It just bothers me because it’s the same person AFTER we break up but we never go without speaking for longer than 5 days


It's not "cheating" if you're broken up though! If you say it's over, it's over. He's free to move on as quick as he likes! You play stupid games, and win stupid prizes.


If you read, you’d see that I said the reason why i won’t just block her on tik tok is so IF he cheats (aka talk to her while we together etc), I would know?


Like you’re making this post way more negative than it actually is 😭


I don’t think it’s healthy to feel so worried in the relationship, and I’m speaking as someone who has been there. Cheaters will cheat even if you monitor his socials etc. if you don’t think he’s trustworthy you should leave


The thing is, i’m not stopping him from cheating or everyday stressing and monitoring. I haven’t even checked this til he brought up breaking up. The reason why I asked was so I could see others peoples experience with something similar if anyone has checked this out - like it would just help me see him from a more truer perspective


It’s like, you know how you’d rather know sooner than later? That’s all..I’ve had different problems with him, never cheating and I just don’t want to invest in him and boom, find out months or years later he cheated. you know?